VBA - Adding Dictionary As Items Of Another Dictionary
Jan 10, 2014
I have two dictionary objects populated with various keys and items - Dict1 and Dict 2. I've read that the items of a dictionary object can be quite varied, even another dictionary! I know how to add items to keys if those items are strings say, but how to add an entire dictionary (Dict2) as the items of another dictionary (Dict1)?
I have 2 dictionaries; both have a "location" and the "frequency of occurence". The 2nd dictionary locations are related to the first, but are named differently, so I have a range of cells I'm using to define the equivalent locations, ie:
Dict. 2 Location----Dict. 1 Location Wrapper------------Packaging Robot----------------Robot Arm Robot----------------Robot Base etc..
(It's not a direct 1 for 1)
The program is meant to take both dictionaries, convert the 2nd dictionary keys to the equivalent dictionary 1 keys (based on the cell range data provided) and then combine the values associated with that location and store them in D_Master. D_Master is a copy of my dictionary 1, in which I am also trying to add the values from dictionary 2.
I started by writing the location definitions within the program, i.e.:
which works, but there are several hundred definitions and it becomes less robust, whereas a user could type in a definition within the range of cells and the code below could take care of the rest.
i have to reverse a very big wordlist containing four coulmns. Column A words, Column B Transcription, Column C Grammar and Column D Meanings. Now i would like to make the meanigs (seperator is ";") to words and words to meaning in another new worksheet added by a macro. For example English-French would then become French-English wordlist.
If the original worksheets name is "x" then a new worksheet should be added with name "Re-x". This new sheet should then contain the new wordlist. For example:
The comparison between 2 sheets is made in a Class and the Result of the comparison is to be coded in a Module. How the result has to look like is attached as result.xls
I think it has to beginn like this
Sub DisplayResult(ByVal RESULT As Dictionary) . . . . End Sub
I have dictionary defined as series of keys and let's say two values:
name1,val1A,val1B name2,val2A,val2B ...and so on
I would like to define named range from "name" column allowing user to select desired name from combo on another sheet. This is easy
But after that I would like to get val1 and val2 for selected name and show them with some calculation; For example to construct two columns like this: <nameX_selected_from_combo>, (<val1X>+<val2X>)/2
All the problem is how to select values from the same row as name selected in range.
I have two wordlists (dictionaries) in two sheets and want to make third dictionary out of them in a third sheet.
The first dictionary is Iranian-German and the second one is German-English. Now the macro is supposed to make a third dictionary Iranian-German-English. The new wordlist should contain all words from first list, even if some of them are not translated through macro.
attached excel file to understand the problem better.
I know the Dictionary Object is confined to the Microsoft Word Object structure though can it be used in Excel. If not, is there a suitable replacement.
I have a VBA code which checks the value of two cells in "Sheet2", and when these values are in the fourth column of "Sheet4", then dictionary is saved and after that VBA delete Entire Rows in "Sheet4" which consists these values.
Please find the code below:
VB: Sub dictionary1() Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim dico1 As Scripting.Dictionary Set dico1 = New Dictionary
[Code] .....
Now I wonder how to add more conditions like for example: "Delete all rows in "Sheet4" which have for instance in the 6th column text "Hello" AND which have in the 7th column value greater than 10". How can I change the existing code?
This is of course just an example, but the underlying question is how can I add to these dictionaries more conditions. Of course, we can still use "Sheet2" to add some value which we want dictionary to store.
I want to use for this only dictionaries because spreadsheet is large and filtering doesn't work at all...
I have 2 tables, one on the left and another one the right, I want to check existance of ID and date in table in left, if match then plant the details as below. I manage to do the matching, but the result isn't correct.
Download workbook here [URL]
VB: Sub vk() Dim err As Worksheet: Set err = Sheets("Sheet1") Dim a As Object: Set a = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary")
I am working on the last step in a very long project, how to filter my data based on keys in a dictionary.
The data I am working with (in the ActiveSheet) has a list of names (in column 6). I want to add these names as keys in the dictionary and the corresponding location (in column 7) as the items. Then, I want to filter the data by each key in the dictionary, copy the filtered data, and paste it into another workbook. I have included the code I have so far. It seems to work exactly how I want as long as I'm not using the dictionary.
create a macro that will generate 2 words from the dictionary. The first word needs to start with the letter B and the second word must start with the letter T.
I have created a dictionary with technical terminology. It is in excel format with about 10,000 entries. The format of my dictionary ("Sheet1") is in three columns:
<vocabulary term> <pronunciation> <definition>
Now, I want to create vocabulary lists using my dictionary. The newly typed up vocabulary list (which only has the term, but not pronunciation or definition), will be copy and pasted into "Sheet2".
The "Sheet2" typed up vocabulary list is in the format:
<vocabulary term 1> <vocabulary term 2> etc...
I want to run a macro or script to dictionary terms (including pronunciation and definition) from "Sheet1" and put them into my vocabulary list "Sheet2".
The code works well. Though there are a few that that i dont understand. The same range in used for the listbox and the combobox. Though i cannot send the Variable Rng through the scripting dictonary it seams that this function is looking at the range in a diffrent manner to a standard range.
so you see i have another variable datarng for use in the function though if i use set to set the variable as the range it wont like that either.
I'm trying to build a dictionary of abstract words. It seems that all abstract words are built from less than 30 other indefinable words. I need a macro that can generate column H. I would prefer a macro because ultimately i will probably have a database of about 300 words. What I need is a macro that will go down column G, see the word "after" then find that word in column e and the corresponding number in column f, then write that number in column H. Every word that occurs in a row in column g, should ultimately be converted into a number in column h.
I have data in a dictionary object and need to load it into a two column listbox. The VBA help says you can load data into a multicolumn listbox from a 2D array. So my question is how can I extract the data from a dictionary object directly into a 2D array.
The dictionary object stores data in key and item pairs. So the 2D array would have one dimension for the keys and the other for the items. I want to do this without having to extract the items and keys into separate 1D arrays and then loop through them to build the 2D array.
I m creating a dictionary from a set of data that changes, then matching the value to another column and pasting both rows on a new sheet. I have never worked with dictionaries and I was not able to find much on-line tutorials (help) for this.
I am not even sure if dictionary would be the right tool. Here's what I am trying to do: with tow sets of data -- Set 1: columns A-N and Set 2: columns P-AE
-- Go down column M until the last row with data and see if there are any matching values for each value in column M on column AB.
-- For those where a match is found: Copy rows from set 1 column A-N to Sheet "Run" and below copy the rows with the matching value from set 2 columns P-AB.
-- If no match is found, then just copy rows from set 1 on the bottom
-- if there are rows left in set 2 with values not found in set 1, then copy those rows to the bottom of the data in sheet "Run".
I am using a dictionary object from the MS Scripting Runtime library to store a series of arrays and perform operations on the array cells as necessary. There is a for loop to go through the process of creating all of these entries. My issue is that when using the .exists property, it is returning a True even before the item has been added. Closer debugging indicates that the key is being added to the dictionary at the beginning of the for loop, even though no .add command is used and will not be used until the end of the loop. The result is that the values in the arrays do not totalize as intended.
Code for the dictionary build has been included below. I have attached the Excel file which contains the appropriate module which calls that function
VB: Option Explicit[ATTACH]46705[/ATTACH] Function DictAppTable(Loop_Range As Integer, Key_Range As Range, Dim_1 As Range, Dim_2 As Range) Dim DictTable As Dictionary Dim AppElement(0 To 0, 0 To 1) As Variant Dim iD As Integer Dim strAppID As String
[Code].... the previous post, as the pared down excel file which I posted had a slight error which prevented it from running
I already did this with excel formulas and it works pretty good. The problem is that when I work with lots (tons) of data, it takes minutes for the formulas to update and do all the needed calculations.
I have been trying to solve this problem using a dictionary object, since it should work faster. However; I don't even know how to start.
My problem (see uploaded Workbook) is this:
I need to calculate daily profits from different departments. For that I need to subtract daily expenses from daily revenues. Unfortunately, the order of appearance of the departments is random. At the end it should look something like this for every day and department:
Add - add key-item in dictionary object Exists - Check the existence of key in a dictionary object Items - Get the collection of all items. Keys - Get the collection of all keys. Remove - remove particular key-item RemoveAll - Remove all keys-items
Dictionary Object supports Properties Count - gets the count of keys Item - sets or gets the item Key - sets the key in dictionary object
1) I have data that has a header row of 6-10 values (created, action, type, id, ...). The rows are unique records. Click here to see the data
2) I originally wanted to read the data into one array (DataArray) and the header into another array (KeyArray). Then I would add additional unique information about each record (additional columns of info) into the DataArray.
3) I stumbled upon Dictionaries as a way of storing key/item pairs, which I thought could apply to each record since the headers are all unique and would be a way of storing key/items without needing to:
a) Know the ordering (if I used arrays I had to know the upper bound of the array to insert a column b) Look up which what position in the array mapped to which column header c) Resize the array every time I wanted to insert a new column of information on all the records
4) So now that I know about a dictionary object, I believe I need to create one Dictionary object for EACH record (row) of my data and then store those Dictionary objects within a one dimensional array such that each element of the array is a Dictionary.
5) This way I can iterate through each element of the array to access the dictionary inside and perform calculations on each record, depending on which key/item I needed to work with at a later point
Questions for Dictionary experts: 1) Is my approach sound? 2) What is the syntax for putting the dictionary of one row's worth of data into an element of a one-dimensional array?
I would like to get data onto my worksheet that looks something like what I have below. I'm pretty set on using Dictionaries to get the data into this format
(row 1 reads): header 1, header 2, header 3 (row 2 reads): value 1, value 2, value 3 (row 3 reads): value 1, value 2, {"property1": property1, "property2": property2, "property3": property3}
I'm close to doing so but having issues with my syntax.
I can refer to: arrExport(1)("key3") to get the value in key3
but I cannot refer to: arrExport(1)("key4")
Because key4 is what contains another dictionary.
Code: Sub DictWithinDict()
Dim dict As dictionary, dictValue As dictionary Dim arrExport() As dictionary Dim i As Integer
ReDim arrExport(1 To 10) 'real data will be in thousands
Can I use my listbox contents to populate a scripting dictionary?
Dim a, z As Long Set dic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") With Sheets("Changes") a = ListBox1.List 'a = .Range("b1", .Range("b" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Offset(, -1).Resize(, 10).Value End With
For z = 2 To UBound(a, 1) If Not dic.exists(a(z, 2)) Then ReDim w(1 To 10, 1 To 1) For zz = 1 To 10: w(zz, 1) = a(z, zz): Next dic.Add a(z, 2), w Else w = dic(a(z, 2)) ReDim Preserve w(1 To 10, 1 To UBound(w, 2) + 1) For zz = 1 To 10: w(zz, UBound(w, 2)) = a(z, zz): Next dic(a(z, 2)) = w End If Next ComboBox2.List = dic.keys ComboBox2.Value = Sheets("Calendar").Range("E3").Value This code doesn't work because the bold line falls over.... the Remmed statement below it works fine though...
removing duplicates from a the first column of a two column table while maintaining the data in the second column. Unfortunately my skills fall short and I have been unable to alter the code to work for a 5 column table.
For example, if I might have data that might look something similar to this: ....
I have the following code used to add items of expired IDs in a listBox,, it actually works well for adding the ID type, but it doesn't add the details of the expired ID completely .. It adds only the details of the last expired ID (I think the code overwrites the details)