Macro Will Not Create New Worksheet And Workbook

Oct 28, 2009

Im trying to create a document that creates a new workbook when certain functions are selected and have written a macro to assist with this. Basically im working on a comprehensive checklist with all possible scenarios that will need to be tailored for use, so you can create a document with just what is applicable to you and not the whole checklist. I have attached a sample of what i mean, along with clearer descriptors of what the document is designed to do.

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Macro To Create Worksheet 'xxxx' And List All Worksheets In Workbook

Feb 2, 2009

I am after some code to create a new worksheet called 'xxxx' in my workbook, and then list all the sheets within the workbook (excluding the newly created 'xxxx' sheet.)

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Macro To Create New Workbook And Sheets Inside Each Workbook

Mar 31, 2009

I have a spreadsheet which has all the names of trips from a warehouse, the day that they operate (1,2,3 etc) and the job line allocated to each trip. It looks something like that:


I would like to create a macro that will be creating 7 new workbooks and then in those workbooks as many sheets as the trips. In these sheets, the customers should be displayed.

How do I write it? I could not find how to have a "dynamic choice" in the macro. I.e. not to have the criteria as "1", "trips1" but to choose from the range of inputs that are available.

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Create New Workbook From Existing Worksheet Data

Feb 17, 2009

I am working on this estimating template. To be used on Excel 97, 2000 and XP systems.

I have a few issues i am unable to resolve.

There are 2 of the worksheets (Short Quote and Stores Req) which individually need to have a button on them so i can create a new workbook as an exact coy of that sheet. but with just the values and not the formulas.

Also i am unsure on the macro on the workbook currently( as i dont know how to do macros) i dont know what it does?

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Create New Macro In New Workbook With VBA

Apr 30, 2013

Is it possible to create a new workbook, add a macro to it, set it to run as an auto open event and then save and close the new workbook?

To explain a little better, I have a macro in a workbook. This workbook is opened by Filemaker which triggers the macro to run. The macro creates a number of different workbooks using information from an online file dump which is then imported into Filemaker.

However when the import is finished, I'd love for all the files that have been created to get deleted again. Now I realise I could just create a second workbook that Filemaker opens once the import is finished that deletes all the files. However I want to keep things as simple as possible for the user, and for them to have as few files as possible so things are less likely to get misplaced in the future. My concern is as they never see the workbook macro firing, they won't realise how important it is, even if I make it very clear.

So what I was thinking is at the end of the first macro, it creates another workbook, with an auto open event macro in it that simply calls a macro from the original workbook, and once created it is saved and closed. When Filemaker is finished with it's import, it could then open the new workbook which calls the macro in the original workbook. I could then have the original workbook macro delete all the added files, and close and delete the other macro enabled workbook it created. Which would leave me with the original workbook only.

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Create Macro That Can Be Used In Any Workbook?

Jun 11, 2014

I would like to create a macro (with button) that can be used in any workbook. I tried creating a macro in a blank workbook and added a macro button to the Quick Access toolbar. It shows up in any workbook I have open BUT when I run the macro, it also opens up the blank workbook.

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Macro: Create A New Workbook

Feb 17, 2010

I've created what I thought was going to be a simple macro which will create a new workbook, rename it "Applications Calls", then copy a pivot table/report from another workbook and paste it. Here's my rather amateur code which doesn't work.

Sub copyreport()
ActiveWorkbook.Name = "Top Ten Apps Calls.xls"
Windows("Applications Calls Logged North.xlsm").Activate
Sheets("Calls Logged by Customer").Select
Windows("Top Ten Apps Calls").Activate
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable5").PivotSelect "Silo", xlButton, True
ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
ActiveWorkbook.ShowPivotTableFieldList = False
End Sub

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Macro To Create New Worksheet?

Feb 26, 2008

I need to create new worksheet with all the rows which has qty (column A) value of 1 and above by clicking on a submit button....

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Create Macro That Won't Allow Movement With Workbook Until Macro Run

Jan 28, 2014

Writing a Marco. I would like to place a macro on the opening page of a workbook and like to a button that executes three functions.

1) I need to hide selected tabs in a workbook
2) I need to copy paste values of a couple select cells in a workbook
3) Lastly, I would like to set up the workbook so that the use can not move beyond the opening tab with out clicking the macro to preform the steps above.

Is this possible? I know 1 and 2 are for sure, what about 3?

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Macro To Create New Workbook With Name Other Than Book1?

Oct 28, 2008

I'm tryign to create a macro which will copy certain worksheets into a new workbook (i.e. Book1), and the macro continues to work with this Book1. Is it possible to create a more robust macro which will rename Book1 into something usable (i.e. "Report")? because if the session of Excel has already had another worksheet, it will go to Book2, and then the macro won't work.

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Create Workbook With Macro Code Within

Jan 11, 2007

Right now I use a VBA-Code to create new worksheets in a workbook. my Question:
is it possible to attach code to the newly created Worksheet via vba-code??

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VBA Macro To Create New Worksheet, Charts, Etc.

Oct 23, 2008

I need a macro to create the following worksheets and charts from an Excel data set:

Three (3) worksheets (already created manually in attached Excel file):

1. Chart Data.
(a) Column A in Chart Data is always numbered 1 - 600 (50 years x 12 mos/yr).
(b) Column I and column Y data sets (from Prod_Month) created in Chart Data. Each data set can be identified and collated with column F in Prod_Month (API) which is unique for each dataset.

2. Rate vs. Month - plot of Daily Gas (col. Y in Prod_Month) vs. Months (col. A in Chart Data).

3. Rate vs. Time - plot of Daily Gas (col. Y in Prod_Month) vs. Calender Time (col. B et. al. in Chart Data)

At a minimum, could someone help me create the Chart Data worksheet from the data in PROD_MONTH? Charting all the columns takes time from Chart Data but any data manipulation macro(s) help.

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How To Create A Macro To Add New Worksheet And Rename It

Aug 25, 2009

I tried recording a macro to add to a new worksheet, but it gives error while running.

Issue as I understand is, by default excel gives a new worksheet a name (Say Sheet 4), and when u run macro worksheet, new created name may be different.

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How To Create Macro To Add New Worksheet And Rename It

Oct 3, 2012

I need to have many users press a button within the excel sheet that duplicates the form from the current page, opening a new tab (copying the form) that also prompts to input a specific name e.g. "Enter date and day or night shift" to name the tab itself.

I have just worked out how to put a Command Button in and used the above code to create the new page assigning the code to it.

I need the "my sheet" to be prompted and customisable.

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How To Create Worksheet Within A Macro With 10 Tabs

Feb 6, 2014

I need to create a Worksheet within a macro that has 10 tabs. I had something running, then I made some changes and I got Application-defined or object defined error.


Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

I was looping thru this up to 10 now its not working. This isn't too complicated,

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Create The Clock In Worksheet Through Macro

Mar 9, 2007

I would like to create the clock function.

This is my function name. - Clock()

If i put this function in Cell A1. Then from now onwards cell A1 will display system current time. It will keep showing the every seconds changes.

And clock will run itself independenly.

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Create New Worksheet With Macro Buttons

Jun 16, 2008

Is it possible to use a macro to create a new worksheet with a button on it, that has a macro attached to it, that i can send out to people? I've looked at the Template example, but i'm not sure this will work when emailed as i'm unsure whether the template will be sent to them.

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Create A Simple Macro To Open A Second Workbook?

Jan 31, 2014

I am trying to create a simple macro to open a second workbook if the value in a cell in the current workbook is 'x' or if 'y' do nothing.

Basically I have a simple sales ledger, one column has a yes/no for whether or not an invoice is paid if no I want to open a second workbook 'debtors' so that I can manually input the details. I'm sure this is a very simple proceedure but I can't seem to crack it.

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Macro To Create A Copy Of Current Workbook

Mar 12, 2014

I have a workbook with Macros in it, now I want to create a copy of that workbook using VBA.

Here are the steps i want:
1. Create a copy of an open workbook
2. Open the Copy.
3. Close the original workbook.

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Create Worksheet And Copy Cells Using Macro

Oct 15, 2012

Iam looking for macro to copy rows based on partial cell content of a column. I have an excel spreadsheet called "arc.xlsx" from which I would like to copy data to other few new excel files when certain criteria are met. The excel file contained location is C:Documents and SettingsxxxxDesktopCompany.

Below is a sample of arc.xlsx

I1 999999 1 SMITH 0 8 9
I1 999999 ab SMITH 4 8 9
I1 999999 cd SMITH 4 10 9
I1 999999 1 SMITH 4 1 10


I would like the macro to copy rows that have 'ab' in the column c (with title BR)and save it in a new excel file with name ab.xlsx in the same location folder.And the same for 'cd', '01' and '02' by saving the data in files with name cd.xlsx, 01.xlsx so on.

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Macro To Create A Chart Over Used Range In Worksheet

Mar 20, 2012

I am trying to write a simple macro to create a chart over the used range in a worksheet. The first part of the macro correctly selects the used range which in this case is A1 to F19 when I single step through the macro. A listing of the macro is shown below:


Sub AddChartObject()
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select


When I place the formula given in MyArea as an argument for the source data, I receive a syntax error, so obviously it is the wrong argument. Numerous attempts to correct it also failed. As a sanity check, I placed the used range in an argument for the source data and was able to create the expected chart. fix the syntax error in the macro

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VBA Macro To Create & Format Text Box On Worksheet

Oct 25, 2008

I have code that creates a textbox on a worksheet, copies the contents of a cell from another worksheet to that textbox. I want to be able to select that text and format its appearence ( center the text, bold and font style and size). This is what I have so far but I do not know how to select the text that was imported.

Sub textmove()
Dim bname As String
Sheets("cover").Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 96.75, 512.25, _
230.25, 120#).Name = "client"

bname = Sheets("data").Range("a3").Value

Sheets("cover").Shapes("client").TextFrame.Characters.Text = bname

With Selection.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=17).Font
.Name = "Arial"
.FontStyle = "Regular"
.Size = 10
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End Sub

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Macro - Auto Insert And Create A Worksheet

Apr 21, 2007

Is that possibe to use the "templeate" sheet and lookup the "Master" sheet to create a new worksheet called "result"

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Create & Save Workbook To Same Path As Macro File

Aug 21, 2008

I have code to create a new workbook, and when I try to rename it I get "Compile error: Can't assign to read-only property."

Dim objXlApp As Object
Dim wkb As Workbook
Dim wks As Worksheet
Set objXlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
' Create a workbook
Set wkb = objXlApp.Workbooks.Add
' Delete all worksheets bar the first one.
For Each wks In wkb.Worksheets
If Not wks.Index = 1 Then

End If
Next wks
'Create some worksheets and names
With wkb
.Worksheets(1).Name = "myWorksheet1"
.Worksheets.Add.Name = "myWorksheet2"
.Worksheets.Add.Name = "myWorksheet3"
.Worksheets.Add.Name = "myWorksheet4"
End With...................................

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How To Create Macro That Loops All Named Ranges In Worksheet

May 1, 2012

I am trying to creat a macro that loops all the named ranges in a worksheet named "Labels", and copy the data to a new worksheet for each named range it finds in the same workbook and name each worksheet with the named range name.

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Macro To Create Pivot Table On Active Worksheet?

Jun 20, 2012

I have recorded a macro to create a pivot table. I thought I had it so that it would create the pivot from the active worksheet only. But looking at the code, it is picking up the sheet name from the one I recorded it from

Sub SalPiv()
' SalPiv Macro
' Macro recorded 20/06/2012 by imccormick


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Macro To Create Index With Hyperlinks To Worksheet Headers

Apr 9, 2014

Can't seem to attach sample Widgets.xls. I need a macro to take the heading (note heading not sheet name) from each worksheet on a workbook (or from a range of nominated worksheets in case I don't want to index the first or last few sheets) and use it as the Description for a Index entry on a nominated sheet e.g. Sheet named 'Index'. In addition that each Description is also a hyperlink back to the sheet with the heading. In this way users can click between each entry on the index to go to the sheet and then click on the heading on the sheet to go back to the index.

Index Sheet

M21, M22 and M22-A BICYCLES1
Q21, Q22 and Q22-A BICYCLES2
R21, R22 and R22-A BICYCLES3

Taking this one step further I ideally want to save this workbook as a pdf and the hyperlinks to remain.

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Create Button & Assign Macro When Worksheet Added

Aug 6, 2007

Is there a VBA code that will enable me to create a button and assign a certain macro to it everytime I insert a new worksheet?

how to insert a new worksheet with VBA, what I want is that when I insert that worksheet, there is already a button there with a specific macro(already made) assigned to it.

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Create Username And Password To Login Into A Macro Enabled Workbook

Jan 3, 2011

I need a macro ie when a user opens a macro enabled workbook,he should be asked for a username and password to access workbook. Administrator should have right to create users with reset password rights

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Macro To Create Sheets In New Workbook Based On Template And Evaluator?

Feb 10, 2013

I had created a base data with evaluator and performance appraisals templates which should be sent to each evaluator for filling up the forms based on templates


Macro that would i require will be

Where in my base data if i select filter of "Arun", i will performance appraisal templates in column I. Next, i have sheets individually created templates which refer column I

So, based on arun filter if i select, it should create a new workbook for arun and six individual sheets of employees reporting to him with a base data and appraisal templates similarly if i select anita in filter , it should create a new workbook for anita and six individual sheets of employees reporting to her with a base data and appraisal templates

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