Excel Automatically Pull Numerical Values From Websites?
Nov 27, 2013
I want to pull 'values' from a website off into column's "A" "B" and "C."
What I am looking for is:
Column A: The current date!
Column B: The closing VIX value of the day!
Column C: The 10-day-moving average value of the VIX for that same day!
All values come from this website: [URL].......
(full link so it doesn't look sketchy; also a link to mainwebsite: [URL] ..... )
What would be the formula for this? Or how would one go about this? And preferably the time to pull these values would be at alterable, but ideal time is hard to choose right now... Need to think about it!!!
I was curious if Excel was able to pull information off websites and automatically populate a table such as items from Safeway and a price then another column for Walmart with same item and price? I am betting not on its own but I figured this was the best place to ask since I am trying to find an easier way to find savings at the store.
I'm having issues with Excel's 2010 conditional formatting. Seems easy to use, but I'm trying to highlight values based on 2 columns of numerical data. Example:
Column F: 6 6 14
Column L: 3 NA 17
I would like Column L to highlight values that are greater than Column F in green. If they are less than Column L then highlight them in red.
Seems I was able to do this with Excel 2003, but I don't understand the 2010 version.
I have a workbook, in which I will have approximately 5 worksheets. The 1st worksheet will be a summary table, which will pull data from the other 4 worksheets. These 4 sheets have data of 4 companies, thus representing 4 companies. In the 1st worksheet, I have a drop-down list that has selections for each company.
How do I make it so that when I change the selection from A company to B company, the data in the summary table will automatically pull data from corresponding worksheet? For example, if 2nd worksheet represents Apple Inc, the 3rd represents Microsoft, how do I reference from 2nd to 3rd worksheet automatically when I change my selection from Apple Inc to Microsoft in the 1st summary table sheet?
creating functions in excel and would like to hire someone who can assist me in creating the following functions: Column A (For Numerical Values Less Than or = to 100): Column B Value should be (+10)
Example 1: If a numerical value of 90 is placed in Column A then Column B Numerical Auto Value should be 80+10 (190). Example 2: If a numerical value of 35 is placed in column A then Column B Numerical Auto Value should be 35+10 (45) and so on. Another important point is that if the values in column A are copy and pasted Column B should automatically discharge the values visibly as the examples stated above is this possible? If not i'll need to have this done.
Also there are other numerical values that must be added in Column A (basically for every increase in numerical value of 100 there are to be different numerical plus factors in accordance to Column A). Column A (For Numerical Values greater than 100 but less than 200): Column B Value should be (+15).......
I've got a series of values in a column as follows:
10 Mb 10 Mb 1000 Mb 1000 Mb 114 Mb 128 Mb 128 Mb
Obviously 1000 mb is more than 10 mb, but it sorts as second in the list because it starts with a "1". How do I tell Excel to sort by the entire numerical value instead of the first number?
it seems that excel is deciding what type of array this is by evaluating the type of the first cell in each column and applying this type to the rest of the array's column. Problem is that i want all values to be brought in, text and numerical.
Dim VArray As Variant Sub DA201() If FileThere(Path & "DA201.xls") Then GetDataTowers Path & "DA201.XLS", "", "DataRange", Sheets _("Towers").Range("CStart"), False, False Else MsgBox ("File DA201.xls not found. Click OK to continue") End If End Sub
Public Sub GetDataTowers(SourceFile As Variant, SourceSheet As String, SourceRange As String, TargetRange As Range, Header As Boolean, UseHeaderRow As Boolean) Dim rsCon As Object Dim rsData As Object Dim szConnect As String Dim szSQL As String Dim n As Integer Dim row, m As Integer
I have created a spread sheet that uses the LOOKUP function to pull information from elsewhere in the sheet and automatically fill in a cell so that I can save time.
The spreadsheet has several columns with a single word or number but the column used for the lookup contains 2 words, 1 number and a “#” sign. I have used the “CONCATENATE” function to create a column that has all the words, the number and symbol and then my formula says to LOOKUP the value in the created column and return the number associated with that LOOKUP value. The problem is it will not give me the correct value. All cells with the formula return a value from the same row in the LOOKUP table no matter what the LOOKUP value..
I have used this exact same formula (copied and pasted it) in another place in the table with the LOOKUP information added by hand, not generated with the “CONCATENATE” function, and it works fine.
I have a range, A1:A10 that I want to sum, min, and max. I want to ignore any text or #DIV/0! values in this range. I know how write the formulas except how to ignore the text and cell errors. Can someone steer me in the right direction?
I need to convert levels to numerical values and then: Firstly, add together two vlookup values THEN divide by 2 to get an average AND THEN see if this average AND a second, individual lookup value are above a specified another value, which may be different. IF all these criteria are set, return, "yes" if either the first or second, or both criteria are not met then "no"
Or put it another way. if lookup values A+B/2>"5" AND C>"3" then "yes", Else "no"
I'm making a spreadsheet for the homes I'm looking at purchasing and wanted a way to calculate automatically which one has the most things we're looking for.
So for example, if a home has a walk in closet, it would say "yes". If it doesn't it obviously would say "no".
Is there a way to assign a number value in a totals column where "yes"=1 and "no"=2?
Or a way to make colors equal a certain value?
Where I'd make all the "yes" items green and then a green cell = 1, a yellow cell = 2, and a red cell = 3.
I am trying to conditionally sum numbers from a matrix. On the vertical axis, there will be duplicate values (text) who's rows should be summed, and on the horizontal axis I need to sum in between two numbers that will be in sequential order (such as dates). The real tough part for me is that the data field that I will be summing from has non numerical values, like dashes. Obviously, I don't want to sum the dashes, but it throws off any formulas I have tried (like sum arrays).
My hopes are to use as little memory as possible so my file size wont get too big and to not have to use macros (I do not really use them), although I am willing to try if they are basic.
In the example below, I want to sum rows for the letter "A" and in between numbers "2" and "4."
I often have to OCR files in Adobe and then copy the data as a table into Excel. Sometimes when I move the data over these little boxes with question marks inside will appear infront of the data in the cells. I can delete the square from the spell by just backspacing after it but I don't want to have to do that for hundreds of cells individually. Googling around I found a formula: =RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-1)
That formula will get rid of the box, once the box is removed I need to be able SUM the values, but I am still unable to. I've tried to copy and paste the values before using the SUM function but that does not work, I've also tried to SUM before removing the box but that does not work either. I've found that if I double click in the cells after using the formula that it will allow me to use the SUM function but that would require me to double click hundreds of cells individually. Also, just in case this matters, a little green flag appears in the upper left corner of the affected cells after I use the previously mentioned formula.
Is it possible once you have assigned text a numerical value (example: Adam = 12) to add them together? (example: adam =12 and bob = 8, therefore adam + bob = 20)
I am creating a series of charts that all include a text box containing "(N=[value])", with different values in each instance, but with each N value listed as a total frequency in each table. I am creating hundreds of these, so if there is a way to automatically pull the correct N value from a cell into the text box, it would make this faster. I have written simple functions in excel tables but have no experience with VBA/macros.
I am trying to do is a summary of numerical values, based on several conditions.
column a column b column c local loop live cross connect loop A cancel 100 long haul live 10000 long haul pend canc 1000 loop Z live 100 x-conn live cross connect
In column a, i have several choices and i want to focus on those choices that fall into column B "live" or "pend canc" and then only have numerical data in column C
With the first two values as criterias, I need to find the 3rd and 4th value Example: If I have the criteria as 30 and 1800 , I should get the result as 0.04and 3
Hi all, first post here. I've been asked to do something in excel i can't seem to get my head around.
My client provides me with data in the form
1c, 1b, 1a, 2c, 2b, 2a, 3c etc... where 1a is the lowest.
I need to find a way of working out the difference between these, e.g. edit: 2a - 1c = 5
I've been working on it and have made some headway by splitting these with MID function and then using CODE to try and work out a unique ID for each, but i can't help feeling there's an easier way!
I am working up a workbook template that will be used to process survey results. The way I ultimatley want it to work is that the user can paste data from another application into a worksheet in Excel, and then view analysed results on a second sheet (which are processed via formulae on a third, hidden sheet).
The problem I have is this: the data from the program that's capturing them are text values. For example, column B contains answers to a question where participants rate an experience, and the values are either "Excellent", "Good", "Fair", "Poor", "Awful". I want these to be converted to numerical values, on a scale where "Excellent" = 5 and "Awful" = 1, so that I can then average these.
So, the question is: Can I somehow tell Excel that "Excellent" = 5 and "Good" = 4 etc, and then use AVERAGE(B:B) on the text data and get a number back?
I did think of having an intermediate sheet that used VLOOKUP to create a copy of the first sheet (where the user pastes the text data) with the text replaced by numbers. But, because I don't know in advance how many rows will contain data (i.e. how many survey results there will be), I have to assume on the high side and copy down 50,000 rows. But, this takes ages to calculate.
how to find a certain criteria and delete the entire row that the criteria is in. I am more interested in finding certain criteria with vba, in my case any text/non numerical values and clear contents from that cell for the entire worksheet while retaining the rest of the cells that have numerical values in them. My data has --- in cells that represents missing data which would be easier if it was completely blank.
I'm putting together an Environment Threat Assessment for work and want to automate as much of it as I can to alleviate the amount of time ppl have to spend putting values in. My main problem is I have three very important columns: Likelihood, Success Rating and Risk Rating. Likelihood and Success Rating values will be selected from the following:
VL - Very Low L - Low M - Medium H - High VH - Very High Each of these is given a value: VL = 1, L = 2, M = 3, H = 4, VH = 5. The Risk Rating is the result of multiplying the Likelihood and Success Rating. So a Likelihood of Medium and a Success Rating of Low will give a Risk Rating of 6. Therefore, the cells on my spreadsheet would look like this:
Likelihood Success Rating Risk Rating M L 6 The issue is I want a couple of things to occur. Firstly I want keep the values in my Likelihood and Success Rating cells as letters (ie. VL, H, VH etc) rather than numbers, while still generating a number result in the Risk Rating cells. Secondly I'd like to be able to change the colour of the Risk Rating cell to reflect the number it gets assigned. For example Green for < 8, Amber for 9 – 14 and Red for 15 – 25. I've been trying to do this with array formulas and am basically going around in circles with no success.
I have a formula that counts all instances of the letters a, b and c in a range and assigns them a value of 1 unless they are in the M column in which case a, b or c counts 4.
This worked well but now I need to modify the weightings across this range. My new goal is to count all instances of a,b and c in the range J2:AB2 but have M column a,b, c's = 2 and N:R column a,b,c's equalling 4. Letters other than a,b or c count as 0.
My company is soon to be rolling out a new payment system, and I'd like to be able to track commission for everything I sell. Briefly, we get paid via a percentage of the company's gross profit, and the way in which the company gets paid is tiered. (the cellphone business)
So, If a customer activates a plan thats below $39.99, we get paid X amount. If it's below $59.99 we get paid Y amount, and so on and so forth, there are multiple different tiers.
What I want to do is set up a list via data validation so that I can pick what plan they have (via the name of the plan) and have it return a numerical value (ie $39.99) and also have the ability to pick text messaging, etc as options so that the workbook will add the monthly rates (39.99 + 14.95) and then have it return value for the right priceplan tier.
If this is confusing, I apologize for not being more clear, but attached is an example. The top one is what I'm actually trying to code, but the bottom is completely filled in, so you can get a more clear sense of what I'm trying to do. Honestly I'm not even sure if it can be done.
I have a basic script in VBA set up to enter standard information (street address in one block and city in another) on a website that has no fees or password requirements. If I step through the code using F8, this works great and the website returns the data for the address that was input from my excel sheet. However, when I assign this same macro to a control button on the excel sheet to get the code to run automatically, the website comes up to the default screen with nothing entered in either of the blanks. Again, when I just step through this, I get all the way to the output page on the website with the resulting data from my input data. For some reason, this does not happen using the same code connected to a button for automation purposes.
I am basically looking to create a VBA program that will automatically download (application .OnTime method) stock prices from the ASX. I am very new at this and dont really know how it all works. Is this an advanced VBA or can I be shown without too much hastle?
I'd like help writing a single formula that assigns either a numerical 1 or 0 to a cell based on values from two other cells.
By way of background, I'm working with three columns. Cells in column F contains values from 1 to 4. Cells in column G contain values from 5 to 11. Cells in column H are currently blank.
I need a single formula that will insert either a numerical 1 or a 0 into column H according to the following conditions.If F3 = 1 and G3 = 5 or 6 or 7 then let H3=1 otherwise let H3=0 If F3 = 2 and G3 = 7 or 8 or 9 then let H3=1 otherwise let H3=0 If F3 = 3 and G3 = 9 or 10 or 11 then let H3=1 otherwise let H3=0 If F3 = 4 and G3 = 9 or 10 or 11 then let H3=1 otherwise let H3=0
I extracted data going back to 1980 from Bloomberg and realized that BB uses abbreviations rather than pure numerical values. For example, 3,000,000 is "3M," 300,000,000 is "300M," etc. I need a macro that converts "M" into the actual value, "B" into the actual numerical value, etc. For example, a macro that converts "3M" into 3,000,000. I know that I can identify the values in VBA with "###M."