Dropdown List With Prompt Box To Enter Value And Hide Input
Feb 5, 2013
I am looking to allow a user to enter a unique value when a drop down value is captured from a list i.e 'Other' (Possibly a pop up box), then I require this value to be hidden and calculated along with others to show the average (The average calculation obviously wouldn't be in the same cell).
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Sep 26, 2007
im creating a data sheet of a slide rule (pull the rule out and all the numbers change, you know the sort).
I want to be able to select a value in a dropdown list, and the others (already programmed in) to appear next to a diagram of a screw.
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Feb 26, 2007
I want to create a input box that has a drop down list on it. This is for excel, and is for a model that I am creating. Ther model requiresd the user to enter some data before the model can run. At the moment I can create input boxes where the user can manually enter an input, or yes/no choice boxes. However I want the box to have a drop down list. i.e. there may be a rang of 13 or 14 diffent options somewhere on a worksheet, and the dropdown should be made up of these.
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Jun 22, 2014
I have a cell in my spreadsheet that I use to control the size of a column. I formatted the cell as a number and added data validation to make sure the number is greater than zero. Then I realized that I need to also allow for the option of auto sizing the column as well. This would require a data validation list type with something like True and False for the choices.
What I want to be able to do is have it both ways. I want a drop down list in that cell with the options Auto Size or Custom. If Auto Size is selected the cell value gets set to that. If Custom is selected I then want to be able to type in a number.
Is there a way to setup a cell such that the value is either an item from the drop down list or, entered directly (depending on the list selection)?
I know I can do it with dependent lists but that would require two cells, one for the auto size mode (true/false) and the other for manual width value.
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Nov 14, 2008
I trying to do a sheet with one combo box (dropdown list) where I want the user to be able to choose "add rows" to make more boxes appear. My idea to solve this was to put all the boxes in the sheet, and then create a macro that either hides or shows the rows with the extra boxes. Now I have a problem that hiding the rows just does that, and only that. The rows disappear, but the combo boxes stay visible (but ends up on top of eachother).
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Oct 5, 2009
Is there a way to have a column unhide one choosing a certain value from a dropdown list (validation)? I want the column to be hidden throughout the worksheet until a specific value is chosen in the list. Once it's chosen then I want it to unhide that column.
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Mar 4, 2008
I've done some looking around in the object browser and in the forum, but i wasn't able to find the answer to this question:
I've got a combobox (dropdown list) in a userform which i use to run macros. soft of them are fairly long (2-3seconds), and during that time the dropdown list remains visible.... is there a way to force hide it?
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Dec 6, 2012
I have a drop down box on a worksheet and once I have selected the item I want from the list, I would like the price of that item to appear in the cell next to it..
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Sep 26, 2008
I am a newbie to Excel. I really appreciate if someone could help me here and this is very urgent as I have a project going on.
I have a cell say B3, which is a dropdown list I created using Data Validation. It only lists down Yes or No.
What I need is when you click on Yes in B3, i need columns C to I to unhide. If answer is No, column C to I should be hidden. By default, the columns will be hidden.
Can you please help? I tried many times but not successful. Appreciate if someone will be able to walk me through details. If you want to see the sample spreadsheet, I can sent it to you by email. I tried Data> Outline group but they are not happy with this.
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Jan 15, 2007
After recording a macro that goes to last figure in data, how do I edit this to prompt for a new data value and enter it into 1st empty cell at end of data?
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Jan 15, 2007
After recording a macro that goes to last figure in data, how do I edit this to prompt for a new data value and enter it into 1st empty cell at end of data?
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Feb 26, 2014
I am hoping to create a drop down list of months in one sheet, and when I select a certain month, columns in about 10 other worksheets in the same workbook will either hide or unhide columns...
The spreadsheet is laid out with columns (C-N) for each month in the year, for actuals, then columns for budget and budget variance (O-P), then YTD Actual, YTD Budget and YTD Variance. When I select September, for example, I want October-December to hide, and leave Jan-Sep unhidden, while keeping the budget, YTD and variance columns.
Is there a VBA code that can achieve this?
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Jun 17, 2008
I've not used Input Box function before. When a user opens my workbook I want to check whether a named range ("Name") is blank and, if it is, to prompt the user to type their name in an Input Box which then returns that value to the named range. This is what I have tried but I don't think I am referring to the named range correctly,
Dim strName
If IsNull("Name") Then
strName = InputBox("Please enter your name", "Name Required", "1")
Range("Name") = strName
End If
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Dec 5, 2007
How The Vba Code Used For
My Excel File Name "eai.xls" ,when I Click The File , It Open The Sheet Name "menu" With The Inputbox Prompt:="put Your Id"
When The User Put The True Id , It Will Show The Input Box Prompt:="your Password" . If The Password True Will Activate The Sheet Name "data" .and Hide All The Menu Bar.
If The Wrong Id Name Show The Msg.box "re Enter Your True Id " ,that Also For The Wrong Password In Which If User Put More Than 3 Times Wrong , Will Close The Workbook And Exit File.
The User Persons Allow 10 Person Id . Keep In The Table Of The Sheet Name " Id And Password" The Id No. Are In The A1:a10
Password No. Are In B1:b10
This Sheet Name Is Hide And Protect
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Apr 18, 2008
I run a macro to open multiple workbooks and run a macro within those workbooks. All worked fine until a message/input box was included in the individual workbook macros [that I cannot change] to notify the single workbook user when the macro had successfully completed and prompts for an “ok” input.
Can I get my macro to ignore this prompt and not wait for an input – I am currently clicking “ok” everytime it comes up on screen. Have searched help and forum but nothing jumps out.
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Sep 10, 2008
I have eventually got my Worksheet up and running but now im trying to make things a little easier to complete. The plan is when the Engineer is on site he has to open the Excel sheet to check the tests he has to complete and then mark the results. this is fine but for vaildation he has to sign everthing etc... i made it easier so they only had to fill in one box and it would complete the rest but this seems to get missed more often than not.
i want a Screen to pop up when some one opens my excel that says Enter name and contact details. then they submit this which updates the spread sheet with this information and then the engineer can continue as normal.
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Jun 11, 2013
Basically, in the "Thisworkbook" code , i have some code in the Workbook_BeforeClose section. Currently , it autosaves the workbook in a folder i have specified.
However, i need to add some code.I want to check that a certain cell has a value in it before the user closes the workbook, and if the cell is empty, show a messagebox asking him to enter a value.
I know how to get a messagebox to pop up, the only thing is once the user clicks the OK button,
i need the rest of the code execution to pause, allowing him to make the change then if he clicks the "X" (top right of the screen) to close the file or application, the filesave dialog appears and he can then save the document.
how to go about this because at the moment when user clicks ok, the messagebox just disappears and filesave dialog appears and he doesn't have a chance to edit the cell.
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Mar 11, 2014
Is there a way to prompt users to enter information in a specific range of cells before they save?
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Sep 4, 2009
I have several hundred workbooks with multiple worksheets(15-35) that I am trying to tidy up, so the data can be entered into a database. Its my first attempt at VBA and between the forum and macro recorder I made an attempt which is below. I just can't seem to get over the last part. I have searched the forum but can't seem to find any relevant information. I have a couple of questions.
1. I need to be able to run this macro over all the worksheets in the workbook, so how can I loop it? All the worksheets are named differently i.e. peoples names.
2. In my code I have inserted 4 columns. These columns will be the only thing common between all the worksheets. A1 to A30 = Week number, B1 to B30 = Shift Number, C1 to C30 = Supervisor number. Column D is blank. I'd like to be able to be prompted to enter these 3 numbers at the start if possible? Can this be done in such a way as you are only prompted the once and not on each worksheet? I picked 30 rows because the amount of rows in each worksheet varies but never exceeds this. The end of my code "Delete rows where cell B is blank" will delete any excess data where 30 rows of week numbers etc are not needed.
Sub CleanCost1_1()
' CleanCost1_1 Macro
' Macro recorded 04/09/2009
' Delete Job Card Sheet
Sheets("Job Card").Select
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
' Delete Master Sheet
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Apr 20, 2009
I am trying to display a message box for the user if there is "agency" in cell o8 but nothing in p8... I tried the following code but it doesnt work..
If Range("o8").Value = "Agency" And Range("p8").Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please provide name of agency in cell p8"
Sheet9.Shapes("cross").Visible = True
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Aug 23, 2013
Sometimes data comes in with various columns that need Concatenate.
I need VBA to prompt user to input which columns to use inside the formula:
'Place formula into A2
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=COCATENATE(D2&"_"&E2)"
'VBA to copy down formula until last row In my macro, D & E will vary, is there any way to make excel ask which two??
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Feb 7, 2008
I would like to create an spreadsheet that prompts me to input data into a cell (eg; 'C1' - 'Quantity Ordered') as soon as another cell on the same row becomes populated (eg; 'A1' - 'Item Code'). I need this function to apply for several rows (25 rows in total), so that if data is then entered into cell 'A2', I get a prompt to enter data into 'C2', all the way up to a prompt for data in cell 'C25' when cell 'A25' is populated.
As it is imperative that I never forget to populate the relevant cells; I would also like to 'enforce' the prompt - perhaps by preventing the worksheet from being saved until the relevant cells have had data entered into them, or perhaps by using some kind of form, rather than a messagebox.
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Sep 15, 2014
I have a cell (C16) that has a date format (such as 08/28/2014). I want the value of this cell to be "N/A" when cell C7 is "No". When C7 is "Yes", I want Excel to prompt the user to enter a date for C16 when they click on C16. The formula for cell C7 is =IF(C3="No","No","Yes"). That's where the value of C7="No" comes from. If I didn't need a date for the value of C16, the formula would be something like =IF(C7="No","N/A","______"). I have just recently started trying Excel macros due to a tool
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Jul 19, 2014
My new Time in Motion sheet is coming along nicely with some snazzy programmed Command Buttons to fill data into another sheet.
One of my buttons is for 'other' tasks, so I'd like to programme a button to prompt first for a number of minutes (e.g. 30), and then a brief description (e.g. Meeting) and input the data side-by-side in 2 columns on sheet 2.
This is what I have for my other single-entry buttons, so what would I need to add?
Dim ans As String
ans = InputBox("Case reference:", "Data Entry")
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("F" & Sheets("Sheet2").Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1).Value = ans
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Dec 18, 2009
I would like to bring up an input box when a button is pressed containing the text "which number do you want to update".
The user would then enter a number eg 101 and then by clicking ok, todays date (in the format MMM/YY) would be entered into cell J101 in Sheet5.
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Nov 24, 2006
I would like to enter a date from an input box(which i have entered in the code below), this would then lookup in column F and find all rows and copy them to relevant sheet 7 days from the date entered.
E.g. if 24/11/2006 this would bring back all rows which from the 17/11/2006
Sub FindMe()
Dim intS As Integer
Dim rngC As Range
Dim strToFind As String, FirstAddress As String
Dim wSht As Worksheet
Dim rngSearch As Range
Dim strToFind1 As String
Dim rngC1 As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
intS = 1
Set rngSearch = Worksheets("Template").Range("a3:z20000")
Set wSht = Worksheets("Closed Issues")
strToFind = InputBox("Enter the title to find").................
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Aug 25, 2012
I need a simple macro to enter data for hours worked, but don't like the inputbox.
I need to enter the Emp Nbr in B1.
AM in Time in B3
AM out Time in B4
PM in Time in B7
PM out Time in B8
I then write down the hours worked and
Return to B1
When I enter an new number, I want it to put 0 in B3,B4,B7 and B8
(see attached) Oops can't post. There is probably a better way to calculate the sub-totals, but this works except on an enter of 1200
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Jun 30, 2009
I am trying to create an input box where the user can only enter a whole number between 1 and 99. i can create the input box but am having trouble specifiying it can only be a whole number between 1 and 99.
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Oct 4, 2009
Can anyone tell me if its possible to input some ones initials into a cell and when you hit enter, their full name is displayed instead of the initials:
ie input FB and the same cell displays Fred Bloggs?
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Nov 3, 2011
I have a macro that will email a link of the worksheet.
the problem is I may have different email addresses to send it to. I want to be able to have an input box come up, and the person to enter in an email address, click ok and have the macro continue to email.
Sub Make_Outlook_Mail_With_File_Link()
'Working in Office 2000-2010
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim StrBody As String
If ActiveWorkbook.Path "" Then
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
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