Internet Explorer Script: Unable To Display Certain Objects
Nov 10, 2006Recently my HELP was unable to display certain objects. Now I get an Internet Explorer Script Error message popping up almost ever time I display Help.
View 2 RepliesRecently my HELP was unable to display certain objects. Now I get an Internet Explorer Script Error message popping up almost ever time I display Help.
View 2 RepliesI want to write a piece of code to go to some webpage(URL in some excel cell) and then copy all the text on the page and paste to some other cell in the same worksheet.
I know I can open IE using VBA(Excel 2003),but is it possible to get everything on the IE window into the clipboard and then paste into any of the excel cells?
I want to automate few steps,
Step 1 : click on button in Internet explorer1(IE1) which inturn opens Internet explorer2(IE2).
Step 2 : in IE2 i want to enter some value in textbox and click in "go" button.
Managed to get step 1 some how, need to proceed futher with step 2 given above
Private Sub IE_Autiomation()
Dim i As Long
Dim IE As Object
Dim objElement As Object
Dim objCollection As Object
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
[Code] .........
I am trying to automate a website which I use for daily office related work. I am navigating the website, selecting some options and clicking on download button using vba code. When I click on download it opens a new internet page. Now I have to click one more hyperlink on that newly opened internet page. How to do that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to use Excel VBA to conduct a transaction automatically.So far,I managed to get all the required input in.Now,I need to click the "Submit" Button.
I was thinking of using the InternetExlorer.Document.Links(x).Title to search for the link of the "Submit" button and then use the .Navigate method to proceed to the link.
But when I wrote and ran the :
i get the following mesage:
"Run Time Error 98
A property or method cannot include a reference to a private object ,either as an argument or as a return value "
I have a macro that opens a web page, copies data from the page, then paste the data into a worksheet in excel. All that works just fine. however I cannot figure out how to close the connection to the web after I copy the data
View 5 Replies View RelatedIf Excel VBA can let Internet Explorer quit if it have been running when you open excel workbook?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to write VBA code which will go to a web site, SelectAll, make a Copy and then close the IE connection. In my code, Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") works, objIE.Navigate "" works, and objIE.Visible = True works. What's the objIE code for "Select All" and "Copy" ? I can't seem to find any reference to these commands in the posts anywhere.
im working on a project that has exposed myself to something. I am familiar with navigating through many IE websites in VBA, but this one has me stumped. I have entered all my information via code, and now I need to progress to the next screen. Here is the button I need to click.
<button name="btnRunSearch" accesskey="R"
onclick="CSWCSC_runSearch(this.form)" onkeypress="return CSWCSC_submitenter(this, event)"><U>R</U>un Search</button>
I am not sure if this can be done but I couldn't find it in the forum. I need a macro which will open a web page and on that page fill a search box with a value from cell A2 and click the search button. The macro I have now opens the webpage. I need the rest. The search box is like the one on google homepage, I mean when the webpage is opened, the cursor is automatically inside the search box.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan we get a macro in excel where we can browse web page and get the data from a internet based webpage.
View 3 Replies View RelatedEvery day I gotta enter information in my work's website (intranet), however I dont know that much about manipulate with VBA the Internet Explorer application, for example once I enter information in the website, I gotta enter an ID after that I gotta select the date, then I gotta give some clicks in some checkboxes, then I copy some information from excel and enter that information in the navigator, and finally click on save. The thing is that I do not have access to that website in my home so is impossible for me to provide you with the link... what kind of codes do I need to do it, or where can I find a manual where I can learn to manipulate another application like the Internet explorer with VBA.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have some problems with VBA. So the problem is that there is this page Page (if you want to get to this page with the program you have to write "Krateris" into the msgbox) and I want that the program would click the link in the first result or selected result
So this code is working just I need to expand it to get the result which I wrote above. I am writing this code in module not in worksheet.
Sub test()
Dim btnInput As Object
Dim IE As InternetExplorer
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
company = InputBox("write company name")
[Code] .....
Does anyone know the command in VBA to print the current Internet Explorer page? I was exporting it to Excel to print, but I could save time if there is a command to activate the print button.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a VBA project that navigates to a website and then clicks on a link. When I click the link in my code a new IE Browser opens with a form that I wan to fill out. I know how to update the form, but I don't know how to reference the new browser window that was opened when I clicked on the link.
'Open End User Multiple Selection
Set tags = myIE.document.getElementsByTagName("A")
For Each tag In tags
If InStr(1, tag, "'multiple_selections.htm','EndUser'", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Exit For
End If
when I try to reference the document in the popup window, it is still referencing the previous window. How can I set my "myIE" object to reference the new pop up window?
I have been searching for ages for a solution/reason to this problem. Either i am using the wrong search terms or the information is not out there. I have created an intranet type series of pages for the laboratory i work in. These pages contain information on current orders, chemical lists, stock lists etc. The vast majority of these lists are kept as excel spreadsheets.
The problem i am having is that when you open one of these sheets in internet explorer you can not always have acces to all the menus (format, data, insert etc). All you can get is file, goto, favorites and help. Sometimes you have full access to all the menus and other times you do not. Originally i thought this was due to a copy of the file being open on another computer already but this does not seem to be the case.
I want to create a macro to open a webpage, and with that webpage fill out the fields on the webpage and then hit enter and move to next record. I am having great difficulties with establishing Internet Explorer as my object and maneuvering around inside of it. My data would being in column A so i would expect to use the string below when referencing my data.
Do Until Workbooks(2).Worksheets(1). Range("A" & row) = ""
When I add hyperlinks into excel the picture shows up by using internet explorer when I want it to use windows picture and fax viewer.
How do I change it to open in windows picture and fax viewer???
I use Windows XP professional and Excel 2003 SP3
I have some code I'm running that works flawlessly when running it in excel. The problem arises when the generic user opens the file via a website I have running, if they chose to run the file in internet explorer rather than saving the file I get the following error:
runtime '1004' error
application-defined or object-defined error
The problem occurs in this code:
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2")) Is Nothing Then
Load UserForm1
UserForm1.Show vbModeless
I have similar code for refreshing specific pages with the "RefreshAll" being changed to "RefreshTower1" for example and I run into the same error.
I have been trying for some time to be able to download a file from what I believe to be a FTP site. There are three user input fields which I have been able to identify there names. After these fields are complete there is a button to push which I have also identified it's name.
Once the process of pushing this button is done, an unspecified amount of time must occur for data to be gathered and the option of Open, Save, or Canel appear in a Download window. I would then need to Save and Overwrite an existing file.
No Login or Password is required.
I have been able to automate the open of I.E. and input to the three select fields as well as the necessary button push.
However, I am unable to identify how to automatically save the file into a specified location, with overwrite privileges enabled. Below is my progress
How to have a macro bring up a website (an internal document website) locate the correct frame uncheck a box, fill in a field with a cell value (from A2) click submit, jump to the next frame within the same website and click a link. my main problem is it looks as though there are nested frames and iframes which im not familiar with. since the website is internal and you wont be able to access it, i have taken snips of the website itself, along with snips of the html and posted them to photobucket. [URL] .......... if you look at the snip of the website the fields i need to be referenced or filled are...
in the frame "frameSearchCriteria" (which i believe is itself within an iframe)
"My Loans Only" box unchecked (html name is "xMyContainers")
"Loan Number" field filled with cell A2 (html name is "xObjectSearchValue")
"Search" button clicked (html ID is "xSearchSubmit")
after these steps have been taken it would then jump to the next frame "frameSearchResults"
and would click the row (html name is "xRowClickAction")
I realize this would be difficult without access to the site, however the posted html and a snip of the website. heres two versions of code i have so far.
Public Sub IE_Automation()
Dim baseURL As String
Dim IE As InternetExplorer
Dim HTMLDoc As HTMLDocument
Dim mainFrame As HTMLIFrame
[Code] ....
Sub Xdoc()
Dim oIE As InternetExplorer
Dim HTMLDoc As HTMLDocument
Dim frmCol As FramesCollection
Dim HTMLFrame As HTMLDocument
Dim htmlColl As Object
Dim htmlInput As Object
[Code] ..........
I am trying to loop thru all links on all pages of a website to find pages that have links to PDF files.
Some links are in a cell in a table on the webpage, like this:
Golvbrunnar - plast
I want my VBA to click that link, but I can't find a way to do this. What I have so far is:
Set Browser = New InternetExplorer
Browser.navigate ""
Set Document = Browser.Document
how to go back to previous page in internet explorer using vba.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have used VBA in Excel to open IE, browse, capture web pages, etc. for several years. Now with Vista, IE 7, and Excel 2007 they no longer work. The createobject does create an IE window, but when using the .navigate method it opens a secondary window. The IE object is no longer accessible after the navigate is executed.
Sub GetKBArticles()
Dim IE As Object
Dim sURL As String
Dim i As Integer
IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
How to download the zip file from internet explorer and save it into c: using VBA codes.
I have tried many codes from the internet but none of them are working. i am facing problem for the popup box. the macro which i have found was not supporting to it.
Please find the source data from my web page.
[Code] ....
In Excel 2007, Hyperlinks in cells pointing to jpg files in a subfolder display with internet explorer. On my WinXP/Intnernet Explorer 8/Office 2007 system these links work fine.
When sending the excel and jpg files to another person with Win7/Office 10, jpg hyperlinks work and launch Internet Explorer but come up blank. (Hyperlinks to PDF files work fine and show up in Acrobat, just the jpg's come up blank in Explorer.)
What is causing this, a setting in Explorer/Win7 or Excel?
Can I change Excel hyperlink default software to use something other than Explorer to display the jpg files?
eg having a live rate of intrest or exchange rate from the internet that is updated live whenever you load up excel and you are connceted to the intenet.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to build a hyperlink using text formulas in Excel but I get the following error message: "Unable to open [link]. The internet site reports that the item you requested could not be found. (HTTP/1.0 404)". The strange thing is that if I copy-paste the link in the web browser, the page opens normally (which proves the link is correct).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am working in Excel 2003 and have recently lost the Task Pane when I start Excel. The box in Tools Options to display the task pane is checked. I have modified the registry to include a DoNotDismissFileNewTaskPane value and have even added the following code to the Personal.xls file:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars("Task Pane").Visible = True
End Sub
If I remove the On Error Resume Next line I get the following error:
Runtime error '-2147467259 (80004005)' Method 'Visible' of object 'commandBar' failed
I did add the Analysis Toolpak last week but am not sure that this had anything to do with it.
I can go into the View menu and show the Task Pane and do have the CTRL+F1 option to display it.
So I'm creating a grid worksheet for engineering calculations and I have a couple questions about the best way to do it. I've been messing with excel for my calcs for about a decade now, and I every once in a while I try and improve them.
First: I will have several input areas that will either be colored text or shaded background (either works for me). I don't want these 'input required' objects to print as color, just black. But I want my logo at the sheet top to print as color. I've only found ways to not print any color. Can I print the logo as color and the 'input required' stuff as black?
Second: When I do calcs by hand, I write them out on 10x10 grid paper. Each 10x10 grid is one inch. In the past I've created this grid out of the cells, which works. I frequently need to change formulas around though, and each time I do this, I end up needing to mess with the grid cells also. Is there a way to create the grid and have it in the background so it doesn't need to be adjusted each time I change formulas? I wan't the grids to print, and also want to see them on the screen, as I sometimes draw simple objects along with the formulas.