IF Function: Comparing Data From Two Columns
Jul 27, 2009
I'm comparing data from two columns like this:
and my goal is to have a TRUE or FALSE in the third column for the following criteria: TRUE if left column equals TRUE or if left column equals FALSE and right column equals TRUE. False if else........
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Dec 4, 2012
I have need to do a comparison of 2 values located in different columns. As this is almost impossible to describe in text format, I have included a spreadsheet showing exactly the problem. Im sure the solution will involve INDEX and MATCH but every permutation I have tried has failed (possibly theres another way?).
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Oct 1, 2008
Right now i have a list of data in text format....they are stock tickers. One column is about 2000 entries long and the other is 500 entries long. I need to compare the two columns together and highlight the entries in the long column when they match to an entry in the 500 column. I have tried so many different formulas and conditional formatting on my own and can't figure it out
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Aug 21, 2014
So I played around with the macro i posted on the previous thread, two allow me to compare two columns of data to see if they contain the same information, and have come up with the below, which works almost flawlessly:
The idea being that it compares the two rows of data, then in the colmun to the right puts a y or n if the data is contained in both cells. I have added in some code that related to highlighting those cells with 'n' in the allow me to see it much easier. The macro works fine, however it seems that when it runs, it will sometimes highlight random cells not in column d, for example colum g etc.
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Apr 18, 2013
So I have this problem in excel with comparing 2 columns.
Basically, I have 2 columns(a &B) that I need to compare with one another and find out the matching data. I am trying to use that matching data to enter in our reports.
Both columns might have duplicate items because I am dealing with premium numbers.
Formula to compare these 2 columns and find the matching data and extract it to a separate column. Keep in mind, i am dealing with almost 20,000 lines of data.
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Apr 22, 2014
I have an attendance sheet that employees scan their badge number, and returns their name and time/date stamp using a simple VLOOKUP.
I want to create a report that compares the names in the attendance sheet against the all the names in the master sheet, and only returns the names that have not attended the training.
I have tried a few test formulas using COUNTIF function, but with no luck.
I have attached an example. Use the worksheet labeled April 2014 A (2nd shift)
New Six Point Safety with Attendance Sheet Barcode Scanning.xlsx
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Aug 8, 2012
I'm using Excel 2010 on Windows 7.
I have 2 worksheets. One has Employees and the devices they have. Last name, First Name, Device each in their own colulmn. Many have more than 1 device so they have multiple entries on seperate rows.
Another worksheet has Employees and thier location. Last name, First Name, Location. Again, all on seperate columns.
It would look something like this
So I'm tasked with combining them into 1 sheet with last name, first name, device and location. The issues I'm having are:
1) A team member could have multiple devices
2) A last and/or first name can appear many times, so a simple Vlookup against lastname won't work - it has to somehow also compare against both.
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Apr 29, 2006
Can I run a macro from a cell function in Excel 2003 with the idea of
comparing 1 value against another and if its true, it gets highlighted yellow?
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Dec 30, 2006
The following formula (thanks to Barrie) determines if the difference between 2 values equals a third value, within a fourth margin of error value, and returns either True or False.
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May 5, 2014
1) if Column M has the value "School" then corresponding value in column N should have oly "Bus","Subject","Teacher". if values in Column B other than "Bus","Subject","Teacher" then the cell should populate RED Color.
2) if Column M has the value "College" then corresponding value in column N should have oly "Box","Madam","World". if values in Column B other than "Box","Madam","World" then the cell should populate RED Color.
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Dec 23, 2009
I have a table with many columns of data on sheet1
Is it possible to have sheet2 have ... oh I dont know... say 5 columns. In which I can choose the headers that correspond to the headers in sheet1. Therefore comparing the columns that I want simply by changing the header?
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Jun 1, 2007
What I'm attempting to do is analyze data on spread sheet. I've attached an example. what I need to do is compare columns "E" and "I". But I have numerous means of comparing the data. I think I will need three different formulas which is okay and am unsure if VBA is better. For example: I compare "E2" and "I2"...ect:
1) I would need to compare complete cell
2) I would need to compare the first three digits
3) I would need to compare the middle digits
If you towards the end you can see that some will compare to a BLANK cell if column "E" is ever blank. I first tried using countif but couldn't get it done. I only need totals that do not match in this category.i.e. 25 of 140 do not match.
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Jun 6, 2013
I have currently browsed the forums and have came up with a code to compare two columns from two separate excel books and then highlight anything matching with the CompareRange. Here is a few more details about the problem:
- I have two excel sheets. And data like this in each sheet:
(First Sheet) (Second Sheet)
-A B N O
-7 .7 3 .56
-6 .6 8 .45
-5 .5 9 .55
-4 .4 11 .2
-3 .3 8 .22
-2 .2 9 .55
-1 .1 8 .54
As you can see, given this example nothing should be highlighted once the macro is run since nothing from Column A or B from the first sheet matches directly with Column N & O from the second sheet. The problem is that with the macro (module) I have come up with will highlight "3" from Column A and ".2" from Column B, just because they appear in Column N & Column O respectivally. What I want: I only want a number to be highlighted if both the numbers "7" & ".7" are matched in the same row of Column N & Column O on the other spreadsheet. To be a little more precise, I'll give an example. Say I edited the data to be like this.
(First Sheet) (Second Sheet)
7 .7 3 .56
8 .45 8 .45
5 .5 9 .55
11 .4 11 .2
3 .3 8 .22
2 .2 9 .55
1 .1 8 .54
With this data, I would want the second row of A & B ("8" & ".45") highlighted, while my error "3" of Column A and ".2" of Column B is not highlighted. Also, I would like it if row 4 of Column A & B ("11" & ".4") is not highlighted at all either, just because in O it is .2 and in B it would be .4 even though the 11's match. Attached is the macro/module I have entered in which is working kind of correctly but producing the mistake. And also, (kind of a lesser problem), both the files with data will have the same header, example would be if Column A & Column N both had "Dogs" as it's title in Row 1 and Column B & O both had "Cats" as it's title in Row 1. Is there anyway the macro can be adjusted so it compares those two columns between the two workbooks without me even having to select or assigning a range?
HTML Code:
Sub Find_Matches()
Dim Column1 As Range
Dim Column2 As Range
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Aug 8, 2014
I have column A which contains a range of part numbers, and column B is an On Hand quantity of that part number.
Column C is just like column A, in that it contains the same part numbers but it has about 1,000 additional part numbers that are obsolete. Column D has the On Hand quantity for Column C.
Column A and B are old information as far as the On Hand quantities, where Column C and D are up to date On Hand. The problem is the old outdated part numbers in column C.
How do I make column A and column C match, but not lose their respective On Hand quantities? I know this sounds discombobulated, but basically I need column A's part numbers, with column D's on hand quantity.
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Jun 7, 2009
I'm trying to compare addresses in a worksheet, column A and column C have the addresses in them, in column A there are 44063 rows and column C has 43751 rows , both columns should have the same number of rows in each column because they should have the same number of addresses in each column but they dont so what i need to find out is which addresses from column A arent in column C and which addresses in column C arent in Column A and have the result put in column D.
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Dec 13, 2009
workbook1 column A has tag numbers, workbook2 column A also has tag numbers. I want to compare the 2 columns and if the tag number in book 1 is also in book 2 i want it to return 25B-F138-28-01 in column B workbook1.
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Apr 25, 2009
with hello and regards two all members and administrators
i have this table
Column A: Country1 Export Code
Column B: Export value for Country 1
Column C: Country2 Import Code
Column D: Import value for Country 2
------------------- NOW ---------------------
i want to fill in Column E to H with a macro
Column E: same code in Column A and Column C
Column F: export value for same code (from Column B)
Column G: import value for same code (from Column D)
Column H: 30 percent of Minor Value
for example if F3 is 9000 and G3 is 1000 then H3 will be 2700 that is 30 percent of F3
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Nov 25, 2008
I need to compare data across two columns: the date a claim was filed (column T), and the date it was resolved (column AH).
On my summary worksheet, I'm displaying the claim details for each month. I need to show how many of the claims filed (T) in each month are resolved (AH) - and for this output I'm not concerned about when they were resolved. This lets us track if there's still money due to flow out of the coffers for old claims. For example, there were 5 claims filed in July, and 4 of them are resolved. I want my summary tab to return a value of "Completed" beside July when I enter the resolution date for that last one, and "Pending" until then.
All the fields I'm describing are formatted as dates - including the name of the month (eg, "July" is displayed because I've put a custom format of "MMMM" on 7/1/08).
I've been playing around with countif and sumproduct but can't quite figure this one out.
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Jul 13, 2013
There are two columns A and B and values there in
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
9 5
10 6
11 13
15 15
As you can see there are certain numbers that are missing between column B and A. I want to know which of the numbers that are present in column B are missing in column A ...any handy calculation ?
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Jan 28, 2014
I need to compair 3 columns of text and return a value in a forth colum. example:
If cell D2, E2, & F2 all = “Failure” return “PASS” in cell I2
If cell D2, E2, & F2 all = “Pass” return “PASS” in cell I2
If any other combination exist return “Fail” in cell I2
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Dec 22, 2006
I have data in column A which is the correct data. I also have data in other columns that I would like to compare to column A. If the data is the same, then it moves beside it, if not then it leaves a blank cell.
I have looked for macros and formulas to do this for ages but i cant seem to find one. Here is an example
1 1 2 1
2 4 3 2
3 5 4 4
4 7 5 6
5 - - 7
6 - - -
7 - - -
1 1 - 1
2 - 2 2
3 - 3 -
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 -
6 - - 6
7 7 - 7
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Aug 11, 2006
I want Excel to compare two columns of numbers. Column R has 1000 entries,
beginning with the number 1 and ending with the number 1000. Column S will
have from approx. two hundred to as many as six or seven hundred entries,
looking something like this: 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18 . . . . . . 990, 992,
995, 996, 999, 1000. I want Excel to compare column S with column R and
display the difference in Column T. Column T will therefore look like: 1,2,4,
7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 19 . . . . . 899, 991, 993, 994, 997, 998. I have to do
this multiple times, does Excel have a built-in function(s) that can do this or
do I need to write a macro? The numbers can be formatted as text if neces-
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Jan 22, 2013
I have two colums of data with names in them, Column A and B. I want to see what names in column B also occur in column A and I want to put this function in column C. So for instance if I want to see if "John" is also in column A and if he is then I want column C to say yes beside Johns name in column B.
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Apr 14, 2014
I'm trying to determine if one date meets the criteria to be considered 'on time'. I have two columns: estimated completion date and completion date. I want to compare the completion date to the estimated completion date and if completion date is <= completion date but is NOT = 1/1/2099 then I met my date. I've tried this several different ways and problem is I cannot make it work.
When estimated completion date is 1/1/2099 'on time' should be 'no'
When estimated completion date is not 1/1/2099 but is greater than completion date 'on time' should be 'no'
When completion date is <= estimated completion date and estimated completion date is not equal to 1/1/2099 'on time' should be 'yes'
And I have a null date to deal with also but if I can satisfy the first 3 criteria I can manipulate the null values manually.
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Jan 27, 2009
I have two columns of card numbers (16 digits) in text format, as column A and column B. In column C, I'm trying to figure out how to compare column A and B for matches, and display the match in column C, if there is a hit.
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Apr 27, 2009
I have two columns A and B. I need a count of how many times a value in B is greater than the same row in A. I don't want to insert a new column (e.g. for if statements to add up).
Can I insert a countif at the top to do that? I tried various countif variations but could not find the right one. Additionally any other option that does not involve adding new columns/rows.
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Oct 20, 2009
I work in a School and need to create a points awards system based on GCSE Grades.
I have predicted and actual grades for each pupil in columns. I need to figure out how I can calculate an award point for this. i.e. if the predicted grade is an A and the Pupil gets a C this would be a minus 1 point score. I need to do this for all subjects and add a total.
I have attached a spreadsheet with a demonstration of what I require. I have created formulas to do what I require however I see it as terrible programming but I cannot figure out another more efficient way.
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Apr 8, 2013
I am working on a survey analysis and I'm having trouble comparing two columns.
Ex. 100 surveys
Column A being age (scale of 1-5)
Column B being willingness to pay (scale 1-5)
I am trying to correlate age with willingness to pay by saying =countif(a1:100 = "1" and (B1:B100 = "1" and "2"))
Basically checking to see if the 1st age group has a strong willingness to pay; I would repeat with B1:B100 = "4" and "5".
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Jul 24, 2013
I have data in two cells.If both are different then it should display that column data with different color.
1 1
2 1
If col b is not match with col A then it should display that col B value cell with some color.
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Oct 21, 2013
I do backups on a daily schedule. Given the spreadsheet called "A" which is a list of all clients and current backup policy as of last week, and the file "B" which is a snapshot list of servers in our supported environment, does someone have a clever way to determine which systems are in "B" that are not in "A"? The clients are listed in column M in spreadsheet A and this column may have multiple client names listed due to a policy that includes multiple clients in the netbackup schedule.
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