I am busy with code that filters and copies from a "source file" using dialogue to choose criteria than adds a workbook and pastes filtered information. I than go back to "source file" and do second filter. My question is this newly added workbook changed from book1 to book2 etc everytime the user will run the macro. How do I go about activating the workbook for second and third paste without it being saved?
Here is name code:
[B]Workbooks.Open ("C:Documents and Settingsabek276DesktopSource File.xlsx")
I have my VBA Codes set in a workbook (Production) that my supervisors open to calculate production. So when they open the workbook (Production) I have a button that they push that starts the code however I need to put something in that activates the other open workbook, The problem is that the name of the workbook that they run the code on can change.
An Excel file is e-mailed to my company for all the credit card transactions in a given day. Because we manage many stores and each store is a different legal entity and a different fiscal year ending, I need my macro to sort the information and separate the transaction by store and by fiscal year end. I just hit my first block.
I need to open a workbook off the server to grab information for a vlookup formula. I can get the workbook open, but I can't get back to the original workbook or find a way to reactivate it. Because the macro is going to be saved in the "personal" workbook, I can't use the "thisworkbook.activate" code. Also the workbook name and tab name that is emailed to me will always be different so I can't use other solutions that I've seen posted.
Below is code I use to try to 1. call a sub that take the users to a specified location on a specified shhet, 2. one to remember user menu set up, 3. one to remove tool bars, 4. one to set up menus for operation of my program and code to activate two addins required by my spreadsheet program.
If neither of the analysis addins are selected prior to opening the spreadsheet, when the spreadsheet is opened the appears to work properly except that the 'Start' sub is not initiated. If the spreadsheet is saved, closed and reopened it all works perfectly.
However if both of the analysis addins are selected prior to opening the spreadsheet for the first time all code appears rto work perfectly.
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application. ScreenUpdating = False Call Opening_Screen Call Toolbars_Record_List ' writes to sheet cbars the names of command bars to recall on leaving Call Toolbars_Remove Call Endusermode Application.AddIns("Analysis ToolPak").Installed = True Application.AddIns("Analysis ToolPak - VBA").Installed = True Call Start Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'UsrFrm_CopyRightMessage.Show End Sub
I have an addin "My Menu" that runs several routines. These routine require the sheet to be converted to text "Sub text ()" no problem so far. But I want to warn the user that the sheet is about to be converted to text.
Is there a VBA way of displaying a message box when "My Menu" is clicked on that says "Sheet will be converted to Text OK ?"
I am trying to activate a Dynamic Hyperlink in IE. Each time a user starts a new session, a single parameter in the URL changes. Is there a way to search the page, identify the preferred link, and activate it without knowing the full hyperlink address? The hyperlink is as follows: [url] The parameter after "unitchange" is what changes from session to session.
I am encountering a strange situation with my Excel 2000. I have a public function, in a module in the VBA project associated with my workbook. But I'm not calling it from nowhere inside the code, or from other macros - it is not being referred anywhere in the workbook. Yet, after I make a slight change in code and not save my changes, when I return to the workbook and select a value from any cell with a validation-list (regardless of the sheet where it resides), that particular function is being executed!
I have made a dialog box open using VBA to select some file,
Function FSel() filetoopen = Application. GetOpenFilename("Document Files (*.xls), *.xls", 1) Workbooks.Open Filename:=filetoopen End Function
I need to activate the sheet which is selected in that string "filetoopen".I am not getting the way to do this ,the normal Windows(" " ).Activate is not working with variable as input.
I am placing the funcation Fsel in a loop so each time it asks for the file to open which is not proper,so i wanted to activate sheet .
Surely both should work since the default qualifier for the worksheets object is the activeworkbook? This only fails in Excel 2003, in the same app. in Excel 2000 it works.
I know there is a simple answer for this, and I did a search but could not find what I am looking for. I am comparing two different workbooks. I loop through the first workbook (oldfile) and then find the corresponding value on the other file. I find the corresponding value using
With Worksheets(1). Range("b2:b" & blah) Set c = .Find(MyVar, LookIn:=xlValues)
I know the cell address of the value that was found by
firstAddress = c.Address
Now I need to offset a few columns and copy the data. If the cell address was in R1C1 format then I could do this easliy by ActiveCell.Offset(Row, col + Offset).Copy
(where row and col are given from the c.address function. But I don't know the RC value since the c.address provides the value in "A1" format. I do not want to actually go to the cell and then do an offset and copy, since it is a large spreadseet and would be slow. I don't want to do a bunch of string manipulations (unless it easy). Is there a way to have c.address output it's values in R1C1 format? Or is there a different command I could use?
I have created a macro which unhides a sheet (Email) in one book and takes that info to #1 create an email and #2 open a new file and paste data into it.
Problem is, I want to go back to the first book and hide the sheet (Email) since other users will be using the macro. I keep getting a run time error 9 'Subscript out of range'.
I have my code below. I have commented out the last few lines that used to work before I had to open a new book first.
Is there any way I can activate a sub routine when the user passes the mouse cursor over an activeX object.
For example this activates code when the user interacts with an activeX scroll bar:
VB: Private Sub ScrollBar2_gotfocus() Dim A, B, C If OLEObjects("checkbox1").Object.Value = False Then B = Range("B4").Value A = (100 - B) / 2 C = (100 - B) / 2 End If
IS there a "gotfocus" equivalent such that code will run if the user simply passes their mouse cursor over the scroll bar EVEN IF they dont click it?
Does anyone know how to activate a block of different array formulas at once??
N7:Q80 has a total of 296 Array Cells. Each has a unique formula & I cannot just drag to fill these nor can I activate all at once.
In the future, I don't want to have to manually activate them w/F2, CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
btw, Why do I have to press F2? Is that only in Excel 2007? I googled pretty extensively & don't see an option how to only press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. It would be nice not to have to press F2 everytime.
Is there a way to change the page view without activating the sheet? I would like to loop through a bunch of sheets and change the page view.
I currently am aware of the ActiveWindow.View command, but this requires me to first activate the sheet. Is there a similar Sheet.View command, or something like that?
I am attempting to use the code below to activate a sheet whose name is contained in a variable. The line in Bold gives me a "Subscript out of range" error even though the variables seam correct in the debugger.
Code: Private Sub GetFromArchive_Click() Dim wkb As Workbook Dim strPath As String: strPath = "M:EfpDocsArchivesESI Processing Log Master Archive.xls" Dim lngListItem As Long, lngSelected As Long Dim varSheets() As String
When my worksheet is activated, code is executed which defaults the values in my userform controls. The users enter the appropriate data, and with the clicking of a command button, the data is entered into the worksheet. When that is complete, the idea is to return the user to same form, in a default value so they can enter in new data for submission. This will continue until the user selects the Exit button onthe userform.
This is resulting in an 'Object doesn't support this property or method.'
I'm not sure about the appropriateness here of the 'Application.Enableevents=False" here. Since the fields of the userform have change events associated with them, I need to disable that what the userform activation code defaults them.
I am trying to write a small bit of VBA code, so that I can record the row and column of the active cell. I have got it working when I CHANGE the value of the cell, but I need to get the code to fire off when I ENTER the cell.
The code section is below:-
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal target As Range) 'Store the row and column into G1 and G2 for the drop down loading Call RowNum(target) End Sub
how I can do this, as I cannot find reference to a Worksheet_Enter function ?
I'm trying to write an Excel VBA macro that opens a .csv file, selects a range of cells, opens a new, blank Word document, and then pastes the cells into the Word document.
I can open .csv file.
I can open MS Word.
I can select and copy the cells in the .csv file.
I cannot figure out how to paste those cells into Word.
I'm using the below code to create a new excel file and activate it. But I'm getting the error message "Run-time Error'9': Subscript out of range" at Windows().activate command.
I'm trying to add a message box that will appear when you activate a worksheet in a workbook. This is what I have, but it's not working.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) If Sh. Name = "P2 Forecast" Then MsgBox "Ensure you have locked your forecast on the Sales Forecast Tab prior to working your P2s" Else End If
I have a worksheet which is used to display analysis data to the user. The sheet will be further protected with only some cells available to the user. I've used the attached code to retrieve some data from the sheet, clear a bunch of cells to reset the sheet and reset a graph (the graph itself is plotted as a log-log with the 1 to 100 on the Y-axis, hence the resetting of data to 0.5 to push it below the axis and make it invisible ready for later data dumping).
The code worked fine until I protected the worksheet. I have set the charts to unlocked using the format option in the chart area prior to locking. When I run the code though, it stops on the line indicated with the error "Application-defined or object-defined error". I've double checked and Chart 7 is the correct chart, and it is unlocked according to its format properties.
'get date of survey and equipment number for retrieving the data from the archive dateSurvey = Worksheets("Calculation Page").Range("B2").Value equipNum = Worksheets("Calculation Page").Range("F2").Value 'stop screen updating Application.ScreenUpdating = False
EDIT: Oops, I've just noticed that even if I unprotect the sheet, I get an error on the .select within the seriescollection stating "Method 'Select' of Object 'Series' Failed", and the code worked perfectly before. I'm completely lost now...
I have this code that ideally should change font color in usedRange to red upon button click. The problem is it's not working and I've been pulling my hair out all day (not that there's much left of it)
HTML Code: Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim UsedRange As Range Dim cel As Range
and the related "End If" this works i.e. if I click on any cell within respective sheet font in used range all changes to Red but I only want this to change on CommandButton1 click which I have inserted in sheet.