Excel 2010 :: Macro That Will Insert Page Break?
Jun 17, 2013using excel 2010, I would like a macro that will insert a page break every time a row is blank. There are two blank rows between each data row which I need to be separated.
View 9 Repliesusing excel 2010, I would like a macro that will insert a page break every time a row is blank. There are two blank rows between each data row which I need to be separated.
View 9 RepliesI have a list of places, i need a macro to automatically insert a page break whenever the street name changes.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have lurked and learned but now this is beyond me-Attached is a sample file - The tab Data is where I start the macro and it is the file( after I have cleaned it up) that I get once a week-I added Column K/L-Blank Count Sheet Format is where the macro puts the info- count sheet is what I want it to look like- Old version is how I used to present the sheets-using subtotals etc-See the print preview to see what old ver and sample look like--
This macro below starts in data and puts Column K / L on the blank and then fills them in. Field 1-5 is all one loc sequence -I have the macro going the first few steps what I have been pulling my hair out attempting to do is --If the part# stays the same keep putting the locations under each other-As I show on Count Sheet and when the part# changes put a page break in and start over again with the new part# and assorted info. The file I get each week to do this with will have from 150 to 200 part #'s. I need a page for each--Each part has from 1 to 10 location's ( The loc consists of Field1-5 alfa-numeric )
Why when I drag the dotted blue page break line does it sometimes break the entire doc into one page per cell ?
The doc is not wide. When I first load I can drag the break line successfully. Then I print preview... select print on both sides... boom.. goes from 4 pages to 14. Then I go back to page break view... drag the line... boom... Hundreds of pages. Even if I revert back to printing on one side it still is messed up.
How do I make this stop?? What am I doing wrong?? Office 2010
i want to insert page break after blank row,
We have a schedule that creates an Excel file which separates each order by blank rows. I need each order to be separated by a page break, so each order prints on a separate sheet.
Each order entry is 1 or 2 rows
Using Excel 2010/2013 although the file produced is an xls file.
Columns A to J are populated
Rows 1 & 2 are the header
I have tried a macro that involves me doing a countif and counting entries in the row, and if they add to 10 it inserts a page break, but its bit long winded and only seemed to work once.
The code which you provided works fine no problem for a page break. I need to run the macro for the page break by asking the input file for page break to be done.
For Example, If excel filename "A" contain the code which you have given need to ask to input the filename "B" and process need to be done in file "B".
I have added some code to your code which you provided but it gives error message "1004" "Method 'Range' of object '_Application' failed" at following line :
Set rng = oExcel.Range(Cells(2, 2), Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp))
When I view a sheet under Page Break Preview, it shows the Page numbers in the centre of the Page. While I am aware that it would not print the page number I was wondering if there is an option to remove/hide the page numbers.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am inserting a page break with the following macro, however a page break is also inserted when the word " Total Miscellaneous G&A" is found. I am sure there is an easy solution, I am just not very proficient with VBA.
If Not (Application.IsErr(Application. Find("MISCELLANEOUS G&A", UCase( Cells(myCounter, 1))))) Then
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add before:=Cells(myCounter - 1, 1)
End If
Next myCounter
I have been trying to write a macro to add a page break in Excel 2007, but I have had no success.
A friend recomended:
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Vpagebreaks.add Before:= ActiveCell
This has not had any affect when I have printed.
I would like to create a macro that will automatically insert a page break based on the contents of the cell.
A1:A4 = has value
A6:A14 = has value
and so on....
I would like to put a page break in A5 and A15....and for those cells that are blanks.
I am using this macro below to paste pictures from a folder. This works perfect when run on excel 2007, however it only links image when this is run on excel 2010. How to eliminate the error.
Option Explicit
Sub alex_it_saving_lives()
'get the image folder path
Dim strImagePath As String
strImagePath = GetImageFolderPath
If (Len(strImagePath) = 0) Then
[Code] .........
I'm trying to create a macro to insert a formula into a specific cell. The formula is meant to check if a cell has text, and then if it does, search for the text on another page.
I had a go at the code, but keep getting Runtime error 13.
I'm using Excel 2010
Sub new_entry()
Dim rowNo As Integer
Using Excel 2010, I am trying to create a macro to insert INDEX and MATCH formulas on a sheet that reference Tables on the same sheet.
The formula works fine when entered in a cell where I can point to the Table. Now I need to put the formula in a macro where it will automatically reference the first Table on the sheet.
Here is an example of the formula:
Just look at that Table name!!
The original file has multiple sheets and multiple Tables on each sheet. No naming convension was used in naming the sheets or Tables.
Can I cycle through all the Tables on a sheet and rename each of them? For example, find the first Table on the sheet closest to cell A1 and rename it Table 1, find the next Table and rename it Table 2, etc.
Is there a way to reference Tables based on an index (similar to sheets)? Is there a Table(1) and Table(2) referencing system? Is it on a per sheet basis or across the entire workbook? That is, can there be more than one Table(1) in a file?
Can I start in cell A1 and find the first instance of a Table and return the name or index of that Table?
I am on office 2010
I am new to VBA programming so i might be making a obvious mistake. I am trying to create a macro that will insert rows depending on a cell value. I also need this to be executed from a command button rather then to occur immediately after the cell value is entered. So as a example
Lets say
Cell A2 has a value 20
Cell A3 has a value 3
Cell A4 has a value 5
when this data is entered and then a Command button poressed there should be
20 rows beneath cell A2
3 rows beneath cell A3
5 rows beneath cell A4
I am using excel 2010 and I am trying to find a formula whats going to give me added break with a set time but anything over a set time doesn't. I want it over 10:58:00 and under 11:32:00. I've got the numbers and tried with a formula but all whats happening is that all the data is adding 30mins break to the end time.
The sheet is using live times and data so the start times vary as do the due time.
I suddenly can't adjust my page breaks in any Excel spreadsheet while in Page Break Preview. Is there some option to turn it on and off?
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow to get rid of the page numbers that appear when using page break preview mode. The page numbers appear in large grey font in the middle of each page and sometimes makes it difficult to read cells. Can I use this view with all the same functionality without that one feature?
View 3 Replies View Related I have a master data sheet with four columns, A, B, C and D
Column A has the primary data and B,C,D has dependent data values;
So when I insert a new cell in Column A with cells Shift Down, I want mandatorily new cells to be inserted in the same row in col B, C and D as well so that data integrity is maintained;
I'm trying to have a repeating cell automatically update the page number and number of pages, much the same as in a header/footer situation, but I need it to be done in 1 cell.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an excel 2010 file that we export (save) to HTML so we can upload to our website.
1) Can I add a search box to the top of the page?
2) Can I freeze the row headings?
Have very recently been upgraded to Windows 7 with Excel 2010 at work. On printing out a 10 page doucment, (all of which are landscape format), when vewing print preview, the first page is previewed as landsacpe, but subsequent pages are portrait.
If you change format of 2nd page to landscape all subsequent pages switch to landscape.
Have looked at a similar format document created last month and it behaves exactly the same. Whole document landscape but on print preview only first page is...
My office recently upgraded to Office 2010 and we would like (in the accounting department that I work in) to change the default number formating in a blank sheet to Number, 0 Decimals, using seperators, from the current default of general format number.
I have looked for the Book.xltx file to replace but can't see it any where.
I have a user here at my company that is having a strange issue with Excel. When she moves a page break in her document, Excel freezes up, then once it finally makes the change (if it doesn't crash), some (but not all) of the images that are in the document resize to super small.
For instance, she may have 50 rows. Each row contains a column with an image, then a few other columns with product information. Changing a page break may cause ten of the images to become tiny for no apparent reason. Resetting page breaks seems to cause the document to explode, with cells being thrown all over the page into different locations and columns becoming uneven.
When I make the same change on the same document on my system (both using similar specs and Office 2010), this does not happen.
Getting some web page data into Excel 2010 using VBA. My scenario however is set up with the following titles in cell A1, B1, C1, D1 and E1 : POST CODE, OUTLET, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE, EMAIL
The result I want to achieve is I enter a post code into cell A2 for example, Excel then uses IE to navigate to the relevant web page as defined in the VBA code. I then want the following to happen:
The InnerText of the web page's h1 tag is then inserted into the OUTLET cell (B2)The first instance of the p tag is then inserted into the ADDRESS cell (C2)The second instance of the p tag is then inserted into the TELEPHONE cell (D2)The third instance of the p tag is then inserted into the EMAIL cell (E2)
All instances of the p tag are contained in a div element called div class="adBox_content" . There are also 5 other DIVs above that DIV in the hierarchy.
Using the YouTube tutorial link, the method has worked for me using the getElementsByTagName("h1").innerText
However, when I try adding a second getElementsByTagName("p")(01).innerText the whole thing fails.
So I'm left with two problems; I can't make the VBA get more than one element at a time from the page, I can only either have the h1 or the first instance of the p tag. I've tried all the getElementBy methods and none of them seem to work in getting the second and third instances to show.
I also need the code to make the data be put on the same row ONLY as where the post code was entered. In this scenario for example of entering a post code into A2, the OUTLET needs to land in cell B2 only, ADDRESS C3 only etc.
By following the youtube tutorial above by giving the cells names to refer to in the code, the data ends up being inputted in all further rows with identical cell names. I need it to not do that.
The code is needed for around 300 rows of post codes that will be entered and refreshed every week or so.
I have a workbook that is not showing everything that I would like it to on one page (but I know that all the information would fit onto one page (width) but I cannot seem to be able to change the page break. I tried following the directions in the "excel help" but just can't seem to get it to work. I have attached a sample workbook so that you can see what I mean.
View 2 Replies View RelatedBottom border each page,
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a worksheet where the print area is 16 columns and ~90 rows. have it set to print on one page in page set-up, which generally scales to about 80%, and this has worked fine for years. A couple of months ago I was traveling for work, but got a call that the worksheet was printing each cell as a separate page. My co-worker messed around with it and it seemed to fix when she cleared and reset the print area, and has been working fine ever since.
Today it popped up again. It is setting automatic page breaks every few cells so page 1 is A1:A7, page 2 is A8:A11, etc...Both Print Preview and actually printing a page show me my few cells in the lower right hand corner of the page. Viewing the page break preview shows that they are all automatic page breaks, and if I try to move them I get the error that Microsoft Office Excel cannot move the page break because doing so would reduce the scale below the minimum 10%.
As I mentioned I have it set to "fit to" 1 page high and 1 page wide, which it right now is saying sets the scale to 10%. If I instead choose the scaling to be "adjust to" and set to 100% it only wants to take up 4 pages, but if I try to manually drag the break over afew columns it reverts back to wanting to print every few cells.
to have a page break by grouping id together, Heading need to be printed on each page. I have attached the sample file.
eg. the ID.
---- need page break ---
I need to set the page break in my excel file. Basically what I need is for vba to check if the page breaks are a certain value (in this case Range("A150"). If they are not, then the code will set them to what I need.
The problem is the code is not working.
If ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks(3).Location Range("A150") Then
Set ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks(3).Location = Range("A150")
End If