So I have a macro that colors the selected cells in a certain color. Now im looking for a code that will switch that color every 7th cell, the cells will only be selected horizontally. For example:
if the selected range is 10 cells, 7 of them should be in one color and 3 of the should be in another. But if the selected range is 15 cells the first 7 should have one color and the next 7 should have another and then the last one should have the first color again, and so on..
A column of cells can be 1o different shades of green according to their value (achieved by using conditional formatting.) I want to arrange that at a certain time all the cells of a part of the row of a formatted cell are the same colour.
I want a cell to be equal to another cell including the colour, conditional formatting as the colour will have no relevance to the cell value i.e. the colour will be set manually dependant on what stage of the lifecycle it is at
The original cell may have a date and be yellow and I want the target cell to be yellow with the same date, if someone then changes the original cell to be red the target cell should automatically change to Red
Is there an easy way to do this or do I need some VB script?
I'm creating a worksheet which tracks pupils progress in our school. down the left there is a column to put in the level they came into our school on - eg 1C or 3B etc.. to the right of the level is a colour coded row which shows Pink, Yellow and Green - if the pupil makes it into the green part of their level by the time they leave then they are on target.
Basically I have a column of cells which use a data validation list which is linked to another sheet with a list of levels. What I want to happen is when I select the level - it fills the row to the right with the correct colours.. I've attached a picture to show you what i'm trying to do.
Reason being is - we might have 6 kids on L3, and 1 on L1 so the number of rows needed for each level changes - at the moment I'm having to copy and paste - which although is easy enough, it is a bit tedious when you have a whole bunch of pupils to put on the grid.
I can't find the option in imageshack to use a thumbnail
I have developed a profit loss sheet for the office I work for. What i need is to have either cells change colour or the numbers in the cell change colour depening on the value in the cell.
What I was thinking is if the number is over 15% of the sale price the cell or number should be green, if the number is under 15% it should be black, and if its below 0% it will be red.
Can I use a CountIf formula to count coloured cells that have been formatted? I tried to use a CountIf formula to count the % but because some of the warning and failing % are different that would distort my results.
A macro that only selects cells which are coloured light green. I need this so that I can add it to an existing macro that I've written to remove conditional formatting from these cells only.
I know I've written a formula like this ages ago, but I can't seem to recall. I want to write a formula that says to look at a table of cells, and to sum all cells that are highlighted a certain colour.
When I use the colorfunction it works, but I have changed the cells to have different color based on conditional formatting, and now the colorfunction isn't reading the fill color.
Is it possible to select a number of cells that are say yellow when blank but once someone type "N" or "No", they change to blue and if "Y" or "Yes" they change to green. I tried conditional formatting but it does not change the blank range to yellow until I have entered something into it.
Is there a way to automatically conditionally format each column in each row, when either open, closed or cancelled is selecting from a drop down in the Status column. For example every cell is blank in colour, but if I select open in the drop down menu for row A2, the entire row will turn Red. Just wondered if there is a way instead of individually formatting every row separately. I would like to be able to copy the formula or whatever down the entire sheet.
i want to take the count for different colour cells in the excel. ex, if green colour in any particular cell, it has to take only green colour count & same like yellow & so on...
I am using the following code to amend the colour of a cell when a name is entered in ROW J however, i need it to colour the row from A to O on the line the name is entered on.
So for example Dave is in j2 (j1 is a header) the line from A2 to o2 goes green.
I have tried a few things with interesting results but not get desired result.
I'm designing a holiday chart in work, and am using conditional formatting to colour cells. The problem is I have more than 3 conditions. Consequently I need to use a macro.
It changes the active cells interior colour. Can the it be adjusted to change the colour of the last changed cell (or range)
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim strRow As String Cells.FormatConditions.Delete
With Target.EntireRow strRow = .Address .FormatConditions.Delete .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, _ Formula1:="=COUNTA(" & strRow & ")>0" .FormatConditions(1).Font.Bold = True .FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 8 End With End Sub
I have a spreadsheet where I can change the colour of a cell by clicking the mouse, I also have text in many of the cells.
What I need to do is protect (lock) the text so that no one can change the text in any of the cells, but I still want to be able to change the colour of the cells by clicking the mouse in that cell.