Pass Multiple Tables Into Custom Interpolate Function

Jan 14, 2010

I have 5 worksheets each with tables that are formatted the same on each sheet. I have named each table as a named range (ex:filter5tsd15BSF). I have a userdefined function that interpolates values for a single table in a vba module. I can make this function work for a single table by calling the function as =Linterp(filter5tsd15BSF,C12) so I know the function is OK. However, I really rather program this some way that all the tables get passed to the function and then a select case for the conditions for which filter and which TSD (15 or 25) will then select the correct table.

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Custom Interpolate/Extrapolate Function

Aug 22, 2008

I was using the macro provided by shg in post#6 of this thread: Interpolate Two-dimensional Array? ...

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Custom Function To Interpolate Table

Oct 25, 2007

Actually, I've created the user defined function (UDF) to interpolate (both linear and bilinear). It's just, I keep getting this annoying error that says "A value used in the formula is of the wrong data type." But here's the kicker...I converted the UDF into a subroutine for trouble shooting, and I was able to step through the entire code and get the correct output.

Function itcinter(efpd As Single, pwr As Single) As Variant
Dim rnge, mtrnge As Range
Dim w, x, y, z, xx, yy, b As Single
Dim scenario, a As Integer
Dim J As Variant
scenario = Worksheets("Input").Range("B1").Value
pwr = pwr / 100#
If (scenario = 1) Then
'Make table into a range for VLookUp
Set rnge = Worksheets("ITC").Range("A3", [A3].End(xlDown).End(xlToRight))
Set mtrnge = Worksheets("ITC").Range("A3", [A3].End(xlDown))
'If the given value does not match a table value exactly
On Error Resume Next.......................

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Pass TextBox To Custom Function (UDF)

Mar 10, 2008

I have a simple function defined in one of my worksheets (Sheet1):

Function AddFuel(fuel As String)
MsgBox fuel
End Function

How would I be able to call this from a form button event?

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

Everytime I try running this code I receive the error: Run-time error '1004'; Application-defined or, Object-defined error. I've even tried Application.Run("Sheet1.AddFuel", TextBox1) but still no luck. I think this is a pretty common question but I couldn't find any answer to it on the forums.

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Pass Multiple Non-contiguous Ranges Into A User Defined Function

Dec 23, 2009

I am trying to call a function that calculates forecast error (wMAPE). This function needs to be able to handle passing in non-contiguous ranges. I can't seem to figure out how to do that.

Function wMAPE(Forecasts As Range, Actuals As Range, Weights As Range) As Variant
Dim Denominator As Double
Dim Numerator As Double
Dim i As Long
Dim Fcst As Variant
Dim Act As Variant
Dim Wt As Variant

If Forecasts.Cells.Count Actuals.Cells.Count Then MsgBox ("Error: Arrays not same size")
If Forecasts.Cells.Count Weights.Cells.Count Then MsgBox ("Error: Arrays not same size")

Denominator = 0............

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Pass Custom Object To UDF

Aug 17, 2008

I used to be pretty good with VBA, and I know I am a quite decent programmer in other languages, but I have been working on this for six hours and have no idea what I am doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is my class (I know I can do better with access modifiers/ properties in a serious version):

'The class is called ConsCell

Public Car As Variant
Public Cdr As Variant

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub

Here is the code from the module which tries to call it:

Function MakeCell()
Cell = New ConsCell 'Execution always stops here-- but with no error message
Cell.Car = 15
Cell.Cdr = "NIL"
MakeCell = Cell
End Function

Function PrintCell(c As ConsCell)
PrintCell = c.Car
End Function

The code for a cell in the spreadsheet itself is this:


But it gives me the #VALUE! error.

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Excel 2010 :: Creating Multiple Tables In VBA And Referring To Newly Created Tables?

Jul 1, 2013

Using Excel 2010. I'm writing a macro that sets up a workbook to be used for estimating at the beginning of a project. In the code I need to create multiple tables (formerly known as "lists") in the workbook. Then later in the code I need to refer back to those newly created tables. Currently, the code that creates the table is part of a loop that creates the table on many different worksheets. The problem of course, is that I have to name the Table, and then it won't create a table of the same name on the next sheet. Then, later in the code, I need to make adjustments to the table that was just created before looping to the next sheet.

Is there a way to create a table without giving it a constant name? Or by giving it a name that builds off of other info in the sheet? For example, I would be good with the naming the table after the sheet name: "Sheet1_Table" or such.

Sub Auto_Open()
Dim sht As Worksheet
If Range("A1") = 1 Then


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Get Range To Pass Into Function

Jun 11, 2009

I am attempting to call a Function from a cell and pass it a range and an Integer. The Integer works fine, but I cannot get the Range to pass into the function correctly.

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Pass Value From Function To Procedure

Aug 11, 2006

If I have code like this

Private Sub cmdHex_Click()
Dim HexNum As String
HexNum = Me.txtHexVal
'Call a function
ToBinary (HexNum)
'Now do something else
End Sub

And the function ToBinary creates a value called BinVal. How do I pass it back to my subprocedure to do something with it.

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Pass Function Result Between Subs

Oct 11, 2006

I have a simple/dumb question... How do you "capture" a value that is returned by a custom function.

I have tried searching the forums for this & I know that I should by all rights know how to do this by now... but I just can't figure it out.

Here is a Function that I copied from Ktrasler in this thread:
Week Numbers

Public Function MyWeek(DateArg As Date) As Byte

Const BaseDate = "30/12/2001"

DateArg = CDate(DateArg) - (Weekday(DateArg) - 1)
MyWeek = Int(((DateArg - CDate(BaseDate)) / 7) Mod 52)
If MyWeek = 0 Then MyWeek = 52

End Function

I know how to pass variables to Functions, and tried this one out & it worked splendidly for my needs, but how do I take the value of "MyWeek" and use it in the subroutine that I am calling it from?

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Pass Variable To Evaluate Worksheet Function

Nov 15, 2013

I understand that the SumProduct doesn't have the same capabilities in VBA as it does in worksheet formulas. I am trying to construct it in an evaluate statement in VBA but the problem is I am using it in a userform, so the conditionals are passed from two combo boxes. Here is the worksheet formula

=SUMPRODUCT((Table1[Home]=C3)*(Table1[Away]=M3)*(Table1[Goals (H)]>Table1[Goals (A)]))

The values C3 and M3 refer to a cell known as "Home" & "Away". It's comparing to the two teams selected to a table with game stats to show wins and losses. The user form has a combo box list with those teams. Combo Box 1 passes to a variable known as hTeam and Combo Box 2 passes to a variable known as aTeam. I need those values passed through to C3 and M3. Here's what I constructed but get a type mismatch

Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT((Table1[Home]=" & chr(34) & hTeam & chr(34) & ")*(Table1[Away]
=" & chr(34) & aTeam & chr(34) & ")*(Table1[Goals(H)]>Table1[Goals(A)]))")

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Amending VBA Sub / Function To Pass Results To Other Subs

Feb 5, 2014

Basically someone has coded a VBA script to pull a users details from AD when a button is clicked, using the staff id as the search criteria.

I've amended the criteria so it uses Environ$(USERNAME) to find details of the current logged on user, but i am struggling to get the resulting information out of the Sub to be used in other Subs! It currently just fills a cell with the required info.

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Pass Ranges To User Defined Function

Dec 28, 2006

I am trying to write a User Defined Function in VBA to perform a simple two-dimensional table lookup. I have the temperature distribution in a solid given in a table in Sheet2. The first column of the table contains the time values, the first row contains the spacial values (radii), and the intersections contain temperature values. These ranges are named times, radii, and temperatures. In Excel, I can perform the lookup using: =index(temperatures, match(time, times, 1), match(radius, radii, 1))

But how do you do this in VBA? More specifically, how do you deal with passing ranges to the WorksheetFunctions?

Function temperature_ref(time_range As Range, radii_range As Range, temperatures_range As Range, time As Double, raduis As Double)

r = WorksheetFunction.Match(time, time_range, 1)
c = WorksheetFunction.Match(radius, radii_range, 1)
temperature = WorksheetFunction.Index(temperatures_range, r, c)
End Function

This function would be called (from any worksheet) as..................

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Pass The Contents Of A Listbox To A Function To Sort It Into Alphabeticalorder

Mar 3, 2008

I'm trying to do is pass the contents of a listbox to a function to sort it into alphabeticalorder. I get a error saying object required

Sub PopulateAll()
Dim lgLastRow As Long
Dim lgRowCounter As Long
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim olb As MSForms.ListBox

For intCounter = 0 To UBound(vAllEnv)
Me.lstAll.AddItem (vAllEnv(intCounter))

Next intCounter

Set olb = frmOptions.lstAll.........................

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Pass Multiple Arrays To Procedure

Sep 10, 2007

I have a procedure that I want to pass two arrays to. When I pass a single array it works fine but as soon as I try to pass two arrays I get a syntax error. Both arrays are declared exactly the same way and are used in the same way. Am I limited to passing only one array per procedure?

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Pass Multiple File Names & Paths

Jul 16, 2007

How to write the VBA which can multi-select the files and store the selected filepaths in the string.

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Pass Multiple TextBox Values To Cells In Loop

Feb 27, 2008

I've created a variable number (i) of text boxes at run time (i also named them, "txt"&i, at the same time), i'm now trying to get the values entered in these to fit into a column that has been inserted during the same sub routine. I'm having a bit of trouble refering to the text boxes though, this is the patch of code i'm struggling with:

Dim TextBox As String
For i = 0 To 2 * NumVar - 1
TextBox = "txt" & i
ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = TextBox.Value
Next i

I also tried this:

Dim TextBox As Object
For i = 0 To 2 * NumVar - 1
TextBox.Name = "txt" & i
ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0).Value = TextBox.Value
Next i

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Custom Function To Run A Macro

Aug 11, 2004

I am wanting to create a custom function that i can enter into a cell to run a macro (MyMacro). I do not know how to write a function, but so far i have:

Public Function Run(MacroName As String)
Application.Run MyMacro
End Function

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Custom Average Function

Dec 11, 2009

Custom average function. can this be done with Worksheet functions:

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Custom Function For An Algorithm

Jan 28, 2009

This just a shot in the dark, but does anyone have a custom function that calculates the check digit for a cusip?

The algorithm is listed above.

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Custom Addresses Function

Jun 14, 2009

Imagine i have 2 columns: Open and Close, both of these got numbers like

1 ---- 2
3 ---- 1
4 ---- 10

and so on. I had to make a function which checks if some number is in between any of those Open and Close numbers and count how many, for example: im searching for number 1.3, so according to previously drawn table i would get answer of 2, because 2 is in between 1----2 and 3-----1, i achieved this by a simple function:

=IF(OR(AND(Bendras!$J$1>=Table1[[#This Row],[Open]],(Table1[[#This Row],[Close]]>=Bendras!$J$1)),AND((Bendras!$J$1<=Table1[[#This Row],[Open]]),(Table1[[#This Row],[Close]]<=Bendras!$J$1))),TRUE,FALSE)

this generated an additional column with TRUE and FALSE values which i counted with:


and got the answer.

so now then preparations are ready i need to make a function which would for example if the number i was searching was in 10th and 45th rows find the MAX/MIN values of Close column between those rows(hope i made my self clear)

this is how i was hoping to do that : first of all make a new array of all cell addresses from "Close" column which were "TRUE" from the first function i wrote and when do w/e i like with those cell addresses in other functions.

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Custom Function With IF Statements?

Nov 21, 2011

My co-worker created a function that would calculate the standard deviation according to whatever range is selected by the user.

I was hoping to add an if statement to the formula but am getting a #value! error.

coworker's function:

Function volatility(r As Range, Optional scl As Double = 252) As Double
Dim lr() As Double
rws = r.Rows.Count
ReDim lr(1 To (rws - 1)) As Double
Dim variance As Double


What I'd like to do with the function:


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Calling A Custom Function Within VBA

Sep 9, 2009

I have created a custom Function in excel. I would like to create a custom button so I can run this funtion with a Click of a button unstead of typing it in or clicking on the insert function button. I am not sure if this is possible to have VB call a custom function. Below is my VB for the Custom Function. I basically want the custom button to open the formula in excel.

Public Function CreateFlexstring(Company As String, Cost_Center As String, _
Division As String, Geography As String)

CreateFlexstring = Company & "-" & Cost_Center & "-" & Division & "-" & Geography

End Function

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Conditional Max Custom Function

Jul 10, 2009

I have a column of data with 2 possible values, "H" or "A". The second column contains numbers (unsorted).

How do I write the VBA code to return the Highest number, where the first column is 'H' ?


Location Attendance
H 25365
A 17436
A 47252
H 15494
A 37578
H 17549
H 28756
A 59756

This would need to return 28756.

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Built-in Custom Function Not Udf

Feb 27, 2007

I am very proficient at Excel/VBA and have a question about custom/user-defined functions that may be a little more advanced. I understand how to write custom functions and access them through the user-defined functions menu, but I would like to be able to include my function in an add-in that users could simply add, and then access the function via the 'Fx' box at the top of Excel, like they would any other built-in function, instead of having to go to the user-defined functions menu. I guess what I am looking for is how to add 'built-in' functions and not user-defined ones. I just want the user to start typing '=customFunction(' and have the parameters pop-up in tool-tip form, like any Excel built-in function would.

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Changing Macro To Custom Function

Nov 19, 2008

I have a calendar I have developed that highlights the current date and opens by default to the current month. Each worksheet is a seperate month. The current date highlighting is written with a public macro and the opening to current month is a private macro. The problem comes when this workbook is shared and the other users have to agree to accept my macro because of security. I would like to bypass that requirement and just have the workbook stand alone without the permission.

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Using An Array As Input To A Custom Function

Apr 22, 2009

Does anyone know why you can't specify an array, like an array of Doubles, as an argument or input to a custom function? For example:

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Custom Function Select Case

Nov 5, 2012

I have a custom function that will tell me which quarter it is based on a date entered into a cell. It works except if the cell is empty is still returns the last Case but not my Case else. If the cell is blank I wanted the function to not return anything.

Function QuarterMonth(InputDate As Date)
Dim MonthNumber As Integer
MonthNumber = Month(InputDate)
Select Case MonthNumber
Case 1
QuarterMonth = "Q1 - 13"

[Code] ...........

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How To Refer To Cell In Which Custom Function Is Used

Feb 8, 2013

Basically i want to use a UDF to count cells in a range of a certain colour.

But i want to make it easy for the user to be able to change the colour the function counts, so i thought i could ask them to colour the cell in which the function is written.

Is there a way to tell the function to pick up the Interior.ColorIndex of the cell it is written in?

Use Application.caller.interior.colorindex

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Referencing Cell Above In Custom Function

Apr 27, 2008

I’m trying to write a custom function that always references the cell above it but I can’t figure out the proper syntax to do so i.e.

Function Multiple_Cell_Above()

Multiple_Cell_Above = cellabove * 10

End function

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