Print Color Objects But Not Objects That Are Highlighted / Colored For Input And Grids?

Dec 27, 2013

So I'm creating a grid worksheet for engineering calculations and I have a couple questions about the best way to do it. I've been messing with excel for my calcs for about a decade now, and I every once in a while I try and improve them.

First: I will have several input areas that will either be colored text or shaded background (either works for me). I don't want these 'input required' objects to print as color, just black. But I want my logo at the sheet top to print as color. I've only found ways to not print any color. Can I print the logo as color and the 'input required' stuff as black?

Second: When I do calcs by hand, I write them out on 10x10 grid paper. Each 10x10 grid is one inch. In the past I've created this grid out of the cells, which works. I frequently need to change formulas around though, and each time I do this, I end up needing to mess with the grid cells also. Is there a way to create the grid and have it in the background so it doesn't need to be adjusted each time I change formulas? I wan't the grids to print, and also want to see them on the screen, as I sometimes draw simple objects along with the formulas.

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Excel - UDF That Returns String Of Multiple String Objects / Possible To Color Font?

Sep 19, 2012

I have a udf that returns a string to the cell. The string is made up of multiple string "objects". What I am wondering is if I can set the font color of certain objects so that when the final string is built and returned, the font of those portions is set.

Ex. of simple idea (this is not actually my code, just a way to illustrate. I realize there is no point to this UDF):


Function StringReturn (Str1 As String, Str2 As String, Str3 As String) As String
StringReturn = Str1 & Str2 & Str3
End Function

Now what if I wanted Str1 and Str3 to be blue, and Str2 to be red for example. So that when the UDF calculates it would return: Str1Str2Str3

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VBA Drawing Objects

Jul 15, 2008

I want to use VBA to update a drawing object's color, such as a circle.

For example, pretend I am counting sheep and I need to know when I have reached the maximum count by the visual aide of a stoplight. The script in my head reads: If the max. count of the sheep is less than 5, then the stoplight is green. If the max. count of the sheep is equal to 5, then the stoplight is yellow. If the max. count of the sheep is greater than 5, then the stoplight is red.

Is there a way to do such a thing on excel and with VBA?

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Different Objects In Loop

Jun 29, 2006

I created four Ranges called "Range1", "Range2", "Range3" and "Range4", and wrote short program, that fills them:

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 4
Range("Range" & i).value = 1
Next i

Is it possible to do similiar thing with for example ComboBox?
Let's say that i have comboBoxes named "cb1", "cb2", "cb3" and "cb4" and want to disable them.

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Collections Of Objects

Jan 26, 2007

I ran into some difficulties by calling an object's function from a collection.

'BondIndex Class Module
Option Explicit
Private m_BondReturn As Collection
Public Sub Initialize()
Set m_BondReturn = New Collection
End Sub
Public Sub Load(BondPoints As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
'Load Parameters of Bond
End Sub
Property Get BondReturn() As Collection
Set BondReturn = m_BondReturn
End Property................................

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Scripting Objects

Mar 22, 2007

If I hadn't read it on here, how would I have know that they existed? They are not mentioned in the standard Excel help files (not that I could see anyway).

What other "objects" are available? I had a look through the references in the VBE and there are literally hundreds on items which all look pretty "juicy". Does that mean there are a whole host of other objects that I could use in my Excel spreadsheets to either make them simplier or more powerful?

If so, where does one find any reference info on them?

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Set Objects To Nothing. Required Or Not

Dec 21, 2007

Why should I set objects to nothing (ie clear them) just before ending a sub routine? Doesn't excel dump the variables after the sub is finished running?


Dim ws As worksheet

Then at the end...

Set ws = Nothing

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Locate And Delete Objects

Dec 31, 2009

In the attached sample workbook, (Excel 2007 format), there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of drawing objects and rectangles. They are mostly located near the top of column AC. You can't see any of them, because they are empty, or formatted to have no line and no fill, ubt if you move the cursor around in that area, it will eventually give you the option to "select" one of the objects. They appear to be stacked on top of each other.

This bloats the worksheet terribly. I have managed to shave the size of the attached sample down to 100K, bu deleting about 200 of the objects, but if I save this balnk file as an Excel 2003 file, it is 1.3 Mb.

I have discovered how to show what objects are on the worksheet, by selecting "Find and Select" and choosing to show the "Selection Pane". This pane shows hundreds of blank objects in the sheet. When this pane is open, however, if I try to select and delete an object, Excel locks up on me.

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Convert Objects Into Cell Value?

Feb 5, 2013

I'm not sure why they decided to export data this way but...I have a report that has pictures/objects that need to be in a cell so I can manipulate the data. I'm not really sure how to do this- and the only thread that related to this was over my head. This is not the original export- I've already done some sorting so the objects are all over the place- but basically if the object is C (picture 23) then I want that picture to say C in a cell somewhere. or if the picture is the dollar sign (picture 27) then I want a cell to say $. I don't know if I'm even explaining this right. Here is my workbook.

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Conditional Formatting Of Objects?

Jan 23, 2014

Is it possible to change colour of an object (Fill) say fill circle Red when A1="1" and Green when A1="0"

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Renaming Objects In TXT File

Jan 24, 2008

I manually Copied and Pasted contains in TXT File.
The TXT file is as below.
It has only 1 Column


What I want is to run some VB Script so that anything after / is ignored
and the Output shold be reformatted as below

The Above O/p is anything aftyer / is ignore and the last character of the 1st field is A is replace with 0 and B is replace with 1.

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Array To Set Range Objects

Dec 29, 2008

Hi all, starting this as a new problem because it's so far different from what I was originally talking about; but this does relate in part to my previous thread.

Anyway. I'm trying to set an array to set Range objects so that I can define each one as a seperate With block. Here's what I "know" when starting out.

I developed the following. I keep thinking it should be multidimensional but my sleep deprived brain came up with this instead. The problem is, it's throwing a 1004 Method "Range of object '_Worksheet'" failed at the With statement.

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How To Shift Objects Of Sheet

Jan 10, 2012

I have a Master sheet linked with another worksheets with formula.

Now I want to insert 1 column in between , and when trying to insert the column in it a message sowing that " Cannot Shift Objects of Sheet"

Why this error shwoing and how can i insert any column in it.

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To Sort The Objects In Columns A, B, & C

Apr 23, 2007

Here is the Sheet so far: ...

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Copying And Pasting Objects In VBA

Jul 24, 2007

I have a range of cells I want to copy which has some textboxes and check boxes in it. When I do a copy/insert cells in vba it only copies the cells and their values but not any of the boxes.

.Range(.Cells(Origin.Row + 1, Origin.Column), .Cells(Origin.Row + 12, Origin.Column + 10)).EntireRow.Copy

.Range(.Cells(Ind.Row, 3), .Cells(Ind.Row, 3)).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown

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Using Arrays As The Objects In IF Statements

Aug 9, 2007

If cell.value = {userArray} and cell.offset(0, 2).value = {taskArray}
Then cell.offset(0, 2).interior.colorindex = 3

I have three different {userArray}s and {taskArray}s and there will essentially be different code for each of the arrays and that's fine....

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Deleting Objects In A Range

Aug 24, 2007

I'm trying to remove gif, jpg, and xls objects from a specific range and I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I can remove all objects from the sheet or only the gif and jpg files from a range. Here is the code I've been playing with:

Sub Clear_Sigs()
Dim Sh As Shape
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
For Each Sh In .Shapes
If Not Application.Intersect(Sh.TopLeftCell, .Range("A26:E32")) Is Nothing Then
If Sh.Type = msoPicture Then Sh.Delete
End If
Next Sh
End With
End Sub

I know this code says to delete only pictures and I've tried tweeking it to do all objects but it doesn't work for just the range I want. Any help is appreciated.


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Conditional Objects In Chart

Sep 28, 2007

I want on my chart is an object (Arrow in this case), that is conditional formatted on data between 2 periods.

The first bar of 20 represents a top 20 list with most common failures.
I would like to have an arrow that indicates that if the last period, the amount of failures has gone up, down or is equal to the period before that.

So period 1, article 111 had 10 failures, period 2 article 111 had 20 failures, hence there should be an arrow pointing up related to that bar.

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Hiding Visible Objects

Jul 11, 2008

I have a code which i use to grab the highest price and the lowest price from various sheets in column D.

There are 19 sheets altogether and the code basically looks at the relevant sheet based on the value in another cell.

Example - if you type value "EUR/USD" then the highest price and the lowest price are taken from the sheet named "EURUSD".

Now - HOW can i HIDE all those 19 sheets without getting the visible object error?

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To Define Userform Objects

Jul 16, 2008

I have a userform which interfaces with a worksheet as a "front end" and includes a GetData macro that retrieves the relevant data from the worksheet based on the ContractNum value keyed into the ContractNum text box on the form as follows (in part): ...

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List Of Named Objects

Apr 14, 2009

I have a lot of named objects (Pictures and AutoShapes) on Sheet1 and I need a list of their names in Sheet2!A1.

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Updating Linked Objects

Jun 2, 2009

I have two excel files saved on the network. Test1.xls and Test2.xls. Test1 is the source and test2 is the destination.

When i update a cell in test1, this cell is referenced in test2 - so anybody who opens test2 will see the data i changed in test1.

Here's my problem. I need a way to manually update the cell in test2 without having to close and reopen Excel.

Only opening and closing Excel will ask me if i wish to update the data.

How do i force manual update?

Below is the link in test2 using Excel 2003.


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Delete Objects Within A Range

Dec 14, 2009

Is there code to write that will delete all objects in a range of cells?
I have about 5 buttons at the top of my sheet and I don't want to erase them when I erase objects.

Say a range of D3:AB300

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Fixed Objects Will Move

May 5, 2004

I'm having problems when trying to apply an auto filter to my data. When I select the critieria from the auto-filter drop down, on any field heading, I get this messgae "Fixed Objects Will Move" about 18 times.

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Getting Index Of Chart Objects

Apr 19, 2006

I m trying to resize and later, delete a chart object in a macro. I usually record a macro and then look at the code and modify for my needs, but when I resize, I get: ActiveSheet.Shapes("Chart 30").ScaleWidth

and next time I open the spreadsheet the index will be Chart 31 or whatever, so I don't know what the index will be at any given time - how can I get the index of a dynamically created chart? Also, when I wish to delete the chart, there is indexing of the Chart Object as well.

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Positioning Shape Objects In VBA

Aug 22, 2006

I am trying to work out how to pisition a new object in some VBA code, I can do this if I copy an object then click on a cell, e.g. H74 then paste, but the properties for an object want this in points.

ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, 50, 50, 26.25, 26.25).Select

What I want to do is select the cell H74, then find the coordinates for that cell then use these when creating the shape, I appreciate these coordinates will need to be assigned to variables, but how do you get then from a given cell?

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Remove Vba Objects Via Code

Sep 18, 2006

I have a VBA sub "Create Invoice". After I run it, I would like to remove it, using a CleanUp sub.

Is it a good assumption that a VBA routine is simply an object like any other object?

If so, what is the VBA code to remove a sub?

Does it matter whether the sub is a free standing module, or a sub that is attached to a worksheet?

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Collection Of Objects - Add Method

Jan 28, 2007

I am attempting to create a double-entry accounting system and am having trouble with my Transaction class (clsTransaction). As each transaction will consist of at least two entries, I have included a Collection in clsTransaction that will accept Entry objects (clsEntry) as items. The Add method appears to go ahead without a hitch, but when I output the values from the Entries I get the same values for all items in the collection. Here is the code I've been working on.

The Transaction Class
clsTransaction - (Class Module)

Option Explicit

Dim mcolEntries As Collection
Dim msDescription As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mcolEntries = New Collection
End Sub

Public Sub Add(eItem As clsEntry)
mcolEntries.Add eItem
End Sub........................

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Hide Drawing Objects

Mar 6, 2007

I'm looking to write two small macros that will either hide or show all lines, freeform lines, and autoshapes on a page. In my extreme competence, I determined a for/next loop would be appropriate... but other than that, I can't figure out where to start.

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Refer To Objects In Other Forms

Mar 13, 2007

I'm trying to refer to a togglebutton in a form from a command button in a different form.

Right now I have

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
End If

End Sub

but I assume I have to preceed the Togglebutton1 with the name of the form that it is in but I am not sure how.

I don't even know if the above code will work as obviously I haven't got that far may be completely off...

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