Hide & Show Rows Based On Cell Value
Jun 10, 2008
I have two sheets say:
Sheet1 has a few comboboxes saying (YES / NO) conditions Which are assigned to particular cells (for Ex: say Combobox1 value assignes to Sheet1!B5 )
If Sheet!B5 = YES some rows in Sheet2 Say ( Row12 ,Row 15,Row 16) has to be hide.
I will add a command button to sheet1 and call macro if i click command button checking the conditions in sheet1 combo boxes..rows in sheets2 has to hide..
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May 7, 2013
Trying to have A1 in Sheet1 having three values 1,2,3 if A1 = 1 hide rows from 1:5 and 10:1500 in three Sheets2,3,4
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Feb 27, 2008
I wrote a small code to hide some columns if a certain cell is equal to a certain string.
The cell is actually a drop down list and when they select a certain one, I want it to hide 2 columns. So I wrote the code with sub name Action, but I want it to be running all the time. I tried to achieve this by writing the following code however it gave me error 438 for my 2nd line.
Sub Auto_Open()
Range("A1").OnEntry = "Action"
End Sub
Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Oh, by the way error 438 states: Object doesn't support this property or method
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Mar 4, 2008
First, I realize there are plenty of hide cells threads but I have yet to find one pertaining to my situation and I apologize in advance if I this solution has already been posted.
The Problem: I am looking for macro code to a toggle button that will hide various rows that have no value between multiple sets of rows. The toggle should refresh the format of the rows as the information that was blank could later on have value.
The Setup: For each set of rows, the first row will have the label T and the last will have the label S. In between T and S there can be data. If the cells between T and S are all empty then the rows including T and S should be hidden other wise only the non blank cells between T and S should be visible.
The Reason: I have a master database worksheet, there are four copies of the master database worksheet each entitled phase1, ""2, ""3, & ""4 respectively. These phase sheets are linked to the master sheet and show the entire row's data based upon the beginning cell of each row showing either phase1, ""2, & so on.. The data is broken up into many sub databases and traditional auto filters or advanced auto filters will not be applicable as the title of the data and the empty rows in between need to be hidden if the data is empty.
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Oct 26, 2008
What i would like to do is Hide Rows Based on Cell Value in Multiple Sheets & Multiple Columns
and i need the macro to be fast
If the value in Range BE11:BE160 equals 1 dont hide the row
If the value is 0 or then hide the row
If the value in Range BE11:BE160 equals 1 dont hide the row
if the value is 0 or then hide the row
If the value in Range BE11:BE160 equals 1 dont hide the row
if the value is 0 or then hide the row
If the value in Range O1:O150 equals 1 dont hide the row
if the value is 0 or then hide the row
If the value in Range B1:B150 equals 1 dont hide the row
if the value is 0 or then hide the row
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Aug 6, 2009
I am trying to hide/show entire rows of a range based on the conditional formatting in the row. I want all rows with at least one overdue training cell (indicated by a red cell) displayed, and rows with no overdue training hidden. The conditional formatting formulas vary greatly, but always result in a white (unchanged), yellow, or red cell. Here is a sample picture for reference:
The CF formulas vary based mostly on two major factors: the frequency of the requirement found in Column "C" (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, or Annual Requirement), and the personnel's arrival on site or date of departure (wheels up) found in Rows("3:4"). Each training class has two rows. The first row indicates the last time the class was completed, and the second row shows when it is due next. Both rows have to be displayed/hidden based on the second row's conditional formatting. Here is the code I am using right now: ...
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Mar 31, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with two bitmap images inserted into it. In cell E2, I will enter a number, either a 1 or a 2. if I enter a 1, I want only the first image to be visible. If I enter a 2, I only want the second image to be visible. Is there a way to accomplish this (hopefully without the need for macros)? I've attached a spreadsheet as an example of what I'm trying to do. Also, note that I'd like the images to be stacked on top of each other so that they show up in the same place regardless of wether there's a 1 or a 2 in cell E5
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Jun 5, 2013
I'm quite new to VBA, but I am attempting to get a Forms ComboBox to appear or disappear based on whether a certain cell (P7) reads YES or NO. P7 in turn updates in turn based on a user-selected value. As of now, the ComboBox only appears or disppears if I go back in and out of the formula I entered into P7. Basically, I want my ComboBox to dynamically update based on the value in P7. That may sound a little muddled, so here is my code for the ComboBox:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("P7")) Is Nothing Then
If UCase(Target) = "YES" Then
Me.Shapes.Range("Drop Down 30").Visible = msoTrue
Me.Shapes.Range("Drop Down 30").Visible = msoFalse
End If
End If
End Sub
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Apr 8, 2008
i have a workbook with two sheets. i have a command button on sheet 1 that inserts another worksheet from another workbook based on a cell value in sheet 1. i would like this specific command button on sheet 1 to be hidden or disabled until a value is entered into a certain cell on sheet 1 that matches a value in a named range on sheet 2.
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May 30, 2008
excal VBA programming.I have attached the file name "help" for your easy explanation purpose.
1. Is it possible to hide sheet nos. 1,2,3,4 & unhide the sheet as wished by me by puting the value (1or 2 or 3 or 4) in B3 cell.
2.There are per day production rate in E18 to E22 cell. Now whenever I will give value in H18 or H19 or H20 or H21 or H22, it will check whether the value is same with the respective E 18 or E19 or E20 or E21 or E22 cell. If both the values are not equal then give a message box "WARNING!!! YOUR VALUE IS NOT SAME". Can it be possible by creating VBA programming.
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Nov 18, 2011
I am using windows 7, and excel 2007. I want to hide rows bases on a value in cell G2 which is a date field
Example, if G2 is greater than 11/16/2011 then hide rows 1969 through 2032.
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Mar 27, 2012
With a piece of code that will hide an entire row if a cell value in that row does not equal the cell value of another row.
Cell d3 = Feb 2012.
Range C5:c252, = a mix of Feb 2012 and Mar 2012.
I want to hide all the Mar 2012.
However if Cell d3 = Mar 2012 then the range C5:C252 will also = Mar2012
I want to see all the rows within that range.
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Apr 9, 2014
I am trying to auto hide rows in a spread sheet. the start row will always be 55 and the end row will be 55 + the value of cell A38 in sheet titled "Main".
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Dec 13, 2013
In this example on Sheet 2, I'm trying to hide rows 1-6 if 'E6' is 0, and hide rows 15-26 if 'E18' is 0. These cell values are equal to the same cell in Sheet 1.
I've tried different codes I've found online, but I'm not very experienced with VBA so I can't get it to work. I can get rows 1-6 to hide, but it doesn't do it automatically whenever a zero is inputed into Sheet 1. It only works if I enter something into another cell on Sheet 2.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("E6") = 0 Then
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
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Jun 17, 2009
I'm using column A as a reference. My data starts in cell A3.
Whenever theres a zero in any cell in column A I would like that row to hide.
If the row was hidden and the value changes to any number greater than zero I need the row to unhide.
I can record two macros for the hide/unhide part of this but I dont understand how to run them based on cell value.
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Jun 17, 2003
Like to create a macro (button) to hide / unhide rows based on a cell value
A1=No then hide roa A
C1=No then hide row c
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Apr 1, 2013
I am creating a copy of a spreadsheet (table format) in a separate workbook using formulas that will update the copy as the original updates. I would like to auto hide the rows that have the value "Returned" in column G. I have columns A - G , rows 2 - 2000. The value "Returned" is the result of a simple = formula. Is there some way to accomplish this?
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Jun 23, 2006
If I have data in range A1:Z99 I want to write a macro to hide all the rows that have a zero in the A column.
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Jul 3, 2007
I'm trying to find a way to hide rows based on a condition in one cell.
Basically I have a pull-down list with Yes or No in it. I want to hide rows 52 through 57, if No is selected, and make the rows reappear if Yes is selected.
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Dec 15, 2008
I have read other posts about this but I am still a little confused as most macros that have been made are tweaked to suite the users individual needs.
What I want is something like this to work in the active sheet:
If cells D2:D55 = ""
Then Hide.EntireRow
If cells D2:D55 = "has any value"
Then Show.EntireRow
The values in D2:D55 are populated by a VLOOKUP depending on what someone chooses in a drop down validation list, however not all the rows are always required so I would like to hide them to save some space on my form.
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Feb 1, 2009
Is there any way to hide a row if columns 6 and 7 both show either a "-" or a number lower than 0.5? Cells in both rows contain a VLOOKUP formula.
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Apr 22, 2009
How can I automatically hide rows based on a cell reference? For example, If A1=0 then hide row 1.
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Feb 26, 2010
I realize there are many Hide/Unhide requests. Although, believe me when I state that I have checked into the matter, and tried to solve it on my own.
If any of you fine forum dwellers could point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.
I am trying to achieve the following:
Two Macros:
To hide rows(entire spreadsheet) based on cell value in Column C (value is '0')
Here is a code (from this forum) that seems to be the least complex/confusing. I don't understand the "AC2" value. Would it not be A2? Or does it signify a certain range?
Sub HideRows()
With Sheets("Store Snapshot")
If Range("AC2").Value = 2 Then Rows("13:15").EntireRow.Hidden = True
If Range("AC2").Value = 1 Then Rows("13:15").EntireRow.Hidden = False
End With
End Sub
To UNHIDE the rows that Macro #1 Hid.
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Dec 21, 2008
I need to hide rows based on a cell value. In cell B4 I list how many students are in period one.
I have enough rows for 35 students found in A10:A44. In C10: C44 I listed numbers 1-35.
So I need any row that has a number in the C column higher than what was entered in B4 to be hidden, but when cell B4 changes I need rows to unhide if their row is less than new value.
So here was my attempt: ...
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Jan 30, 2009
I've attached a screenshot to illustate what I am doing and a one tab version of the workbook. I've had to do it in a zip folder as they were too big individually.
I've got a table that starts at row 12 and finishes at row 217 and the users enter information into the rows over a year. The creator of the sheet has set it up so there is a "z" in the second cell of each row and as this cell is overtyped with the new information the row changes colour and is included in the selected print macro that is set up.
I want to add in a macro that changes the row height to 0 based on the "z" being present in the row above 2nd cell. So all that is showing in the table are the rows that have info in them and one blank one underneath. So everytime a new row of info is entered either a new line will reveal itself underneath or there is a control button on the sheet that the user can press to reveal a new empty line.
I don't know how to write VB, but I've found some code online that claims to do what I need, but I need it to be altered to use the presence of the "z" in the row above (2nd column) as the trigger for the rule:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Value = 1 Then
Rows(Target.Row).RowHeight = 0
End If
End Sub
Or should I be starting off with minimised rows and changing it so the height increases as the "z" in the row above is overtyped?
Can this happen automatically as the z is overtyped or does the macro need to be triggered by a control button for example?
Is there a better way to do this? I don't want to get rid of all the extra empty rows and have a macro to create a new row for 2 reasons: 1.They have formulas and macros running set up by the creator that I don't want to mess with and 2. There are 52 sheets in the workbook, 1 for each week of the year and the next sheet takes the information from the previous weeks sheet so on the last sheet, number 52, it has every line that has been entered over the year from week one to week 51 carried over. If I created a new row on week2, I would have to then create that row on every sheet following week 2 and I think that would make it more complicated. I would need the macro to be able to run on any of the 52 sheets.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Cells.RowHeight = 12.27
Range(Rows(Target.Row + 2), Rows(217)).RowHeight = 0
End Sub
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Sep 29, 2006
I'd like to hide rows based on the value of a specific cell (that specific cell will always be C14, and it will have up to 8 variables selectable from a drop down list).
For example, if C14 = Innovative/exploratory, i'd like to hide rows 15-45. If C14 = Technical Service, i'd like to hide rows 15-32, and 42-44. I'm not familiar with VB, but am a quick study -
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Sep 8, 2007
I need to hide rows on a worksheet based on entries from DATA VALIDATION dropdown lists on another. Due to the fact that all the entries are on a different page, and there is no active cells or entries made on the "second" worksheet, the WORKSHEET_CHANGE events will NOT work. Trust me, I have spent two days searching the net for a possible answer and trying every trick I could find. Not to seem redundant or a pain, but right from the git-go, FORGET the WORKSHEET_CHANGE event as an option. I need a way to fire the macros from a formula change in a linked cell, and it won't be an active cell, nor will there be any kind of entry made on that page at all. ALl the entries (choices) will be made on another sheet, but the result needs to be hiding the rows not required based on the choices I make. There are over 300 lines and when I am done there will be only approximately 35-40 left. Right now the people using this are actually making copies of the workbook, and then deleting the worksheets they don't need (I am hiding those with an array) and then deleting the lines they don't need on the worksheet remaining. (Stupid and slow I know, but I didn't develop this workbook, I'm just trying to bring it out of the stone age) Here is some sample code with what I want to do, except it is of a WORKSHEET_CHANGE nature and will not work.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Application.Intersect(Range("INPUT!M6"), Target) Is Nothing Then
Rows("11:50").Hidden = True
If LCase(Range("INPUT!M6").Value) = "100" Then Rows("31:50").Hidden = True
If LCase(Range("INPUT!M6").Value) = "100" Then Rows("11:30").Hidden = False
If LCase(Range("INPUT!M6").Value) = "225" Then Rows("11:30").Hidden = True
If LCase(Range("INPUT!M6").Value) = "225" Then Rows("31:50").Hidden = False
If LCase(Range("INPUT!M6").Value) = "0" Then Rows("11:50").Hidden = False
End If
End Sub
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Apr 8, 2008
Cell A1 can be left blank or have any value 1 to 99999 inserted by the user. Default value is null. My data starts on row 5 and currently goes to row 62, but will include more rows over time. I want to automatically hide rows 5 to 62 (and higher later on) where the value in Column C (C5, C6, C7, etc) is less than or equal to the value in A1 as long as A1 isn't null. If A1 is null, then no row hiding would be done. Ideally would be great to have msg also that says "No rows hidden" or "10 rows hidden", but not critical - just nice to have if you can provide such easily and quickly otherwise I'll just try to learn it later on.
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Jun 12, 2008
I would like to hide rows (A17:A180) based on the value in the cell. If the value in a specific cell is "X", hide the row...if anything else is in the column's cell (A17, etc), show it.
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Oct 29, 2013
I wish to have a button on one sheet wich opens another sheet and hides all rows without "NO" in F4:F300
Starting code for button below:
Private Sub Kilaneset_Click()
Sheets("MSDS").Visible = True
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