Macro Catches On While Calculating Loop
Jan 22, 2013
I am having a big prob with the speed of this macro:
Sub temp3()
For i = 1 To 63Sheets("Data to convert").Range("i1").Value = iFor j = 1 To 6Sheets("converter").Range("k1").Value = j
Do Until Application.CalculationState = xlDoneDoEventsLoop
If Sheets("converter").Range("m38").Value 0 Then MsgBox "ERROR"NextNext
End Sub
When I manually loop through these values it calculates within a second but the macro is getting caught on the while calculating loop and it just seems to never get out if it. I have tried setting calc to manual and then putting a calc command in but it still catches on the loop. I have used this while calculating code many times and have never had an issue.
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Apr 5, 2013
Why the value is showing up as 0. I know it should be 4 but it is returning the value 0 when I run my code clean through. When I step through the code using F8 it shows up as 4 as long as I am on the tab where the worksheet is. Why my code is returning a 0.
StartRow = 5
Dim CountX As Integer
Dim LastRowX As Range
CountX = 0
[Code] ......
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May 2, 2014
I need vba macro code or excel function to calculate average for some intervals in my excel sheet which have more than one value... I need all those values to be get averaged and placed in one cell...
I have intervals like 0-2, 2-4, 4-6.... 22-24.
In these intervals, few have got more than one values like
Now I need 16503.9902 and 17390.0293 need to get averaged and placed in one cell like,
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Apr 16, 2014
Excel function or macros for calculating the average of waterSD column where the TT column is less than or equal to 100(red markings). functions like IF TT IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 100, THEN CALCULATE AVERAGE OF WATERSD....
I had done manually on the right side in the attached excel sheet. only those yellow markings.
Because already I have some macro which do this process but it is not accounting for the TT column less than 100. it starts from 200 TT values. but i need to include 100 TT also. That's is where now we have yellow markings. I will provide you the macro code if you can edit that where it will start calculating form 100TT value, it will be really great. The code is,
[Code] .....
Attached File : average for watersd OF 100TT.xlsx
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Apr 12, 2014
I'm trying to convert the values entered by users into specific cells into a specific percentage. When I use this macro in Excel 2010, I can enter the value to be calculated directly into the cell and the macro runs automatically. When I open the file in Excel 2007, the macro does not calculate properly unless the value to be calculated is entered into the formula bar.
For example, in Excel 2007, if I enter '30' in cell E11, it should come out as '20%'. Instead it comes out as '0.2%' unless I enter '30' into the formula bar, which then calculates properly. It is far more efficient to be able to enter the value directly into the cell.
[Code] .....
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Mar 5, 2014
I need to calculate SUM and AVERAGE of rainfall for each and every year separately and must be displayed separately in a separate column. For your easy understanding, I have done manually and attached the excel sheet.
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Feb 17, 2014
I got a macro to copy and paste values onto another tab within my worksheet. I have a lot of data and currently takes about 30 seconds to calculate and paste. Not sure if its an issue with my macro or with my computer (Mac - Excel 2011).
Here is an example of my macro:
Sub SimulateWeek()
If Range("AdvanceWeek").Value = "Week 1" Then
Sheets("Schedule - Results").Range("C2").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
(this continues on until 'ElseIf Range("AdvanceWeek").Value = "Week 31"....etc). So you can see I have the same code repeated 31 times.
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Apr 15, 2009
I found this script which is very similar to what I want to do but I am not sure how to finish modifying it.
This script compares every cell in Column B to Z on Sheet1 with Cell A1 on Sheet2, if it matches it will copy the active cell in column A and past the results to column A no Sheet3.
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May 12, 2012
I am the consolidator for a specfic Excel file to be converted into CSV. In order for this file to be uploaded into our database properly it needs to be in a specific format and certain values must be entered if other cells have been filled in. At this point I have locked the formating so users cannot change it and I have created a Macro for blank cell rules.
The Macro is to verify that cells are not blank if the value in A is not blank. At this point it works as it should, for row 4. However, I would like to Loop this Macro throughout the entire worksheet.
The Macro I have created is (minus several columns for simpler reading purposes):
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
If Worksheets("JE FILE").Range("B4").Value = "" And Worksheets("JE FILE").Range("A4").Value "" Then
MsgBox "You must fill in Customer."
Cancel = True
[Code] .......
How do I LOOP the Macro?
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Feb 28, 2008
Currently, I have two spreadsheets.
The first (SS1) is where my raw data is populated.
The second (SS2) is my template.
In the first spreadsheet, I have a macro (button) that opens up SS2.
Then in SS1, I also have another button that I click and it 'transfers' the first line of data to SS2.
In SS2, I have a save Macro, which basically saves as per the name in Cell A1.
What I would like to do is to loop the process, i.e. when I click the 'Transfer' button in SS1, it will open up the 'template' spreadsheet (SS2), copy the information across, save & close and repeat this for the remaining data in SS1.
Is there a simple coding to use that can loop this process for me?
I would attach the two spreadsheets for you to view but I am unsure how to upload on here.
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Dec 10, 2008
I would like the macro to loop through rows and highlight the cell in column G if the value is at least 2x greater than the value in the cell in column D.
Right now I have a very long macro... but I'd like to change it so goes through all the rows I assign it to instead of writing many lines of code (lots of if then statements):
Sub Macro4()
If Range("G28") > 2 * Range("D28") Then
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.Color = 65535
.TintAndShade = 0
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
End If
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Apr 30, 2009
if i am in an active cell which is empty and want to stop the macro at this point, what code should i type in visual basic to achieve this
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Aug 4, 2009
I'm trying to get this macro to loop and have no idea what I need to do do to get the macro to keep repeating until it gets to the last item in a list.
I have a list of addresses (some are 3 rows long, some 4 and some 5). And I want to Copy each one then paste special in the empty cell between it & the next address entry.
Here's the code for my simple macro that does one copy & paste ... I have to do each one manually & would like to modify the macro to go all the way to the end of my list.
I read that there are 4 types of loops (While Loop, For Loop, Do While, ??) ... don't know how to choose which one or how to use/format with my exisiting macro.
Sub Transpose_j()
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=True
End Sub..........................
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Jun 17, 2006
I have record a macro to sort the data on one .csv file .
I have about 1000 of this similiar .csv files, I would like to have a macro loop to repeat the sorting and arrangement .
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
With Selection
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
.WrapText = False
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.IndentLevel = 0
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
End With
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Mar 12, 2014
I'm using a macro to drag down a formula across a worksheet then again further down the worksheet which is working ok but I know there has to be a better way of doing it. At the moment every time I add a new column I have to edit the macro over and over and its getting out of hand. I know there must be a way of rewriting the macro into a loop but my skills are obviously still new.
Here's the macro:
[Code] ......
This continues over to column AO so far then I drop down a few rows and do it again:
[Code] .....
I think I need to set variables that set the row and column each time. maybe a "drag formula one column at a time from row x to row y until column header is empty then move to the new row and repeat"?
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Nov 19, 2008
I am trying to loop through an action within a macro and require some assistance.
I have the following
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Aug 4, 2009
I want to loop through all files in a directory and run a macro named "Main" in each file. The file that contain the loop-macro will stay in the same directory as the files I loop through.
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Sep 13, 2009
I have the following code pasted into Module 1 in my PERSONAL.xls workbook:
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Nov 6, 2009
I have a number of workbooks which contain 62 tabs each. I need a macro that copies specific information from each tab and pastes it to a summary table which will be uplaoded to an access database. I created a macro that works when I manually click on each tab and run the macro. I then added a loop to try and automate. when I run the macro, it loops through all of the tabs, but it only copies and pastes from the first tab, resulting in 62 line items fron the 1st tab. I need to know how to set the active tab to which ever tab the loop is on.
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Apr 10, 2012
I have a row of data. The first few columns are given data, and then the next few columns are equations that use the first few columns of data.
The next row down adds the result of a few of the equations in the row above it to the given data, and the equations are calculated again.
It looks a bit like this:
in the first row, 1 and 2 are just given. 3 is just 1+2 (a1+b1), and in the last column, 1 is just 2-1 (b1-a1). In the second row, A2 is A1+C1, and B2 is just B1+D1, C2 and D2 are the same calcs as C1 and D2.
This row is then filled down.
What I would like to do, is just calculate what the first two columns of data are by just entering the number of cycles id like to make, instead of filling down the row.
For example, I would like to just enter N=3 in a cell, and it returns 11 and 2. Or N = 1000 and it would give me whatever the first two values are if i had filled the row down 1000 rows.
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Aug 3, 2012
I have a table sorted on column A. I need a macro to go row by row on that list and stop when the NAME (column A) is changed, in this example 3 first rows "aa". then I need to define the range of these 3 rows (A2:D4) in the table and make some subroutine. After finishing with this range I need the macro to continue and find the next rows with the same name, define the Range and go to the subroutine (in my example A5:D5)
The next range will be A6:D7 and so on until last range A27:D27. How can it be done?
I tried some CASE, FOR NEXT, DO UNTIL loops to do this but get stuck.
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Sep 11, 2013
I have worked out how to get my macro behaving the way I want however now I would like to automate the whole process. Basically I would like the macro to work its way down a column (in this example column F) until it has completed and there is no more data in the row before the last.
Here is a code snippet of my macro
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+a'
If ActiveCell = 2013 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(, 2).Range("A1:E1").Select
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToRight:=24
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 24).Range("A1").Select
End If
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Jan 2, 2014
I have a problem with the following macro:
Sub CalcsDelete()
Dim count As Integer
count = 1
For count = 1 To 100
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Picture " & count)).Select
count = count + 1
Next count
End Sub
It should simply delete picture 1, picture 2, picture 3, picture 4, etc. The problem lies within the "Picture " & count part.
This is obviously the name of the picture, i.e. picture 1, picture 2, etc.
That's what I tried to accomplish with the for-loop, but I'm not sure how to increment the number of the picture by means of using a for-loop and having that be the new name for the picture.
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Jul 31, 2008
I have a macro which checks a column for a name, and any instances of those names it finds it copies and pastes into a new spreadsheet which it saves to a path of my choosing and closes it, then moves onto the next one. However, my macro is stopping halfway through my sheet and one of the lines of code is being highlighted as an error by the debugger - even though the same line has just worked for the last 60 instances or so.
is there a limit to how many times I can loop a macro?
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Jun 19, 2009
I have the following macro. I need a loop that runs untill there is no more data. The loop should increment at each pass the following 2 Ranges and 1 Rows by 1. What is the VB code that will accomplish this for Excel 2003?
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 2
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 3
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 4
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 5
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 6
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 7
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 8
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 9
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 10
ActiveWindow.LargeScroll ToRight:=-1
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
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Nov 9, 2006
I've taken over a spreadsheet that has a macro in it. However it doesn't seen to function properly. The big issue with the Macro is that it is only running for the first 80 lines of data. I can't have a restricted range as the number of lines could increase/decrease each month depending on activity. I've attached the code.
Sub Macro1()
Dim strTemp As String
Dim intSpace As Integer
Dim intZero As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim strCat As String
Dim strZero As String
Dim intLoopCounter As Integer
Dim rw, this
intLoopCounter = 1
For Each rw In Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1). CurrentRegion.Rows
this = rw.Cells(1, 1).Value ...................
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Jan 10, 2007
Need some alternative code that would speed the execution of this macro. My weak attempt runs noticeably SLOW.
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("TPD")
If IsNumeric(cell) And Not IsEmpty(cell) Then
If cell.Value > 0 Then
cell.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
cell.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End If
End If
On Error Goto 0
End Sub
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Aug 1, 2007
This macro seeks out "Time Zone" and highlights a block of rows around it and deletes them.
How do I loop it until all instances of "Time Zone" are gone? ...
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Aug 2, 2012
I am running a macro to loop through a list of codes which takes the unique code, goes to a different spreadsheet, finds related data based on that code and if it meets certain criteria, and retursn the same code if it works. Pretty much a filtering process, but I have it returning the code because I do not want to do the calculations in the Macro itself.
Here is the code:
On Error Goto Label1
Range("A" & I).Select
[Code] .....
"I" begins at 2 and counts up until it reaches Count, which is the number of total rows in the column.
However, when I step through the code, it continues to loop through the code where "I > Count".
I have tried "Until I > Count", "Until I = Count", "While I <= Count". And none of them seem to work. It gets stuck in an endless loop cycle.
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Dec 19, 2013
I have a financial model (attached) which calculates the final cash flows (in a calculation sheet named 9.Operations, rows 428 to 437) for a particular plot. However,the model has a list of 17 plots in the input sheet (3.Input-Plot Details). The macro must change the plot number in the 9.Operations sheet(cell G11), re-calculate the final cash flows and paste all the final cash flows for 1 to 17 plots in a single separate sheet consecutively.
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