Macro To Convert Numbers Stored As Text To Numbers?
May 23, 2014
I have been looking through the forums and found the below code, but I have both text and numbers in the same range. I have attached an example of what I need to have converted.
In the ID column of the attached excel file whenever I convert the numbers stored as text to numbers it results in a weird transformation.
e.g. an ID of 480610141001 becomes 4.8061E+11. When I do the same process in the name column, which has similar numbers, it will give the correct result following the same process.
I'm looking for the VBA command for this function. I tried just recording a macro in where I perform the task but it didn't record anything. Tried it several times even.
There is probably a really easy answer to this question but I cannot seem to figure it out. I need to calculate the sum of pages faxed on a fax report at my office on an excel spreadsheet which is downloaded from our server. It appears the file is not meant to be used in excel but it downloads as an "*.xls" file anyway. When I open the file I receive this message:
"The file you are trying to open, 'FaxCetailReport.xls', is in a different format then specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?"
The file is comnig from a trusted source so I select "Yes" and it opens just fine. There are just over 50 rows of info, one of them being the number of pages. In a blank cell I enter "=SUM(select rows)" and the result is a "0". I have converted the cells to the "number" format, no change. When I right click on the cells and select format, the protection tab on the right has the check box "Locked" checked and unchecking it does nothing, it is checked as soon as you go back in to the protection tab.
The only way around this is to manually retype the numbers in a cell next to the pages column, which is ok for 50 numbers, but I have some sheets where there is over 1,000 entries.
I have the following macro that I use to convert numbers stored as text to text. For some reason, if I try to use it twice in a row, it won't work, I get an error that says "application-defined or object-defined error" and highlights this part of the Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1, 1).Copy
When I use the SUMIF(S) function and a criteria range that has numbers stored as text (eg: '394) the unequal operator (<>) doesn't work.
=SUMIFS(B:B,C:C,"<>493") doesn't work
I'm able to get the salary of employee 493 by using "493" instead of "<>493", but it seems that with the unequal operator Excel starts treating this ID as number. The only work-around I found so far is to use a wildcard e.g. "<>*493" or "<>493*". Excel then treats it as text again, but this is dirty workaround. What happens if an employee with an ID e.g. 1493 shows up!?
"<>'493" or something doesn't work unfortuantely..
I am extracting a large set of numbers forming various tables from SAP. These numbers are not recognized as numbers and have Formula error. Only way to further process them is to convert them to number using 'Error Checking' option from 'Formula' Tab.
I need a macro to convert all such text to numbers, note there are no other formula errors.
I have other macro to delete rows, columns, take sum and create new Summary Table from the data but that does not work until I manually convert text to numbers.
how to have the macro globally i.e, I need to only open the extracted data in excel and be able to run the Macros. Presently I open the extracted data and also open the master macro-enabled file to access the macro.
See attached file. A colleague is downloading rows of data from a website which contains a number field Excel is currently treating as Text after being pasted in. My spreadsheet includes just a sample of the many rows of data however as you can see the VALUE function refuses to convert these text values to numbers. How these might be converted and why the VALUE function refuses to work in this case?
In a spreadsheet I have a text column with entries such as: 2012 10 Times 10.5 Times 101 Times 25 Times A Pure Text Entry
When I sort by this column I expect to get: 10 Times 10.5 Times 101 Times 2012 25 Times A Pure Text Entry
Instead I get the 1st order. Why? I've selected 'Sort numbers stored as text' separately so it shouldn't be treating 2012 as a number. Besides I've checked & the cell formatting is Text.
I am using an ODBC database connection to input data into an excel file. When I input the data excel stores the numeric data as text and puts a ' in front of the number. There is an exclamation mark beside the cell which allows me to convert the data back to numeric format. I need excel to do this conversion for me automatically when new data is added to the file.
The back story is that from a system we use, when you download data from inside it, Excel treats most of the cells with a "Number Stored As Text" error. I had problems with this and it was just generally annoying so I wrote the below macro that converts each of the cells back to general cells and reinputs the data, essentially reseting the cell and keeping the data. Being that this is a loop, it takes a good while to run if alot of data was downloaded. Any idea's on how to speed it up besides screen updating? Note, other stuff happens in the first macro, but it is just cosmetic non-intensive things. It calls the second macro because I wanted them seperate should I want to just run the second.
Sub CleanData() Application. ScreenUpdating = False ' Find the Right most cell and the Bottom most cell and ' run the macro from A1 to this cell recursively Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Select Col = Selection.Column Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Select Row = Selection.Row Range("A2").Select Range("A1", Cells(Row, Col)).Select Application.Run ("FixTextAsNumberError") Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' End Sub..............
Public Sub add_tick_marks() Dim c As Range For Each c In Selection If Not IsError(c.Value) Then If Left(c.Value, 1) <> "'" And c.Value <> "" Then If InStr(c.Value, "E+") > 0 Then c.Value = "'" & c.Formula Else
I use these because I frequently copy billing account numbers that have leading zeros from some proprietary software and work with them in Excel. I need the leading zeros to facilitate VLookUp's. When I paste the data into Excel it truncates the leading zeros. My typical procedure is:
1. Copy a column of values from our proprietary software 2. Paste it in Excel (Ctrl+V) 3. While newly pasted data is still selected I hit Ctrl+1 which brings up the Format Cells form. 4. I double click "Text" 5. I re-paste into Excel (Ctrl+V) 6. I run my macro to add tic marks to the values so the leading zeros never get lost.
The problem occurs when I copy multiple columns of data and paste it in Excel. If one of the columns of data contains numbers or currency then I select that range of values and run the macro to get rid of the tic marks. After running the macro the numbers are still treated as text. When I select a range of those values and right-click on the status bar and select " Sum" there is no value. No big deal, I just highlight them and format the cells as numbers or currency. But after formatting them as numbers or currency, they retain their format as text until I click in the formula bar for each individual cell and hit enter, at which time they take on the number or currency format I have chosen and the sum can then be displayed in the status bar.
How can I force the formatting I chose to take effect on the data immediately without me having to individually "fake change" the data in each cell?
I have text as numbers downloaded to excel sheets from crystal that i need to add together on a summary sheet. I've tried using Value, TRIM and CLEAN functions to no avail. the TYPE function is reading the cell as Text and I have also tried multiplying by 1. Does anybody know how I can get around this ? hopefully I've attached an extract of the file
Working with an inherited spreadsheet which has massive amounts of numbers formatted $US to 2 decimals. Can't manipulate the data: all formulas to sum groups of the numbers yield zero and formulas to multiply or divide them yield "#VALUE" error message. I guess the data is text (is left justified) although there's no apostrophe visible in the formula bar. Anybody know how I can convert these to numbers?
In cell F39 i have a number (for example) 4322.08 and i would like to convert into into text in the following way In cell B47 I would like it to say Four In cell C47 I would like it to say Three In cell E47 I would like it to say Two In cell G47 I would like it to say Two In cell I47 I would like it to say Two in cell J47 I would like it to say Eight
But essentially any number that I type into cell F39, I would like it to convert the number to text
I have a column that contains 4 digit numbers that I want to convert to a text value. Here is my example
Number Text Value 7004 RBPA 7002 DCVA 7001 PVBA .....etc.
There is a total of 10 different number values. I want to include the conversion vba into an existing macro that is performing other functions on the spreadsheet.
I am attempting to automate a daily extract for account transactions. This extract ranges from 100 - 15000 lines on any given day. Below is an example of my data:
Account Action to be taken 8523 Needs to be converted to a number 84A2 No action needed 8523 Needs to be converted to a number 0749 Needs to remain as text stored as a number 2GP1 No action needed 8181 Needs to be converted to a number 0489 Needs to remain as text stored as a number
As you can see, I have three types of data:
1) accounts with leading zeros which need to be stored as text
2) accounts with mixed formats which can remain as text
3) accounts that are purely numerical without leading zeros. I need to convert these from text to numbers.
Since the extract can be up to 15000 lines long, going through the data to manually convert the appropriate cells from text to numbers is unreasonable, especially when this has to be done daily.
Is it possible to script this task? I've tried a number of things, but unfortunately my knowledge of VB isn't very extensive. This is the best that I've come up with:
Code: LastRow = Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row For i = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If Cells(i, "a").Value "0*" Then Cells(i, "a").Format.General End If Next
Following is the master data that's imported from weekly timesheet.
DeptProjNoProjNameEmployee Dept170000Project1Shawn Johnson Dept170000Project1Brenda Larry Dept260010Project2Patrick Leh Dept170010Project3Shawn Johnson
When imported, the 'ProjNo' is stored in Text format. Now when forecast data is appended to master table, the ProjNo stores as Numbers. I would like to know how I can automatically convert it into Text. The number of records varies every time when imported from the Timesheet.
The other thing is I need AutoFill 'APPROVED' in Column 5 from 2nd row to the last row.
To input high volumes of dates I change the number format of cells to "00/00/00" so I can key mm/dd/yy without having to hit the slash key. In order to convert these values into an actual date, I've been using the =TEXT function because it allows me to format the text as "00-00-00" which preserves the numbers but inserts a hyphen between each set. From there I use text to columns to break each pair into its own column, and use the =DATE function to combine all 3 into a date.
Is there a way to automate this conversion process in VBA? Alternatively, I'd be open to a different method to input dates in the mm/dd/yy format without having to press the slash key.
Specially in accounting jobs we need to convert numbers into text when expressing currency values. writing a macro everytime and running it is cumbersome. isnt there an add on?
I have a document passed to me that includes information pulled from an internal system.
I want to use some basic formulas to show Totals, averages etc.
However, the SUM function does not work on the data provided unless I select the cell (As if to edit the text) and the press enter.
Is there a quicker way of selecting all of the cells in Column A for example and performing this function on mass, rather than selecting each cell individually.
I have attahced a similar sample copy - My SUM formula is show in cell B15.
i am trying to convert a range of numbers to text using the Cstr function ,it doesnt work. excel VBA help states that CStr function converts a numeric value to a String. i am aware that i can convert a number by preceding it with an apostrophe i just need to know why Cstr doesnt do the job
Sub covrt() For Each rng In Selection.Cells rng = CStr(rng.Value) Next End Sub
Have the following numeric values: -3.46 103 0 6.2 I would like to convert (not format) them to the following 14-byte text values: -0000000000346 +0000000010300 +0000000000000 +0000000000620
First my goal is to sum a row and column. For example i want the sum of row 1 a to row 1 g. However, I'm using a loop for an automated macro. So i want to be able to say something like cells(1, count), so during the loop count goes from 1 to 7 representing the letters in the alphabet. But I'm not sure how to do so.
Secound, in my vba script to pull information from specific pages i say "sheet1.activate" how can i had the sheet switching during the process to speed up the calculation? and last but not least,
If Cells(1, locd) = "2008" Then
When i run my script, i get a runtime error 1004 application-defined or object defined error. The weird thing is, i can move what line it is on and then the macro will run ONCE and then it breaks again with the same error for that specific piece of code.
I attached partial file so you can see what i mean. I pasted only a few combinations cause the file was to big and i wasnt able to attach it...there are 142506 combinations . But you can see what i mean. A VBA or a macro on the worksheet will do the job?
I have a text file with rows and columns of numbers ranging from 1-4 digits that I'd like to import/copy into Excel with each number being in its own cell. But whenever I copy/try to import, Excel splits all of the 3-4 digit numbers up into single digit numbers. The text file has 10,000+ columns (each number occupies two columns so I have half of that amount in numbers) and 300+ lines.
Is the file simply too large for Excel to handle or is there a way I can do this?