Convert Jd Edwards Julian Dates Format Into Standard Gregorian Date
Aug 9, 2007
how to convert the JD Edwards Julian date format into standard Gregorian date, and can it be done using VBA? Note that the JD Edwards Julian date is different than the standard Julian Date and uses 6 digits instead of 7.
When broken into individual cells, dates before the 13th of the month are recognised as "American" dates and display as "08/10/2005", "08/11/2005", 08/12/2005" etc. with automatic date format. Dates from the 13th onwards are left in general format as "13/08/2005", "14/08/2005".
I have written a macro that converts each date individually to its correct Excel serial number, but I can't help thinking that there must be a simpler way, and that I cannot be the first to have asked this!
Is there a way to enter a colon into a standard number to create a value that can be formatted into a 24 hour time value? eg a time is listed as 1345 with a general number format, and I want it returned as 13:45 witha custom format of hh:mm. Other than creating a table and using a vlookup function
I'm copying data from another source to excel, and for certain date entries they come as text in the following format "On 14 May at 8:00". Is there anyway to convert multiple entries like this into a standard date format? With or without time is fine - just the date will do.
I have a spreadsheet where we will be inserting the Arabic Hijri date taken from a Customs document (bayan). On my spreadsheet I'd like to have a column immediately next to the Hijri date that would convert the Hijri date to the Gregorian date so both dates will be visible for our Arabic and Western personnel who will be using the spreadsheet.
As I searched I see that JD "Julian Day" started from '4713/01/01' BC, counted 1 noon at noon. and suppose we are now in '2008/05/16', what is the algorithm of finding the days from '4713/01/01' BC through '2008/05/16'?
look at the attached file - it was a CSV file. i want to convert the column of dates to say Mar 14 2009 type date. but it only converts some of them. note some are on the left and some on the right.
I have attached a sample of the raw output of some call records from our telephone switch. My problem with the date data is twofold; first of all it outputs it in mm/dd/yyyy format, or so it appears. But when I try to change the format to mmm/ddd/yy Excel always interprets the 2nd pair of digits as the month instead of the first two. For example,the following 2 calls are from Jan 1st and Jan 2nd respectively;
01/01/2010 01/02/2010
but excel always treats the 2nd record as Feb 1st. I have read numerous posts from people with similar problems but I can't get any of their solutions to work with my data.
The second problem is that on the 13 of each month the phone switch suddenly stops putting a leading zero in front of the date making the data totally unreadable to Excel apparently. Again, I read a post of a similar problem but can't get their solution to work. My ultimate goal is to reformat the date data so that it is displayed as; ddd mm/dd and leave out the year entirely. Ex. Fri 02/12 as in today...Friday, Feb 12th. I really don't know if the problem is with the data or me at this point.
When I import data , the dates appear as follows in Col G sheets "Imported Data"
If I select Col G and use Text to columns and select mdy, it gives me the dates in the correct format. However, If I use the macro recorder to do this and then run the macro, it does not work
I have attached the dates after using text to Columns wjhich is the correct format.
Is there a way I can convert dates to text in a CSV file (opened via excel) using a macro?
Currently I have excel recognised dates in the first column of the format dd-mm-yyyy and a corresponding values in the second columns.
I know once I have the file open I can enter the following formula in an adjacent coloum "=text (A2, "MMM-YYYY") but I need to change the format in the existing date feild and not create a new coloum. Sure I could copy and paste the new formatted dates into the cell, but in terms of what I need to do, this is not practical as I several of these CSV files that I need to query and extract data from daily using a macro.
The macro is not currently working because the date format is wrong. I need it to appear as MMM - YYYY. When you view the date in excel it must appear like this (as it would appear in say microsoft word) and not with the underlying date format.
Is there a way to find cells that have a date in them that has a text digit with a 2 digit year to 'xx07' rather than having to click on the error and selecting it manually.
it's playing havoc when I'm pulling some data from another workbook so converting en masse would sort the problem out!
I'm a Marine Officer in Iraq and one of my reports requires me to determine how many days have elapsed since the last time one of my helicopters has flown. We utilize Julian Dates to refer to aircraft fly dates and one of my reporting requirements is to note any aircraft that haven't flown in 30 or more days. Essentially, I want to count how many aircraft haven't flown within the last 30 days. Cell D4 has my current Julian Date (let's say 07070). I have a cell range of D7 through D22 that lists all of the last days that my aircraft have flown. I would like to have a formula that counts the long term down aircraft. I tried something similar to this:
In D2 I have: =B2 In D3 I have manually input: (space)3-08
As you can see the CONCATENATE puts the "39569" date in A2 But the second line puts the text date as I prefer. What I would like to do is put in a formula or macro in D2 and down that will change the "Mar-08" to "3-08" so it CONCATENATEs correctly to column A. Simply: I'm trying to avoid manually inputing the text version "3-08" (or whatever M-Y) into D2 down a hundred or so rows!
Some Julian dates don't have any date to summarize
When charting How can I ignore the zero values and the associated Julian date, without literally removing each and every row manually that has no data?
I have a some dates in a format which are not being converted into the normal date format. So i made this formula to convert it into the normal date format:
Formula is working fine except on this type of date "9/9/2013"..i also tried an OR formula with mid but didnt get the desired result.These are the type of dates:
I have a spread sheet with a date colume that reads: 2012-06-27-19 I need to have this read like 06/27/2012 but nothing I do is working I have tried to go to the formatting process and backing the hr:mm out and that doesn't work. I really don't want to go line by line to manually correct this issue.. HENCE ... over 2000 lines
Second question: If I have a column that reads 02/15/2012 and another column that reads 3/27/2012 how to a format a 3rd column to make it read total number of days between 1st date and 2nd date?
I'm in the military and for maintenance we use the Julian date the format goes as follows "09357" that is simplified as 09 = the year and 357= the three hundred and fifty seventh day of the year. so 09357= 12,23,2009..
so on to my question:
how can i make excel auto convert the julian date to the regular date and vice versa?
I have a spreadsheet with reference relating to dates that are listed as single days. I am trying to convert the single dates relating to a reference to a from and to date but i'm having problems.
i have messed up column A which has only dates and i have different date formats like 03/07/2013 and 07/03/2013 i need to have a fixed date for all in B like 03 July 2013
How do I change a date "10/01/2004" into a format like 20041001? I used concatenate(right(A1,4),left(A1,2),mid(A1,4,2)) but the function takes the serial value of the date as an argument and concatenates that . So I get a different value.How can I get away with it?