String Argument For A UDF - Without ""s

Jul 17, 2008

I want to include a sheet name as an argument to a UDF - is there a way to do it without enclosing it in ""s?

I've been playing around a bit, but however I dim the argument in the UDF, it doesn't seem to like a string without ""s as an argument - creating a NAME error. Luke (lasw10) tells me that this is because it thinks it's a variable, which makes sense. But I want there to be a way, because it feels counter-intuitive to have to use ""s, and the kind of thing that most users would forget to do.

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Multiple If Argument

Nov 4, 2009

im having trouble with an IF argument as you can see from example the data sheet is where i need the result,the first formula i have done in B24 but cant understand why the 2nd argument will not go in and i keep getting a value error as shown in C24.
i need say If in the sunday tab G8="A1"then insert G32.Then do it for "A2"=G32 and so on.all in Data B24
Is there a shorter way as i have to go up to A9 B9 C9 D9.

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IF Argument Need With Yes/no Answer

Nov 11, 2009

I have a sheet that has 2 fields that i need a yes/no answer from. Basically if b = "P1" then a should be less than or equal to 4 to reply good otherwise it should reply no. but if b isnt "P1" but instead is P2 P3 or P4 then it should => 10, 30, 40 respectively.

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Function Argument

Sep 25, 2008

how to create a function argument containing my own defined formula?

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If Statement Argument

Mar 15, 2009

does IF in excel formula take 27 Arg and ( AND, OR) in IF ststement take the same Arg
and does SumProduct Take the same Arg .

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Pass Argument To A Sub From Another Sub

Jul 19, 2007

The second subroutine below selects a range of cells, in this case a column. It selects a range that ends with the last cell that has data and starts with either the first cell that has data or the second cell has data (needed for instance if the first cell is just the heading and doesn't contain data). You'll notice I have hardcoded the "includeFirst" option right now. I don't know how to pass this as an argument when calling this subroutine.

In the first subroutine updateAll() I need to call the second subroutine and want to pass an argument to it. Maybe my approach using subs and is the wrong way to do this?

Sub updateAll()
includeHeader = False
Application.Run "SelectColumn"
' need something like:
' Application.Run "SelectColumn(includeHeader)"
' where subroutine below has something like:
' Sub SelectColumn(includeFirst)
End Sub

Sub SelectColumn()
'Select a Column or Row of Cells in a Used Range Quickly
includeFirst = False
'includeFirst = True
Dim UpBound As Range
Dim LowBound As Range
If ActiveCell.Row > 1 Then
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0)) Then
Set UpBound = ActiveCell........................

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IF Argument Based On File Name?

Jan 8, 2014

Is it possible to create an IF argument based on the filename?

Example - A2=IF(Filename="template",A1,Filename)

Reason - A1 is the result of a MAX function on the template WB but once template is saved as a different file name I want A2 to = the new filename?

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Multi Argument IF Function

May 23, 2008

formula to calculate the commission based on 9 cases each case is subjected to 4 differant arguments.

here is the formula for the first case (the answer if true 1.4) & the last case( if all the casses are fails it should show 0.6) u will find it in cell K5


this is only 1 case HOW can i calculate it basd on 9 casses??

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Range With Cells As An Argument

Nov 3, 2009

I'm fairly new to VBA (exactly 8 hours of paid experience ) and I've stumbled upon the following.
Say I wanted to select a certain range of cells (which later have to be merged, don't ask why, they just have to. It's in the job description and it's not in my power to change things around here).

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Return Function As An Argument

Jan 23, 2008

When I try a MATCH function, I substituted the range through the ADDRESS function. But, it returns #VALUE error. When I manually typed the same range address, it produces the results. I've been behind this more than 8 hours still I can resist the heat on my cool head! But, I thought you coolest head guys need some heat to warm up for to-day's challenge.

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Countif With An Extending Argument

Dec 22, 2009

i have a calendar with the dates in a row

I want to count instances of an entry under the dates using 'countif' from 01JAN until today.

My problem is that today changes value [up by one] each day so the 'countif' function will need to extend its range to the right by one cell each day.

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Macro To Have Multiple If Argument

Nov 7, 2011

I am trying to write a macro that has multiple if arguments.

An example is as follows:

If cell b11 had fill colour red, then colour fill cell B8 green,
If cell b11 had fill colour green, then colour fill cell B8 red,
If cell b11 had fill colour yellow, then colour fill cell B8 blue,
If cell b11 had fill colour blue, then colour fill cell B8 yellow,
end if.

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Sub With Argument Using External Values

Sep 24, 2012

There are 100 loans, each one of them need to be tested on 11 different tests, the results are either "pass" or "fail". All the test results are stored in the Boolean array. g_sel_tag(). For instance, if g_sel_tag(2,7) = true that means the 2nd loan has failed on the 7th test.

But I got stock with the following code, I think there should be a loop for the public variable rep_num in order to loop through the 11 test results for each loan. I have searched the entire project but did not find any value was assigned to the variable rep_num. The following code is part of a huge project, I can't test run it to see if the following code is valid at this point.

I am new to VBA therefore wondering if it is valid with no specific value assigned to rep_num. (I think there should be something like "for rep_num = 1 to 11" in order to get it running).

There are several codes in the project with similar structure where they just use rep_num without assigning any specific values.

Dim rep_num As Interger
Sub test_results_reporter (rep_num As Interger)
Dim i As Interger
Dim g_sel_tag(1 to 100, 1 to 11) as Boolean
For i = 1 to 100
If g_sel_tag(i,rep_num) Then Msgbox "Loan" & i & "has failed on test" & rep_num
End sub

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COUNTIFS 3rd And 4th Argument Not Working?

Mar 14, 2013

In the Formula below I am attempting count records that are not "Closed" or "Cancelled"
But records with those two status values are still being counted I have a feeling that my attempt to create a "not equal to" condition may be the problem, even though Excel did not error when I put in this formula. I am certain that the worksheet and columns that these conditions are pointing to are correct. Note that the first 2 conditions are working correctly.

=COUNTIFS('QC Extract'!$C:$C,$B34,'QC Extract'!$I:$I,F5,'QC Extract'!$H:$H," Closed",'QC Extract'!$H:$H," Cancelled")

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Nested IF AND Argument With Date

Jun 4, 2009

I need a simple IF AND formula. I just can never manage to get them right. I need a formula (in Column M) to evaluate a date count in Column L (which is a count of business days since another date, fyi). It needs to check to see if the number of days since the date in Column L is greater than 10 AND if the value of Column I is one or zero. If the argument returns true (more than ten days and a zero in Column I) it should return a vaue of "Yes" and "No" if false.

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Pass More Than One Argument To Procedure

Dec 11, 2006

I want to be able to call a procedure and pas 2 variables that it will need to it.
The code looks like this:

Private Sub UpdateScreen(StartLine As Byte, EndLine As Byte)

End Sub
UpdateScreen(104 , 140)

For some odd reason I get an "Expected: = "error when I enter the last line. I works if I send only one variable, but not when I send 2.

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Argument Not Optional Error

Jan 20, 2007

I am trying to compute correlations using Correl function available in Excel. Get "Argument Not Optional" Error. Cannot understand what I am doing wrong.

Sub test()
With Worksheets("Corr")
Range("H1").Value = WorksheetFunction.Correl(Range("A1:A252, B1:B252"))
End With
End Sub

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Call Macro With An Argument

May 7, 2007

i want to create a lot of buttons, one in each line, that, when you click on them, open a file. The filename is in a cell in the same row as the button.

Of course every button should open a different file, and that is the problem. As far as i know (not very much) the buttons can only call other subs, and not with an argument.

What should i put into the "onAction" property of each button, so that each button opens a different file? I really dont want to create hundreds of subs just to get this done, there must be another way.

PS: By the way, how can i delete all but one buttons of a sheet with a vba script? Or shall I open another post for that?

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Using Partial Strings As Argument For Sumif()

Jul 16, 2009

I have a 100 element header row. Each cell represents an account. I want to sum the amounts of each subsequent row if the word "saving" shows up in the header. For instance, there may be "saving 1" "Savings for Xmas" "Savings 2" in the header row, and I want those to trigger the sumif function.

Basically I want something like sumif(B2:B101,exact(left(B2:B101,6),"saving"),A2:A101)

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Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument

Nov 7, 2007

This error occured me, and i clicked "Debug" to see where was the error and i found a strange thing that i don't know how to solve it:
The line has the following

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Function Argument's Cell Adress

Sep 16, 2009

I have an attached file and I am trying to build a VBA function to calculate total values. First row is "RollingTime" and for example if I am trying to calculate the "Total" value. For "RollingTime" = 2 it should be

RollingTime(2)*Percentage(2)+RollingTime (1)*(1-Percentage(1))*Percentage(2)+RollingTime(0)*(1-Percentage(0)*(1-Percentage(1))*Percentage(2)

Which is 109732508*0,3 + 1017508995*(1-0,2)*0,3+1587172158*(1-0,1)*(1-0,2)*0,3

And here is the code I have tried to produce:

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Argument Separate Overtime From Regular

Oct 13, 2008

spreadsheet has daily hours worked per employee and a weekly total. What is the formula to take the weekly total per employee and separate the regular hours (first 40) and have the overtime show up in the next column (without getting negative numbers for the totals under 40).

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Update Countcolor UDF To Accept Argument

Jan 5, 2012

With the UDF below and the portion highlighted in red, how can the red part be made part of the arguments instead of specifying it in the code?


Function Countcolor(rColor As Range, rCountRange As Range)
Dim rCell As Range
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim Result


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IF Argument Limit - Convert Formula To VBA

Aug 29, 2013

I have hit the limit with IF statements in a formula I have in a questionnaire that I made in Excel 2010. How would I create this formula in VBA?

"TRUE" is already returned in those cells where a "Yes" radio button is selected.

I would like the macro to run when a button is selected, and for it to post the return (i.e., "BP Owned Circuit") in cell B6.

Here's the formula:

C17=TRUE,C18=TRUE,C19=TRUE),"BP Owned (Circuit)",

[Code] .........

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UDF Range Argument Into Array Assignment

May 2, 2008

I having trouble with an intermediate step filling of an array based on the input range data and polynomial degree. The values calculated (xsum and xysum) for the array (F in the code) are accurate, but the function returns #VALUE for all elements.

Function poly_fit(ByVal Xdata As Range, Ydata As Range) As Variant
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer
Dim deg As Integer, num_pt As Integer
Dim Xs() As Variant, Ys As Variant
Dim F() As Variant, XY() As Variant, coef() As Variant
Dim xsum As Variant, xysum As Variant
Xs = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Xdata)
Ys = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Ydata)
If UBound(Xs) UBound(Ys) Then
MsgBox "You don't have the same number of X's and Y's"

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Passing Argument To Procedure From Onaction

Jun 28, 2006

I am calling a procedure from a commandbar button using on action.

With oButton
.Caption = "&Progress Report"
.OnAction = 'this bit please
.BeginGroup = True
.FaceId = 576
End With

Private Sub ProcessingRequest(ByVal shtRequest As String)

End Sub

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Setting If Function Argument In Macro

Sep 12, 2006

In the code bellow I would like to automate a if function until the 1st emptycell in the row 7 of my spreadsheet.

In my IF function, I would like to refer to a fix cell ("B1") while the other argument is in the same column as the function but two rows bellow.

My problem is that I don't figure out how to refer to a fix cell with the syntax I would like to use t run the macro.

I think it's more clear when you'll see the code

Sub Face2face()
If ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1="=If(R[2]C>=Range("B2"),Range("B2"),R[2]C)"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0))
End Sub

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Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument On Second Run

Jan 10, 2007

I have some VBA that appears to work perfectly on the first run, but I get the following error if I run it again or any alternate runs;

Title: Error (App_WorkbookBeforeClose)
Number: 5
Message: Invalid procedure call or argument

The only way my code currently works is if Excel has just been launched. The VBA creates, saves and modify's files so I imagine it has something to do with the ThisWorkbook object when a file is being saved or closed. I have googled the error but didn't really get anywhere as it is pretty generic and seems to be returned for a number of Excel products.

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Dir Function - Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument

Jun 25, 2013

When I step-through my code below, it always opens the first file in the directory "C:Pyramid Files", but when it comes back to the Pyramid Files sub after fully processing the first file via various other subs, the VB Editor apparently doesn't like something about this line: StrFile = Dir(), since it quits after "snapping-back" to the previous sub Initialize(). I have also tried StrFile = Dir, but that doesn't work either. I did Dim Strfile in the General Declarations. When I set Watches for Dir and Dir(), I get the value "Invalid procedure call or argument" for both, as if the directory function lost the value. I can't determine why this is happening.

Dim WSM As Worksheet, WSB As Worksheet, WS1 As Worksheet, [U]StrFile As String[/U], StrDirectory As String, ClientCode As String
Dim Filename As String, LastRowb As Long, LastColB As Integer, LastRow1 As Integer, NextRowC As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer

[Code] .......

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On Error Enter Sheet Name Into Cell Then Next Argument

Jul 31, 2014

I have some code I wrote that copies sheets from another sheet in another workbook to my current one, in order. However, depending on activity within these sheets, there might not be a sheet for the month.

I have the on error code to go to the next argument, however I would like it to tell me on my errors sheet that it did not exist.

The error sheet will simply have 2 columns of copied sheets and non-existent sheet.

On Error Resume Next
Workbooks("GLTemp").Sheets("981715").Copy After:=Workbooks("MHSGMR").Sheets("981715 Budget")
sheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
ActiveSheet.Name = sheetName & " GL"

[Code] ......

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