Loop Defining Named Ranges

Nov 23, 2009

I'm trying to define some ranges with a loop but being a newbie at VBA I'm finding it difficult to solve the error in the code.
First, as the data area is uncertain (variation in the number of rows and columns) i look to the end of the entire data area. Then i want to define intervals of 250 rows with a 30 row difference between each of them. Here is my

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Creating Named Ranges Using A Loop?

Nov 2, 2011

i am trying to write a macro to loop through a column of data, creating a named range each time it encounters a certain string. so, it inititially finds the first instance of the string, then finds the next instance, offsets one row back and then names that as the first named range. how do i get it to actually loop through the column until the end of the data?

I can get the first range named but can't figure how to get a loop into my macro to repaeat the process.

Sub x()
Dim rngTemp As Range
Dim rngFind As Range
Dim rngFirst As Range
Dim rngLast As Range
Dim nom As Range
Dim strFirstAddress As String


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Defining Dynamic Ranges

Oct 6, 2008

I'm trying to make ranges in a SumProduct formula dynamic, but getting errors #N/A. I think this is because the top two rows are headers, throwing off the range count.

Q. How do I adjust the range definition to compensate., e.g.

Range =Offset(Sheet1!$D$3,0,0,COUNT(Sheet1!$D:$D),1) where column D is numeric, and

Range = Offset(Sheet1!$T$3,0,0,Match("*",Sheet1!$T:$T,-1),1) where column T is text?

I had assumed that the offset value 3 would do this, but I suspect the functions count and match are not doing so.

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Defining Named Range, Error Criteria

Apr 13, 2007

I am trying to define a dynamic range based upon error criteria. After the first error, all the subsequent cells are filled with the error and I would like to limit the named range to the rows with no errors (one column wide). I am thinking something similar to (realizing this is probably very wrong):

=OFFSET( 'Basin Routing'!$X$5,0,0, COUNTIF('Basin Routing'!$X:$X,AND(NOT(ISBLANK()),NOT(ISERROR()))),1)

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For Loop Object Defining

Jan 20, 2009

I tried to run this code and encountered an error telling me that N should be an object.

N has to be a variable number representing the amount of sheets in the workbook -2.

Does anyone know how this is written?

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Defining An Array To Use In For Next Loop

Feb 13, 2007

I have created some code of which this is an extract

Dim i As Variant

i = Array(37, 38, 41, 42)

For Each i In i

'Some Code
Next i

the routine works fine when the i variable is hard coded, but once the above is included it fails (Error 10 This array is fixed or temporarily locked).

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Defining Cell Ranges According To Cells With Certain Value?

May 20, 2013

So I have a spreadsheet with a list of companies, list of users within those companies, and the status of those users(Active/Inactive/Deleted). I'm trying to determine the company-level status based on how the overall status of all the users in the company.


Company A User 1 Active
Company A User 2 Active
Company A User 3 Inactive
Company A User 4 Deleted
Company B User 1 Inactive
Company B User 2 Active
Company B User 3 Inactive
In the above example, cells D1 to D4 would list "Active", since Active users form the bulk of the company. D4 to D6 would list "Inactive" for Company B. I'm trying to use a formula to automate this for the whole spreadsheet (5,000+ rows)

I've figured out the first half of what I need to do:


My problem is in getting Excel to automatically define the cell ranges according to the cells that contain "Company A", "Company B", etc. I have over 5,000 rows on the spreadsheet so having to manually change the cell ranges for each company would take forever.

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Define Only 2 Named Ranges From List Of Named Ranges

Apr 28, 2014

I have written this macro to convert into a csv file to run for all defined named ranges in the activesheet. It run jst perfect when I hit SAVE button and it creates that many different CSV files for each named range.

However I am trying to use same macro in the another file and the problem I am facing is there a lot more named ranges and I want to run the macro for only selected NAMED RANGE. In this case 2 Named Range / 24 Named range.

What part of code do I need to change and to what to make it work for just 2 named ranges ?

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Defining The List Of Worksheets In For Each Loop

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to perform certain actions on just some worksheets in a workbook. I realize this is probably a simple thing, but I've been unsuccessful in my search of the web so far.

What I'd like to do is define the worksheets (i.e. "in worksheets" below) in the below code to only include a list of worksheet names (which I can provide - ideally via a list in the worksheet in Excel, say in cells A1:A15 of a tab called "Tab List".).

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Named Ranges On Multiple Sheets With The Same Named Range & I Cant Figure Out How To Do This

Jun 2, 2006

I need to create a named range on multiple sheets with the same named range & i cant figure out how to do this. EG :- I want to create a named range called "_SubUnitRows" on sheet1 starting from "A1:A50" & other named range again called "_SubUnitRows" on Sheet2 starting from "A1:A25" ...

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Combine Two Named Ranges Into 3rd Named Range

Mar 14, 2013

Merge two columns into one list in excel

I would like to combine List1 and List2 into a 3rd named range called List3. I was wondering if this were possible without using any additional cells/columns (i.e. I don't want to use Column C like in the example shown in the link above).

Here's the formula from the example:



I've played around with it, but could not come with any that worked.

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Loop Through Cells And Ranges Reverse Order With Backwards Loop

Aug 30, 2006

I am looping through each cell in a range and I would like to loop in reverse order.

Dim CELL As range
Dim TotalRows As Long
TotalRows = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For Each CELL In Range("C1", "C" & TotalRows)
'Code here to delete a row based on criteria

I have tried:

For Each CELL In Range("C" & TotalRows, "C1")

and it does not make a difference. I need to loop in reverse order since what I am doing in the loop is deleting a row. I am looking at a cell and determining its value. If the value is so much, then the row gets deleted. The problem is that the next row "moves up" one row (taking the pervious cell's address) and therefore the For Each Next loop thinks it has already looked at that row.

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Using Named Ranges In A UDF

Sep 15, 2014

I am trying to make a UDF that searches for a header, grabs everything under the header, and pulls it somewhere else. My UDF has three parameters:

1) Output_Range: the named range where the parameters will be pulled to
2) Header: the header to search for in order to copy the data underneath it
3) WorkbookName: the name of the workbook to search in

It looks like this:

Function LoadParameters(Output_Range As Range, Header, WorkbookName As String)
MyTimer = Timer
'Defining the variables.
Dim HeaderCell, HeaderCellEnd, HeaderRange, Output_Range


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Named Ranges From VBA

Dec 30, 2008

I have some named ranges that refer to 5 pieces of data organized into a row. For example, the name MyNamedRange might refer to $C$5:$C$10.

I am trying to loop through each column and get the values in MyNamedRange, then change corresponding values in a different named range. However, when I try to use Offset to access the subsequent columns of MyNamedRange, it doesn't work. It only gets the value of the first column right, the rest return <EMPTY>.

Sample .......

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Using Named Ranges.

Jul 17, 2006

How do I go about using named ranges instead of cell names(ie A4:A9)

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim lngRow As Long
Dim intIndex As Integer
UserForm1.ComboBox1.Clear 'Clear combobox
lngRow = 2 Do While Sheet1.Range("a" & lngRow).Value <> ""
For intIndex = 0 To UserForm1.ComboBox1.ListCount - 1
If UserForm1.ComboBox1.List(intIndex) = Sheet1.Range("a" & lngRow).Value
Goto NextRow
End If
Next intIndex
UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem Sheet1.Range("a" & lngRow).Value
lngRow = lngRow + 1
End Sub

I wanted to change "a" to the defined range "search"?

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Sum Of X Named Ranges

Dec 5, 2007

the code to add two independent named ranges cell by cell in vba. Both of the named ranges have the same structure and the sum would be posted to a third area of the same structure cell wise.

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Using Named Ranges Across Different Options?

Jan 28, 2014

At the moment I have to click in the cell and then look at the cells used and look across to the title of the rows.

So for example, performance = D3*D4*D5*D6

I would like, performance = vehicles*availabliity*utilisation*TKM.

That is easy if I have just 1 option. But what if I have 3 options? Naming each cell would be a way to do it but pretty laborious, is there a 'smart' way to use named ranges here?

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Duplicating Named Ranges

Feb 12, 2010

I'm creating a KPI spreadsheet which utilizes named ranges to allow for Dynamic charting. I've created the first data input sheet for one of the 10 areas being KPIed. The sheet has 60 named ranges in it.

The goal is to duplicate the existing sheet (Area 1A) 10 times and adjust the named ranges and formulas within the named ranges according to the sheet names.

Is there a way to accomplish this without having to manually recreate or edit every named range for each new sheet?

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SumIF Using Named Ranges

Jun 16, 2014

I want a sumIF function (based on three criteria) to fill the values of cells in a column so long as there are values in the cells in the column before that one. I was working with trying a loop, but have been shown a faster way is using the With function.

There are four named ranges that all exist on a separate sheet in the file: Crude, Location, Year and Volume. Based on the first three columns of the file I wish to have an output for the sum of volume based on crude, location and year.

Right now, my output simply returns the total sum of the "volume" range in each cell in the output column.

For example, if total sum of values in the volume column is 100 then my output column currently looks like:


Here is my code including the named ranges:

[Code] ......

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Working With Named Ranges

Jun 20, 2014

I created a simply macro that will adjust the headings of a group of cells as follows.

But if I add a row/column to the sheet, it will then of course attempt to place the headings in the wrong cells.

I have now given that group of cells/range a Name of "AR_Buckets". But I'm not certain how to modify the macro to ensure it always places the information in the correct place.

[Code] ....

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Replace Two Named Ranges

Nov 24, 2008

What is the correct syntax if I want to replace two named ranges below to Rng and Rng2 in my code?

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Vlookup With Named Ranges

Jan 14, 2009

I am having problems getting the code below to follow my intentions. I have 2 files. I have a temporary file that holds all the data that I need. I have a destination file that needs to have data copied into it. In the temp file, I have data for several dates and product types. What I intend to do is to do a vlookup in VBA to look for the date and the product type in the temp file and copy the appropriate data to the destination file. I have numerous named ranges both in my temp file and my destination file. For the code below, I wanted to make a loop to find the date in the temp file that is listed in the destination file. Once this is done, I wanted to find the product type in the temp file that is listed in the destination file. If both conditions exist, then copy a certain range from the temp file to the destination file. My intention is evident in the code, but I don’t think that I am putting in the correct “code format”.

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Macro For Two Named Ranges

Feb 24, 2009

Macro for two named ranges. I have this code, which works fine...

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Union Named Ranges

Apr 29, 2009

(Using Office 2003 on XP Pro) I have two named ranges that I want to union into one big named range so that I can use the big named range in a validation table. Unfortunately the big range does not appear on the list of named range so I switched to VBA to try and lick this but really I was hoping a non-VBA solution exists. Exploring possible VBA solutions, here is what I have so far:

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Create A Set Of Named Ranges

Jul 10, 2009

I'm trying to make my worksheet generate a bunch of named ranges whenever it is activated. However, I'm getting a "Not a valid name" error on the line in red. The value of r is a string, so I really don't see what the issue is. Another time, I got a object defined error, but I think I've declared everyhing too. That line is very similar to the line above, and tends to work once (the first time around the loop). After that, I get the errors I mentioned.

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Selecting Two Named Ranges

Aug 13, 2009

I have two named ranges, LV1 and LV2 and wish to select them for printing. If the ranges were fixed I would use - Range("A2:H4,A8:H10").Select - how do I do the equivalent using the named ranges in vba?

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Mirroring Named Ranges

Aug 25, 2009

The worksheet contains 20 different datasets which are divided into separate 30 x 10 grids, all of which help comprise a larger 300 x 20 grid. I have defined each smaller grid/dataset as its own named range. Originally the entire dataset started in A1, but I am shifting it dataset down by 40 lines to create space to work at the top of my workbook.

I am wanting to create a data validation list in A1, then have cells A3:J32 populate with the named range I select in A1. However I also want this populated dataset at the top of the sheet to be a mirror -- not a copy.

Therefore once I have the data in my range available A3:J32, anything I manipulate would be mirrored in the original range in the lower portion of the workbook.

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Import Named Ranges

Dec 29, 2009

I am importing an external Sheet into my Excel workbook but it only imports the data not the named ranges. I need the named ranges to be imported and overwrite any existing range of same name.


In existing workbook Sheet I have a named range, ABC which is A1:E10 - in the Sheet I am importing the ABC range is A1:E12. So when I have done import I want named range ABC in my workbook to become A1:E12 (as per external Sheet).

This is the code that import data (but not named ranges)

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Merge 2 Named Ranges

Nov 10, 2008

can I merge 2 named ranges with a build-in function and give this merged range a 3rd name ?

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VLookup, Named Ranges And IF

Feb 19, 2010

=VLOOKUP('ITEM ADD-CHG Form'!Z19,Brand_V,2,FALSE) Another wrench!. If the value in cell Z19 is not found in the named range "Brand_V", the formula returns #N/A. I need to replace #N/A with the verbiage DEF while leaving the other results intact.

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