- contents of data.txt have range A1:Pn, where 'n' is last row, different for each file
- found a previous thread very similar to what i wanted, but donno how to edit this to suit my purpose
[Solved] Importing: Import many TXT files to singe workshee
BTW, does VBA recognise directory folder with unicode characters? I can rename my directory if it doesn't.
I am working with Excel 2003 which has a limit of 256 columns. I often import text files into excel using a very simple macro. I specify the text file's name and location in a cell and then run the macro - it opens the text file, copies the data and pastes it into the worksheet, then delimiting the columns using the semi-colons that seperated the data in the original text file.
However, I now have a text file that would convert into excel as around 1,000 columns and about 20 rows. This obviously causes a problem since my limit is 256 columns in Excel 2003.
Is there any way that Excel can transpose my data when it brings it into the spreadsheet from the text file so that I end up with 20 columns and 1,000 rows? Ideally I'd do this in VBA and add the code onto my existing little macro
I'm attempting to import around 200 (and growing!) separate text files into Excel. I am using the formula below to import the text file and then using a separate macro to select the information I need, copy it into another spreadsheet, and then run the import macro again.
However, I have a problem in that my import macro gives me 'Run-time error '1004:
Application defined or user defined error''. At first this wasn't a problem as the information is pasted into the spreadsheet despite the error anyway. However, now that I am looping the macro it is obviously causing more problems as it prevents the loop. I would really appreciate it if anyone knows of a work-around or can spot an error in the coding to resolve this!
The code below shows is for the import macro only:
Sub ImportTextFile(FName As String, Sep As String)
Dim RowNdx As Long Dim ColNdx As Integer Dim TempVal As Variant Dim WholeLine As String Dim Pos As Integer Dim NextPos As Integer Dim SaveColNdx As Integer
I have about 200 text files each with 2 columns. I want to create a single excel spread sheet where the data comprises of the second column from each text file. I do not know any thing about macros and so need help on writing a macro that will automatically import data from the whole of the second column of each text file into one single spread sheet.
I found a good piece of code to import data from text files into excel. they are delimited
I keep getting an overflow error, and then I get the error that the file is already open?
Option Explicit
Sub OpenTextFiles() Dim strFiles() As String Dim strFName As String Dim strFPath As String Dim IntFile As Integer Dim sep As String 'define the directory strFPath = "C:UsersXXXXXDesktopHOLDINGTEXT into Excel"
I have about 10k poorly formatted txt files that I need to grab 4 items from each and put in a spreadsheet. How can this be done in Excel or should it be done in Access instead?
Here's a link to what each txt file looks like: MTRP88PF700721.txt
I only need the number next to Posting Journal on line 3 (12686 in this case), the 3 digit number next to Class Total on line 11 (101 in this case), the Extended Cost Final Total and the Extended Retail Final Total (23.77 and 39.30 in this case)
because one of my staff members is currently opening each txt file and typing these figures into a spreadsheet!
rearrange this macro for me that I could import multiple txt (200 files) files from selected folder. Could You insert appropriate comments in Your altered macro - where I should change how many columns I need to import from files,
- which column/columns I want to import from files
- macro should automatically import data from the whole of the selected column or columns of each text file into one single spread sheet and import it to different columns
I have found this:
Sub test() Dim myDir As String, fn As String, ff As Integer, txt As String Dim delim As String, n As Long, b(), flg As Boolean, x, t As Integer myDir = "c: est" '
i am looking for a macro that would import chosen multiple text files and append them all into one worksheet into column B (one textfile row into one cell), with column A displaying the imported filename next to every entry.
I found the code below on the internet and adjusted it to my needs.It is working perfectly fine except for the fact that it opens a new workbook to import the data. I run this code from a workbook named "InstronImport.xlsm" and would like it to add the data in this workbook instead of a new one. I have been trying for a day now and can't seem to figure out how to do it.
Sub ImportRawFilesInstron() Dim FilesToOpen Dim x As Integer Dim wkbAll As Workbook Dim wkbTemp As Workbook Dim sDelimiter As String On Error Goto ErrHandler Application. ScreenUpdating = False sDelimiter = "," FilesToOpen = Application. GetOpenFilename _ (FileFilter:="Text Files (*.raw), *.raw", _ MultiSelect:=True, Title:="Text Files to Open")...................
i am importing a large number of text files from a folder into an excel worksheet (into column A) and found the following code from searching the forum.
Sub Import_Text_Files()
Const PATH = "C:Documents and SettingsSilent BazMy DocumentsElectronic Gift Card WorkTestTextFolder"
Dim My_Filenumber As Integer Dim My_File As String Dim My_Data As String
My_File = Trim(Dir(PATH))
If My_File = "" Then MsgBox "No Files found matching " & PATH & My_Extension Exit Sub End If.......
I am trying to convert multiple tab-separated text files into one worksheet. All the text files have the same format and file structure. I have been copying and pasting these files into an Excel spreadsheet but this is time consuming. I need to find out if anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish this task using a VBA macro.
Trying to import mutliple text files from one folder and save them into multiple tabs in the workbook. Found this piece of code on forums but can't respond to thread since its expired. Whenever i choose a file from the folder, it would say no files exist. Is there something wrong or am i missing libaries to run this?
Sub Test() 'First off, this will prompt where the text files are saved filepath = Application. GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt", , "Where are your text files saved")
'this will strip the filename from your selection, leaving just the folder Do While Right(filepath, 1) <> "" filepath = Left(filepath, Len(filepath) - 1) Loop
'This will search for all of the files within the folder Set fs = Application.FileSearch With fs...........................
The code by Jindon works but only for the text files that do not contain a header. Can someone please telll me what I have to change in the code to make the code skip the header information (1st three line) when importing? Currently, if I use Jindon's code, it fails once it tries to import one of these text files. Here is Jindo's Sub test() Dim myDir As String, fn As String, txt As String, x myDir = "c: est" '<- change to actual folder path fn = Dir(myDir & "*.txt") Do While fn <> "" txt = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(fn).ReadAll x = Application.Transpose( Split(txt, vbCrLf)) Sheets(1). Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2).Resize(UBound(x,1)).Value = x fn = Dir() Loop End Sub
I am new to VBA coding. My boss recently handing me a task where I have to take data which is stored in thousands of fwd files and import it into spread sheets. This can be read with notepad as plain text. This data has about 35 lines of heading info i need to skip. The data i need transfered is stored in columns and each data row is tagged at the beginning with the letter D and comment lines begin with the letter C. The heading info has no such tags.The data is space delimited. Further, some of the columns of data need to be omitted in the spreadsheet. Each data.fwd file gets its own spreadsheet meaning each time i import data i start with a fresh template.xls to import into. The format of the spreadsheet is the same as the format the data is presented in the text file with ten columns, except the text has twelve and two of them need to be omitted.
One more thing, I need to be able to push a button and query the file to import.
2. I need grab data from each of the files for a rolling 30 day period from the date specified in the sheet. The data needs to go onto the same sheet in Excel.Example: B2 on the "Settings" worksheet says 02-14-2014. So take data from 02-14-2014 minus 30 days (01-15-2014.txt) all the way up to today and consolidate it onto an existing worksheet called "Data."
3. If the date in cell B2 is changed, overwrite the data that was already retrieved and replace it with the new import from the new date.Example: B2 is changed to 01-31-2014. Now take data from 01-31-2014 minus 30 days and overwrite what was already imported in worksheet "Data."
I have many text files ~5000 and I am searching for a macro that can import multiple files and also search the text file only importing two specific rows (error files may will not have 42 rows) while listing the file name in an adjacent cell.
So in column A I would like the file name, in column B any data in line 42 of the text file and in column C any data in line 43 of the text file.
Here is an example of the data in rows 42 & 43: 11 Waratah Street Mona Vale(2103) - Australie -33.68 (-33°40') | 151.30 (151°18')
So far I have found the code below that will import all text files into one sheet but it does not satisfy my requirements.
I am a complete novice with VBA and would like to write a macro that will allow me to import multiple text files stored in a folder on my directory into a single excel worksheet. I would also like the name of each text file to be output in a separate column for each row of data in the worksheet i.e. each row is 'named' with the title of the file it comes from.
The text files are comma delimited and have 5 fields e.g.
I would like to use FileDailogFolderPicker object to prompt the Excel User (me!) to browse to the location of the folder which is required to execute the code below; at the moment I have to change the file path in the VBA code each time I run the macro. The code is run on a Click Event button at present.
Private Sub GetGPCFiles_Click() test End Sub
Sub test() Dim myDir As String, fn As String, ff As Integer, txt As String, a() Dim x, i As Long, n As Long, b(), t As Long myDir = "Y:DCCRSP07RSPWE191007131007GPC" 'Have to input this path manually fn = Dir(myDir & "*.gpc") Do While fn <> "" ff = FreeFile Open myDir & "" & fn For Input As #ff Do While Not EOF(ff) Line Input #ff, txt x = Split(txt, ",") n = n + 1 Redim Preserve a(1 To n) a(n) = x Loop
I get about 10 text files at the beginning of each month that I need to import into Excel. The file layout does change slightly from month to month so I have an Excel spreadsheet with the layout as the first worksheet. Each text file is in fixed layout form rather than delimited. The structure of that page is that the name of the first text file is in cell A1. The cumulative field widths are below that and the data formats are next to the field widths (in the adjacent column B). T=Text, G=General, D= Date with 3 flavors of Date: YMD, DMY and MDY. For the second text file, it repeats the structure in columns C and D, the third text file in columns E and F etc. What I would like is for the macro to open the first text file (based on the name in cell A1) and import it into a new worksheet (same file) using the cumulative field widths in A2 through A8 and the formats from B2 through B8, then import the next text file to a new worksheet (same file) using the cumulative field widths in C2 through C8 and the formats from D2 through D8 and keep going until all the files have been imported. The sheet names should be the same as the file that is imported (the .txt part of the file name isnt important). Ive attached a copy of the Excel spreadsheet that has the file names, field widths (cumulative) and field formats and a 2 row sample of the text file for the first import.
I am trying to get a VBA code to import multiple text files into an excel worksheet. The text files contain about 5,000 words each listed in a single column. I found this thread Import Multiple Text Files and the code listed there:
Sub test() Dim myDir As String, fn As String, ff As Integer, txt As String Dim delim As String, n As Long, b(), flg As Boolean, x, t As Integer myDir = "c: est" '<- change to actual folder path delim = vbTab '<- delimiter (assuming Tab delimited) fn = Dir(myDir & "*.txt") Do While fn <> "" Redim b(1 To Rows.Count, 1 To 1) ff = FreeFile Open myDir & "" & fn For Input As #ff Do While Not EOF(ff)..........................
I have a macro that works perfectly to import a text file and parse it. Now i need it to do multiple ones. I import the txt file to a new workbook as i filter for certain data only and if found i copy that to the current workbook. I want to do the same just for many txt files:
I have a folder with multiple text files. I want to import one of these files to a sheet called data in an existing Excel file. The excel file has references to this data sheet on other sheets which I want to keep. I want to save this excel file with the name the text file has and repeat this for all the text files in the folder.
I found a macro a while back which does the job nicely of importing and saving the Excel file, however all the data in the other sheets gets lost once it is saved. How to keep the data?
Sub tgr() Const txtFldrPath As String = "FOLDER WITH TEXT FILES" 'Change to folder path containing text files Const xlsFldrPath As String = "FOLDER FOR EXCEL FILES" 'Change to folder path excel files will be saved to Dim CurrentFile As String: CurrentFile = Dir(txtFldrPath & "" & "*.txt") Dim strLine() As String Dim LineIndex As Long
I have two macros one of which imports the data and the other processes the data. These macros were created at different times and need to be joined into a single macro that will combine their operations with slight modification to the importing macro. Let me describe what each of the macros does:
PROCESS macro: Cycles through the CONTROL CELL on the 1 tab using the VALUES TO TEST. For each value to test it copies the values form the output tabs and pastes them into the A+B tab. Then it removes the duplicate rows there.
Option Explicit '====================================== Sub PROCESS() 'This subroutine is called when clicking on the first button Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long 'Those are the variables that will browse through the whole sheets Dim l As Integer 'this will be used to browse through the values to test Dim TheSearch(1 To 2) As Object 'This is an array of objects that will be used for the search Dim TheRange As Range 'This will be used to flag the range of duplicates in the output
'Searching for the Text string 'VALUES To TEST' in the sheet "1" in order to know where the array of values to be tested start Set TheSearch(1) = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 10, ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count)).Find(What:="VALUES TO TEST", LookIn:=xlValues, Lookat:=xlWhole)
I did a search for " import text" and found some promising leads, but not exactly what I was looking for. I have tried running macros and looking at the code but don't know how to pass the file names from the the D47:D147 range to VBA(see below). I saw elsewhere that Excel can be told to create a temporary batch file, and that the batch file with the command "copy text1.txt+text2.txt+text3.txt all.txt" for example could be used to merge the 3 text files into a file called all.txt. I don't however know how specify the path where copy starts, to tell the batch file to look in subdirectories or to pass the file into Excel. I've posted this question yesterday to Yahoo Answers http://tinyurl.com/omers and http://tinyurl.com/rfww9 without much luck.
Below is the macro I would like:I have text files whose names are found in the range D47:D147 although without the appended ".txt" extension. The sheets can only contain one name sometimes, but on average 8 to 10, so in the average case only cells D47:D56 would have entries.The text files are found in the say H:Textfiles directory or subdirectories.I would like Excel to find these files, concatenate them with a row between each file, and paste the results into cell K251.Finally, the text import wizard should be used with a space as a delimiter and the last 3 columns (it's sometimes only 2) of the concatenated file, not imported.
I need to import thousand of txt files into 1 worksheet keeping the file names as data. Each txt file has 2 columns :
1 0.65914 2 0.65945 3 0.86062 ... ... and each txt file represents recordings made at specific time and date (e.g 0158.DSG_RAWD_HMS_21_ 0_ 0__DMY_29_ 2_12_pulses). I would like to have 2 columns: 1) with the time taken from the name of the txt file (e.g. 21:00:00) and 2) the associated recording. Something like this:
and so on for each txt file and all the recordings piling up in 1 spreadsheet. I have tried to run few codes in VBA, but I have no knowledge of it and none of the code worked. I am using Excel 2010.
I am trying to determine a way to quickly import data from text files into Excel and place data in suitable columns (under correct headings). I am thinking I could be asked which file to read and import doing them 1 by 1, or if there is an automated way to cycle through all the files that would be more efficient (filenames are variable).
From the text files I have attached I can tell the column headers and what data should go under each. Not sure how you would describe the delimiting on these files? Are these files in a format that VBA could be used to reduce manual copy and paste approach? I have about 300 of these files I want to extract the data from.
Note: the attached files are from a public access website.
I have around 50 text files with similar design per attached file. I need to import the text files with criteria below:-
1. include file name 2. let user choose the folder 3. exclude data from "work in process summary" to "work in process cost totals" 4. only have one title in the excel files which all text files is combined "Item, Line ....." 5. If the text files do not have title like "Item, Line, ..." do not import
Is it possible to have all criteria listed above by running a macro?