I would like to have the count of column E. I would like to sepperate current month and year to date using column C. I would like it to reflect it in the below chart.
Basically, I'm doing a recorded macro for work where I take an export and manipulate the data to show differences between sales from last year and this year. Also comparing this months projected sales to avg of last 6 months and also against last years this month.
The problem I'm running into is in automating the this month sales for mid-month exports. I can do it individually but I can't find a formula that will do it. Data is in one cell per month, so ex. 130 sales this month so far. I need to have it convert that to projected sales for total month based on what day it currently is.
I have log data in two columns: Column A: Date/time (at 30 minute intervals) Column B: Numeric data
On the last row of each month, I’m trying to perform a SumProduct on the two columns and display that result in column C.
The end of the range is determined by the month in the current row.
I’m having difficulty finding the beginning of the range, though. I need to account for both the normal dynamic calendar days & the fact that I may get data starting mid-day and mid-month.
I have this formula, but I’m not sure how to make the first array dynamic or if this is even correct approach.
I have a spreadsheet for monthly supplies. In row 1 is Jan – Dec and in the row 2 below are empty cells where there will be a total for that month’s purchases. I want a conditional format formula to automatically bold and highlight the current month’s total and month name.
Also, when I enter February totals next month and that number is input into February’s total, I want that month and total to bold and highlight BUT I also want the previous month’s bold and highlight to vanish at the same time. Is this possible?
I have a workbook of 6 identical sheets and a 7th that totals the other 6. It's a daily sales rpeort. It lists Monday to Friday down the left and 7 products along the top and the idea is they send me it everyday with sales made.
I want the total sheet to display on the days data they send me, including nil returns in any product, but onlt that days data, i.e on a Monday only Monday - Tuesday to Friday's should be blank cells, on a Tuesday, only Monday and Tuesday - Weds Thurs & Fri should be blank, and so on.
I can't work out how to display a zero in the day I want and not zero's, in the days we've not gotten to yet. The only way I can blank a zero out is to use conditional formatting to say, if this figure is a zero, colour the cell the text the same as the cell, but then that means I don't see the zero's for the day I'm on!
I am looking for 3 outputs from the attached report. Output report also attached.
1.Under the column "Created_date"(Column I), I am trying to count the number of rows which has current month in column L and result in output report file under "Risks Added" column.
2.Find and count the number of rows which has been modified this month by using "Modified_Date"(Column N) column and result in output report file under "Risks Updated" column.
3.Compare the column "Status_Change_Date" which is updated this month and "status". If that row has the Status column as 'Resolved' and the 'modified date' column has current month, please give the count of those rows in the output report file under "Risks Mitigated" column.
Below is the basic vba code for copying the rows which has this month created date
see my attached sheet cotaining the following questions. in a day report sheet how should i count request matching the crateria of date and other conditions. in a monthly report a heavy conditional sum calculation which make slower sheets how can i make it faster.
I want to compare performance data YoY, updated monthly on a YTD basis.
Sheet1: columns of data as follows Jan11 Feb11 ... Dec11 Jan12 Feb12 ... Dec12 1000 200 ... 500 800 900 700 ...
Sheet2: If we have data through July 2012, I want to show a sum of Jan-Jul11 against Jan-Jul12 on a separate sheet. Cell1 (updated each month) = July ColumnA: Jan-(cell1) 2011 ColumnB: Jan-(cell1) 2012
Is there a formula I can use in columns A & B that will reference cell1 and update using the data from sheet1 automatically when cell1 is changed each month?
I am working on spreadsheet that calculates yearly totals. It is set up similar to this:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May ETC. TOTAL Charge 123 123 123 Goal 223 223 223 223 Cash 111 111 111 % Coll. 50% 50% 50%
The "goal" column is Self calculated for the current month (I.E. it's April, that goal is calculated) The "Charge, Cash, and % Collections" columns won't be fill in for April until its over. have it add Aprils "Goal" but not add "Mays" and so on... Doing this for the entire year.
I am a memeber of this forum for more than a year, and currently assign into a new assignment which dealing an excel file everyday. We have one excel file for moniroting of action items generated by the management after the study. As since there were around 2,500+ rows has been generated since in the beginning of 1990's till todate. So I was thinking of instead of getting the result through filter manually, I want to create a formula that will count of how many has been closed this month out of the total numbers of action items.
Is it possible to use the COUNTIF formula to count the number of items in Col C, where Col B contains a date?
I have a worksheet that displays all the current months weekdays from a starting date in cell b2 using the weekday formula it works accross a row checking next day is a weekday and adding 1 but since some months have more weekdays than others the few cells that are sometimes not needed are then filled with a weekday from the next month how can I stop this? and only have the current months weekdays
I have a calendar where the months are listed at the top of the columns and the day of the week is listed in the row. The months and dates are all formatted as a date (Jan is 1/1/2014).
I am trying to write a macro but I got a little stuck. Basically on row 6 I have the months listed out (so like Jan Feb Mar etc), and i would like my macro to dynamically search the the cell of current month and select it.
I know the cell formula for current month (ie. "Mar") is =TEXT(TODAY(),"MMM"), but is there a way to incorporate it into a search command in macro, or do I have to insert the formula into another cell and ask the search function to search for the text value in such "dummy cell"?
Another thing to note is, I do have more of "Mar"s scattered around the sheet, but if I limit my search area to row 6 there is only one, and that's the one I need to select.
i'm using the following three formulas to perform conditional formatting on cell B when cell A contains a date. Each condition depicts a cell colour depending on the following:
Within The Current Month =datevalue(day(today())&"/"&month($q$3)&"/"&year($q$3))=(today())
Prior To The Current Month =datevalue(day(today())&"/"&month($q$3)&"/"&year($q$3))(today())
It took me so time to put this together, but I've one other condition which I need to add to the above which I'm having difficulty in solving.
In addition to setting the cell colour of cell B, i would also like to set a text value.
So if the date is:
Within The Current Month, I would like the cell to say "Act'ls", Prior To The Current Month, I would like the cell to say "Act'ls", and Greater Than The Current Month, I would like the cell to say "A'able"
I have a list of data done by date that is updated weekly. The data in the list changes but only the current month will have changes but the data goes back for a couple of years. Is there a way to clear only the current month from the list and then bring in the data for the current month to the list. The monthly data is stored in worksheets labeled by the month (January 13, February 13) So what I need with for the active worksheet (Master list) to keep all the entries from previous months, remove anything from the current month, then check the the current month worksheet and import the new data. The data on the month worksheets is in columns A and B, and gets moved to Columns A and B on the Master list.
i have a table with a row of dates along the top. beneath each date is a value. the dates and values in these cells changes based on info in other sheets.
i need a way of finding the first date in the current month and returning the corresponding value.
I have a summary column that is dictate by month. Each month I want to look at the column to gauge various data points against one another. All my data points are collected from tables that are headed by dates. What I would like to do is set up a formula that would reference the current date (=today()) against the array that contains the same date. Once there is a match it will pull the appropriate data. Here is what I am using right now:
I'm calculating sick days on an Attendance Report. - Sick days accumulate at a rate of 1.25 per month. - Employees will carry-forward unused sick days from 2008. - The maximum sick days is 30.
In trying to create a formula that will multiple the current month (eg Dec=12) by 1.25, subtract any sick days taken YTD (S16), and add the carry-forward days from 2008 (W16), I noticed one problem with the following formula:
I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with this formula. =(SUMIF(Q14:Q4995, "<="&EOMONTH(TODAY(),0),W14:W4995))-(SUMIF(Q14:Q4995, "<="&EOMONTH(TODAY(),-1)+1,W14:W4995)). I've got a cell that adds Total hours worked which pulls from the same column of entered data as the formula above and that cell works. My hours for the month however just shows up as zero. If I try and edit the formula or even just highlight it to copy it and then tab out of the cell this shows up...
If I undo the highlight and tab it will go back to showing zero. I've checked my dates that I entered and they are correct. I'm at a loss as to how to fix this formula.
finding a code that would automatically insert various phrases into a column depending on whether or not the person in that row was due to renew their membership in our organization. The code I received works fantastically, but I've come across one snafu:
get the current month name in a Cell A1 and Next month name in Cell B1. what formula should I used? This will be a part of the macro that I'm creating.
The macro will be use every 11th to the last day of the month so I want the formula to be dynamic enough to work in each day the macro will be use.
I have a tab set up to display information that has been colletect on other tabs. What I would like to do is change this information depending on what month is selected.
For example, if I select December then data would be pulled from other tabs and displayed. If I Select June the information would change and select other data from the same tabs.