I have a problem with the Excel UserName & opening of a second xls File. Info:
The first file macro, looks as to the Excel UserName, and sets which worksheets from a second file in the network the person can see. then changes the Excel UserName to "helpdl", this is done because only 4 people have access to the Workbook on a network drive, see Code below (only the interesting part of the macro)
'Set the Excel UserName to "helpdl"
'(from Sub Change_UserName)
MyName = Application.UserName
OName = MyName
NewName = "HelpDL"
UserName = NewName
'Set the name of the Active File To "Slave"
Set wbSlave = ActiveWorkbook
'Open the Master from the Network (Wiesbaden server sv030100)
Workbooks.Open "\sv030100GruppenDL60116_MEWA Car Policy_Neukonzeption.xls"
'Set the name of the Active File to "Master"
Set wbMaster = ActiveWorkbook...........................
Usually when you try to open a file that someone else is using, it lets you know the file is in use, and lets you know who is using it. However, the situation I have is that when a user tries to open the file that is in use, it tells them that the file is in use, but gives them the wrong user who is using it!
For example, User1 opens the file and closes it again. User2 comes along and opens the file and stays in the file. User3 comes along and tries to open the file, but instead of saying User2 is using the file. It says User1 is using!
The file we have was originally built in Excel 97, but we using it through compatibility mode in Office 2007. The file is needed by various users, but putting it on shared access is not an option.
I need a macro ie when a user opens a macro enabled workbook,he should be asked for a username and password to access workbook. Administrator should have right to create users with reset password rights
While in a workbook called "Main_Workbook.xls", I use a sub to open another workbook called "SecondWorbook.xls". Here's the code to do that:
Sub OpenWorkbook() ExcelFile = Application. GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Microsoft Excel Files(*.xls),*.xls", Title:="Choose an Excel file To open...") Workbooks.Open FileName:=ExcelFile End Sub
This works fine. When you view the workbooks in the Project Explorer you will see:
I need to know that how can we share excel workbook. Is it possible over LAN? Also how many users can access the shared workbook. If 50 users are accessing shared workbook and each one working on different workbook. Is this scenario feasible? Will there be any issue if 50 users working on 50 different worksheets of same workbook?
I wish to send a workbook but need to ensure that this workbook stays on the computer it is destined for. I understand that for ultimate security excel may not be the best option, however im using excel and with that need to look at the best options available to me.
My thoughts were along the lines of sending a simple application for better words in excel, and having the user fill in a few details, this would trigger a events macro recording A the machine id ( which i have forgotten how to do any any help would be great with that ) or B the user ID to a hidden cell, then on receiving this back be able to use that as a key in the application before sending it out.
Then if the user was to pass this to another person it would not work as the code would not match. Does this seem like a best approach or is there a better way that a similar effect could be had?
I have a workbook which will open another workbook on a server, but i see it on the open and close on the task bar. Because I have 4 pc's with the main workbook open as single applications and one book on the server which collects info everytime a button is pressed, I would like it not to show on the on the task bar, needs to be invisable, is there any way of this?
Can i see if a workbook is open, regardless of which PC (out of 4), which may not be the one i am using. So a way to see if a workbook is open anywhere else?
I have created a workbook which both imports data from an access database and exports data to same. Some of the data I need to access is dependent on parameters which the user will change in excel e.g. I need to extract PeriodID (ID for a month end date) based on a date in a speified cell in excel.
MS Query is a very handy way to achieve this as the wizards automate almost everything. However, this workbook will be shared on a common drive on a server (as will the database). Initial testing suggests that the connection and queries I'm making on my machine do not work on other people's machines.
What is the best way to achieve the queries in excel which query data from an Access Database, but will work on all machines accessing the sheet from a shared drive? Is there any way I can avoid writing complex VBA code for this? I have an awful lot of specific queries like the one I mentioned above to perform.
I have two workbooks wkA and wkB. I have a named range in wkB called BName.. can someone tell me whether it is possible to set a range variable (say, raA) from wkA to this named range in wkB. I have tried something to the effect of set raA = wkB.range("BName") but this doesn't work.. I've also tried set raA = [wkB.name].range("BName") to no avail. I'm wondering whether named ranges can actually be read from other workbooks.
I want to write some code that runs everytime the workbook is initialized. I found out that the code should be placed in the following "Private Sub":
Private Sub Workbook_Open() 'My code End Sub
I know that this code should be placed in the Private Module of the Workbook! I just can not find where is the Private Module of the Workbook in Excel 2007... =/
Using Microsoft ® Office Excel 2003 (11.8220.8221) SP3, I started with a sheet, Sheet7, that pulled the first non-blank error message found in a common cell (i.e., A7) in Sheet3.1, Sheet3.2, ... , Sheet3.15, Sheet3.16. All of these sheets resided in a single workbook, and worked correctly using the following VBA code snippet:
I would like to know how to migrate an Access database to a spreadsheet, I do not mean Exporting.
More specifically, the migration is conditional. The spreadsheet only needs a few fields from specific tables in the database. It is basically a data dump, however, the magnitude of the amount of information that I will be handling will be far too time consuming and not within the scope of the budget to do this all by-- Exporting-->Copy-->Paste method.
Also, changes often need to be made "The night before..." so the macro will need to be able to ran possibly a number of times to update the additional data or changes in data.
In my research I have found a few snipets of VBA code from the MSDN website as well as some other websites, however none of it seems to be consistent with one another and ultimately results in it not working.
For my project , I am using Excel as a frontend and Access as a backend. Now, I want to write the code in workbook_Open event that will copy data in Column L,M,N,O from Access table. The query should select data from Access table where Date=Todays Date. All the Queue Names and corresponding Queue Numbers are stored in Sheet2 of the attached workbook. In Access table , there are three fields named as Type,Type1,Type2 which make up Queue numbers.
In Sheet1 , There are Queue Names and we have to store Total Batches,Totl Envelopes,total Documents and total Pages for the corresponding Queue Names in Sheet1. SO for this we need to check the Queue Numbers of the Queue names in SHeet2 but in table Queue Numbers are equal to Type & Type1 & Type2.
I am Generating Excel file with Macro using my asp.net (c#) application.
I am able to generate Excel file in development environment, but in Production it gives following error: "Programmatic access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted Line: Microsoft Office Excel"
I did googling a bit and found that I have to open Excel file physically make few security related changes in macro as below.
1. Open the Office application in question. On the Tools menu, click Macro, and then click Security to open the Macro Security dialog box. 2. On the Trusted Sources tab, click to select the Trust access to Visual Basic Project check box to turn on access. 3. Click OK to apply the setting. You may need to restart the application for the code to run properly if you automate from a Component Object Model (COM) add-in or template.
Can i do above changes at runtime (using some code)?
I have an Excel file ( named "Classes.xsl"), that has a worksheet (named "RawData") that is layed out something like:
Name Dept Class John 0547 Class 1 Jane 0368 Class 1 Jim 0368 Class 2 Sue 1235 Class 2
I am trying to get an Access-Like report without utilizing Access. Is there a way to generate a report similar to below using Excel as the data source (could be mail merge, perhaps a macro with a printout) I am not sure which way to try and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction...and possibly provide an example.
Class EnrollmentClass 1John 0547 Jane 0368Class 2Jim 0368 Sue 1235
I have Timesheet workbooks with 3 levels of access (user, viewer & me as developer).
I want use the GetuserName API function (with If/Then) to auto open the wkbk if I am loged in under my network login so psuecode looks bit like this
If network user is me then open wkbk else ask for username & password
I have googled & searched the forum & the closest I have is this
Public Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" _ Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Function ReturnUserName() As String ' returns the NT Domain User Name Dim rString As String * 255, sLen As Long, tString As String tString = "" On Error Resume Next...............
I've got a sheet with a "Last Edited By:" field and I want this to be populated with the current users name i.e. I suppose I mean the user name that is assigned to Excel, as opposed to the XP log in... although I guess either would do. I'm OK on the change event thing, but just dont know the function to find the the current users name.
I'm trying to use the code listed below on the works shared drive. When I open up the worksheet and save it, my log on identity is left as required in Cell B2 etc.. When someone else uses the sheet it just leaves the company name in this cell and not their log on identity? The date & time function always works ok. Can anyone advise me if what I'm after is achievable.
The code I've used below was used from a previous string on a similar question.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = Now() Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1).Value = Application.UserName End Sub[/b]
I have copied a macro off another board that get the username of the computer where the excel file is opened. It works fine on my pc but when I have sent the workbook to a colleague my username came up when he opened it. Also what I am trying to do is to modify the macro that does a vlookup on a range in worksheet 1 from where it picks name and surname (and transpose it onto worksheet 2 on cell A2), email (on B2), tel number (on C2) etc etc.
I have below piece of code which I'm not sure how to finish up. What I'm trying to do is have 'Username' and 'password' entered before logging into the workbook. It does not have to be 'UserForm" if it is possible, but it would be useful if we use Ucase...
I'm just not sure how this code works with
"Sub sUserLogon(strStandardID As String, strPassword As String)"
stated in this way..
VB: Sub sUserLogon(strStandardID As String, strPassword As String) Dim strUserName As String Dim StrMessage As String Application.DisplayAlertsAlerts = False StrMessage = "User Logged In"
I would like to unlock the work sheet based on the username. However this code does not seems to be working.
The object is that only these users have access to the locked cells on a sheet and those users not on the list would only have access to the unlocked cells.
This time stamp macro is great but I would also like to record the person who said 'Y' in the same cell as the date stamp '12:00p.m. MWatson'. The persons name should come from the Username.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Not Intersect(Target, Range([P13], Cells(Rows.Count, "p"))) Is Nothing Then 'change your range on this line" With ActiveSheet If Target.Value = "Y" Then Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Now
I am using the below code to access a website with IE.
My next step (of many) is to Login to this website.
The login screen requires that I enter: User Name: Password:
How can I tell IE to enter my user name and Password?
Sub Macro2() ' 'Macro2 Macro ' Macro recorded 2/6/2007 by dsggodwin Public Sub Goto_ToyotaSupplier_Click() Dim EXP
Set EXP = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application") EXP.Visible = True 'put the webpage here EXP.Navigate ("https://www.portal.toyotasupplier.com/skpi/SkpiGatewayServlet?jadeAction=NCPARTS_SEARCH") End Sub
I am trying to get the username from the system to display in A1 in a file in Excel. I got this code form internet and put it in the sheet by clicking right mouse on the sheet1 tab and view code and then pasted it there.
Function UserNameWindows() As String UserNameWindows = Environ("USRNAME") End Function
And then as per the instructions on the same page I inserted this formula in A1 : =UserNameWindows()
The person stated that by doing this, I should be able to get user name displayed in A1. BUt all it gives me is #NAME?.
i need a macro that will only open a file to certain users using the "get username" environ thing,
and only allow a list of users to access this file,
this will be a log of things that only managers whouls have access to, i have all the managers usernames (windows log ons) and what i need is that if the log on on the current machine, (the one currently opening the file) does not match one on th elist then the file should not open.
i could pasword protect the file but since my managers are kinda lazy and i wnat to show off a little (maybe hopefully that will push my promotion forward a couple of days at least)
I'm trying to create a program that will automatically log in to a website that requires a username & password. I am able to enter the username and password in the correct text boxes, but I can not get the form to submit to approve the login. It refreshes and removes the password.
I have attached my code. The web url is inside it.
Sub IE_login() Dim ie As InternetExplorer Dim C Dim ULogin As Boolean, ieForm Dim MyPass As String, MyLogin As String Set ie = New InternetExplorer ie.Visible = True ie.Navigate "https://applications.dacgroup.com/login.aspx" 'Loop until ie page is fully loaded Do Until ie.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE Loop
1) navigate to a web page 2) submit my userId and password 3) beeing redirected to a different url I have to menage this situation for passing url to 4) quering sub
I am using Excel 2000 with win98 Error 429 Can't create object:which one?
Public Sub First() Dim obEx As Object Dim obj As New MSHTML.HTMLBody Dim strPass As String Dim elUid As New MSHTML.HTMLInputElement Dim elPass As New MSHTML.HTMLInputElement Dim elSubmit As New MSHTML.HTMLInputElement Dim strUid As String Dim Desc As String