Delete Rows That Contain Data From User Defined Dynamic List Within Workbook
Oct 7, 2012
I have a financial dataset which I need to "clean" before manipulating/analysing.
Each row of the data represents a completed transaction and the first step is to delete rows that are done with particular (internal) clients; the client data (the client's name) is in Column D.
Currently, I delete the unwanted data by autofilter and delete (code below), however this means the clients to be deleted are only defined within the code. I would prefer to have a worksheet within the workbook where the user defines the clients by adding or subtracting their name from a list.
I have created a dynamic range for the client list by inserting a Named variable along the lines of "=OFFSET(!$B$3,1,0,COUNTA($B$3:$B$200)-1," which works fine.
However how do I work this list into my code so that it works when new clients are added or deleted?
Current code for deleting unwanted client data:
Sub filterdelete()
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
With Range(Range("D1"), Range("D" & LastRow))
[Code] .....
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Mar 25, 2013
If I have a list in sheet1, of say 300 names, I need some code, that for a table on sheet2, from A1 to F500 will delete the contents of cells in columns B C and D, IF the value for column A in that row is from the list in sheet1
List of names: sheet1, A1 to A300
Table that needs changing: sheet2, A1:F500
cells to be deleted in columns B C D IF value in A corresponds to the list in Sheet1
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Mar 6, 2012
This is what I'm trying to achieve: Display a list box (or any other appropriate form/active X control) to get input from the users which is usually a list of several terms. Once they've input the list, upon clicking 'OK' it should add them all to Col. B.
The above request WILL be a good solution, but if there is an advanced solution to this for eg., something like a list box with buttons, for instance: click on 'Articles' and it populates 'a,' 'an,' & 'the, click on 'Prepositions' and it populates all the pre-fed prepositions, etc. that would be PERFECT!
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Jan 11, 2009
My goal is a macro that exports a .txt file where the user selects desired rows (strains, not necessarily contiguous), header columns (collection data), and a single sequence column. The output format (called fasta) is:
>headerA1 headerC1
>headerA4 headerC4
where each new ">" is a new strain (row). My code so far gets caught up in the string assignments in the for loops:
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Jan 8, 2008
Is there a way to prompt the user to pick an input composed of the values in a given column. Also, if there are repeats in the column, those need to be ignored.
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Dec 5, 2008
I have a workbook, "A", that while open I need to be able to detect any type of activity within other open Excel workbooks "B...Z" that are simultaneously open.
I understand that I would need to use the Class Module with a Public WithEvents function but I am stuck here.
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Nov 11, 2005
How to delete all defined names from a workbook
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Oct 9, 2012
Trying to convert an Excel 2003 macro to work in Excel 2007.
The problem line is
Dim MyDataObject As DataObject
I suspect the problem is a Missing Reference, but I cannot figure out which one. I have the same ones (in 2007) as 2003 except for one which is not showing
Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
Is this the one it needs? It is called something else in 2007?
The ones I do have ticked are
Visual Basic For Applications
Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft Office 12.0 Object Library
Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.8 for DDL and Security
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library
Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Microsoft XML v2.6
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Jul 29, 2014
I am using Microsoft Excel 2010 and Microsoft VBA 7.0 on my system. I would like to eventually create a PowerPoint and insert charts generated in the Excel workbook. In the meantime, I cannot get the basic PowerPoint created.
The line in red is highlighted blue when the compile error "User-defined type not defined" message box appears.
Public Sub TryAgain() Dim myPowerPoint As PowerPoint.Application
' do nothing for now
'End Sub
I have set the references such that Microsoft Project 14.0 Object Library is indeed checked. The Excel file only contains this code in a module. All sheets are blank. Nothing else is written yet.
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Apr 12, 2009
My question is about creating User-Defined Data Types. Is there ANY way possible i can create a User-Defined Data Type that declares a variable of another User-Defined Data Type instead of the Pre-Defined User Types like String, Integer, etc?
The following explains my problem in more detail.
I know to create a User-Defined Data Type at the top of the module before any procedures. Like this:
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Nov 28, 2006
I had a working subroutine which I moved to another workbook (rather than linking to it and having both workbooks open at the same time).
Now I get "user-defined type not defined" when it runs. Here is the beginning of the
Global oApp As Object
Sub UpdateForecasts()
Call Update1
Call Update2
End Sub
Sub Update1()
Dim dPath As String
Dim dDest As String
Dim dCondition As String
Dim dName As String
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
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Mar 17, 2014
I have a list of items in column A ("Questions"). Let's use 3 for this example.
I have seven respondent GROUPS, represented by a column.At the intersection of each QUESTION and each GROUP, a number appears, indicating the most popular answer to that question expressed as a number from 1-6, or BLANK if no response was the most popular answer.So the data looks like this:
[Code] .....
Now... the part that will seem upside down...I want this sheet to allow the user to specify a GROUP and a RESPONSE ID (1-6) to produce a LIST of QUESTIONS that will be used as the contents of a dynamic dropdown.For example, if the user selected GROUP6, RESPONSE4, I'd like the dropdown to contain:
If the user selected GROUP1, RESPONSE1, I'd like the dropdown to contain:
It is not possible for the RESPONSE selection to be "Blank", though blanks do appear amongst responses.
I can't get solutions to switch dynamically based on the selected GROUP.
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Jun 23, 2006
I can create my own new collection which is handy as it accepts uniques only and i can access using its "key"
But can i have a collection of "user defined data types"
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May 3, 2007
I have a spreadsheet which links to an external source, runs a sql msquery and retrieves data based on dates selected by the user from two drop down lists. From Date and Date To.This works fine. However I also need to total any fixed data which resides in the same spreadsheet based upon the same dates selected. The end user selects 2 dates , say 15/04/2007 (this relates to a week number,week15)and 28/04/2007(week 17)
A column of data lists the week numbers (in cells A3 - A22) and next to this their respective production quantities in cells B3-B22.
I now have a problem in totaling the production quantities in the worksheet as my user is not just selecting the week numbers 15 and 17 but 15,16 and 17.
week 15100
week 16123
week 1789
How do I sum from 15 to week 17 inclusive or any other range selected?
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May 5, 2013
Base 64 Encoding.
Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim objNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Are causing the User Defined error, but the same workbook is OK in XP and Win 7.
VB6: Free, Easy and Quick Base64 Encoding and Decoding in Visual Basic [a NonHostile article]
Says you need a reference to Microsoft XML, v2.6 (or later) and the Win8/2010 workbook does have one for Microsoft XML, v6.0
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Mar 4, 2010
I am trying to capture with Worksheet Change a command bar action like paste but I am getting an error :
“User-Defined type not defined”
Do I need a library of sort in References ??
Public Sub Right_Click()
Dim oControl As CommandBarControl
For Each oControl In CommandBars("Cell").Controls
Debug.Print oControl.Caption
If oControl.Caption = "&Paste" Then
oControl.OnAction = "MyPaste"
End If
Next oControl
End Sub
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Oct 17, 2007
I have an array with structure, i.e. User Defined Type. Assume the user defined type has two elements: Element1 and Element2 and array name is Array.
So the definition is:
Dim Array(1 To 10) As UserType
and access to elements is
The problem is that I need to pass the whole set of Element1 or Element2 to a function. Should it have been two separate arrays, it would not be a problem. But because of the user defined structure I have no idea how to pass a single element.
I hope there is another solution rather than to use loops. I have many arrays like this with complex structures. I simply can not replicate all of them.
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Jun 27, 2008
When I try to complile my VBA project, I get the following error "User-defined type not defined" but the compiler doesn't point to any line.
I remember what I did last was to rename a form and a Module, but I replaced their old names in all my code with the new ones ... Does this have anything to do with the error I am getting ?
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Oct 4, 2013
I have two workbooks. One is called the Extraction Sample, which is attached, and the second is the Sorted Results workbook.
The Extraction Sample workbook contains a master sheet with data in a chart, which gets updated periodically. The Sorted Results workbook contains a list of specific extracted results from the Extraction Sample workbook.
The formula I am trying to create for the Sorted Results workbook needs to do two things:
1. Extract only the rows from the master sheet in the Extraction Sample workbook which contain the word 'Thing' in column D.
2. List the extracted rows on the Sorted Results workbook in numerical order using the data from Column B.
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Mar 25, 2008
I want to create a user defined function to search a column of data for a part number.
If it exists I want to have a the UDf returna "fail" otherwise "pass"
Here is the code I was trying to use
Function firstpass(SN As String) As String
ws = Worksheets("Defects")
c = ""
With ws.Range("a1:a9999")
Set c = .Find(SN, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
End With
If Not c Is Nothing Then
firstpass = "Pass"
firstpass = "Fail"
End If
End Function
This function only returns a "#value" and I don't quite know how to troubleshoot it.
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Dec 11, 2012
Which I am trying to modify to fit my needs:
Sub Test()
Const cURL = "Website Here" 'Enter the web address here
Const cUsername = "XXXXXX" 'Enter your user name here
Const cPassword = "XXXXXX" 'Enter your Password here
Dim IE As InternetExplorer
Dim doc As HTMLDocument
Dim LoginForm As HTMLFormElement
[Code] .......
I get the error User Defined type not defined on line:
Dim IE As InternetExplorer
Do I need to use references? Is there a quick fix for this?
I have code that works for a particular website but I am having trouble making it work for others. This code seems more flexible than the other code:
Option Explicit
Public Sub Press_Button()
'make sure you add references to Microsoft Internet Controls (shdocvw.dll) and
'Microsoft HTML object Library.
'Code will NOT run otherwise.
[Code] ........
My end goal is to log on to several websites and pull data out of tables on the websites back into excel so that I can have a one stop shop instead of logging into many websites manually.
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Aug 28, 2008
This code works fine when I use it, but not when a co-worker uses it on his PC. The code and VBA references are the same. He gets the "User-Defined Type not defined" error. I'm wondering if there is an Outlook setting that may blow this up.
the code was working on his PC and then it stopped though no changes were made to the code. That's why I think it may be blocked by an Outlook setting.
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set MailOutLook = appOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
MailOutLook.Subject = "E-mail"
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Jul 13, 2012
I am trying to have an operation run when opening the Workbook. The UserForm opens fine, but I get an error when the GoButton_Click sub runs. The error file is not very comprehensive.
The user is promoted to 'Delete' or 'Cancel' before the sheet is deleted. I do want to select 'Delete' for the user, but I'm not sure how to do this.
The error mentioned occurs after the user selects 'Delete'. The error is:
Run-time error '-2147417848 (80010108)':
Automation error
The object envoked has disconnected from its clients.
Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.Choices.List = Array("Choice 1", "Choice 2")
End Sub
Private Sub GoButton_Click()
If Templates = "Choice 1" Then
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Sep 16, 2009
Hoping someone would be able to help me with this. I have a sheet (example attached) and this sheet has a number of varying description types in the W coloumn (usually approx 10,000 rows). This field is manually input so there could be spelling mistakes and/or non standard descriptions.
What I would like, if possible, is a macro that would look at the D column and if this is 'GENERAL LEDGER', it would then look at the W column.
An input box would come up, and would list the different descriptions it found in column W, and number them. It would only list each different description once.
1. Bank charges
2. Bank charge
3. Cash
4. Fund Custodian Fees
5. Fund Manager fee
6. Interest income cash account
7. Interest income cash acc
8. Miscellaneous expenses
9. Miscellaneous income
10. Other income
11. Sec lending comm
12. Sec lending commission income
13. Tax Reclaimable - Dividends
14. Withholding tax dividend
The user would then be able to type in the corresponding numbers, if possible seperated by a space, comma or semicolon and the macro would then run through the sheet and delete the entire row if D was GENERAL LEDGER and W was the selected description.
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Mar 6, 2009
1) Allow user input of a number between 1 and 999
2) Search column three and delete any rows that don't match this number.
I have some code that would delete any rows within a certain column, based on predefined criteria and i've tried modifying it to suit my needs.
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Aug 20, 2007
I need a macro to sort through a large table of data entries and remove all repetitive entries (entires are based on a number in column A with data entries in B through EY) so i need to locate repetive numbers select entire row and paste them in a new location.
But i cant sort the data as it will change the entire order and i need the data intact.
the user will specify which entry number to search for.
I know some sort of search and loop function would work but i just cant seem to make them work.
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Sep 16, 2006
I've made a macro that inserts an entire new row above a specified cell, then updates each column of that row using offset.value and various constants and inputbox variables. Works great so far, unless I try to apply a validation rule to one of the cells.
The code I'm using to add the validation works okay when referring to a specific cell by reference e.g:
With Range("A1").Validation
However, when I change it thusly:
With Sheet2.Range("LastRow").Offset(-1, 5).Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=Departments"
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
End With
It doesn't like that one bit.
This is part of a private Sub attached to a button in the same sheet. I've had a scan through the archives looking for validation threads, but couldn't find anything that refers to problems with offsets (if indeed that is the problem here).
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Aug 21, 2008
I am using the following piece of code to delete unwanted rows from a worksheet:
Sub DeleteDates()
FinalRow = Cells(65536, 3).End(xlUp).Row
For i = FinalRow To 1 Step -1
If Cells(i, 3).Value Like "*2007*"
Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next i
End Sub
What I am working with is a sheet of about 5000 customer appointments going back to the beginning of 2006. A have peiced together a lot of code to format it exactly as I want and to create a pivot table of what is remaining after the rubbish has been deleted.
However I am finding that I need to keep amending and re-running this bit of code, depending on the date range I want to look at. For example the code above will delete all appointments made in 2007.
My question is: is there a way that I could incorporate an input box, whereby excel asks the user for a start date and an end date and deletes any rows outwith that range?
Some important info: All of the dates are in column C, in the format mmm yyyy
I would only need to narrow down to a month - so for example mar 2008 - jun 2008
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Sep 15, 2014
Code to copy the sheet that get selected by if-then-elseif statement and paste in a new workbook, save the workbook as temp, email it and delete it,
sub sending_mail
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim rng As Range
Dim DataWB As Worksheet
[Code] ......
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May 25, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that I use throughout the day and have to send an email to another person when a customer makes a payment. The number of products they pay for will be different each time and I have the code to copy the right cells into an email and the code to insert the right number of rows for how many things the customer is paying for however as I use it multiple times through the day, I need the code to insert the right number of rows, copy it over to the email then automatically delete the rows it has just inserted so it is back to basics so I can use it again.
The code I have for the inserting the rows (from searching through forums) is:
Sub PRows()
Dim NextRow As Long
Dim NrOfCopies As Long
Dim i As Long
Const NrOfCopiesDefault = 1
Const NrOfCopiesMaximum = 9
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