I'm trying to apply some settings to all sheets in my workbook except the first sheet called Total. For some reason, the settings are not applied to all sheets but simply stays on the sheet I select.
Also, how can I ensure the changes are only applied to the sheets: A, B, C, D etc. but not to Total?
why the "apply to all worksheets" portion of this code is not working? I appreciate your time.
Sub Delete_0activityaccount() ' ' Dim mywSheet As Excel.Worksheet For Each mywSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = lastrow To 8 Step -1 If Cells(i, 4).Value = 0 And Cells(i, 5).Value = 0 And Cells(i, 6).Value = 0 And Cells(i, 7).Value = 0 And Cells(i, 8).Value = 0 _ And Cells(i, 9).Value = 0 And Cells(i, 10).Value = 0 And Cells(i, 11).Value = 0 And Cells(i, 12).Value = 0 _ And Cells(i, 13).Value = 0 And Cells(i, 14).Value = 0 And Cells(i, 15).Value = 0 And Cells(i, 16).Value = 0 _ And Cells(i, 17).Value = 0 And Cells(i, 18).Value = 0 Then Rows(i).Delete Else End If Next i
i used your recommended summary page that you posted somewhere in ozgrid. i have this workbook which has 6 worksheets.
1st sheet: summary page. this adds all the sheets between top and bottom 2nd sheet: "TOP" 3rd sheet: "Red" 4th sheet: "Blue" 5th sheet: "Yellow" 6th sheet: "BOTTOM"
i have this macro which performs some copy-paste-compute codes. my problem is this: i don't know what codes to use so that the macro will be applied to only those sheets between TOP and BOTTOM...
I have data which is exported from my system which includes the job date and gross profit amount. I want to find the gross profit total for each day based on a matching date. However, the data exported includes the time in the date cell and Google Sheets won't match it. I'd like to avoid using a helper cell if at all possible.
I have a workbook that contains 168 sheets of data (it's an extract from a PM tool) which is effectively a status report from each project in our portfolio. Contained within each status report are some financial data that shows a Plan number and a Forecast number for which I want to apply conditional formatting to this section (this is the same section for each sheet), to all the 168 sheets without having to go individually into each sheet. I have searched here and all the varying responses to a similar situation as mine, do not cater for the number of sheets that I have. And I need to do this on a monthly basis at monthend. So in the example below I want to apply conditional formatting if the Forecast (Cols D & G) are greater than Plan (Cols B & E). Is there a way of doing this just with the conditional formatting or would it need a VBA script?
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F Col G Financial Summary - Selected Project Currency: USD
Code: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B3").Value >= -Date And Sheets("Sheet1").Range(" B3").Value
I have a workbook with over a 100 worksheets and need a macro that will apply the following column width to all the worksheets. Col S → 4; Col T → 5; Col U 5.2; Col V → 5; Col W → 4; Col X → 7.5
I am trying to apply a double click event to all sheets. It works if I apply to each sheet but I won't to prevent from having to copy and paste into each new sheet. I am trying this code in ThisWorkbook but doesn't seem to work.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) ' If the cell is clear If Sh.Target.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Or Sh.Target.Interior.Color <> vbCyan Then ' Then change the background color to yellow Sh.Target.Interior.Color = vbCyan
I would like to group some columns to all the sheets that I will have selected. Unfortunately the below code only apply the code to the sheet I am looking at.
Code: Sub Group() Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets With ws.Range("F:Q").Group End With Next ws End Sub
I am trying to loop through all of my worksheets in my workbook to apply a subotal to each of the sheets. I can get it to work with applying to just one named sheet, but I cannot get the loop to work. The sheets named "data" and "PriceList" do not need the subtotal applied.
Below is the code I am using:
Sub SubTotals() Dim LastRow As Long Dim wsDst As Worksheet
I need to apply the following code to all the sheets in my workbook (they are all identical format)
rivate Sub mymacro1() Application .OnTime TimeValue("10:27:00"), "MyMacro1" Dim objOL As Object Dim objItem As Object Dim lngRow As Long
Set objOL = CreateObject(" Outlook.Application")
lngRow = 6 Do While activehsheet. Cells(lngRow, 1) <> "" If ActiveSheet.Cells(lngRow, 6).Value < Date Then Set objItem = objOL.CreateItem(0) 'constant olMailItem = 0
With objItem .Body = "The training review for employee: " & ActiveSheet.Cells(lngRow - 5, 2) & " is due today """.....................
I don't know what syntax to use to 'globalise' if you like the macro to perform the action in the code to all the sheets.
I havae the following macro which i recorded in Excel. I want this Macro to run after another macro that groups data and creats tabs. The following macro will then add a column and run an array formula. I think this can be done in a loop but i'm not sure how to do it. This is working but takes a long time and times out by the time it reaches the last tab.
i want to ask if are some way to do it , to show 2 sheets in 1 sheet , because what i am trying to do is , with VBA copy table with pictures from database sheet to printing sheet , add blank columns and create another table in that blank area , and got this problem that formating goes crazy , because each table need different row heights. Maybe there is any way to copy my database sheet and paste special that it don't cares what i will do with row heights?
The data to be filtered is in several sheets, and once filtered is to be copied to a destination sheet (in this case "Temp"). The criteria for advanced filter is on an altogether different sheet (in this case "Reports"). The macro is actually simplified for the purpose of the question, and I want to re-use the code several times, hence the use of variable "filterRng". When I run it, I get the subject error at the bolded line in the code below. I'm thinking that the Advanced Filter doesn't like a variable as a range reference, as it runs perfectly well if the commented out line below the problem line is used instead.
Sub Test()
Dim i As Integer Dim rngData As Range Dim filterRng As Range
Set filterRng = Sheets("Reports").Range("A121:K124")
This error occcurs when i add some worksheets to a workbook from another one. I am not completely sure (cos this is not my work actually) but it seems to me that there is not really too much (about 4000?) "different" cell formats in the workbook, but there is a quite lot amount of drawing objects (grouped technical drwaings plus autocad objects which i also converted them to bitmaps to overcome the error).
I also dont understand the restriction: If i have 3999 cells formatted "bold" and another 2 formatted "underlined" this should not count 4001. True?
My workbook has about 15 worksheets with each fits to 2 printing pages.
I have a spreadsheet with a number of columns. In column D there are the following options: 2,3,4,C,T. I want to color the cell if there is data in the cell and column D contains a value.
So for cell L17, my conditional format I have =AND(D17=2,L17<>"") - - (RED), =AND(D17=3,L17<>"") - - (YELLOW), =AND(D17=4,L17<>"") - - (GREEN).
I need to color for values of C and T: but there are only 3 conditional formats permitted. Is there any way around this?
I'm running excel 2000 and don't have access to mscal.ocx, so i have used the date time picker with a calendar, but the formatting of the calendar is in US format m/d/yy and I need it in UK format d/m/yy, I have narrowed it down the following piece of code, the D values are the days,
I have a sheet that shows sun, mon, tue........,sat - all 7 days.
Under each day there are 3 cols so 21 in total.
Data is being entered into cells each day but as the week goes on it gets more difficult to match up the col & row, to many numbers.
What I would like is a way to highlight the whole range of cells per day in a different colour but only when data has been entered under a day, so if no data then no colour fill.
I only need 2 colours, 1 for sun, tue, thurs, sat & 1 for the remaining days.
This works for one range as a conditional format but there aren't enough options to do the 7 days.
I need for my office a table which has one column with dates. The "issue" is, that sometimes I know the whole date (day, month, year), sometimes only the month and year and occasionally just the year. Is there a way through custom number formatting that excel behaves correctly? How would I need to set conditions to achieve this? Because now something happens which is 99% incorrect .
I have data sent to me with different date formats on the same spreadsheet; I used Format - Cell and format date to this format: yyyy.mm.dd. However, only some of the data changed to this format and rest remain the same. I've tried many other ways, but didn't work.
I need to create a custom number format for a recorded delivery number in an excel sheet. I want it to look like AA 1234 1234 1GB in the cell even if the user enters it without spaces e.g. AA123412341GB. I have had a bit of a play around with underscores to get spaces but nothing seems to make it change.
I am trying to create an Excel spread sheet that keeps track of employees safety tickets and the dates they expire. Is there way to have a cell highlight to a color warning me 30 days prior to the due date listed?
Eg. John has first aid and expires on 11/15/2009. I'd like the cell that has this date to highlight red on 10/15/2009.
I have messed around with the conditional formatting and know how to format the cells color and font et., but I can not figure out the formula to use to get my results.
I am using Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (MS Office Standard)(SP3)
I'm trying to put cemetery records in a simple, sortable table, names and dates. The problem is that for some entries I have a full date of birth, death, or burial (e.g. 5/12/1892) and for others only a year (e.g. 1892). Is it possible to sort these? All I can get is the just years in order then the full dates at the end. My data look sort of like this:
Smith John 1892 1/1/1940 2/2/1892 Johnson Sarah 3/12/1900 1880 3/10/1900
One thing I don't know is what number format to use (text, long date, short date....) Sometimes the date I type changes after I type it (like 1892 became March 6, 1905) and sometimes it doesn't even though the cell is the same format.
I would like to condition one cell to display various colors, based on the information in another cell. I have attached the file for an example. The cell to be conditioned is A1, and the cell that will specify its color is B3. For example, if the value of B3 is "Red Oak", A1 would be red, and if the value is "Maple", A1 would be green.
I have more than 3 of these that need to be formatted (conditional formatting limits to 3 formats), so I'm wondering if I can do an event macro to set the formatting.