Conditional Formatting Entire Rows Based On Specific Columns?

Mar 25, 2014

I have been trying to find a way of formatting an entire row based on the contents of cells in each column. However i come unstuck when trying to make the column dynamic. Below is an example:



The idea is that i say current year is 2011 and all rows where C contains an a will turn green. What i would like to achieve is that when i change current year to say 2012 the conditional formatting adjusts so that it looks at D instead of C.

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Conditional Formatting - Duplicate Rows Based On Multiple Columns?

Apr 8, 2014

I'm looking for a Conditional Formatting formula that will check two columns before highlighting the duplicate rows. I need it to be conditional formatting because I know nothing about writing macros or vba (what-ever that is?). Data is entered into Columns A, B, and C. I need to check both column A and C before it highlights the duplicates, based on those two columns. (The format only unique or duplicate values checks only one column.) I have attached an example, but this is just an example, as I have hundreds of lines to go through on the original. (For this example, Row 2 and Row 7 are the duplicates I need highlighted.)

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Conditional Formatting Based On Entire Row

May 20, 2014

I am trying to apply conditional formatting to one cell based on the values of cells in a row.

This is what I have at the moment

E3 = TODAY()
E4 = TODAY()+90

If any date in the row falls between E3 and E4 i would like the font in another cell to turn red (in the example below A11 should turn red if any date in B11:J11 is between E3 and E4).

This is the formula I've been trying:


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Conditional Formatting For Entire Row Based On Presence Of Any Text / Values In Column

Oct 19, 2013

I am trying to apply a conditional format to an entire row based on the presence of any value in the first cell of that row to format to a certain color. If there isn't something present in the first cell, I don't want it to change.

Everything I keep trying ends up highlighting the entire workbook.

I would like to apply the rule to the entire sheet but only have it highlight the rows which have a value/text in the first cell of each row.

I am assuming I should use the formulas selection for conditional formatting but I'm unsure of what formula would apply to this type of request.

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Deleting Entire Columns Based On Cell Formatting

May 15, 2009

I'm trying to come up with a macro that can delete an entire column based on formatting of the cells. Basically what I have is a range of cells, and if all cells in a particular column have no fill color, then delete the entire column.

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Get Some Specific Dates Highlighted In Excel Columns With Conditional Formatting?

May 20, 2014

How to get "some specific holidays" highlighted by doing conditional formatting in series of "date columns"?? I got to know how to get "sunday" highlighted...but again problem with specific holidays...

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Conditional Formatting To Turn Field Specific Color Based On Two Conditions

Aug 9, 2014

I am trying to work with conditional formatting to turn a field a specific color based on two conditions, one of which is variable. The first condition is a list of ongoing events (which can change) and the second condition is a set of known milestones. I want to create a control (check boxes?) that will turn a given field (which has dates in it from another calculation) to either Red, Yellow, or Green.

I was thinking two Dropdown boxes - one for the events and one for the milestones. The user would choose an event, choose the milestone, then choose a checkbox or something to change the color of a field elsewhere in the spreadsheet. Right now, I'm doing this in a very clumsy way by having three checkboxes for each milestone for each event. There are five milestones per event (so 15 checkboxes per event on Sheet2). I will likely have 70+ events so I was hoping for a better way to do this. I've done this for the first three events and need a more efficient way of doing this.

See the attachment : Event Milestones based on Go Date Uploadable.xlsx‎

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Need Conditional Formatting For 2 Columns, Unlimited Rows.

Mar 10, 2009

Im having a little trouble with this, Im dealing with a list, and I need to change the colour of rows, based upon a value in 2 different columns.

Im close, but cant quite get it.

Basically its like this, the data in these cells will only ever be either; blank in one or the other, both are never blank. or a number up to about 3 or 4, usually 1 or 2.

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Conditional Formatting For Multiple Columns And Rows?

Mar 28, 2014

I have data in cells A2 - N2 and cell O2 is currently blank. I am trying to set conditional formatting where if O2 has a value entered into it, it will conditional format A2 - N2 and highlight the entire row red.

I tried a formula like =O2"" but that does not work. Also tried a few other things but no luck.

Also, once the formula is set, what is the best way to apply the conditional formatting to rows 3 - 30. I tried the format painter tool but that seems to want to extend the formatting range from rows 3-30 and not just per row.

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Conditional Formatting Columns Based Off Cell Input

Jun 24, 2014

Instructions are in the attached excel as well. Please see attached

If a person puts in a price in column A, that results in column B "Everyday Price Per Unit" being greater than column C "NDP", then highlight column A cell input red.

=Column B>Column C, then turn input cells in Column A Red.

First four highlighted are examples of thise formula scenario

** All based off an input into column

How to use conditional formatting to do so???

Excel Conditional Formatting 06.24.14.xlsx‎

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Deleting Rows Based On Conditional Formatting

Jun 11, 2009

I'm trying to get Excel to delete entire rows based on the conditional formating i'm using.

Basically, I want to get rid of all the rows that are of a certain color (let's say green, InteriorColor = 4). I've already come up with a way to delete rows based on color, but I have to take into account the Conditional formating i'm using.

Here's what I already have:

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Conditional Formatting: Reference Changes Adding/Deleting Rows/Columns Or Cells

Sep 26, 2006

I'm using Conditional Formatting for an entire column to check the value of each cell and compare it to the value of a cell in the same row but a different column. (Cell Value equals =$D2) It works great until I insert or delete a cell in the formatted column. The reference does not change as one would expect. I've played around with formulae such as =$D2<>$P2 but the reference only changes for the P2, not the D2. I've also tried using =CELL("contents", ADDRESS(Row(),4)) but this causes excel to complain.

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Conditional Formatting Formula Based On Rows Equaling Each Other

Jan 15, 2014

I have two columns

Column L and Column W

When I input something into Column W, I want it to turn green if it is equal to the corresponding value in Column L

So say we're on Row 50

And I put $280 in Cell W50

I want it to turn green if W50=L50

And red if W50 does not equal L 50

Infinitely in the same column

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Colour Rows Based On List Colours (No Conditional Formatting)

Oct 3, 2012

As far as I can tell Conditional Formatting will not work for this problem.

What I need now is some code to colour the rows in the data sheet ("Standards_Data"), so some other code (which is working fine) can then colour data points on a multiple graphs (which will be on the "Graphs" sheet). I've played around with as much code as I can find but nothing has the flexibility that I need or doesn't seem to work at all.

The idea is that users can adjust the colours using the Column A on the "Graphs" sheet to best highlight certain things. Also this list could then be edited as old Standard ID's become redundant and new ones come on line.

So in a nutshell: Colour rows in "Standard_Data" based on value of Standard ID (Column 4) according to the corresponding colour found in the list in the "Graphs" sheet.

I've attached a trimmed down version of the workbook.

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Hide & Show Rows Based On Multiple Conditional Formatting

Aug 6, 2009

I am trying to hide/show entire rows of a range based on the conditional formatting in the row. I want all rows with at least one overdue training cell (indicated by a red cell) displayed, and rows with no overdue training hidden. The conditional formatting formulas vary greatly, but always result in a white (unchanged), yellow, or red cell. Here is a sample picture for reference:


The CF formulas vary based mostly on two major factors: the frequency of the requirement found in Column "C" (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, or Annual Requirement), and the personnel's arrival on site or date of departure (wheels up) found in Rows("3:4"). Each training class has two rows. The first row indicates the last time the class was completed, and the second row shows when it is due next. Both rows have to be displayed/hidden based on the second row's conditional formatting. Here is the code I am using right now: ...

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting Of Table Rows Based On Value In Column?

Jan 2, 2014

I'm working in Excel 2010.

I setup a table with a column titled "Type". Each value under column "Type" defines the type of row it is: "Section", "SubSection", "SubSubSection"

I wish to create a set of conditional formatting rules that apply to data rows in this table, each rule controlling how cells within a whole row should be formatted, according to the value found in "Type", for that row.


Rule1: [@Type]="Section" -> fat red line on top of cell.
Rule2: [@Type]="SubSection" -> thin black line on top of cell.
Rule3: [@Type]="SubSubSection" -> dashed black line on top of cell.

I can't seem to make this work.

How can I leverage the nice column names, and the "@"-this row designator, within a table to create conditional formatting rules that apply to all the cells within a row, in the same way one can refer to in table formulas?

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Conditional Formatting - Coloring Entire Row

Nov 29, 2012

I am wondering if it is possible to use the Conditional formatting to color a row when a specific cell has a value ( Number or text etc..)

I have values in cells A1,B1 & C1

If I enter a value in D1 , I would like to have A1,B1,C1 & D1 colored green

Is it possible to define a rule for this?

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Conditional Formatting- Coloring Entire Row

May 9, 2007

I have this formula in Q and it fills it w/ a color.


To fill the entire row, I have to come back and select from A:Q and then it fills the remaining cells. Can this be done in one step?

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Conditional Formatting An Entire Line

Sep 29, 2009

I am using Excel 2007 and having some trouble with conditional formatting an entire line.

What I currently have is a formula in Column J: =IF(K9="Match","Match", " "). What I would like to do is if "Match" appears , highlight the entire row ( J : A ).

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting - Highlight Values Based On 2 Columns Of Numerical Data

Apr 12, 2013

I'm having issues with Excel's 2010 conditional formatting. Seems easy to use, but I'm trying to highlight values based on 2 columns of numerical data. Example:

Column F:

Column L:

I would like Column L to highlight values that are greater than Column F in green. If they are less than Column L then highlight them in red.

Seems I was able to do this with Excel 2003, but I don't understand the 2010 version.

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Conditional Formatting In Order To Highlight Entire Row?

Feb 25, 2012

in order to perform conditional formatting for entire row, if one condition satisfy for particular Cell then entire row should get highlighted.

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Select Specific Columns Rather Than Entire Row

Sep 28, 2013

I plucked a macro off an old post from here (as I always do), but I'm having trouble tweaking it.

Sub completedtest()

Dim c As Range
Dim rngG As Range
For Each c In Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Columns("i"))

[Code] ....

As it currently stands, the macro selects the entire row of rows containing the letter Y in column I. All I need to change is, I want to simply select columns B through I, rather than the entire row.

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Conditional Formatting - Highlight ENTIRE Row

Aug 16, 2013

I am using Excel 2010. I have a pivot table where I want to highlight the ENTIRE row where a certain cell value equals something.

In essence I want all the Material Subtotal Rows highlighted "Orange" But as you can tell from the picture below I am having issues with the Body of the Pivot table. I have the formula checking to find whenever it finds the word total to highlight it.

The example below is showing how I need the row to be formatted. I can get the Data (Units) section formatted no problem. It is just the other part of the pivot table that I cannot format.

For the columns from Material to SAP # I have been trying to use Dynamic Name ranges using the Offset function. However, excel turns that Name range to a range and if I filter the pivot table, it adds extra ranges to the Applies to box and starts to really mess it up.

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Deleting Entire Rows Containing A Specific Value

Aug 29, 2007

I've been tasked with developing a macro that will generate schedules. For background, we're taking a QuickBooks Customer file and exporting it to be picked up by the macro. I've got that part working, but now I need to delete various rows based on certain criteria.

The spreadsheet has a field for Job Status which we use to define whether an account is under contract (2 in QuickBooks), or some other status. Basically what I need to do is delete the entire row of data where JobStatus (Column R) is anything but 2.

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Color Entire Row If Cell In Columns Contains Specific Word

Jun 13, 2008

how to format a row based on text that is in a certain column. For instance, if a cell in column B has text in it I need to format the entire rest of the row with a certain background color and text color. I've been searching around here for a while and I think I'm really close, but I just can't seem to nail it down. Here's the code that I've worked on so far.

Sub Reformat()

Dim SrchRng3
Dim c3 As Range

Set SrchRng3 = ActiveSheet.Range("B1", ActiveSheet.Range("B65536").End(xlUp))

Set c3 = SrchRng3.Find("Europe - *", LookIn:=xlValues)

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Conditional Format Entire Rows In One Go

Feb 8, 2008

I've got a pivot table that shows different activities their cost, budget and percentage complete amongst other things. I would like to use conditional formatting to turn the font of a whole row grey if that activity is a 100% complete (exactly more then 99,5% complete in this case). I can do this with conditional formatting by selecting the individual rows and then setting the conditions. Example: selected row =$45:$45, Formatting condition =$J$45>99,5%.
However I've got 1500 rows to can I set this condition for all rows in one go?

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Delete Entire Row Based On Specific Value?

Jul 18, 2012

Ihave a list of names in column A in certain rows instead of name there is an email address in this case I want to delete the entire row

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Conditional Format Entire Row Based On One Cell

Mar 13, 2013

I want to highlight an entire row based on the contents of of a particular cell. For instance, if c4 contains data, highlight the entire row 4. If c5 is blank, do not highlight the entire row 5...and on and on...

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Conditional Formatting- On Specific Values

Feb 12, 2009

Can Conditional Formatting be set on multiple values? I cannot get this to work with any formula, the cell values are not between two values. For example: for value = D or R, or X change color to green. (I would have another condition within a range F to Q)

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Conditional Formatting Where Cell Value Does Not Contain Specific Value

Nov 4, 2013

I have a column which lists emails and I want to highlight any email that does not contain a specific domain.

I started to make rules to highlight those addresses that were specifically and, when I thought that it would be easier to just say highlight everything that is not

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