Alternative To Multiple IF THEN Statments
Jun 30, 2009
Does the following formula make sense and if not, what do I need to change? I'm receiving a "#VALUE" error. =MROUND(IF(A9=1,SUM(D1*0.1), 0) (IF(A9=2, SUM(D1*0.1/2), 0)), (IF(A9=3, SUM(D1*0.1/3), 0)), (IF(A9=4, SUM(D1*0.1/4), 0)),6)
It is possible to have multiple IF,THEN statements in one formula? A9 and D1 are the variables driving the formula. Let me know if I need to provide a detailed explanation.
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Apr 6, 2009
I'm making a spreadsheet for the Red Sox season record. I have multiple information being decided just from the scores, as in; the record for Vs East, Vs West, etc. I have all of those being counted correctly. However I want to go one step farther with determining the winner of the game. Right now in Colum F I have two differently formulas. If Boston is home then I have the following formula:
=IF(AND(D2="", E2=""),"",IF(D2<E2,"Win", "Loss"))
If there away I have the following formula:
=IF(AND(D5="", E5=""),"",IF(D5>E5,"Win", "Loss"))
While that works for me, I have to manually put that formula in there deciding upon if their home or away. What I want to be able it to do is: If D2 and E2 are blank then nothing else. If B2 equals home than (the home formula) or if B2 equals away than (the away formula). The reason I want this is I want to be able to give this to my friends who only need to input the data, not the formulas.
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Aug 23, 2006
I have are two listboxes set up, one with all the states, the other with 7 possible variable selections. So in my case I have 371 (DC, Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are included as states in this) possible combinations here. With each combo the user needs to be able to enter up to 2 years of quarterly data (8 quarters, so 2968 pieces of data possible) and then press a button to save that data to a specified location which I will need to access at run of the overall macro.
Is there an easier way to do this then to simply assign each combination a cell? Maybe an If State = AK and Variable = TUR then find column = AK & row = TUR (per quarter) type solution?
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May 23, 2007
I have just now dutifully searched here, and elsewhere, on the topic of subforms in Excel VBA, and find nothing. Am I correct in assuming that one simply creates several userforms (and perhaps makes some modal), and launches one form from another? Are there any tutorials on guidelines for using several userforms at once?
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Feb 26, 2009
Heres an example of what I'm trying to do,
if I select form a list a certain name (i.e. "Plt") then I want it to populate a list of numbers (1-102) and the same with "SO" populating numbers 1-119.
and here is what I have so far
=IF(OR($F$1="Plt",$F$1="SO",$F$1="Plt LR",$F$1="SO LR"),"1.")
Is there anyway of making excel do this?
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Jan 25, 2008
Is there a way of having the Logical Test check if a cell has a value range between to expressions.
I have it to look like this:
Not sure what the language has to be.
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May 18, 2009
I created the following in Excel 2007 but need to come up with a replacement formula in 2003.
=COUNTIFS('Data High'!AM2:AM999,"0",'Data High'!AN2:AN999,"Non Corp",'Data High'!AL2:AL999,"No")+COUNTIFS('Data Medium'!AI2:AI2000,"No",'Data Medium'!AJ2:AJ2000,"0",'Data Medium'!AK2:AK2000,"Non Corp")+COUNTIFS('Data Low'!AA2:AA5000,"No",'Data Low'!AB2:AB5000,"0",'Data Low'!AC2:AC5000,"Non Corp")
With this spreadsheet i pull data straight from a database and place it in to 3 separate worksheets. The first worksheet which is the summary sheet then updates all the totals of certain occurrences. The above formula is the same format for all fields in the summary with a few variations. But they all have the following in common. They draw data from all 3 worksheets and total it all up, and each countifs looks at 3 different cells.
In terms of replacing it i have tried to use something like =SUMPRODUCT(--('Data Low'!AA2:AA5000="No")*('Data Low'!AB2:AB5000="0")*('Data Low'!AC2:AC5000="Non Corp")) but don't seem to be getting it right.
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Aug 22, 2007
I am trying to create a simple user interface type thing so that someone is able to select from drop down lists someones information, such as whether they are male or female, aged between 19-35 or 35-67, whether they are studying in a business area, legal or construction etc (there are 6 variables in total), This will then give the probability of success of the person passing this course based on probabilities which I have already worked out. I have worked out how to do the first stage of creating a drop down list showing alternative choices with Sex, Age etc in the data validation options, however:
There are 517 possible combinations, as in Male aged 19 to 35 studying Business (with other variables) or Male aged 19 to 35 studying Law (+ other variables) etc etc etc each with their own probability of success. Due to the long nature of writing out Male1935BusinessNorthWestWhiteBritishCollegeBrown I have rewritten it so it appears in the excel file as M1935BNWWBCB, which obviously wouldn't make any sense to someone if they had to select M 1935 B NW WB CB from drop down lists.
Along side the M1935BNWWBCB there is the probability of success specific to that type of person. So for example I could would have:
M 60%
M1935 64%
M1935B 35%....
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Dec 18, 2009
I use an Array Constant in an IF statement, rather than using OR?
I have tried the following without success:
=IF(A1={0,1},"Something","Something Else")
Which would look like this using OR:
=IF(OR(A1=0,A1=1),"Something","Something Else")
Is it possible? If so, what's the right syntax?
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Jan 26, 2009
I have used the function INDIRECT in 1 of my files.
The disadvantage is that both files (source and target) have to be open.
Is there a substitute for INDIRECT that works with a closed source file?
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Jun 17, 2009
I've been looking for an alternative to SUMIFS as I have a sheet I need backwardly compatible with Excel 2003. I've looked at SUMPRODUCT which I understand is a good alternative to COUNTIFS but does not allow for summing. I've now moved on to looking at an array formula I picked up from an internet search, but it's not working properly for me. The crux of my Excel 2007 formula is:
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Jan 21, 2010
I'm using sumif to get the total number of OT minutes/hours rendered by an employee. In a company with 1K employees, doing so proves to be tedious as I need to rename the criteria for each formula. Is there an easier way to do this? See attachment for more details. I'm using Excel 2003.
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Jul 23, 2009
I have a lot of data that I need to have organized out but as far as I can tell an IF statement is the only thing that could work. I work at a casino and there are about 6,000 games that I need to be able to sort through. The games are classified by sections A - Q. Each section contains anywhere from 30 - 50 banks, and each bank contains anywhere from 4 - 20 games. This is what I am trying to accomplish.
Have a drop down that lists zones A - Q. If the user chooses A, for the next column to populate with a drop down of all of the banks in A. Then for the user to choose the bank they want and then have the next colum populate a drop down with the games in A>bank1. So basically...
then once you choose the machine, for the columns to the right to auto populate the information on that game such as themes ect.
Zone>Bank>Machine>Information on that machine
I have another sheet that contains the inventory of all of the games that I am using as my "database". I am able to get this working great with IF statements, but I obviously need to be able to use more than 8. Here is my current code...
=IF(A164="A",ABankList,IF(A164="B",BBankList,IF(A164="C",CBankList,IF(A164="D",DBankList,IF(A164="E" ,EBankList,IF(A164="F",FBankList,IF(A164="G",GBankList,IF(A164="H",HBankList))))))))
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Aug 3, 2009
Exit Sub alternative. I have the following
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Oct 7, 2008
I am trying to make an IF statement and need to enter 12 if's. Excel will only let me go to 7. Example, if Jan is in AE11 the copy the number from B96, if Feb is in AE11 then copy number from c96. Everything works up to July.
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Jun 4, 2009
I use a spreadsheet to keep track of stock at work.
The invoices are put into rows with the stock code and qty next to each other.
Invoice No | Stock Code | Qty | Stock Code | Qty | Stock Code | Qty | Stock Code | Qty ect..
I am currently using an If function to check all the cells for an instance of each stock item in a total of four columns.
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Sep 19, 2007
I was creating a formula in excel yesterday that used nested IF's but I soon found out that the maximum number you can use is 7. So I did a bit of digging and found out that I would be better of using a Select Case in VB.
What I want to do is this:
=IF((SEARCH("case1",A1)),"text1",IF((SEARCH("case2",A1)),"text2",IF((SEARCH("case3",A1)),"text",...etc until I have listed every possible case and I want to do this for a range of cells A1:A1000 or however many entries I have.
I am assuming I would have to use code similar to the solution in this thread:
The only thing is I cannot translate this to what I am doing. Do I need to write a loop to go through the entire range of cells I want to check? How do I determine if a specific string is contained within a cell? Once the macro is written do I refer to it from a cell or run it from within the macro menu? Please bear with me as I am new to this and have not coded in VB since school.
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Jul 30, 2008
For each cell, instead using a comment, I need another way to show a large amount of principaly letter texts, without using hypervincules, and ofcourse comments.
By the way, the same text I enter or modify put in this "way", I need to modify in the MSWord document and viceversa.
I appreciate the linking do not open another app, because the large amount of them I need to work with.
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Sep 5, 2008
Dim myRow As Long
Dim myCol As String
Dim Search As String
Sheets("Master Holdings").Range("H2")
For myRow=6000 To 1 Step -1
If Activesheet.Cells(myrow, mycol).Value Search Then
End If
Next myRow
End Sub
Is there a better way to perform this code?
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Jun 29, 2009
im trying to figure out how to loop or if there is an alternative to an if statement in this situation here...
in cell b2 i need to say
"if the height =< 12 then return 0
if 15==21 then 1
if 24==36 then 2
if height >=39 then 3"
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Oct 9, 2009
I have a sumproduct that evaluates # of conditions and returns the count when everything is met. But with the amount of data I have it is very slow to recalculate. I'm trying to find an alternative. I've read through a bunch of threads about different ways to avoid sumproduct but I can't get them to work. Here is the criteria I'm working with (simplified) .....
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Feb 2, 2007
I recieved on my last thread (link below), the code provided worked fine.
Previous thread I submitted
I now have a problem with the .value attribute. When comparing Excel finds two cells unequal in '.value' then writes '.values' in changes sheet. When using =A1=B1 the result is TRUE. I don't want equal valued cells to be picked up how can I stop this? (Macro code included in previous thread if needed)
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Mar 22, 2007
I have this excel project that captures identification numbers using a scanner. once the scanner gets the info, it will mark the date/time the person was scanned. my problem is once the info scanned is not on the list, it will continue searching till i do an escape or ctrl-break.
heres the
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
ActiveWorkbook. Sheets("list 2007").Activate
If ActiveCell.Value <> txtID.Value Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Loop Until ActiveCell.Value = txtID.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = Now()
txtID.Value = ""
End Sub
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Feb 18, 2009
In 1 of my spreadsheet I make use of the function INDIRECT to access cells in another spreadsheet. This works fine but has the disadvantage that both file have to be open.
It seems that INDEX can do the same, but: the sourcefile doesn't have to be open. I have tried it and this works.
However: the directory of the file I'm working on will change in the near future (maybe more than once)
Therefore I want 1 central place with the directory and file names and use these in the INDEX function
This is where I get into trouble
I'm not sure if it is possible, but if it is, some advice is needed on how to do this.
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Jun 22, 2009
I have a worksheet that has 5 columns of data, all of which are text. I am looking for a way to present/display the data in a manner similar to that of a pivot table. I'm pretty sure an actual pivot table is no good to me since I'm dealing with text, but I'm looking for something that is functionally the same.
In other words, I would love to be able to "pivot" my data and display the different relationships between the different columns. If a pivot table would display text in the "data items" field, that would be perfect..
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Sep 15, 2009
I am trying to use the command below to report what type of bonus is to be awarded. .05% - 1% bonus, commission based.
=IF(E7>=0.12,1,IF(AND(E7>=0.115,D11<=0.1199),".09",IF(AND(E7>=0.11,E7<=0.1149),".08",IF(AND(E7>=0.10 5,E7<=0.109),0.07,IF(AND(E7>=0.10,E7<=0.1049),"0.06",IF(AND(E7>=.095,E7<=.099),".5",IF(AND(E7>=.09,E 7<=.0949),".04",IF(AND(E7>=.085,E7<=.0899),".03",IF(AND(E7>=.08,E7<=.08499),.025, IF(AND(E7>=.07,E7<=.0799),".15",IF(AND(E7>=.065,E7<=.0699),".005")))))))
It is telling me there are too many levels. I am not an Excel expert, so I am trying to figure out an alternative to this command, I am sure one is available.
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Dec 30, 2009
Is there a more efficient method to what i have attached? i.e. if E4=anything between B2 and B10 then C2 is displayed. Between B11 and B16 then C11 is displayed.
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Jan 27, 2010
The below formula is giving the desired result and everything seems fine. Need if there is an alternative formula which can give same result in more refined and simplified manner. =K28+SUMIF($E$3:$E$24,$E$7,$D$3:$D$24)/(K23)-SUMIF($B$3:$B$24,$B$8,$D$3:$D$24)/(K23). The formula is based on the following data:
K28 = Last month balance
Column E = Type of expenditure
Column D = Values
Column B = Payments
K23 = Currency conversion rate
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Jul 9, 2009
During the execution of some code I come to a point where the properties of a range of cells needs to be converted to numeric (is at that point text).
Normally I do that by adding a 1 in an cell nearby and use the copy/paste special method.
I was wondering if I can do that in a different way.
Is it possible to define a MultiplyFactor as 1, and use this in paste special part.
Something like: .....
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Oct 8, 2009
I have a table of approx 20k customers (column A) and their $ sales (column B)for a time period. I need to sum the sales of approx 50 customers. I have the names of the 50 customers to be summed in one column so i can reference them and easily change out a customer if need be.
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