The code which you provided works fine no problem for a page break. I need to run the macro for the page break by asking the input file for page break to be done.
For Example, If excel filename "A" contain the code which you have given need to ask to input the filename "B" and process need to be done in file "B".
I have added some code to your code which you provided but it gives error message "1004" "Method 'Range' of object '_Application' failed" at following line :
Set rng = oExcel.Range(Cells(2, 2), Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp))
When I view a sheet under Page Break Preview, it shows the Page numbers in the centre of the Page. While I am aware that it would not print the page number I was wondering if there is an option to remove/hide the page numbers.
using excel 2010, I would like a macro that will insert a page break every time a row is blank. There are two blank rows between each data row which I need to be separated.
Why when I drag the dotted blue page break line does it sometimes break the entire doc into one page per cell ?
The doc is not wide. When I first load I can drag the break line successfully. Then I print preview... select print on both sides... boom.. goes from 4 pages to 14. Then I go back to page break view... drag the line... boom... Hundreds of pages. Even if I revert back to printing on one side it still is messed up.
How do I make this stop?? What am I doing wrong?? Office 2010
how to get rid of the page numbers that appear when using page break preview mode. The page numbers appear in large grey font in the middle of each page and sometimes makes it difficult to read cells. Can I use this view with all the same functionality without that one feature?
I'm working with a very large spreadsheet which has somehow divided itself into print areas. Each section has 'Page 1' or the equivalent as a background, behind the data itself. I thought it would be simple to remove this, but for the life of me I can't see how. I'm using Excel 2007.
My OS is Windows 7. My version of Excel is 2007. I have read how to get a macro to move around a page in a relative way, but is there a way to move from page to page in a relative way as well?
I have a workbook that is not showing everything that I would like it to on one page (but I know that all the information would fit onto one page (width) but I cannot seem to be able to change the page break. I tried following the directions in the "excel help" but just can't seem to get it to work. I have attached a sample workbook so that you can see what I mean.
I have a worksheet where the print area is 16 columns and ~90 rows. have it set to print on one page in page set-up, which generally scales to about 80%, and this has worked fine for years. A couple of months ago I was traveling for work, but got a call that the worksheet was printing each cell as a separate page. My co-worker messed around with it and it seemed to fix when she cleared and reset the print area, and has been working fine ever since.
Today it popped up again. It is setting automatic page breaks every few cells so page 1 is A1:A7, page 2 is A8:A11, etc...Both Print Preview and actually printing a page show me my few cells in the lower right hand corner of the page. Viewing the page break preview shows that they are all automatic page breaks, and if I try to move them I get the error that Microsoft Office Excel cannot move the page break because doing so would reduce the scale below the minimum 10%.
As I mentioned I have it set to "fit to" 1 page high and 1 page wide, which it right now is saying sets the scale to 10%. If I instead choose the scaling to be "adjust to" and set to 100% it only wants to take up 4 pages, but if I try to manually drag the break over afew columns it reverts back to wanting to print every few cells.
I need to set the page break in my excel file. Basically what I need is for vba to check if the page breaks are a certain value (in this case Range("A150"). If they are not, then the code will set them to what I need.
The problem is the code is not working.
If ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks(3).Location Range("A150") Then Set ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks(3).Location = Range("A150") End If
I have macros that then run through and hide all unnecessary questions and paste the selection to another work sheet. what i need next is the issue.. Because the questions vary in size ( row height) and include blank cells for comments, i can not come up with a macro to print with any conformity
What i have come up with is that after all this is said and done, i would like a macro to print only 32 rows per sheet ( portrait) , then have a page break.
I have a report which is produced by a macro, it works well. The report grows over the year to maybe 20 printable pages, landscape, and nicely readable.
Summary information is produced alongside the report over more columns than can be diplayed, so I have copied the summary data as a picture and pasted it below the main printout and adjusted the size of the "photo" to fit the page width.
I would like this photo to always appear on a new page of its own - not just tagged onto the pages before it.
I am inserting a page break with the following macro, however a page break is also inserted when the word " Total Miscellaneous G&A" is found. I am sure there is an easy solution, I am just not very proficient with VBA.
If Not (Application.IsErr(Application. Find("MISCELLANEOUS G&A", UCase( Cells(myCounter, 1))))) Then ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add before:=Cells(myCounter - 1, 1) End If Next myCounter
I am having no luck with trying to find a VBA code that will auto set my page break around an image I inserted. Is there a way to do this even? Furthermore, there is a possibility of inserting multiple images in which I would need each image put on a different page and have the macro set the page break around each image. So if I inserted two images then I would need the macro to set two pages and break each page around the image size?
I have a simple pivot. In the columns to the right I have a few formulas. The user simply sees the pivot and extra columns---they have no idea they are looking at a hybrid type thing and they DO NOT EVER manipulate the pivot in any way other than choosing a particular DEPT form the page area.
I set this thing up by first select: ALL for the Dept and the dropiing my formulas down to the end of the sheet (actually a few hunded lines after that to allow for some data over the year)
The trouble is that if the user picks a particular dept, at the end of the dept data, not only does the user see the formula extended down numerous row (I can use cond formating to make the font white, ie hide them) BUT worse when printing it prints numerous extra pages.
So, is there a way to only make it print to where the pivot data ends.....not where the formula ends..WITHOUT the user having to do a SELCT PRINT AREA type thing.....
Ex: User picks Dept 1003, data ends after Code 99, formulas extend down past that in case user selects ALL Depts. We want printing to stop after Code 99 though....NOT to print a bunch of 'extra' pages....
I have a macro that uses subtotals on a dynamic list to generate page breaks by Department. Rows 1:6 of the table are set to print at the top of each page and column A is not set to print at all. Would it be possible to get cell B6 to return the value of the first cell of each page break (from column A) when the page prints. (Column A contains the department names, and though I don't want to print the column itself, I would like the name of each department to appear at the top of the page.)
I am using the following code to insert pagebreaks based on changes in column D. I would like to change it so that page breaks are inserted after the appearance of the word " Total" in column D. Note that the word total will typically be preceeded by other words. Example "Sales Total" or "G. Smith Total". If possible, I would like to suppress this logic when the words "Grand Total" appear as I would end up with a grand total page with nothing else on it.
Sub set_page_breaks() Dim NumRows As Long Dim iRow As Long Dim FirstRow As Long Dim LastRow As Long ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview ActiveWindow.Zoom = 85 NumRows = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row 'get the row count ActiveSheet.ResetAllPageBreaks With ActiveSheet FirstRow = 2 LastRow = NumRows For iRow = FirstRow To LastRow 'SET BREAK ON CHANGE IN COLUMN "D" If ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, "D").Value _.........................
getting printed output to page break when the value in a sorted column changes. My spreadsheet is a basic list where one column identifies a responsible organization. I need the output to page break when the responsible organization changes.
I have lurked and learned but now this is beyond me-Attached is a sample file - The tab Data is where I start the macro and it is the file( after I have cleaned it up) that I get once a week-I added Column K/L-Blank Count Sheet Format is where the macro puts the info- count sheet is what I want it to look like- Old version is how I used to present the sheets-using subtotals etc-See the print preview to see what old ver and sample look like--
This macro below starts in data and puts Column K / L on the blank and then fills them in. Field 1-5 is all one loc sequence -I have the macro going the first few steps what I have been pulling my hair out attempting to do is --If the part# stays the same keep putting the locations under each other-As I show on Count Sheet and when the part# changes put a page break in and start over again with the new part# and assorted info. The file I get each week to do this with will have from 150 to 200 part #'s. I need a page for each--Each part has from 1 to 10 location's ( The loc consists of Field1-5 alfa-numeric )