In one worksheet i have created the following code, which adds date to specific column when data is entered in colum A.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Column = 1 Then Target.Offset(0, 10).Value = Now() End If End Sub
The problem is that when trying to delete a whole row, error message pops-up. Run-time error '1004' Application-defined or object -defined error. When click "End" actually everthing is ok, the row has been deleted, but was just wondering what is causing that error.
I have a relatively complex report that I work with and a worksheet is no longer required. I have deleted the worksheet and reference to it hwoever when running the macro to pull all the data, it gets to the summary of all the data and i get the Run Time Error 1004 Application-defined or object-defined error pop up. ON reviewing it, it is on this line ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Range("a1:a" & Range_Height).Select of the below code...
VB: Sub GetRangeName() Sheets("TOTAL").Select
use code tags around code. Posting code without them makes your code hard to read and difficult to be copied for testing. Highlight your code and click the # at the top of your post window.
I have a simple function below to put in different forumlas in different cells to get stock quotes. When I run this I get runtime error 1004 application-defined or object-defined error. The first formula goes through but vba chokes on the next formula: ActiveCell.Offset(I - 1, 4).Formula = username
I am trying to copy the info from one workbook to another workbook.
I keep getting the above referenced error...
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim filepath As String filepath = Range("A100") MsgBox ("File Appended") Workbooks.Open (filepath) Windows("CorrespondenceMaster.xls").Activate Sheets("Sheet2").Select Range("DesNo", "LocationPath").Select Selection.Copy Windows(filepath).Activate Range("A2").Select ActiveSheet.Paste End Sub
I have a userform setup to enter data into a worksheet Whee the user hits the button to add the data, I get the error 1004 Application defined or Object defined error It is on the line Set LastRow
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim LastRow As Object
Set LastRow = Sheet1.Range("a65536").End(x1Up)
....end sub
Now I am sure this has always worked in the past, so Is it me or am I really missing a plank or two?
the first time font.bold is set to true, it completes w/o error. The bolded line returns 'application defined or object defined error 1004'. Ive tried activating the new sheet immediately before setting bold (like the first time it gets set) but it still errors.
I have problems with setting Validation input title and message. When in column "C" I type product code, data validation of corresponding cell in column "D" changes to list of diameters allowed for that product. That works fine. But i also want to set validation message to show allowed diameters.I set it in VBA using named ranges. But for every second line (13, 15, etc on attached file) I get an application-defined or object-defined error. The rest (14, 16 etc) works ok.
I have a very strange problem in DEBUG mode, because i get this error "Application-defined or object-defined error" when referring to a cell and assigning it a value so it goes to my error handler and i have a Resume Next there. It continues to go through the code whilst continuing to go to the error handler but when i step out of the function it restarts again from the beginning on the called function and then on the second run of my code it seems to WORK!?! So i'm thinking what the hell is going on, it falls over and fails the first time round and works the second time round? In free-run mode from excel i just get a #VALUE!
I am having some trouble with a variable range selection within a regression. I keep getting an "application-defined or object-defined error." I've isolated each statement to find that the code that is causing the regression not to work is below (the error for that line of code states that the Select method of Range class failed):
I'm trying to enter a series of formulas into a worksheet using vba. However, this code is giving me Run time error '1004', along with the description in the title. This is the first formula (they're all relatively similar).
I'm trying to figure out why I can run a bit of code on my machine but on another machine I get an: Application-defined or object-defined error. The code is in an excel file on a network drive and it pulls up a form, once the form is submitted it runs some code that looks like so
When opening a blank excel workbook I receive the error "1004 Application-defined or object-defined error". I press OK. And the message appears 2 more times before I am able to work in Excel. Doesn't matter what excel file I am opening, does the same thing. I do not know how to lookup programming code for any macros I am running. I would like to get rid of this error! It is a nusance.
I get "Application-defined or Object-defined error" , run-time error 1004.
Option Explicit Sub Initialize() Dim rList As String Dim CountRows, CurrCol As Integer rList = "myTemplate" Range("A2").Select CountRows = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
CurrCol = 7 With Range("G : G" & CountRows + 1) With .Validation .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="=" & rList .ErrorTitle = "JC Message" .InputMessage = "Select requested template" .ErrorMessage = "You must enter a template from a list only" .IgnoreBlank = False End With End With End Sub
Basically this is code that will find the last column in a specified row with text. It will then add a comment to the next column space that does not have any text.
I'm working on a spending diary project in excel, and have hit a problem in a macro, runtime error 1004, Application defined or object defined error. The debugger indicates the line