TODAY() Function To Text
Jan 2, 2009
I need to find a way to take the TODAY() function and and split the individual digits out and recombine them to a text cell, i have tried using the MID function but it returns the serial rather than the actual number, e.g
today() 02/01/2009 needs to be shown as 020108 (this needs to be text rather than a number) as it is included within an INDIRECT formula.
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Oct 22, 2008
In a single cell, I want to say "Report Complete as of" and then the current date. Is there a way to use & the TODAY function that will return TODAY as a date in conjunction with the text? I keep getting "Report Complete as of 39743" instead of "Report Complete as of 10/22/08", for example, and I can't seem to convert the numbers to a date.
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Feb 23, 2010
I want a report header to be similar to: REPORT AS OF 2/23/10. If I use the TODAY() function by itself, I get the date; 2/23/10. But when I concatenate it with the text "REPORT AS OF " & TODAY()" I get REPORT AS OF 40232". How do I preserve the date format when I concatenate it with text?
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Mar 13, 2008
I am using Row 3 as a my template to insert a row for every new line of data i enter. I have a macro that copies the format and formula on this template row to insert at the end every time. The problem is on ROW 3 Cell F i am using a Today() function and everytime i insert a row the date is populated. But the next day the date automatically update.
In my search on this forum, i found this macro to supposedly lock in the dates, but i doesn't work.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not Intersect(Range("F2:F10000"), Target) Is Nothing Then
storage = Target.Value
Target.Value = Format(storage, "dd/mm/yy")
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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Aug 24, 2009
I have a column, where i want to calculate the difference between today and another date/or viceversa. The problem is, that in the first two cells, it calculates it well, but then, it shows #VALUE and when I press to see the "calculations steps" , it shows "29/09/2009"-40049. It turns the today function into a number. Why?
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Aug 9, 2014
I am trying to create a formula that will count days since an incident. Column A will have each day of the year in it Column 2, I would like to have 0 in it for each day In the event of an incident, I will replace the 0 with a 1 - but this should only happen on the date, rather than be maintained daily, if you take my point. I would like it to return a value based on todays date, counting the days in between today, and the last 1 entered. It is to cover the whole year.
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Mar 22, 2006
I have a problem with the today Function. It appears that it changes each day. But that isn't what I want! I'd like to have a funtion that puts the current Date in a field when Data is being added in the Row and then having this date static the next day. Here is what I had so far but I have no clue to make the date static:
=IF(C10>0;TODAY();IF(D10>0;TODAY();" "))
in this case it checks for information in field C10 and D10 and if there is information it will add a Date like 2006-03-22. But new day the field will change to 2006-03-23 and that is not what i want. I want it to stay the same when data is put in and the date is being presented.
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Sep 23, 2009
I'm starting a project where Excel will be used as the main UI for defining a table of data. I'm expecting to define a "template" - xlt i guess - that users can open and save as an xls, without over-writing the template. Users will populate the spreadsheet with a lot of help from user defined functions. I'm just getting started and would like to populate a particular cell with the current date, but only the first time the sheet is opened. I tried checking whether a cell was empty before assigning a value to it, of course this meant recursion!
Also: It might be nice to use the Today() function inside a UDF, but TODAY isn't a member of Application.WorksheetFunction - is there no way to reference TODAY() from within a UDF?
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Nov 17, 2013
I would like to use a function or a button to put today's date in documents. The only function I found is "today" but it changes every day. I would like to put, lets say 17-11-13 and still have the same date tomorrow and not 18-11-13.
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Jan 23, 2009
I have a formula in a cell that counts down the days of the month each day using the today function...that part works perfect...But I have some conditional formatting that highlights the row when their is only 5 days left. Basically the row stays highlighted yellow for anything >=0 ="0",$BJ3
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Mar 29, 2009
I have a seemingly simple dilemna and wonder if there is a solution... I am not a PRO user, but can get by with my limited knowledge of excel.
My issue:
I create invoices for my business and in the invoice I use the "TODAY()" function to automatically insert the current day when I created the invoice.
Now when I need to go back and look at the old invoice or print it again it shows the CURRENT date, not the original date when it was saved. Is there a way to view and/or print out a file while keeping the original date intact or is there a better way to format a date to avoid this happening in the future.
I have since eliminated the function and just type in the date to avoid this but I have about 100 invoices that are saved that I may need to view their "original" dates on.
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Apr 25, 2014
I'm in Excel 2010, and the cell with the date I want to work from is H22.
I'm trying to get the difference of the (date+12 months)-TODAY() to appear in months and days.
Here's the latest thing I tried (that doesn't work):
=IF(DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"y")>=1,DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"y")&" yrs, "&DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"ym")&" mths,
"&DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"md")&" days",IF(DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"ym")>=1,DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"ym")&" mths, "&DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"md")&" days",DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"md")&" days"))
I should also probably note that the date in H22 is the result of another function.
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Feb 19, 2010
Im attempting to add number of dates within a column (B). I have 2 criteria: Today and person "William". Im using the following and return results is "0"
A: Name
B: Date
C: Type
Once I get this working I would like to adjust for last 30days and look at Type (C) = New
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Mar 11, 2014
I want to use a sheet for planning work tasks. I need to count how many cells containing 'x' text exist in rows starting with dates greater than or less than 'Today'
If you look at my workbook (attached) I have dates and tasks on 'sheet1' I have stats on 'sheet2' In the 'spent' on sheet2 I have a COUNTIFS to count the cells containing 'Fish' but I also want to narrow it down further so that I see the nuber of cells containing 'fish' where the date in the A column for that row is less than 'Today'
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May 7, 2013
I have a number of comment (all column D) that have lots of data in each one.
The data will appear like this (each new entry (new entry denoted by a date))
01-May 12:58:05 Liam
02-May 16:18:27 Josh
07-May 11:51:26 Bob
02-May 01:13:34 Terry
What i want to know is, can i change the colour of the text in the comment, if its todays date. So in this case 07-May 11:51:26 Bob goes red (its the 7th here for me).
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May 27, 2012
There are dates in column C and I need to count how many days are coming due within 90 days of each date based on the today() function but do not exceed the 90 days.
Countif Today()+90
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Jun 12, 2014
Trying to automate the period part of the impt function
To calculate current value of loan i have the below formula below with the 3 being the current period
What i would like to do is for the period to be self calcuating from current date and the loan start date. I can return a value in days using start date - today() and aware month function returns the month number but stuggling to find a way to work out cumulative month from the start date.
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Dec 17, 2011
Is it possible to do the following with a formula in Excel...
I have a list of users with the dates they first logged into a system and the date they last logged in. I'm trying to group them together into segments so I can analyse them using a Pivot table and chart to see how often different groups are using the system, e.g. New customers in December, November, October, etc.
The trouble I am having is trying to convert the different human-readable text strings into a consistent number of weeks from today's date, e.g.
user 1 2 years 20 weeks 54 sec ago
user 2 44 min 7 sec 1 min 37 sec ago
user 3 49 weeks 2 days 17 min 3 sec ago
user 4 5 weeks 2 days 33 min 32 sec ago
user 5 38 min 9 sec 38 min 9 sec ago
user 6 5 weeks 3 days 1 hour 7 min ago
user 7 2 hours 17 min 2 hours 11 min ago
user 8 45 seconds ago 45 seconds ago
Is there a formula I can use to convert these human readble text strings into a number of weeks elapsed since today's date?
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May 29, 2014
I have a workbook that I'm using to tracking staffing patterns within a mental health agency. When the workbook opens the user is asked to pick a date range and an office location. I've placed code into the userform that pre-fills the "start date" with today's date and the "end date" 7 days from today's date. I would like the user to be able to enter a unique date range should they wish but I have yet to figure out the coding to accomplish my goal.
[Code] .....
Attached File : Staffing Report 1.90.xlsm‎
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Apr 22, 2006
I am using the following code.
Function VLOOKUPRow()
Dim SV As Object
SV = "UserFormAppend.TextBoxInvID.Text"
VRow = Columns(1). Find(What:="SV", After:= Cells(1, 1), _
LookIn:=xlValues, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=True).Row
MsgBox (VRow)
End Function
I am trying to give the VRow variable the value or the row that The text from my text box is on. How do you make the what look for a variable. I can get it to work if i put a constent in the what. how to make the what look for a variable. I'm new at this forum thing so im not quite sure how to check for answers.
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Feb 23, 2009
I'm trying to use an IF function to evaluate a cell containing a text string. The string is two words with a space; "Turned ON" or "Turned OFF". The formula I'm using is "IF(D15=("Turned ON"),1,0)". It always returns 0 as the result. If I eliminate the space it works fine, but I would have thousands of entries to correct. Any thoughts?
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Nov 21, 2008
I can't get the text box function to work on this spreadsheet.
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Apr 1, 2009
I have a spredsheet with multiple Alpha Numeric codes in one cell. I would like to seperate the codes but instead of placing them in the adjacent columns, like the text to columns function does, I want them to go to the preceding rows.
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Jun 23, 2009
In column A i will be entering Jobs in the format : 'Customer1 Job4', 'Customer 5 Job 4'. In column B i would liek to identify the jobs automatically, so a formula that goes something like : IF(colum A contains "Job 2", "Job 2",If (Column A contains "Job 3","Job 3","")). There are only about 6 jobs but there could be many customers.
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Jul 21, 2009
The following is my existing formula (I admit it is probably very far from what it should be) but I'm looking a way to base the conditional part of a function based on the text within a cell. =IF(E4=OR("WordA","WordB"),(I4),(-1*I4))
There are four words that I use to classify the column "E" for sake of simplicity I will name them as "WordA" "WordB" "WordC" and "WordD". Those words serve as the identifier that I am trying to test. I.E. if "WordA" or "WordB" are present in column E, I want the end result (listed in column I) to be a positive number. If "WordC" or "WordD" are present in column E, I want the end result listed in column I to be a negative number. Currently I have a formula in column I, which is: =((H3-G3)/G3).
Both Column H and G have numerical values. Essentially the whole goal of my process is that if WordA or WordB show up in E, then I want my formula in I to remain "as-is". If however, WordC or WordD are present, I want the end result or formula in column I to be negative.
I am not tied down or restricted to using a particular formula, but just don't know how to set it up either way. Additionally, I plan to copy the formula down in terms of numbers... i.e. I5,I6,I7, etc. so when submitting any advice or if supplying a formula to paste.
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a list of items with a cell, however these are on seperate lines (using Alt+Ent) function. Example of entered text within the cell below:
The beginning of each line will always start with an underscore ( _ ). The items within the list will either be 2 or 3 characters long (which includes the underscore).
The required output I'd like is (spaces used to indicate seperate cells):
_UN _OD _PN _H
I'm trying to use the 'Text to Column' function to solve my problem, however I haven't yet managed to get it to work. I've tried using the 'Fixed Width' function within this, however when I use this, it inserts an 'Enter' within the cell, which I don't want.
Does anyone else have a solution? Any help would be appreciated. Preferably I'd like this to be automatic using a formula, instead of me having to click the 'Text to Column' button each time.
(I'm using Excel 2007 if this makes any difference too)
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Jan 23, 2014
This formula seems to work fine for the first two logical tests, but when it come to adding the third, I get an error.
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Dec 5, 2005
In column A there is a date and time function in the format as follows :
dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss most of the time.
When this is downloaded it is easy to manuplite. But some times it show as
above but as a text string or sometimes the dd/mm is switched to mm/dd.
Does anyone know the work rounds these formulas?
I use the dd/mm and Hr function to complie reports from column A but usually
spend hours using mid() left() function due to the date change.
I have tried formating the cell but this does not work?
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Jun 7, 2006
I think there's a function that compares two text values and determines if
they are "similar." For instance ABC would be considered a match with ZABC.
Is anyone familiar with this function?
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Dec 21, 2009
I am trying to use the "MAX" function to find the max temp on a particular day in a week from 7 separate sheets. The problem I have is one particular company autopopulates their temperature block with the temp and degree symbol: 46°F instead of just 46. The max function is thrown off it appears by the symbol and letter. Is there a way to get the max function to only look at the numbers? I'm also open to the option of autoconverting each temp to a number on the master sheet and letting the "MAX" function search through those if that's possible.
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