Change Font Type Based On Cell Value

Aug 25, 2014

I have a workbook that includes a drop down list with three options. One of the options is "TA". The default font type for these cells is "Wingdings" but when "TA" is chosen I want the Font Type to change to "Arial".

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Change Cell Font Type If Condition True

Apr 26, 2008

I would like to know if there is a way to change the font type in a cell, if a condition is true in another cell. e.g font in cell C3 is Arial Rounded MT Bold and if condition is true in cell F3 then font is changed to Arial Narrow.

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Use Conditional Formatting To Change Font Size Based On Value Of Cell?

Jul 18, 2013

I am trying to set up conditional formatting in cell C4 to change the font to a smaller number based on the value of C4. If C4 = 0 then Font Calibri 16, otherwise Font Calibri 24. However, the font size is not availabe, it is greyed out. Is there another way to accomplish this without using VBA? In the worksheet could I use an if() statement to change the font size?

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Change Font Of Text In One Cell Based On Information Entered In Another

Apr 28, 2008

if a macro or private macro is necessary, I would need basic instruction how to use those as well (I mentioned private macro as I understand they automatically run whenever worksheet info is changed, which I would like in this example.)

I'm simply trying to change fonts in cells based on the inputs of other cells. Obviously, using conditional formatting doesn't allow for this.

For my example, assume the word "MrExcel" is in cells D2, F2, H2, J2, L2, N2, P2 and R2. If I type different font names (Times New Roman, Arial, Bookman, etc.) in the cells to the immediate right of each word "MrExcel," -- cells E2, G2, I2, K2, M2, O2, Q2 and S2 -- I would like the "MrExcel" word in each corresponding cell changed to the corresponding font to the right. I would like the ability to do this for up to 15 different fonts. There will be many rows to this worksheet I need to use this process for.

Is this possible? I'm in a bit of a jam and have exhausted my knowledge of formulas in that they won't work in this case ... I'm assuming I need to delve into the unknown land (to me) of macros, private macros, or VBA.

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Conditional Formatting - Change Value Font Color In Cell Based On Matching Text?

Jun 26, 2013

Via conditional formatting, I am searching to change the color of a specific word in a cell (not the color of everything in the cell, but only that specific word - and the word repeats in the cell). A function such as =isnumber(search("NOK";A1)) colors all the cell values, which I do not want to do. How i can perform this task?

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Excel 2013 :: Inserting Link In Cell Changes The Default Font Type And Size?

Feb 23, 2014

I used Excel 2013 and Win 8.1

When I insert a Hyperlink in a cell, this changes the Default Font Type and Size

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Change Font Color Based On Adjacent Cell Color

Apr 18, 2008

I have two columns. The first one (A) contains cells that have different Fill colors. The second column (B) contains text adjacent to the colored cells. I am trying to change the color of the text in the second column (B) to the corresponding color in the adjacent cell in the first column (A). I don't think conditional formating works well in this situation. I believe the solution would be some sort of macro.

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VBA To Change Font Color In Cells Based On Value

Dec 15, 2009

I'm using some basic code below in an on Workbook Open event to format cells with a value less then 2 and less than 1 with a particular color.

The code works, but it really slows my worksheet down when opening. Is there better way to write this?


Dim myRange As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set myRange = Range("V6:V50000")
For Each cell In myRange
If cell.Value < 2 Then cell.Font.ColorIndex = 5
If cell.Value < 1 Then cell.Font.ColorIndex = 3

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Change Font Color Based On Conditions

Jan 27, 2007

I'm trying to get the font to turn red in column G if it is greater than or equal to column I, and get it to turn orange if it is between 80% of I and I. This is what I've got so far.

Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("G" & Target.Row) >= Range("I" & Target.Row) Then Range("G" & Target.Row).Font.ColorIndex = 3
If Range("G" & Target.Row) >= Range(("I" & Target.Row) * 0.8) Then Range("G" & Target.Row).Font.Color = 45
End Sub

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Change Rectangle Colour And Font Based On A Vlookup Value?

Aug 13, 2014

I have an autoshape rectangle which is linked to a cell on my spreadsheet. This cell will auto update whenever i type a number into a different cell (match and index formula).

I want the colour of the rectangle to be green, amber. red or black depending the value my formula brings back. I have managed to do this but the colour does not automatically update. Also when the colour goes black i will need the font in the text box to be white, at all other tines it will be black.

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Changing Font Color Based On Change From Previous Value

Jun 18, 2008

I want the order size to be colored red. If the most recent order is larger than the previous order, I want the order size to be colored blue. If the most recent order is the exact same size as the previous order, I want the order to be colored black.

How would I make code that would let me "remember" the previous order size and the most recent order size, and let me compare them to conditionally format the font?

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Change Font Color In A Range Based On One Cells Information

Jul 28, 2009

I have attached an example file.. Basically I want the text in a range to change to red if one cell="Description".

Also, I want a cell's text to turn blue if it's corresponding data in the row says "Click on Title to Follow Link"

The example file explains it a lot better..

Thanks for the help.. Sorry if this may seem like a duplicate post but I was not able to get any of the examples I searched for to work that others have posted.. Also, maybe conditional formatting would be an option here but I could not get it to work as it will only meet the first condition that comes across thats true...

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Change Cell And Font Color Using VBA

Sep 4, 2008

This appears to be so simple, I've searched the forums and have found almost the right VB code but not quite.
I have a 3000 row spreadsheet with various columns.
I need the rows (A to M inclusive) to change colour and text colour dependent on this condition.

I almost had an answer with Select.Case but I couldn't get the formula to work with text, only numbers.

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Shortcut To Change Font Color In Cell?

Mar 7, 2013

I'm working on a sheet. i should have blue and black font colors random. if i can have macro shortcut for blue and black, would save loads of my time.

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Change The Font.colorindex Of The Cell In Column

Dec 9, 2009

I have some code that runs through about 5000 rows of data looking at duplicates for column A. instead of deleting the duplicate rows, i change the font.colorindex of the cell in column a so that all cells containing xx are one color, and all cells containing xxx are colorindex+1.

Since i have about 5000 rows, colorindex limits itself to 122 (i msgbox'd each time and this is the last number i got before the subscript out of range).

Is there anyway around this, or is there a better way to pickout duplicates. remember, i can't delete duplicates, i need a way to manipulate the duplicates data once i pick them out.

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Change Font Color If Another Cell Is Blank

Jan 18, 2008

I have a table - the first column is quantity, the others are descriptions, prices, etc.

I need to change the font of the other columns to white if the quantity cell is empty.

Jennifer Auto Merged Post;I'm still working on this, making baby steps. This is my code so far:

If Range("B26") = IsBlank Then
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 2
End If

It works for line 26. Can someone give me a hint about how to make it do the same things for lines 27 through 62? Without having 35 IF statements in my code?

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Font Color Of A Cell Will Change Upon Editing Data

Nov 12, 2013

I have a database which I want to send to my peers. I want to set a rule which will enable me to keep track of the data which are changed. For instance, in a cell if someone edit that number, the color will change from black to red.

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Conditional Formatting :: Change Font Color Of Cell

Mar 5, 2007

Cell B157 is changed by checkbox 1= TRUE, 0 = FALSE
Cell H1 and Cell H2 are percentages changed by the user.

Range(AI8:AQ8,AI12:AQ12,AI16:AQ16,AI20:AQ20, etc) each cell in the range contains a formula, and is protected from the user.

I need the contents of each cell in the range to change font color (independent of each other) when the formula of any of the cells within the range changes - to the following

If B157 = 1

Cells < H1 (a percentage changed by user), would turn Red
Cells > H1 but < H2 (a percentage changed by user) would turn Yellow
Cells > H2 would be Green

If B157 = 0

Cells < H1 (a percentage changed by user), would turn Green
Cells > H1 but < H2 (a percentage changed by user) would turn Yellow
Cells > H2 would be Red

I need it to fire whenever the value of one of the cells in the range changes.

I have tried If statements, Select Case, and a combination of both but just can't get it!

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Comparing Two Cells Based On Text, Font, Colour, Font Size Etc

Jun 3, 2006

I'm looking to set up a spreadsheet whereby individuals answer questions and have to format their answer using a particular font, colour, font size and so on. The idea is that I can then compare their answer sheet to a pre completed one using an =IF function and get a total score. The only problem is =if and =exact only lookup cell text/numbers and don't look at how the text is formatted within them.

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Cell Data Type Change Code?

Dec 13, 2011

Is there a code that changes any numbers stored as text into regular numbers?

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Selecting Cell A2 Will Highlight/change Font In Cell A1

Jun 18, 2006

How can I change the font color or highlight cell A1, when I select cell A2. Cell A2 is still blank, no value entered yet. I also would like cell A1 to return to original font color or no hightlight when cell A2 is no longer selected (active), whether a value is entered or not in cell A2. Let me clearify, (A1 thru N1) and (A3 thru N3) have diferent dates and the font color is white, as is the cell too. Therefor you can not see the dates in (A1 thru N1) or (A3 thru N3).

However, when any cell (A2 thru N2) or (A4 thru N4) is selected (example A4), the cell above it (cell A3) changes font color or highlights, so the date can be seen in (A3). But when cell (A4) is no longer selected the above cell (A3) hides the date (changes back to white font on white cell). Data or a value is not necessarily entered into (A4) for (A3) to change. (A4) is only selected to show the date in (A3). But if data or value is entered into (A4), the date in (A3) will still be seen until (A4) is no longer selected/active.

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Formula Or Macro To Change Font Color For Each Cell In Range

Aug 12, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that contains the 5 digit numbers in the rows and the columns respecstively. I'd like a formular or macro to change font color for each cell. If the combined value of the 5 rows are greater or less than the combined range 87030 and 87200, the 5 cells will be changed to Red. If:.........

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If Cell In Specific Column Contains Value Then Bold And Change Font Color For Entire Row

Mar 27, 2013

I'm trying to have a macro run to search a specific column (S) for a particular text value "y" and if true it will change the font to bold and the color to red for the entire row of the cell that contains the "y". the column is part of a data table that is constantly refreshed not sure if that makes a difference or not.

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VBA Code To Change Font Colour Of Cell Referenced Letter Strings Within Range Of Cells

Jun 13, 2014

I am working on a spreadsheet for work, and have managed to do everything I need to so far but I need to colour specific letter strings, certain colours within a range of cells (each letter string will only appear once on each sheet)

The strings I will be looking for vary depending on data entered so I will need to cell reference them

The strings that need colouring are in cells with other strings that must stay black (They cannot be separated from other strings due to the nature of the grid)

I need some strings red, some green, and some blue.

These changes should also apply to the whole workbook not just one sheet.

Is there a way to do this with the VBA code.

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Keyword Search - Macros To Change Font Color For Specific Keywords (not Entire Cell)

May 5, 2014

I need to conduct keyword searches in excel and color the keywords a different color without changing the font color of the entire cell. now, i found some code from another thread that does this, but i cant seem to get it to work with more than 2 keywords. i need fine-tuning the provided code to do what i need it to do.


the VBA code i used was this:


I was playing around with the example, the Cat_Mouse.xlsm, and when i modified the 'myList' and 'myColor' arrays, it does not work.


For example, I modified the code to add the word bat:

[Code] .....

When i run the macros, the word "Bat" does not become colored red. interestingly enough, when i substitute the word "bat" for the word "hat" in the "myLIST array, the word "hat" does change to the red font.

I am looking to use this code to address keywords in my excel file by coloring all key words red and i have more than 10 key words.

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Changing Font Color Based On Date Value In Another Cell

Mar 7, 2014

i have had to change the quarters that our company works in and in doing so have to make some changes to my VBA code. our quarters have moved back 1 month so Q1 = Dec/Jan Feb now.

below is a copy of the code that used to make the associated cell font color red depending on the current date. i need to change it to be relevant to the new quarter structure.

[Code] .....

As you can see if the month value is less than 4 (jan/feb/march) it will highlight red....however i dont know how to change the range to specifiy the ranges 12,1,2 as per the new quarter structure.

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Conditional Cell Locking Based On Font Color

May 26, 2009

Is it possible to write VBA code that will prevent a user from changing a cell's contents, depending on the cell's font color?

More specifically, I have a column of text in range B15:B64. Some of the cells will have a black font, others will be blue. Is it possible to lock the black font cells only, leaving the blue cells unlocked for users to change?

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VBA - Format Range Font Based On Value In A Reference Cell

Jul 3, 2009

I am preparing a model for a client that runs excel 2003. I need to change the format of a range based on the value in a cell (reference cell) that is outside the range to be reformatted.

Reference cell is a named cell with the value calculated with a Match() function, the only possible values are (1, 2, 3).

I need the VBA code to retrieve the reference cell value and apply one of three formats to the range. I believe the code for that part is something like:

Private Sub Format_Font()
Set vrange = Range("d63:r63")
Set refrange = Names("ind_agentfee").RefersTo
Set refrange = Mid(refrange, 2)
On Error Resume Next
If refrange = 1 Then
With vrange.Font
.Style = "Comma"
.NumberFormat = "_(* #,##0.0_);_(* (#,##0.0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
If refrange = 2 Then
With vrange.Font
.Style = "Comma"
.NumberFormat = "_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
.Style = "Percent"
End If
End Sub

I am having problems getting the proper opening statements and declarations correct and also get an "Else without Then" error with all combination's that I am attempting. I am sure that the code is mess now as I started with a recorded macro then modified it multiple times while researching the web.

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Extract Text In Single Cell Based On Font Color

Aug 5, 2008

I have a cell that has a formula in it like PREM + PRDCMP + ACQ + DLR in a spreadsheet that looks like this:

2 1 3 4 6 5

PREM + PRDCMP + ACQ + DLR 2 1 3 4 10

where PREM + PRDCMP + ACQ are colored red and + DLR is colored blue. This formula is entered in that particular cell as a text string. I have a formula in the PREM column that says if the word PREM is located in the formula to the left (and it is), then put the value that is located right under the PREM column (2) in the blank cell next to the formula. So, in the above example, I have an IF statement that sees that PREM is in the formula to the left and so underneath the PREM column, next to the formula, it would place the number 2. Now, I need Excel to detect if any word in the formula text string is colored blue and if it is, to put a zero in that column. So, in the formula above, if + DLR is the only text that is blue, I want to have Excel add 2 + 1 + 3 only. I want to have Excel take any string out that might be colored blue, such as + DLR and return the value of zero for it. The purpose of the different colors in the formula is to distinguish which information is relevant and which information should be ignored. So, I'd like Excel to read the above formula and say put the PREM amount in the cell under PREM, put the PRDCMP amount in the cell underneath PRDCMP, put the ACQ amount in a cell under ACQ and put zero in the DLR column since it is colored blue. If any of them (PREM, PRDCMP, ACQ, DLR, VIP or COMM) are colored blue, I want Excel to put a zero in that column.

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Change Font Color If Cell Color Become Yellow (6)

Jul 9, 2009

I have font color white in blank cells in column E and I (from row 5 to row 245) so the visitors will not see the text. If any of these cells become yellow (color code is 6), the font color will become black so visitors can see the text alot far better than white. I've tried this code myself after this post but nothing happen

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