On opening a worksheet. Can cell boarders X4 thru AF4 be changed to a bold lines and back to fine lines back and forth. Almost like a flashing cell?? Or even better like wave one after another?
I have a file with many different row sizes and after calculating the figure, we will need to add up the total for a particular job. Due to the irregular data on each job (some with only 1 line item where sometimes the job have few line items).
The cell to sum already has a formula for the data.
For example, I already have a formula on Column L to get the figures. After few line items, I will need to add a total to the lines item, also on Column L. I think we can uses 2 sets of data from 2 different column as "pointers", Column D and the formula column itself (but I don't know how to). The columns that I need a sum function will be from Column L to X. After doing the sum, can we at the same time draw a sum line? (single top line and double bottom line).
Am I being "too greedy" ? Imagine if we have more than thousands lines of such data to be added manually and to draw these lines manually.
I am merging columns. Col B has all text in bold. Col C has all text in regular font. When I use ASAP to merge, the merged column comes out all bold. When I use a formula to merge the merged column comes out all regular. What I want is for the merged column to contain the bold text from Col B in bold, and the regular text from Col C in regular.
What I want is...
This is for service plan B: Take all data and transer to new server.
What I am getting is...
This is for service plan B:Take all data and transer to new server.
This is for service plan B:Take all data and transer to new server.
Part of my code formats a selected range, including boarders. I needed the vertical and horizontal boarders to be set to 'xlThin', but some times the range that is selected may only be one row high or one column wide, so this is throwing up and error. I am currently using the code below to do this.
I am trying to create a macro that if a value in a cell in column A is bold, then the value in the same row in column H is bold, then loop it to run on the rest of the worksheet.
I want to have a function or macro that if cells have mingled bold text, that only the bold text shall remain in the cells, and all the rest of the text must be deleted.
I am trying to use VBA code to set the last row to bold. I have been able to set the entire row to bold using:
Code: EntireRow.Font.Bold = True
but I would like for the code to be more dynamic. I.E. Only making cells on the last row Bold If they contain values. I have been able to do something similar in the past with interior color on the header row but, am looking for the same type of thing for the last row in this instance. The code I was able to use to turn the interior color of cells Green looked like this:
Now, I want 'my text' i.e. the contents of A2 to be in bold.
I've played with the TEXT() function before, as per this page: [url]
To get Excel to play nicely with date formats and stuff, however, my research has come to a dead end with Bold/Italic - with everyone suggesting that VBA is the only solution.
As I don't feel overly comfortable using VBA is there any other solution? (If not, is this a VBA 101 task or an advanced task?)
how to create an if statement based on font properties.
I did a couple searches on "conditional formatting" but didn't find anything, and it seems like the only way would be through a macro, am i correct? I'd much rather be able to do this on a formula sheet if possible.
I'm new to VBA and needed help with: I need to 'bold' the row which contains sum, the problem is that the location of the row varies depending on how long/short the report is.... Here is the code I used to bold a particular row:
Range("A14").EntireRow.Font.Bold = True
But instead of A14, i need it to be a row of no more than 5 columns, one of which contains the word 'SUM'.
Instead of bolding only the cells with an asterick in them it will bold every cell with text in it. I also would like to adapt this code to only search through column A but have not been able to figure it out.
Sub FindIt() Dim c As Range, firstaddress As String, ws As Worksheet, FindMe As String FindMe = "*" For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets With ws.UsedRange Set c = .Find(FindMe, LookIn:=xlValues) If Not c Is Nothing Then firstaddress = c.Address Do c.Font.bold = True Set c = .FindNext(c) Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstaddress End If End With Next ws End Sub
i'm using the following code to make a selection bold or not (basically as a replacement for the bold button). It works fine unless you select a group of cells...some of which are already bold and some of which are not...in this case it doesn't work....here is the code
The following code doesn't seem to work for me except when I use an actual number.
Set MR = Range("A1:A100") For Each cell In MR If cell.Value = "*3L*" Then cell.EntireRow.Font.Bold = True Next
I am attempting to bold the entire row if the macro finds text that begins with 3L in a tab. If I change the code to look for a number, then it works fine.
Also - Is there a way to make this run on specified tabs? For instance, if I have four tabs:
January February March Q1
Say I only want it to run on the January, March, and Q1 tab, how would I go about doing that?
I'm having a problem making my font bold when I click on my checkbox and when I uncheck it I want the font to become unbold. I can make it bold when its checked but am not able to make it return to normal when i uncheck it..
I'm trying to create a VBA module that will update data. However, I need it to skip any updates to data that has been set by the user. For simplicity, the user changes will be bold. I've found the info on the site for a function for counting cells in a range that are bold. But really just need to know how to get format of the cell.
The text of the active cell's row should be displayed BOLD. In other words, My cursor is on row 8, then this whole row should be bold. Is this possible ?
im trying to write a function and i want output to be bold when integers are outputed i did it like
Range("years").Cells(j).Font.Bold =periods
which is fine but i want to clear cells each time program is run so i used
, but this only deletes the values, so my question is how to delete boldness as well? i tried using IF then false function but it didnt do the job. This is what i tried to use
For j = i To def_frq * i
periods = j / def_frq If periods = i Then Range("years").Cells(j).Font.Bold = periods Else Range("years").Cells(j) = periods
If periods <> i And Range("years").Cells(j).Font.Bold = periods = True Then Range("years").Cells(j).Font.unbold = periods Else Range("years").Cells(j) = periods
Basically I use it to split year into however many periods so it will give me fractions of the year ,but i want to select in bold when it is the whole year.
As a starter in VBA i have a lot of doubts... one of them is, how can i sum in a column the cells that are bold? i've thought that sumif was the trick, but i don't find the way to be able to adapt code.
2 worksheets, Sheet 1 columns A&B are the same as sheet 2 A&B.
Sheet 1 is my master list (customer name = column A and carrier name = column B)
Sheet 2 (customer name = column A and carrier name = column B)
Sheet 2 is where data gets dumped so I need to change font to bold when I click a check box on sheet 1 (master list) on Column C
Check box is on column C and column C will have more then one check box.
When I click check box on C I need date to populate on column D (But when I re-open my workbook I don't want dates to change on me using the system date)
My objective is to select customer carriers on my master list sheet 1 and update date and change font to bold on sheet 2 so I can avoid or skip that customer carrier.
I am trying to write some code that will look in an excel cell find if it contains the word that I am looking for and make it bold. I have written the following code so far
VB: With Worksheets("Label Print").Cells(i, J) .Characters(Start:=InStr(.Value, "Name"), Length:=Len("Name")).Font.Bold = True End With [COLOR=#3E3E3E][B][/B][/COLOR]
The issue is that if "Name" occurs twice (or more) in a cell it will highlight only the first.
I want to change the last 16 characters of a cell to bold and font color.
I have this code but doesn't work. make it a working one.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim ctrRight As String ctrRight = Right(Sheets("Planning").Range("B35").Value, 16) MsgBox ctrRight Right(Sheets("Planning").Range("B35").Value, 16).Font.Color = RGB(51, 153, 102) Sheets("Planning").Range("B35").Font.Bold = True End Sub
The word doesn't have to be bolded depending on the result. It will either appear or not based on the result of the formula. But obviously, if it appears, it [should] be bolded...
Obviously you can't format text on the formula bar. This is something I've wanted to do in Excel for YEARS!