Enable Specific UserForm Controls
Oct 27, 2006
I have an Excel userform that has 10 textboxes named, say, tbLabel1, tbLabel2, ... tbLabel10. They are all disabled in the beginning. Then I have a question for the user "how many labels you want" and another textbox for the answer. If the user entered, say, 6 as the answer, I want enable the first 6 textboxes, tbLabel1 - tbLabel 6. I tried using
For I=1 To tbHowMany.value
tbLabel & I.Enabled = True
Next I
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Aug 30, 2006
I have been working on my spreadsheet for sometime now, so far when I run into a code problem I can figure it out using someone eles's post. However, I can't seem to figure this one out. I need to send data from a userform to specific cells on my spreadsheet based upon the users selection in combobox 1, and textbox 1.
Example: User selects customer name from Combobox1, and part number auto loads into textbox1 from the data sheet.
There are then 11 combobox's that can be clicked as the userform is updated. Once the user is finished, I need the answers from each combobox to transfer to the worksheet next to the referenced Combobox1 and textobox1.
I used the code that RoyUk posted to him, but have only been able to get the first combobox to copy to the sheet, the rest stay blank.
(Here is the code so far)
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim ce As Range, srcRng As Range
Dim sYear As String, sMonth As String
sYear = UserForm3.ComboBox1.Text 'When combobox1 is loaded, use as reference#1
sMonth = UserForm3.TextBox1.Text 'When textbox1 is loades, use as reference #2
Set srcRng = Range("c2", Range("c65536").End(xlUp)) 'Search range on worksheet
For Each ce In srcRng
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Oct 20, 2007
I am creating a form that performs several different functions. I would like to force a sequence of these functions by enabling/disabling the controls based on a variable.
For example, a form as two buttons Button1 and Button2. By default, Button1 is ENABLED and Button2 is DISABLED. When Button1 is clicked, a macro is run, where an Enable_Button2variable is initialized to FALSE. The last line of the macro sets the Enable_Button2 variable to TRUE. Then, because Enable_Button2 is now TRUE, Button2 then becomes ENABLED.
I am trying to apply this strategy to a ComboBox, ListBox and CommandButtons. I'm not sure what event to trigger on to poll the Enable_Button2 to enable/disable the control.
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Mar 5, 2008
I'm currently building an Excel database. This database has a few comboboxes and checkboxes that are tied to each other. If I select the combobox option of "Years", the "Quarters" combobox must be greyed out. In addition depending on which option is chosen, the relevant check boxes must be enabeled or disabled. I've written some code which runs fine, until I try and activate another macro button or if I add and rename a sheet(which is not linked to anything). What should I do? Here is a sample of my code. I have a feeling it's really obviouse but I cant see it..
Private Sub ComboBox2_Change()
If Sheets("InputSheet").ComboBox2 = "Years" Then
Sheets("InputSheet").ComboBox3.Value = ""
Sheets("InputSheet").ComboBox3.Enabled = False
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox6.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox7.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox8.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox9.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox10.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox11.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox12.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox13.Enabled = True
Sheets("InputSheet").CheckBox14.Enabled = True
End If...................
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Jul 2, 2007
I am trying to change the property value of all optionbuttons on userform1 via userform2's deactivate event
Private Sub UserForm2_Deactivate()
If userform1.Controls = OptionButton Then
Value = False
End If
End Sub
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Aug 17, 2006
I have a command button that I set to be disabled but I want it to become enabled as soon as 3 characters are entered into a textbox.
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Dec 5, 2009
I have a User Form which i want to use in such a way that editing the worksheet directly is not disabled while the userform is running. I would also like to use the right button mouse menu(cut, cpy,paste) while i am using the user form. I am using two Monitors with my PC and i want to work with User Form on one monitor being able to edit worksheet without having to close my User Form.
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May 12, 2013
In reference to my other topci here: Userform Error
In this workbook I have successfully made it act like a userform calculator, the user does not ever see the actual sheets in the workbook, their only interface is the Userform calculator I created.
This is exactly how I want it, they do not need to see the sheets, nor do I want them to.
This leads me only to my next problem... Some of the users obviously wont have Macros automatically enabled, what I am wondering is, is there a way to put the normal "Enable Macros" button which appears along the top of a macro containing workbook when opened, I want to put this button into a userform like display without showing the workbook at all.
So here the process I envision:
1. User double clicks the file
2. It opens and automatically goes invisable (like it does already)
3. If the user does not have macro enabled, a userform like box appears and says "Please enable Marcros to user" with a button below for "Enable" and "Exit"
4. If exit is pressed excel closes
5. If enabled is pressed Macros are enabled and then they will automatically see my calculator userform like normal.
As you see, at no point do I want them to see excel or a workbook, just userforms so its not like they are using excel at all.
I have searched around the net and found a few ideas to tackle this, mainly one that has a "Prompt" workbook that shows when macros are disabled, but that is not ideal for me. However perhaps I could just edit this "prompt" code thing for my situation?
Here is the prompt sheet code I talked about:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
With Application
How to use:
Open an Excel workbook Select Tools/Macro/Visual Basic Editor in the VBE window, select View/Project ExplorerSelect the This Workbook module Copy and paste the code above into this ModuleNow select File/Close and Return To Microsoft Excel Don't forget to save your changes...
8. Name one of your sheets "Prompt"
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Aug 4, 2009
I am utilizing the following code to force the user of my database to enable macros. This is the
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Aug 15, 2012
I have a userform that has nested multipages (5 in the outer page, 4 in the inner page).
On each of these multipages, I want to have the same controls (sliders) laid out in the same order - but with unique names, named after their tab location, for each control so I can use their value property later in the code.
I've designed the layout and named all the controls on my first sheet (e.g. Slider1Outer1Inner1). I now need a way of automating the replication of these across the other 19 sheets (including the nested inner multipage!); so that equivalent slider for example would be called Slider1Outer1Inner2, Slider1Outer1Inner3 etc.
I'm not sure about coding VBA to act on items within VBA...
" For each multipage in outer
For Each multipage In inner
For Each Object In current multipage
Copy inner.object -> Next multipage
Inner.object.name = CurrentOuter & CurrentInner & CurrentSlider "
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Nov 17, 2008
What's the best way to hide controls on a userform? I have a userfrom with 2 datepicker one for start date and one for end date. I want them hidden until I use checkbox and check it to appear. I am using this code but nothing is work.
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Jan 23, 2009
I have taken this code from Access and trying to use it in Excel to lock all the TextBox, ComboBox & CheckBox on the form.
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Jul 18, 2012
How to disable different parts of a userform?
I dont really want to go through each control as I reckon it will be handy code to have in the future if I need to add more but so far my code is:
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
With Sheet2
n = 3
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Jul 11, 2008
I have a number of TextBoxes across the page, all set to Visible=False.
If these get filled with data then I need to set Visible=True.
Rather than hard code this individually for each one (which is not a problem, it just looks untidy), can I select each row as a Group (whilst designing the form, not in the code) and then set that Group to Visible=True ?
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Nov 4, 2009
I have a userform that contains several textboxes, checkboxes, and comboboxes. There are also some command buttons, one of which says clear all. What I want to do is loop through the controls and clear the contents or change the value to false, depending on the type. I can do this by type the name.value = "", but there are alot of controls. If possible, a loop would be much more effecient.
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May 18, 2006
I am trying to create some controls in a userform on the fly based on the data in a sheet. The part of my code is the following:
summaryForm.Controls.Add bstrProgID:="forms.label.1", Name:="LAWts", Visible:=True
With summaryForm.Controls("LAWts")
.Top = 120
.Left = 20
.Height = 18
.Width = 300
.Caption = "Weights: "
End With
Question I is that how can I connet this textbox to a click event or just to a procedure when it is clicked? I tried to use OnAction but it does not work for textbox in a userform. Question II is that how can I find the all properties of a textbox or any other controls? Is there a manuel or reference available on the internet?
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Aug 4, 2006
What are the pros/cons of using Userforms with the various objects (comboboxes, textboxes,etc) compared to putting the controls at the worksheet level? Are there things you can do in one and not the other?
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Oct 25, 2006
I am trying to transfer data from a worksheet to a user form, so that the end users can edit the data on the user form, save it, and the revised data is sent back to the worksheet. since the worksheet data is dynamic, i am trying to dynamically add controls in the user form. but the form displays only one data.
Set sdel = Sheets("Deliverables")
Set rStartCell = sdel.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 0)
counter = Mid(rStartCell.Address, 4)
dummy = 0
cnt = 1
'copy data from sheet to the user form
With sdel
'checking if deliverables sheet has any data
' If .Range("A3") <> " " Then Exit Sub
' MyTextBox.Caption = .Range("A3").Value
For r = 3 To counter
If .Cells(r, 1) <> "" Then
Set MyTextBox = Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lbl" & cnt, Visible)
MyTextBox.Top = topadd + 30
MyTextBox.Left = 20
MyTextBox.Width = 150
MyTextBox = .Range("A" & r).Value
cnt = cnt + 1
dummy = dummy + 1
End If
Next r
End With
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Feb 24, 2007
I have a userform with a series of textboxes used for data entry (numeric values) specifically, 3 groups with 5 text boxes per group. If the value of any text box within a group is either >= the value of a cell in a worksheet range (Benchmark, i.e. BM), then the BackColor of that particular text box changes to green.
The challenge I have is trying to loop through each set of five controls to determine if the control's value is >= to the cell's value in the worksheet range, and if that condition is met, than changing the BackColor to green.
I know there must be a more efficient way to make this happen than to write an 'If - Then' for each text box (see code below)
Private Sub Benchmarks()
BM1 = Worksheets("Sheet 1").Range("A1").Value
BM2 = Worksheets("Sheet 1").Range("A2").Value
If txtGroup1Box1.Value <> "X" And txtGroup1Box1.Value <> "" And txtGroup1Box1.Value <= BM1 Then
txtGroup1Box1.BackColor = &HFF00&
txtGroup1Box1.BackColor = &H80000005 ............................
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May 9, 2007
i build a userform that includes 6 columns, and use named range to to be shown in the userform.
i use simple code to call this userform.
excuting the code, the userform appears ok.
i saved my file as an addin to be able to call my userform
the problem that the userform appears empty, no data and no columns, when calling the userform from the addin file whearas the userform works fine with the named range when calling from an xls file.
any idea how to solve the problem ?
pls find the attached file
File deleted as it of no help.
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Dec 14, 2007
way to allow a user to add a control to a userform without going into the VBE. Here is the situation, I am developing a userform to calculate a projected budget. I want the user to be able to select the number of controls to add, and click a command button to add them. Based on other selections that the user makes, different controls would automatically be added. Is this possible? As a follow up, will I be able to atttach code to these new controls?
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Mar 4, 2008
On the event that a combobox is changed the objects on my userform that relate to the same information as the combobox need to be disabled (and made invisible)... however if another choice is made then they need to be enabled again and then the objects relating to the new selection need to be disabled.
Private Sub cbo1_Change()
Dim DisableIndex As Integer
Dim CellAddress As String
ActiveSheet. Range("B1").Select
If ActiveCell.Value <> cboVarNamEn.Value Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
End If
Loop While ActiveCell.Value <> cboVarNamEn.Value
CellAddress = ActiveCell.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlA1)
ActiveSheet.Range("B1:" & CellAddress).Select
DisableIndex = Selection.Cells.Count
Me.FrameAddEn.Controls("label" & DisableIndex).Enabled = False
Me.FrameAddEn.Controls("label" & DisableIndex).Visible = False
'there a few other objects here that will also be disabled... text boxes, check boxes etc.
Putting an unload/load command in won't work for obvious reasons and I can't use a command button because that would require my clients to actually think of pressing it.
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Dec 15, 2008
I have a MultiPage userform and I'm adding (4) control buttons - CancelButton, BackButton, ForwardButton and FinishButton. On the first page, those names are fine but when I get to subsequent pages, I get an ambiguous error if I try to name the controls the same. But the code will all be the same. What am I missing? In an example that I have, the user was able to name all the controls with the same name. What setting would control that?
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Jun 19, 2009
My userform has a group of controls, four navigation buttons and a textbox. The nav. buttons have accelerator keys, Alt+N for next record and so on. I was moving the group about on a userform, when hey presto! it suddenly disappeared. When I run the form, the navigation buttons do not appear, but I can still navigate using Alt+N, Alt+P. Here's what I've done so far, trying to find out what's going on.
* I selected all controls with Ctrl+A, but there was no sign of any object in the place where the missing group should have been.
* I looked on the Object Browser (which is something I don't understand too well yet) and the navigation buttons are there.
* I hid all the controls, and showed them again, didn't help.
* The group I was moving was near the bottom of the form. I set the zoom property of the form to 50, so all controls in design view were bunched up near the top left corner; the missing group didn't appear
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Dec 18, 2009
The form that I have created has a number of controls that are created at runtime. If a user triggers the event that originally created the controls, I want to be able to delete all of the controls before recreating them.
Is there a loop that can delete all of the newly created controls? I have 9 controls on the form that need to stay put but everything after those 9 controls I want to delete. Is there something like:
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Nov 17, 2003
I have a userform with 24 text and combo boxes. Aside from using the enter and exit events, is there an easy way to have the active text/combo box be highlighted in a color?
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Jun 3, 2009
I am trying to calculate the result of two text boxes in a third textbox on a userform.
Box1 = DirectorHrs = a textbox that the user enters the number of hours
Box2= DirectorRate = a textbox that retrieves the rate from a sheet called "Rates" within the workbook upon initialise of userform.
Box3 = DirectorTotal = Box1*Box2. I want this to update when the user enters or changes Box1.
I have the following code on the change event of Box1
Private Sub DirectorHrs_Change()
DirectorTotal.Value = CStr(Val(DirectorRate.Value) * Val(DirectorHrs.Value))
End Sub
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Feb 2, 2005
I've created several UserForms, for some reason this one won't co-operate!
Issue are:
1. Have to click the OK button 3 times for the code to execute (this does not occur when I filter through the code in debug/F8 mode).
2. Before processing I have a label and image set to visible = true that won't appear on the form at runtime (this works when I filter through the code in debug/F8 mode).
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Jul 22, 2005
I'm making a form in excel to retrieve a number of welds. This number needs to be passed on to the next form to dynamically create an identical number of input fields (a set of text boxes and labels essentially). Any ideas on how I might do this? Is it even possible? I would like to avoid having 100 (my assumed maximum, it could get changed) sets of input fields and hiding the unused ones,
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Oct 3, 2006
I want to create a user form to allow users to put in 26 values and then have the values populate certain cells within the spreadsheet.
I have attached a sample, I know how to create the form, I'm just not sure of the coding I would need to use?
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