Grouping Postcodes In A Way That Minimizes Sum Geographical Distance Between Them
Feb 13, 2014
I have a list of postcodes. Half of them belong to girls, and half of them belong to guys. I have the distances between each postcode in a matrix. I need to put these postcodes into groups of 6, where 3 of the postcodes belong to girls and 3 to guys, in a way that minimises the sum distance between all the houses in every group. I want each group to contain houses that are as close together as possible.
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Jun 9, 2008
I have calculated the implied volatility for different single options using the newton raphson method. But, I also need to calculate the implied volatility which minimizes the sum of squared differences between the observed market price and the model price for each day. I guess one needs to use vectors (jacobian matrix) to do this, but I do not know how to expand the code to be able to do this. Anyone have any idea how this can be done? I have attached the [code] I have used to calculate the implied volatility for one option.
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May 19, 2014
I am desperately trying to get full postcode lists from two websites: [URL] .... and [URL] ........
The latter of the two is harder to get (I'm told) so it could also be available at: [URL] .... by selecting only the "Collect+" stores.
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Feb 26, 2009
I run a delivery business & work comes in bit by bit by postcode. I thus enter the postcodes into my spreadsheet.
Then when it comes time to process the work I'm wanting to be able to do something that will highlight all postcodes that match the same colour.
I posted this query on another forum & a helpful guy gave me the code below which worked a charm, but only for a while. Since then I have slightly tweaked the spreadsheet, taken a couple of fields off & added a couple. The code now hardly works or if it does will only do one column or row & not the complete spreadsheet.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim oDn As Integer, oAc As Integer, Dn As Range, oPC, nDn As Integer, nAc As Integer, Ac, c, p
Dim Rw1 As Range, Rw2 As Range, Rw3 As Range, Rw As Integer
If Target.Address(0, 0) = "A1" Then
Set Rw1 = Range(Range("E2"), Range("e" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Set Rw2 = Range(Range("G2"), Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Set Rw3 = Range(Range("I2"), Range("I" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Rw = WorksheetFunction.Max(Rw1.Count, Rw2.Count, Rw3.Count)
oPC = Range("E2:I" & Rw + 1)
c = 2
For oAc = 1 To UBound(oPC, 2)
For oDn = 1 To UBound(oPC, 1)
If Not oAc Mod 2 = 0 Then
If c = 25 Then c = 2
c = c + 1
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Jul 20, 2009
I have a load of postcodes over 8 different tabs, the problem is the format of the postcode is wrong. I basically need to delete the first gap of each cell to make the postcode valid -
DL 7 9
DL 8 1
DL 8 2
DL 8 4
DL 8 5
DL 9 3
DL 9 4
DL 10 4
DL 10 5
DL 10 6
DL 10 7
DL 11 7
You see I need to have it like DL7 9, or DL10 7, but i'm not sure how, I've attached the file so you can have a look.
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Dec 16, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with many many worksheets & on each of those worksheets many many postcodes.
I am looking for a way where I can have a list of postcode stored once somewhere (in excel, word or whatever) & then when we type postcodes into the Excel spreadsheet & click whatever to start the macro or run the code it will refer to where I have the postcodes saved & then highlight any that match on the worksheet page.
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Jun 27, 2013
I have a list of post codes two letter starts by region. e.g.
inner london:
In addition I have several very long lists of postcodes which I can obviously pull out the first two letters from using the Left function.
However I am wondering what is the best way to filter the column of postcodes into the postcode defined regions such as inner london nicely.
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Dec 21, 2011
I have these postcodes as example below but the array formula I was going to use won't work because, for example when I count everything with the Birmingham post code 'B' it counts every thing that contains the letter B which could also be in the post code BA1 3RL?
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May 21, 2013
I'm trying to write a formula which will return postcodes from a list of descriptions which aren't consistent in their layout.
For example, I need this to happen
UB3 3NQ - APR13
SW3 5RQ - APR13
Jul 12 - apr13 accrual - ME9 4FW
Mar 12 - apr13 accural - SO14 7P2
Returned to another column as,
SO14 7P2
The issue I'm having is that the postcodes aren't in the same place in order to use LEFT, RIGHT or MID functions, and they aren't always proceeded or followed by dashes or spaces in the same way.
I need the returned postcodes to come back in a uniform way so that any duplicates are grouped by the relevant pivot table.
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Feb 16, 2007
I am working on sales information which includes postcodes. What i need to do is seperate the first or first two text characters from the rest of the postcode. I have attached a small snipet of what i am working on. Currently i am using the =Left(A4,2) but this will give me in some case a numerical value aswell. For example E1 or G1 in the case of the sample attached. Is there a formula that exists where it will just return the text values in a cell and not numerical values.
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Dec 8, 2013
I have created a sheet that shows distance between coordinates. Also working on something to put them in order of the closest point. I used a fixed point to find the nearest coordinate, but since i'm using a fixed point it doesnt go the order I want it to. I have attached the excel file I am working on.
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Feb 26, 2009
I have two columns, zipA and zipB. There are over 7000 rows and I need to calculate the distance between zipA and zipB for each row (so the result should be over 7000 rows of distances (in miles)). I posted this in the programming board because I figured it would require some. I don't have any add-ons.
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Mar 14, 2009
Need a direction for this type of calculation.
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Feb 24, 2007
At my last job we purchased a zip code addin from spheresoft that could give you a distance between two distance ie: =ZipCodeDistance(zip1, zip2)
This worked well but I am now at a new job and wondering if there is any data out there that could help me build my own sheet. I just need California
I have both zip codes now just need the distance, I could sit down, drink a ton of coffee and enter zip codes all night into Mapquest but am hoping for a better way.
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Jun 29, 2009
I have a list of records each with a postcode that takes either of the two formats:
N4 3HF
I also have a list of postcodes that show only the first part of postcodes
What formula would look up "SA1 6HU" and return SA1? while being also able to look up "N4 3HF" and return N4?
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Mar 27, 2014
I need a formula, from which I need to drag (if needed) and to fill with numbers, by following principles:
- when the left cell contain the zero, it needs to find on the same column if there exists another zero, or another one and count them, let's say if find three zeros untill find number one, return 3.
- when find a number 1, after another 1, has to return a zero.
- the formula need to initialise from the top of the column, only finds the first number 1.
I have a relevant example down bellow. I used to count them visually and sometimes errors sneak into my spreadsheets.
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Jan 27, 2009
I am looking to calculate the distance around an arc, given A-B = 70 and the depth is 70cm.
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Apr 2, 2009
I have a distance grid with place names down column A and along Row 1 with distances in the middle. I then have a place name in cell A1 on sheet2 and a distance in cell B1 on sheet2. Ideally I want cell C1 on sheet2 to lookup the place in cell A1 on Row1 of the grid on sheet1 and then find the distance in B2 in that column before displaying the correspoding value from Column A on sheet2. I've tried various Match and Index functions with no success.
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Jul 7, 2009
My wife wanted a excel sheet to track her walking. See Attached. I think I have the time calculations wrong, for example I am entering 1.07 for an hour and 7 minutes.
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Jul 24, 2009
I want to know the minimum distance between customers that I visited in each day.
If i visit customer 1, 2 and 5 in one day, which distance is smaller? 1-2, 2-5 ou 1-5 and what is the corresponding value?
I have in columns DATE, CUSTOMER 1, CUSTOMER 2, ..., CUSTOMER 5 and in each row I put the Day and 1 or blank for each customer (visited / not visited). I also have a mileage chart for each customer in another sheet which is the source for my distance data.
I tried INDEX and MATCH but all I get is ZERO... I think it is comparing the same CUSTOMER.
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Jan 20, 2013
I am wondering if there has been something made that is able to measure the distance between 2 cells if there is a barrier between them. For example, say you want to measure the distance between A1 and C1. If there were no barriers, the answer would be 2 cells, but say there was a barrier (a wall) that ran from B1 to B3. The distance would now be 8 assuming you cannot move diagonally, or 6 if you can move diagonally.
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Mar 14, 2014
I have two columns of from and to addresses in excel.These are complete addresses with apartment name and pincodes. how can I obtain the distance in km between the two addresses (Both are in the same city) I have used the code in the following [URL].However it seems to give me 0.
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Sep 21, 2013
I wrote a code to make all my charts and it made but all charts stocked together
P.S : "The red part in this code is my try to make a distance(space) between charts but it doesn't work"
For u = 1 To o
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart2(303, xlColumnStacked).Select
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("sheet1").Range(crgf(u), crgl(u)), PlotBy:=xlRows
ActiveChart.SetElement (msoElementDataTableWithLegendKeys)[code].....
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Jan 16, 2008
i use a Trimble Total Station Survey equipment, This is used for suveying and measuring distances between points on jobs. These points can be exported onto the pc as a text file and imported onto excel, the file has a northing and easting to locate the point these are comma separated.
I would like to know if excell is capable of working out a distance betwen two of these such points by using the two pairs of northing and easting coordinates. The maximum distance between two points is no more than 50 meters. If for example when imported onto excel point 1's coordinates are locted in cells A1 and B1 and points 2's coordinates are locted in cells A2 and B2.
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Jul 28, 2014
I have 1551 rows of port distances, as shown below.
From To Distance
Abu Al BukhooshDalian 6097
Abu Dhabi Jamnagar929
Ain Sukhna Gibraltar2026
Akpo Field Inchon9755
I have a list of 206 ports. I want to build a matrix of Port distances with the names of the ports (206 names) on the first row and column and the distance from each port to every other port. I understand that the 1551 rows of data that I have is not sufficient, but those are he only significant ones. For the missing records I would like to put "zero" in the matrix.
Also, Once the matrix is built, how can I use it to find the port pair distance when the user inputs two port (From port and To port)?
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Jul 21, 2014
I have a list of 3D landmarks, and I'm trying to calculate angles and distances between specific combinations of these points.I hit a complete wall when trying to use excel to calculate out those equations. way input these equations?
Distance equation --> distance between points A and B = sqr root of [(Ax-Bx)^2 + (Ay-By)^2 + (Az-Bz)^2]
This person (see the link) posted the excel equation, and I spent a long time trying to follow it, but can't make sense of it! [URL]
I have attached a summary of the excel I have, and exactly what I'm trying to calculate.
1. What is the excel equation to calculate the distance between two 3D coordinates (x,y,z)?
2. What is the excel equation to calculate the angle formed by 3 3D points (again, with x,y,z coordinates)?
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Aug 6, 2014
this is normally a very simple thing to calculate and I know how to calculate for speed, distance and time or SoDiT as we learnt at school..
I have a period of time where a distance in feet is covered. Lets say 1 hour 25 minutes to cover 12,600 feet, just over two miles.
What I need to solve for in this case is not speed exactly, but how long it takes to cover 10 feet in this scenario.
I start to do the math in excel and then the formatting jumps when I set to hh:mm:ss and I get confused whether I'm multiplying or dividing by 60 and it all becomes a mess.
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Jul 7, 2009
I have a excel sheet with city names in Column A, Distances in Column B, and Distances in Column C.
I wanted to write a formula so excel checks the distance between column C and column B and if there is less than a 10% difference between the two then it would copy the name of that city into another column D.
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Apr 15, 2014
I have longitude/longitude points in which I would like to apply inverse distance weighting statistics to.
I would like to possibly create a chart with the results...
See link below for explanation of inverse distance weighting.
[URL] ....
is there a function in excel or access that I would be able to use to achieve this goal?
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Feb 10, 2013
I am using this code that is working with Microsoft Mappoint 2010. It works fine but I like to add a condition that if szzip1 = szzip2, Worksheets("abc").Cells(12, 2) will equal 1. (Normally Mappoint result to such a search is 0) .
Dim oApp As MapPoint.Application
Set oApp = CreateObject("MapPoint.Application.NA.17")
oApp.Visible = True
Set objMap = oApp.NewMap
[Code .......
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