Vlookup And Nested If Statement

Jun 26, 2007

In the example below I have created a validation list in B1 that references D2:D8. What I am then trying to do for cell B2 is create a vlookup and nested if statement that says if b1 is a number lookup the value in column D and return the value in colunm E and if b1 doesn't = a number, ie 'none' then return a null value. The same goes for B3 where if b1 is a number lookup the value in column D and return the value in columm F and if b1 doesn't = a number, ie 'none' then return a null value.dropdown list problem.

************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book1.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA1=
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

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Nested Vlookup With If Statement: Match Up Two Sheets

May 19, 2009

I am trying to match up two sheets and I the match criteria is based on the data from columns B, C, D, E, and G. Sheet 1 contains ~20,000 line items of data. Sheet 2 contains ~250 line items. I am comparing the info in sheet2 vs. the data in sheet1. Both sheets are formatted the same.

For each row in sheet2, I need to compare against all rows in sheet1. For example; for the first row in sheet2, determine if there is a row in sheet1 that contains the exact same data for columns B, D, E, and G (all must be true) and the data in column C is False. Examples:

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Simple Nested IF Statement

Mar 7, 2014

I am trying to do a nested IF statement in which if Cell A has a number, display it. If Cell A = "", look in Cell B. If Cell B has a number, display it but if its "", then display Cell C.

I have the IF statement working for the first two pieces but don't know how to incorporate a third statement: =IF(A="",B,A)

This works - how do I get it to check Cell B and show Cell C if B is empty?

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How To Figure Out This Nested IF Statement

Mar 7, 2009

I work on a sea going vessel and manage an Emergency Response document. My dilemma is automatically assigning a Muster location based upon data entered in a certain column. I'm having a problem figuring out this Nested IF Statement: Column J will either be blank (no entry), "Fire" or "HRC".

If Column J is blank, column A needs to read "STBD". If column J has either "Fire" or "HRC" column A should read "PORT". See attached Excel file for an example with only 3 or 4 rows.

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Nested If Statement Within Range

Apr 7, 2009

I dont know how to nest and if (if that is the right way to go about it). this is what I have ....

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Nested IF Statement Limitation?

Feb 20, 2014

I have a nested IF statement that I am using in an application I am building in Excel. I am using logic to get the current month and then evaluate whether the value is a number. I would like to know if there is a better way to perform what I am trying to accomplish using another function. I am trying to cocantonate the the statements together which has worked in the past but not for this particular function.See Below... The function works if i use 7 IF statements.


[Code] ............

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Nested If Statement For My Table

Apr 17, 2008

I am trying to write a nested if statement for my excel table. I calculated the betas of the stock portfolio. I would like to create an if statement that would do something like this:

if beta is less than 1 -- Below Average Risk
if beta is greater than 1 but less than 1.25 -- Average Risk
if beta is greater than 1.25 but less than 1.75 --Medium Risk
if beta is greater than 1.75 -- High Risk...

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ISERR With Nested IF Statement

Jul 3, 2009

I have the following formula which consumes forward demand against an initial stock figures, it nests the next 7 buckets and then finally takes an average of the next 13 buckets to give a weeks forward cover value, unfortunately if the next 13 values are 0 it returns DIV value, how do I nest an ISERR function to replace DIV with 0 ? Thanks in anticipation as I am pulling my hair out, whats left! alternatively a formula to consume demand past 7 buckets?

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Nested If Statement Malfunctions

Oct 11, 2006

I have the following nested if statement that works very well which is designed to ensure data is entered in a specified format.

Sub Enter_Batch_Number()
Dim ans As String
ans = Application.InputBox("Please Enter Batch Number," & vbNewLine & "Batch Number Must Be One Letter & 4 Digits. e.g A9999")
Range("D1") = ans
ActiveSheet.Range("D1").Value = (UCase(ActiveSheet.Range("D1").Value))
If Range("D1") = False Then
MsgBox "Batch Number Must be Entered", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Invalid entry"
Goto Err_Invalid......................

this then says that the file exists even when i know it does not. I'm sure as usual I'm missing something obvious but cant find it yet

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Formatting Nested If Statement

May 31, 2007

I have spent the last 2 hours trying to figure out why this formula will not work. I am guessing it is probably something simple like a "format" issue. Okay here is my formula, and the data it represents.

Column F is The Primary Tool. This cell will have X if it applies, or be blank if it does not. the formula is based on whether or not there is an X in this field. Column D is the Tab Title. This cell can be empty or contain a title. If the cell is Blank, the result should be blank, if the title is the same title as the cell above it, the result should be the next consecutive number. And if D is neither blank nor the same title as above it, it should display 1. Column N is where a numerical value for each title is displayed.

=IF($ F8="X",IF(D8="","",IF(D8=D7,L7,L7+1,(IF(D7="",1),""))))

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Vlookup Across Sheets, Nested Vlookup Possibly?

Jun 9, 2009

I’m trying to develop a workbook which holds monthly data on loan information. It tracks the interest and balance on the loan. I want the first page to have a table displaying the interest payments for every individual tab. When I was brainstorming the idea, I was considering a sort of Vlookup function to find the tab the account is on and then a further function, possibly another vlookup which connects the month to that month’s interest payment. Can anyone help me figure this out?

The attached spreadsheet is obviously simplified, there are well over 30 tabs. But I would like it to, ideally, search the account number column, search the workbook for that account number, and then when on that page use the month at the top of the first page and retrieve the interest payment and put it back in the cell. It’d also be great if the formula can be transferred between workbooks. I’m not sure if that makes sense; basically if I were to copy that worksheet into the next months book, I would like that the formula read those tabs instead of becoming obsolete due to references from the first workbook.

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Nested IF Statement Where Need To Trim Value Being Tested

Aug 28, 2012

Is it possible to do a nested if and trim the field you want the if function to test? I have a field with a CS # in it. If the it is a CS 1 thru 9 I need it to return a value.

The problem is the CS # as 4 more digits after the first number. Such as CS40562.

I tried writing IF((right(trim(A81),4)="CS4","MW",IF((right(trim(A81),4)="CS5","NW",...

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Nested If Statement With 2 Possible Outcomes And 2 Vlookups?

Oct 18, 2013

I have an If statement I am trying to get to work but not sure of the flow. Each part works seperately but not together. What I need is if column E is blank leave blank, if cell DI2 is Yes then use columns DJ to DP for the lookup if DI2 is No than use columns O to U for the lookup. The first 2 lines are the individual formulas that work independently. The 3rd was my last attempt at combining them.



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Nested If Statement Returning FALSE Instead Of Value?

Aug 5, 2014

The formula I am having issues with is:


I'm looking for formula to return a value based on the amount of networkdays between 2 dates.

Column L has a drop down for
"YES" and "NO"

If "YES" is selected then I need the formula to subtract AH from B (if B is blank I don't want the formula to return anything)

if AH has no date then I want it to use todays date.

If "NO" is selected then I need the formula to subtract V from B (again, if B is blank I don't want the formula to return anything)

if V has no date then I want it to use todays date.

The formula seems to work for everything as it is EXCEPT when L is "NO" it only return FALSE.

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Nested IF Statement With INDEX And MATCH

May 22, 2014

I have three worksheets the first one called Econ the second one called CheckLogs and the third is a customer sheet. I am needing to match up a cell from the Econ sheet with a cell from the Checklogs sheet and then it matches a cell from the customer sheet with a cell from the checklogs to determine what customer sheet. My problem is how do I loop through the customer code cell until it finds the correct cell.

=IF(B1=CheckLogs!B2,INDEX(CheckLogs!$F$2:$F$4493,MATCH(Econ!G2,CheckLogs!$C$2:$C$4493,0),MATCH($B$1,CheckLogs!$B2:B4493,0)), "")

so in the formula "B1" is located on the customer sheet and is the customer code field, "CheckLogs!B2" is on the CheckLogs sheet and is the customer code field. I'm just not sure how you loop if the customer code in B1 doesn't equal the customer code in CheckLogs!B2 and run through the formula again.

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Standard Deviation And Nested If Statement

Oct 15, 2009

I have a sheet of data in which Column A contains a list of sales agents names and Column B contains their results against their KPIs. All the data is terribly skewed due to new metrics so I have been tasked with attributing 'ranking band' to their performance, i.e. very low, low, medium, high, very high.

I have calculated the average and standard deviation for the list of data, but now I need to calculate which ranges will fall under which ranking band, e.g. very low is less -18%, low is greater than 18% but less than 80%, etc.

I also need to come up with a nested if statement next to each of the sales agents so it returns what ranking brand they are on based on their performance. Sample sheet attached. EDIT - attachment on post #4.

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Match Function Nested In An If Statement

Dec 9, 2009

I have multiple sheets within one Excel file. Each sheet is structured the same way. Column B lists Client's last names, which differ from sheet to sheet, though some clients may be repeated in several tabs. I have a column K which displays either the number 1 or 0. This is consistent between sheets.

I have created a formula that will look at the last name in a specific cell in column B of sheet 2 (FY 07) and search sheet 1 (FY 06) column B for the same last name.

=IF(MATCH($B5,'FY 06'!$B$5:$B$24,0),1,0)

If the same last name exists and if column K of sheet 2 and sheet 1 display a "1", I want it to place a 0 in the formula cell.

So, if there is a client that is in both sheets and has a "1" in both columns K of each sheet, I want the formula to let me know.

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Nested If (and) Statement - Operating Leases

Dec 5, 2008

I am currently working on doing some operating lease schedule. I send the info to the field and people fill out the information such as the term of the lease and payment. Then I need to review the terms of the lease and if the term is after 8/31/09 then the lease is classified as long term thus I need to compute the payments until the lease expires. Currently this process is done manually and people have to go and calculate payment by payment which just makes it hard for me to review all the spreadsheets that we get. In the past this process takes about three days to review but I know there is a faster way.

I am attaching what I have created and I put some comments in the worksheet to better explain.

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Converting Nested If Statement Into VBA Code?

Mar 27, 2014

I'm trying to convert my nested if statement below into vba code.

=IF(L27=15,"15+", IF(AND(L27>=5,L27

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Alternative For Extra Long Nested If Statement

Sep 20, 2012

I was trying to search for a set of keywords in column1 and if the logic is true then print predefined word in column 2. The problem is I have 14 sets of keywords for which I tried creating the longest if statement only to find out that the limit is 7. Below are few of the sets.

=IF(COUNT(SEARCH({"process","nim","root/bin","agent","genhkdly","script","dbsync_dly","vcs","listener","horcm","msoffline","cpu mdmprd"},S2)),"APP")
=IF(COUNT(SEARCH({"percent","inode","space","check-kerberos","nfs","file system","jfs"},S2)),"FLS")

[Code] ....

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Nested If Statement: Display The Other Word At The Start?

May 13, 2009

I have a large range of data and on each row the cells contain either 0, 1, No or another word. I would like to display the other word at the start but im really stuck on how to do it. This other word can change on each row but each specific row will only have one word. I can post a sample spreadsheet if necessary.

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Nested IF Statement To Recognize Root 'codes'

Jul 6, 2009

if the code is 110 add together all amounts attached to that code and sum them in a new cell. Perfect. Now however there is an added level of complexity and i need to figure out how to nest an IF statement into a =sumif() function so that code amounts are summed into their root code, for example the root code of 110, 120, 130 is 100.

So basically i want a function that will sum the specific code (110) and then sum together that amount under the root code (100). Here is an example. The amounts for the lower level codes have been summed but i need the high level codes to be summed together.

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Nested If Statement Using Time Formatted Cells

Nov 13, 2009

I am trying to build an if statement to test variables that are in time format and then perform a calculation.

I was able to get an example working if I convert the start times to integers rather than time values. However, the data won't be provided to me as integers.

So, I need a nested if statement (using "and") that will test for two situations using cells in time format or I need to write a macro to convert the time data to integer format. I've been working on the former most of the day and have hit a brick wall.

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Subscript Out Of Range Error When Using Nested If Statement

Aug 27, 2008

I have a Userform which has 2 textboxes. User enter his employee id on textbox1 then enters a valid break time code which are 1,2 and 3 on textbox2. If User typed 1 then first breaktime start time will be pasted on the worksheet. When User returns after break he then enters his employee id again and then type 1 to end his first breaktime, the end time will be pasted on the worksheet. My program works fine however, I am trying to place a code which will prompt the user to end his first break time before entering another valid break code. Kindly check my code below as I am receiving an error message. 'Run-time error 9' Subscript out of range. This thing is driving me nuts. Any advise or can you tweak my coding vba experts.

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How To Setup Nested IF Statement To Compare Two Tables

Feb 27, 2012

Desired output is to compare a value in one table to a value in another table based on the same values in associated columns in each table and produce a "True" or "False".

In each worksheet, the information should be similar but I want to compare them.

Worksheet#1 = "ABCD"; Column A = Lot#; Column F = "Defect T"
Worksheet#2 = "EFGH"; Column B = Lot#; Column R = "Defect T"; Column I = "Inspection level"

I want to find the lot # from cell A2 in worksheet "ABCD" in column B of worksheet "EFGH" AND column I in "EFGH" = "1st Inspection". At the same time, I want to compare the cell in F2 in worksheet "ABCD" to the value in column R that correlates to the same row where the lot#s match.

Is it possible to use a nested IF statement to match the cells?

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Nested IF Statement - Use Furthest Cell In Sequence

May 2, 2012

I have 5 cells that data will be entered into:

1. AA6 2.AJ6 3.AS6 4.BB6 5.BK6

I'd like a formula that will return the value in the cell that was at the furthest point in the sequence above that wasn't a blank, so

if aa6=1, aj6=2, as6 was blank,bb6=3 it would return 3

if aa6=1, aj6= 2 and the rest were blank it would return 2 (the value in aj6)

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Nested IF Statement For Drilling Depth And Type

May 15, 2013

I am trying to have Excel calculate a drilling depth based on type of drilling chosen (ranges below) and to combine types if required. The first range (HTW) below is easily done with nested if's. However, the second range needs to build on the first (ie: below HQ/NTW would begin at 259) or calculate solo if the first range is null.

I have the first part of the build-up for HQ/NTW 201-400,however, when adding a scenario where drilling type 1 would be null I consistently get a "FALSE". Here's what I have:

First part:
=IF(AND($F$12="HTW",F$13200),400-F$13,IF(AND($F$12="HTW",$F$13>400),0,IF(AND($F$12="HTW",$F$13=400,200, IF(F$15

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Nested If Statement - Part / Category By Period

Jun 22, 2013

I'm trying to nest an if statement across part number and category into a period format but can only manage to get to work if I do on individual category but would like across entire category.


Part Number


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Nested If Statement Based On Unique Reference Numbers

Jan 10, 2014

I have three sheets of data, each sheet has various columns of data, but within each sheet, column one contains a unique reference number (URN), which is a unique six digit number identifying an organisation.

In sheet two I need to create a new column and call this 'Filter Group'. In that column I want to insert a series of IF statements to return a value from all three sheets. The difficulty I'm having is that I can't get the if statements to work specifically for when the URN in sheet one or three match the URN in sheet two.

Sheet two is my main data sheet. Sheet one is called '2 Weeks Previous' and sheet three is called '2 Weeks ahead'. The IF statement I have created so far is as follows:

=IF('2 Weeks Previous'!H:H=1,"ENF grade 1",
IF('2 Weeks Previous'!H:H=2,"ENF grade 2",
IF('2 Weeks Previous'!H:H=3,"ENF grade 3",
IF('2 Weeks Previous'!H:H=4,"ENF grade 4",
IF('2 Weeks Ahead'!B:B<>"",'2 Weeks Ahead'!G:G,
IF('Background data'!H:H=2,"All-Good","NotRequired"))))))

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Nested IF Statement For Array Checking For Different Text Inputs?

Sep 11, 2012

Trying to write function statement that does the following:

IF cells C9:E14 contain any of the following: "Termination" or "Forms" or "PWE" or "TSA" or "3rd Party", then cell would show "Provided Date (If Applicable):",""

This is my best shot at trying to get it to work, but it wont, no matter what iteration I try.


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