What Are The Limits When Creating A Range With VBA
Dec 27, 2009
I have a text string concatenated from an array of about 3,500 elements. The concatenation looks something like the following:
sRange = "$A$3,$A$7,$A$8,$A$13, ..."
When I try to set a range with the said string: MyRange = Range(sRange), the system throws an error.
I've seen a few methods in help ("Union" for one) that accept up to 30 arguments. I'm unable to find anything in help that states a limit for MyRange = Range(). It appears that 30 may be the magic number for everything.
I have tried using "Union" and building the range one element at a time from the array. That works, but it's incredibly slow.
Is there any way I can pass my array as the argument directly? Something like: MyRange = Range (MyArray).
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Sep 16, 2009
I work in Insurance and have a spreadsheet which requires [oil] values to be entered into Column J. I then have three additional columns (K,L & M) and I require them to do the following:
K: take the value from J but cap it at $100,000,000.
L: take the value from J but have a minimum value of $100,000,000 and a maximum value of $400,000,000.
M: take the value from J but have a minimum value of $500,000,000 and a maximum value of $100,000,000.
For example, if i were to enter a value of $650,000,000 into Column J, Column K should show $100,000,000, Column L should show $400,000,000 and Column M should show $50,000,000. Likewise if I were enter $15,000,000 into Column J, Column K would show $15,000,000, Column L would show $- and Column M would show $-.
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Mar 4, 2007
I copied this from Excel:
Length of cell contents (text) 32,767 characters. Only 1,024 display in a cell; all 32,767 display in the formula bar.
I have an Address Book from an old Personal Information Manager that exports the file as ASCII.
My problem is when I view the .asc file in Excel, Excel has created two rows for several entries.
That creates a problem as I wanted to select Column "A" then do Text to columns with a comma delimiter (the asc files has the comma in place)
However, since Excel put in the second line, I'll not be able to put in a header column.
When I look at the .asc file there is no way that there is more than 32,767 characters in each row. So why did Excel split it up? ....
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Aug 31, 2007
what im looking for is when a cell in column A reaches 5 numbers i need it to skip to the next row.
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Jan 10, 2008
I have this formula. I'm at the nesting limits and need to add a lot more to it, is there a different way to write this:
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Nov 17, 2008
I am entering text into a cell and as soon as I go over 241 chars, give or take, the data turns to a row of ####'s when I get out of the cell. Help says the limit is 32K and I have wrap text on. What am I missing? The data displays OK when the cell is current, but goes away when the cell is not . When I preview a print I have the ####'s. I am using Excel 2000.
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Feb 9, 2009
I have the following formula in a cell:
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Jul 4, 2012
I have a table that collects its data from another input table. What I want to do is set a maximum in one cell so that when it reaches that limit, it will begin to divert any other 'incoming' amounts to a different cell.
For instance, If I want to fill a room of 50 and then direct others to a different room, I want the spreadsheet to do the allocation for me and fill the other rooms subsequently.
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Jan 14, 2007
I need to count numbers betwen a max value and min value, for example 4 and 50. The numbers are in a range for example A1:A19
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Apr 16, 2009
I am in the midst of developing a Userform with a purpose of entering/retreiving and amending data. A rough approximate of about 50 sets of 3 text boxes is required for user to type in data. Is there a kind of limit or performance issues if there are so many text boxes available? What other ways would make it work? Would appreciate some advice from the veterans in this field.
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Apr 19, 2009
The values in F4:F14 are changed depending on the value in F2. The rows in green have a fixed value. The row in yellow has a lower limit (170)and upper limit (195). I cannot get a formula in F14 to perform this function.
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Jun 29, 2009
I have been trying to do an if statement but need to choose between 10 options:
In Column AA I could have any one of the following 10 text entries - In column AB I need to return 8, 4, 2, 1 or 0.5 depending on which is in AA (this column AA cannot be sorted nor are people willing to cut back to 5 options )
"Very High" returns 8
"Very High (>50)" returns 8
"High" returns 4
"High (>20)"returns 4
"Medium" returns 2
"Medium (>10)" returns2
"Low" returns 1
"Low (>5)" returns 1
"Very Low" returns 0.5
"Very Low (<1)" returns 0.5
naturally the following IF statement won't work as I have exceeded the limits
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Mar 15, 2007
Excel 2003
Is there any way to remove the 225 characters per call limit in pivot tables? Pivot tables do not allow validation but I need to pivot "Description" cells with a lot of text.
Or, is there a better way to manipulate text data than a pivot table that I don't know about.
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Jul 15, 2014
I have a column of data that keeps getting new information in it. what i need is a named range that i can use for a chart, first point in the named range will be the first value in the column, second point will be avg. of point 1 and 2, then 3rd point will be avg. of 1,2,3 etc.
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Mar 14, 2013
I have a custom email creation template I am merging with another version. The problem I am having is wrapping my head around not only selecting a range that is offset from ActiveCell (column 6-9) but seeing if there is an "x" in that range which is normally blank. My previous attempts identify the "x" but adds the text every time it is found. (Each column is a flag for an email bullet and they can have all four bullets in the email where I only want the text included ONCE if they have ANY bullets included). I use the range because I do not want the text included if none of the bullets are used.
Teh StandHTML then gets used in the body of the email like other HTML items I use
The email is generated using the ActiveCell.Offset to insert special text, emails and routing and has weathered alot of changes over time.
Dim Myrange As Range
Myrange = Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6), ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9)).Select
If Myrange = "x" Then
StandHTML = StandHTML & "Important Text"
End If
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Nov 12, 2010
I have a range of numbers:
Based on this the MEAN=13.5 and STANDARD DEVIATION= 8.81286937760152
I want to create a formula to calculate the UCL and LCL
When I use MINITAB I get UCL=31.23 & LCL=-4.23
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Dec 22, 2008
I am trying to build a selection for a procedure to use.
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Aug 23, 2013
I want to generate random times in excel between upper and lower limits , which i can do , but i also want dates in same cells with out randomization , means dates should act independently and time should randomize
it should be something like that
8/1/2013 05:55 AM
8/2/2013 07:55 AM
8/3/2013 04:44 AM
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Jan 1, 2009
I have a table that I use to generate about 20 graphs. The lower and upper limits can be manually altered in the table. If the user leave those 2 cells empty, I want the upper and lower limits be determined by default by Excel. So that the limits don't have to be entered for every graph in order for the graphs to be generated without any debugging error.
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
.MinimumScale = y1Lower
.MaximumScale = y1Upper
.MinorUnitIsAuto = True
.MajorUnitIsAuto = True
.Crosses = xlAutomatic
.ReversePlotOrder = False
.ScaleType = xlLinear
.DisplayUnit = xlNone
End With
y1Lower = .Cells(i, j + 9)
y1Upper = .Cells(i, j + 10)
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Jun 30, 2009
I'm trying to create a range between two text values; for example:
Equity Total
Fixed Total
How can I name a range from "Equity" to "Equity Total" and from "Fixed" to "Fixed Total" in VBA?
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Aug 19, 2014
I'm trying to create 3 different named ranges which are of alternate cells in columns. Each column runs from row 3 to row 106 and each named range covers 5 columns. Therefore each named range needs to contain 260 cells (52 cells per column x 5 columns).
Apart from the fact that you can't deselect a sell by Ctrl+Right Clicking on it, making a selection of the relevant cells is proving impossible.
For example I carefully selected all 260 cells for my 1st named range and entered a name. However when I then go into Name Manager I see that loads of cells haven't been selected at all and instead some cells in some columns have been but with huge gaps between them. If I try to then add cells my Ctrl+Clicking on them I find that I can add some but then one of two things will happen. I'll either click on one cell, the same cell every time, that deselects everything and I have to start all over again or when I try to save the new range I get a message saying the formula is wrong.
I've also tried typing in the names of the cells manually but the same thing happens. Annoyingly I've manually created a formula with all the cells I need in Notepad but even though the option to Paste is there, it won't let me paste into the field!
Is there a limit to the number of cells you can have in a named range?
Is there way of editing the name range accurately?
Is there a better, easier way of selecting all the cells for a named range?
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May 18, 2013
How would I create a variable range with:
Sheets("output").Cells(I + r, 1):Sheets("output").Cells(I + r, 9)
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Oct 29, 2006
I am generating Barcodes in Excel with the Barcode Symbol Code 39.
When i enter the desired number in the cell, the Barcode for the entered number gets automatically generated on the previous cell.
eg: Barcode (A3)
Number (A4)
Empty cell
Barcode (A6)
Number (A7)
Now i want to generate a sequence of barcodes starting from so and so number and ends in so and so number.
Now the way i do is manually enter each number one by one which is a tedious work.
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Mar 6, 2013
I'm trying to create a border for a range using R1C1 and get an error.
VB: Sheet11.Range(Cells(y, 1), Cells(y, 5)).BorderAround Weight:=xlThin
If I do not use R1C1 it works...
VB: Sheet11.Range("A18:E18").BorderAround Weight:=xlThin
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Dec 29, 2009
For work, I'm doing a project for Quality Control. I'm looking to create a Bar Chart (horizontal bars) with 2 "vertical" lines to indicate the range of acceptable values
Attached to this Post is a *.pdf that (hopefully) further explains what I'm looking for.
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Jun 5, 2007
hi i am currently trying to construct a date based maintainance sheet
i will try to explain what im trying to do
in one cell date is inputted
the next cell automatically adds +30 to generate next test date
what i am trying to do is get the sheet to
there are 4 testers so its a 3 month cycle for each ie
tester 1 jan
tester 2 feb
tester 3 march
tester 4 april
tester 1 may
tester 2 june
you get the picture? i hope
so if
cell A1 todays date
21 jan.............................21 feb................................tester 2
inputed ...................... =A1+30
and date
i am trying to get the formula to tell me after the inputed date has been changed who the next tester is
i have tried using the IF command but it wont let me specify a date range ie 1 jan to 31 jan (or in the specified date codes) date range only one specific date with >= or <= which doesnt quite work properly
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Mar 20, 2012
I have a start date, and an end date for a promotion. However, I am trying to create some unique keys for a VLOOKUP, so I can combine the data I have by day, with the data I have for promotional start/end dates.
So, simple question, if I have a start date and an end date, is there was way (either using excel or vba) to pull out all the dates within that range and display them on a spreadsheet?
For example, I have 21/01/2012 and 28/01/2012 as the start and end dates. I would want to display 21/01/2012, 22/01/2012, 23/01/2012 etc.
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Apr 8, 2012
I am importing a text file and plotting some of its contents versus time. The file provides the end time and the step interval. I know that in Matlab you can define a set of values with the start, end, and interval, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do this with VBA. I have toyed with fill series, but no luck there.
Specifically, the file I'm reading in (a relay event file with voltages and currents) gives the maximum cycles as 15 and the samples per cycle as 16. Therefore, for each voltage or current sample, I need the time to show as 1/16, 2/16, 3/16, ..., all the way to 15 cycles. I have tried to manually do this and record the macro, but after I put in a few x/16s, when I try to extend the formulas down the rest of the cells, instead of continuing the trend (4/16, 5/16, 6/16, etc.), it repeats what I put in first.
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Jun 4, 2012
I am trying to create a large range composed of smaller ranges. Some of these ranges may overlap so I want to make sure when I add cells to the range they don't already exist. I know how to make sure the same value doesn't exist in a range, but not the same cell.
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Mar 29, 2013
I am trying to create a range with visible cells after filtering based on a criteria. But, facing some wierd problem with setting correct range with visible cells. Here is the code.
xlsDynRange = xlsWorksheet.Range("A1:G500")
xlsDynRange.AutoFilter(Field:=1, Criteria1:=intEmpid)
xlsFilteredRange = xlsDynRange.Range("A1:G500").SpecialCells(Excel.XLCellType.xlCellTypeVisible).Cells
Here, xlsFilteredRange.Cells.Count returns correct values. For example, for a particular filtered criteria, if there are 6 rows, it returns 42 (6 rows * 7 columns). However, xlsFilteredRange.Rows.Count always returns 1 (header row), though there are 6 rows. How can this be fixed?
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