Copy Range :: And Create New Workbook

Oct 19, 2009

I have a currently working macro to copy the current sheet as values and create a new workbook in the same folder destination. That code is as follows:

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Named Range: Create Copy From Another Workbook

May 28, 2008

I have a named range within a sheet. It was pulled across when i performed a move/copy - create copy from another workbook. The name contains characters that cannot be displayed or recognised and so they are displayed as square
symbols. This causes me an issue as i cannot delete the name. Even if i paste the list names, i cannot copy/paste the name as the characters are not recognised. I also tried using a macro to delete all names, which did delete all names, with the exception of this one.
The VB code used was :

Sub Del_Names()

Dim myname As Name

For Each myname In ActiveWorkbook.Names


Next myname

End Sub

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Copy From Closed Workbook Then Create New Workbook

Jan 31, 2007

I've got a problem with this code, have been wracking my brains about. Here is the process I am trying to do:

1) Copy a range (a2:av1000) but (ideally) find the last populated row from a closed workbook (with a different password)
2) Create a new workbook and paste this data into it at A2
3) Close all the workbooks but only save the new one.

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Create Workbook & Copy Paste To It

Nov 20, 2006

I am currentyly using VB to extract some data sets to another tab in the same workbook. I would like to extract the same data to a new workbook that is already created upon running a macro. How do I specify the location of the new workbook and sheets so the code will extract and input correctly?

The code I am currently using is:

Sub RunModel()

Dim Events As Range
Application. ScreenUpdating = False

Set Events = Worksheets("Inputs").Range("L41:L90")

y = -100

For x = 1 To 50

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How To Create Copy Of Excel Workbook In Same Directory

Mar 20, 2014

I have Workbook named"Test_Template" in below specified path this is not the active workbook.

It is saved in strFName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "Backup" & "Test_Template.xlsx"

I need to create a copy of the same workbook named as "Copy_Test_Template.xlsx" in the same folder(Backup), same specified path on button click.

[Code] .....

But this creates a "Copy_Test_Template.xlsx outside the Backup folder, i want it in the back up folder.

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Macro To Create A Copy Of Current Workbook

Mar 12, 2014

I have a workbook with Macros in it, now I want to create a copy of that workbook using VBA.

Here are the steps i want:
1. Create a copy of an open workbook
2. Open the Copy.
3. Close the original workbook.

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Create Copy Of Workbook Without Closing Original

Dec 3, 2007

I would like to create a copy of an open workbook.

Workbook.SaveAs would seem to be a possibility, but this closes the original workbook - I need to keep the original workbook open as well as the workbook it has been "SavedAs".

I do not want to close the first workbook and repoen it as there are instances where it may be protected and I do not want the user to have to reinput any passwords etc.

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Excel 2013 :: Create New Workbook And Copy Sheet To It

Feb 13, 2014

I was given a spread sheet that prepares a file for export to some ones system. The macro in the spread sheet wouldn't run as I'm using excel 2013 which when you open a new work book it only opens sheet 1 and there was a bit in the macro that wanted to send information to sheet 2 which wasn't there. I added a bit of code which created sheet 2 and hey presto it worked fine. I made the mistake of telling the people who supplied the original workbook to me what I had done so that they could pass the modified sheet on to other users in case they had the same problem.

Now I've been asked if I could do a bit more work to the existing macro so that instead of the new workbook just being called Book 1 could I add a name and date to the new workbook being created.

I've had a look at the original code and it looks like it would be quicker to start from scratch as I cant follow the original code.

The existing workbook has 3 sheets, I want to copy sheet2 to the new workbook. I want to name the new workbook as "a fixed name" with the "time and date " .xlsx

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Create Copy Workbook With Cell Referencing To Original?

Apr 15, 2014

At my work we are using Excel as a CMS to produce SQL scripts for insertion into a database. The data is then turned into mobile web pages. This involves multiple workbooks - 1 for each main page with the sub-pages as extra worksheets in the book.

Much of the data is duplicated so we have created master workbooks then copied them and laboriously referenced the relevant cells back to the original. That way if any data in the master is changed, all copies will change simultaneously.

This is obviously not the most efficient way of publishing web pages but we are stuck with it for now. So I am wondering if it is possible to write a VBA code to create a copy of the master and then reference all required tables in the worksheets automatically? The tables are all named ranges.

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Copy Data From Workbook / Open Existing Workbook - Select Range And Paste

Mar 26, 2012

Copy data from workbook, open existing workbook, select range and paste. But my copied data is lost.

Sub Select_Copy_Paste()

[Code] .........

' Here i need to do something to paste data into r.address?

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Copy A Range Of Cells In Another Workbook Opened In A Separate Instance Of Workbook

Feb 11, 2010

I m not able to use the standard Excel Paste Special function when I copied a range of cells in another Excel workbook opened in a separate instance of Excel. Instead, Paste Special thinks that I have copied some non-Excel objects and gave me the Paste As options. This is not the case if I open both workbook within the same instance of Excel. Could you share with us if there is a trick to trigger the normal Paste Special options in such situations (without having to invoke Macro procedures)?

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Search Cell Value In Another Workbook And Copy Range From Current To Other Workbook

Mar 11, 2014

I have 2 workbooks. 1 is where data is entered called wksPB, the other is like a database workbook. The wksPB has data to be feed from column B to F and there is a dropdown.

what im looking to do is, if the combobox value is selected as Decline then it should display a messagebox that reference value in cell B is denied. if combobox value is Agreed then the macro should search the database workbook for the text entered in column b of wksPB and then copy data of C:E of wksPB to H:J of database sheet where that text is found and also the approver name in wksPB C24 to the approver cell of where that text was found. I've reached till finding the text but what I get my head twiting on is how to copy the text from wksPB column B:F to database sheet column H:K. Im attaching the sample workbooks and the code where ive reached till.

[Code] .....

Attached Files
Replacement Records - 2014.xlsx‎
forum file.xlsm‎

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Autofilter Another Workbook And Copy Range Into Current Workbook

Mar 2, 2014

I'll soon have an ETL process that will load about 150K rows into an Excel workbook. On of the columns will be the end user's userid.

I need to autofilter that external workbook based on the end user's userid, copy that range, clear a worksheet on the current workbook, and copy that range to the current worksheet.

For example, see the attached workbooks. I need to replace the data in Source.xlsb!Cases with the data in Output.xlsb!Case_List, filtered on my userid, which we'll call foo.

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Copy Range To New Workbook & Close Existing Workbook

Jun 30, 2008

I have a very brief question

dlgAnswer = Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show
Windows("Derivative YK pricing Mod G.xls").Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats, Operation:= _
xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False

As you can see, I open a workbook with the dlgAnswer, I was wondering how I could close that opened workbook

Currently I have


however the workbook will not always be called export1.xls, I want it to close whichever one I opened earlier.

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Copy Multi Cell Range To Destination Workbook Range

Dec 23, 2008

Trying to copy a range from Sender.xls (sheet) Lists backstage
onto Userform.xls (sheet) Behind the Scenes

When trying to copy the values within a multicell range, the destination cell range (same size) becomes blank.

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Copy Range In Another Sheet And Create Border

Feb 14, 2009

to copy column C and D, from row 3 to the end, from sheet2,in sheet1, column A and B, starting with row 2 and after that I need to create a border to the copied values and I need to create a border to the empty cell from column C.

open attached file

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Copy Range From Workbook To Workbook

May 4, 2006

Excel 2000. I would like to be able to copy a range on worksheet 1 in workbook 1 to a range in worksheet 2 in workbook 2.

Walk - Task described above with all fixed identities.

Double- Can the task be performed using variables (sheets(variablee)) for the worksheets and ranges?

Home Run - Can task be done with variables in workbook, worksheet, and range? Or just recommend a book or link that can get me there.

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Prompt Open Closed Workbook Then Copy Range And Paste Special Into Open Workbook

Apr 6, 2013

I have created a spreadsheet some time ago and have been asked to improve on it but I'm rusty with VBA.

I have an automated ordering system that saves each sent order as the date e.g "05-04-2013.xls" but the management team want a graph with the data for the last 4 weeks compared. I have created a seperate workbook called "consumables report.xls" which has a column with the products listed followed by columns "Quantity" and "cost" which is repeated for the 4 weeks of the month.

I want to add a button to prompt the user to choose the saved order e.g "05-04-2013.xls" (all orders saved in same directory) to copy and paste the quantity and cost columns (c8,D69) into "consumables report.xls". I got this to work earlier but it would only paste the formulas and not the values. So I need

A prompt to open workbook
Copy range (c8,d69)
Close work sheet
Paste special .value (c8,D69)

I dont care if it has to open the workbook to copy the data as this will only be used once a month so it dosnt matter how slow the code is.

week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4


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Copy Range To Different Workbook

Jun 10, 2007

I am trying to copy a small range from one sheet in a workbook to another sheet in a different workbook. My ranges are spelled out in the SrcBook and the DestBook in the code below:

Sub CopyData()
Dim SrcBook As Workbook
Dim DestBook As Workbook*
****Application.ScreenUpdating = False
****Set SrcBook = ThisWorkbook
*** '*On Error Resume Next
****Set DestBook = Workbooks.Open("E:WIPIWS WIP.xls")
*** '*If Err.Number = 1004 Then
********Set DestBook = Workbooks.Add
********Application.CutCopyMode = False
********DestBook.SaveAs ("E:WIPIWS WIP.xls")...........................

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Copy Range To Another Workbook

Oct 5, 2009

I want to copy a range (Columne J: first row to rows.count) from one workbook to another workbook which already exists. The target range is always different. The code I have is:

So far it only copies ONE cell, but even that doesn't work. I would need the whole range to be copied!

Sub FinalImport()

Call WhatRows 'to get the intZeile variable (number) via a inputbox

Workbooks("import.txt").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("J" & Rows.count).Copy _
Workbooks("Air Distance Table.xls").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D" & intZeile)

End Sub

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Add New Workbook & Copy Range To It

Oct 4, 2007

This happened because I mentioned worksheet instead of workbook. The purpose of my code is as below:

1. Add new workbook (say wb2)
2. Activate the workbook wb2
3. Copy a predefined range from already open workbook (say wb1)
4. Select the target cell in wb2 through user prompt by using mouse or keyboard
5. Paste the copied range from wb1 at the selected location of wb2

I am facing problem in selecting the cell in wb2 as wb1 always remain in foreground and new workbook does not come to foreground even I click on that.

What I wanted to mean by user form is that before the above code runs, another code runs that brings up one user form. In that user form user can select if he/she wants to copy the selected range to a new workbook or an existing workbook. Suppose user selects new workbook. This time the inputbox comes and asks user to select the target cell of the new workbook. The input box pops up but I can not select the cell in new workbook as the user form always stay there and does not allow the second work book to come in front.

I ran the above code seperately without running the user form code and it worked perfectly. Hence I would like to know how to deactivate the user form

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Copy The Range And Paste To Another Workbook

Sep 25, 2009

i facing another problem at here and do not know how to write the part of coding. it is pending for 2 weeks. i do not know how to explain so i attach the excel to explain. i hope can get any reply soon.

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Copy Selected Range To A New Workbook

Mar 30, 2009

I have a code that will allow me to copy three worksheets from an open workbook to a new workbook. That works great, but I only need only a selected range from each of these worksheets to be copied (Range A1:AV60). Here is the code I use to select and copy the worksheets, how do I add a range within this code for each worksheet.

Sheets(Array("Req Page 1", "Req Ext 1", "Req Ext 2")).Copy

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Macro Copy Range To Different Workbook

Dec 17, 2009

I am using command buttons to perform various macros.

I have worksheetA with a defined range of cells of information that i sometimes want to copy to the index file. I click the command button to run the macro that copies the range to the next available row in #Index.xls

How can i change the following macro to only copy the values, and NOT the formatting?

Also, why does this particular macro cause the Command Button to remain stuck in the pressed position? It is the only command button triggering a macro that actually stays pressed, requiring my to click it again to depress it.

here is the macro i have so far:
Sub copy_to_index()
Dim bk As Workbook
Dim bSave As Boolean
Dim lRow As Long

' test to see if #Index.xls is already open

On Error Resume Next
Set bk = Workbooks("#index.xls")
On Error GoTo 0
If bk Is Nothing Then...........

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Copy Named Range From Another Workbook

Dec 27, 2009

In my project I have two workbooks. I am working on getting one to pull data from another depending on which employee is selected from a drop down list.

TestLOG.xls contains a worksheet for each employee, with named sections within for various training the employee has, and down each row has information on the date this was received, initial, recurrent, etc. It is only this single worksheet for each employee that any data entry occurs, which makes things a lot more organized and efficient.
TestFORMS.xls is the workbook accessed by the records department which has different worksheets depending on what data is to be presented. When an employees name is selected, I need the form to pull the specific data from another workbook, and post it on the current worksheet. This get repeated a couple times to fill the adjacent columns of data. I can't just select the whole table from the other workbook because in this current worksheet for example, only specific columns are pulled from the other workbook.

To better explain the flow...
Current workbook is TestFORMS.xls
Current sheet is Test
Closed workbook is TestLOG.xls

In TestFORMS, sheet Test, when named cell Employee is selected with a value...
Then open TestLOG in the background and open sheet of same name as Employee, and cope range ACtype.
Back in TestFORMS, sheet Test, paste the ACtype data in the range named Type.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim Ename As String
Ename = Range("Employee").Value
If IsEmpty(Ename) Then Exit Sub
Range("Type").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub

Within the same sub, I would add additional lines of code to copy and paste the other ranges needed on the current worksheet.
My current hangup is that I get an error at Range("ACtype") as that is not the proper way to call the range.
There's more work to be done with the macro yet, like having it pull the data with TestLOG closed, which I believe is done by listing the path to filename.
Then I need to maintain cell formatting on the new table when the data is posted to it.
Hopefully the final task is to get this working so that when a new employee is selected in TestFORMS, the previous employees data is cut and the new posted, as the worksheet is just printed out for each employee and put on hardfile.

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Compare Range In Workbook And Copy To Another

Sep 13, 2006

i have 2 workbooks attached, in the "work order masterlist 2006.xls" workbook, i'm trying to compare column F which is the R date to see if it matches the dates in the "2006 Calendar.xls". if it's the same date, i would like to copy from "work order masterlist 2006.xls", column C, which is the Client's name to "2006 Calendar.xls" under its appropriate date, assuming that:Dates of the months will not change column/row in the "2006 Calendar.xls"it will be an added bonus if i can copy and paste the description as a comment...

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Copy Data Range From 1 Workbook To Another

Sep 30, 2006

I need to copy the same data range from Sheet 1 of different workbooks in the same subdir to output.xls (also in the same subdir).

In workbook output.xls, I've defined the range of workbooks (source files) as name filenames. I need to copy the same data range (say B8:R8) from each source file to the cells adjacent to the filenames in output.xls.

Eg. I have defined the range of files to copy data from as filenames in Col A of Sheet 1 in output.xls.

Col A

Workbook sales_10-09-06 contain sales data of various product to different firms as below:

Col A Col B Col C .................................. Col R
prod A prod B prod q
Firm 1 50 20 100
Firm 2 20 25 80
Firm 3 30 50 20

How do I copy B8:R8 of sales recorded for each day in sales_date.xls to Col B of Sheet 1 in output.xls? There are 200 files (specified by the name filenames in output.xls) that I need to copy B8:R8 from.

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Copy Selected Range To New Workbook

Sep 13, 2007

I am trying to create a method to select the values of contiguous range selections on excel worksheets.

Users will be making new worksheets in new workbooks out of the data from the old sheets.

Currently users make a selection is and copy it to a new worksheet.

Is it possible to retrieve from the 'clipboard', the values from the associated cells?

And then to parse them into columns in a new worksheet?

Earlier I tried this bit of ( it didnt work )

Sub AddNew()
' for passing highlighted text into the form so that I can pass it
'to a new workbook.
Dim PassData1 As String
Selection.Value = PassData1
Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
With NewBook
.Title = "xxx"
. SaveAs Filename:="xxx.xls"
End With
Range("A1").Value = PassData1
End Sub

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Copy Range & Transpose To Another Workbook

Oct 17, 2007

Copy a specific row of column summations (row to be copied varies by # of entries for the month) from each sheet in the workbook into sequential columns on the 1st Sheet. For example, copy Sheet2Row103 columns A thru O and transpose to Sheet1 column “A” rows 1 thru 15, Sheet 2Row56 column A thru O and transpose to Sheet 1 column “B” rows 1 thru 15, etc.). Excel fails to identify the Sheet Number/ Name if you use copy, transpose and paste, it only works if the transpose is performed on the same Sheet!

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Copy Range From Closed Workbook

Aug 3, 2008

I put the following codes in the module of Workbook BS. The codes successfully opened the workbook of 2008. Unfortunately, nothing was pasted to Workbook BS of sheet2. let me know any things missing from my codes.

Sub COPY()
Dim wb1 As Workbook
Dim wb2 As Workbook
Dim rng As Range
Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsuserMy Documents20082008.xls")
Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsuserMy Documents2008BS.xls")
wb1.Worksheets("S").rng("B:B").COPY wb2.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A:A").End(xlToLeft).Offset(, 1)
End Sub

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