Matching And Sorting With Two Columns?
Jul 23, 2013
I am trying to 'stagger sort' multiple columns, but am having some difficulties.Ex.
Say A and B are lists of part no and C is data corresponding to column B. I have:
1 2 .
2 3 ,
4 4 ;
5 7 '
8 9 "
I want:
1 _ _
2 2 .
_ 3 ,
4 4 ;
5 _ _
_ 7 '
8 _ _
_ 9 "
(the _ are just supposed to be empty place holders, without them I have formatting issues)
Is there a 'quick' way to sort them this way?I am attaching the actual file that I am working with.
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Mar 11, 2014
I need sorting a contact list of 3000 + so the emails match with the company name, and first and last name of the contacts
Column A is Email and Matches column C & D. Column B matches with Column E. I need A to match with B-E.
I've attached an example : Example Spreadsheet.xls
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Nov 30, 2009
I have inventory on an excel sheet with over 1500+ items. There are number of columns including: product id, product code, description, price, headline, path etc. I am uploading this to my online store I am creating. And, I have a lot of duplicate items so I can place them in different sections of the store by editing their path. However, these duplicate items in the excel sheet only have the product id, and not the description, price, and all the other cells. Thus, I need a forumla that will find matching product id's and fill in blank cells with their description, price, etc. so it will match its partner completely .......
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Jul 7, 2009
I'm attempting to sort a list of containers and their corresponding quantities (A24:B28 in the attached spreadsheet) by using a combination of an index and match formula (cells A31:A35) and a large formula (cells B31:B35) in order to have the container with the largest quantity (summed in cells B24:B28) appear below in cells A31:A35 and the corresponding quantities in cells B24:B28.
My current index and match formula works fine until I have the same quantities of different containers as I have replicated on the attached spreadsheet. When this is the case, the formula returns only one of the various container types. How do I edit the formula to allow for multiple containers with the same quantities?
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Feb 1, 2013
The scenario is as follows:
Each row describes a physical object. Each object has several columns for various physical characteristics. Each object is in one of several numbered bins (1, 2, 3, ...). One column on the end combines the rest of the characteristics into one line {=B2&C2&D2...}
Here's what I would like to happen:
I would like one last column to be a "new bin number" for each object. If the combined characteristics column of a given object is unique in the list, I want "bin new" to not change. If the combined characteristics column of a given object is not unique, but the matching object has the same value for the original bin number as the object in question, then "bin new" again does not change. If, however, there are matching objects in other bins, I need "bin new" for that object to return the lowest "old bin" value of all of the matching objects. Consider the simple example:
Link: [URL] .....
From there, I can sort the list by the "new" bin column, and that would preserve the existing list, except matching objects would get bumped up to the earliest instance of that object occurring in the list. In essence, my final sorted list needs to keep the original bin groups together, except in the case of matches where the matched objects in higher bin groups get placed with their lower bin group counterparts. This "new bin" scheme is the clearest way that I see that can accomplish this.
My attempt at a solution:
xls file: binsort.xls
I thought of using arrays. For the example above, I would highlight G2 through G10 and input the following formula:
and then hit ctrl+shift+enter. The issue is that the =E2 part does not iterate throughout, so it is always comparing the combined values in the 2nd row with itself, and thus returning "1" for every value in the "bin new" column. You can see this in the .xls file provided: column F is what I am trying to reproduce via the function, but column G is what I end up with instead.
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Nov 9, 2008
I have a database with 6 columns in play (there are actually other columns but they are not relevant). I'll call the columns A through F. I would like to be able to match certain counterpart rows together, do a sort placing the counterpart rows adjacent to one another, and then count how many pairs I have. (Some rows will have no counterparts.)
Here is a micro-illustration of the database:
I basically need to devise a formula or script that pairs together two rows that fit the following criteria:
1) The rows are identical in Columns B, C, D, and E.
2) The rows are not identical in Column F (i.e., one half of the pair should have "yes" and the other half should have "no")
3) The rows are as close together as possible according to the date sequence in Column A. For example, Row 1 should pair with Row 6, and Row 5 should pair with Row 7. Row 1 should not pair with Row 7, and Row 5 should not pair with Row 6. **This criterion seems tricky because R5 and R6 would technically fit the requirement for pairing, were it not for the fact that R1 comes earlier in the sequence.**
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Jun 29, 2006
I have two columns with the same data just totally different orders the third column (associated with the second) has data that I want to sort. I want to keep the order of the first, rearange the second so they match, and have the 3rd column follow the second to the proper location. i need to keep the order of column 1 so i can post into a massive spreadsheet. Theres gotta be a quick formula for this i just have no clue
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Apr 24, 2013
i need to match 2 columns on one worksheet with 2 columns on another.
One column is alphanumerical (Reference Numbers), the other is company names.
I need to ensure that both the Reference and Company name match from one sheet, with the company and reference from another.
e.g if A1 and B1 on Wks 1 = A1 and B1 on Wks 2 = TRUE, anything else is FALSE.
There is likely to be Reference number and Comapny name duplicates, therefore the trick is to ensure that the number of duplicates match?(I.E ABC Company, Reference number 1234 may appear 5 times on worksheet 1, however if it is only on Worksheet 2 4 times, then this must be flagged).
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Nov 6, 2007
Is there a code or some way for me to sort 4 columns together? I want to sort a list of employees and for each employee theres a column with their Lost Business, customer satisfaction, and two more columns. I want to sort all the columns at the same time so that the best employees overall will go to the top of the list and the worst ones will be at the bottom. Whenever I use the sorting feature it does each column independant of the others so everytime I sort a new column it just moves around the last one I sorted.
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Oct 6, 2009
Im not entirely sure about this but it seems like if I have data in columns A - Z and sort in one of them, the data in Columns AA - AZ does not move accordingly rather it stays fixed.
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Apr 13, 2007
I have a spreadsheet that is populated my Concatinating data from other worksheets. Some of the results are numbers, some is data while others are blank spaces and othersare set by the concactenating default of "" when the criteria is not met. I need to sort these colums. However it seems that the default "" from the formula is not a BLANK or a ZERO or an empty cell.
Those cells will place themselves at the top of the sort. I need to eliniate them. I have copied and pasted as values but that has no effect. Ironically I can identify the cells with an if statement so what I need help with is generating a macro that will cycle thru the range of results and delete the approriate cells.
I have tried the following:
lr = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row ' Last Row
lc = Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column ' Last Column
For Each cell In Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lc, lr))
AC = ActiveCell
If AC = "" Then Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
But this does not work as it cycles top to bottom and leaves behind 1/2 the problem cells.
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May 6, 2009
I want to add these numbered steps onto the macro I already have, which I pasted below.
1. Starting in Row 2 in the worksheet named Report 1 look at contents in Column A then look at the contents in Column C, if the contents in Column C do not match exactly the contents in Column A then copy the contents in the range column C:E from that row till the last row in Column C:E.
2. Now we will have a range that is made up of cells from C:E. I would like to move that range down a row at a time, until the first cell in Column C from the range Column C:E matches exactly the contents in Column A. Then I would like to continue this pattern for every row in the worksheet.
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Sep 11, 2009
I have two spreadsheets, both contain matchable data. First one with amounts. Next one hs customer name, period and amount columns.
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Oct 3, 2013
I need to match the first column with the second column, and if is the same value, copy the value in third column to the forth column.
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Aug 14, 2014
I have an issue with some data that I need to sort into several columns. Basically, I have a column that has data listed in each cell like this; A 567 T 1 D3. What I want to be able to do is sort that data into several columns. I am not sure how to do this at all. I have attached my data to be looked at. I have already started the process but manually, and I don't feel like having to do this manually as this is very time consuming considering I am trying to sort the data into ~1927 rows and 5 columns.
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Aug 5, 2009
I need help with either a formula or macro for sorting data into specific columns. I need the entries under the headings Ar,Bj... to be sorted into the correct columns. To add to the problem, the data may not be exactly the same as the heading.
Attached is an simple example of a spreadsheet where the top is the original and the bottom is what I need the final outcome to be. The data is pasted from a different spreadsheet and will be changing each time.
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Sep 3, 2009
I have a potential of 5 columns of numerical data (simple number entries) which are entered manually in no particular order.
Is there any way of sorting the data so that it is presented in numerical order (smallest to largest) starting with the smallest figure at the start of column 1 up to the largest figure at the end of column 5.
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Oct 15, 2009
I have three columns, one column is time every two seconds with data associated that time, and one is time every minute with an associated tidal height.
I want to sort my data so that for every 2 seconds I have an associated tidal height for that minute.
what I have:
Time Time Tidal Height
(2 sec intervals) (min) (meters)
1:15:00 1:15 1.342
1:15:02 1:16 1.221
1:15:04 1:17 1.115
1:15:58 1:43 0.024
1:15:60 1:44 0.012
1:16:00 1:45 0.008 ....................
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Sep 8, 2008
How do I sort multiple columns at once? In other words, I have a chart that is a series of 1s and 2s, and I need all of the 1s to drop to the bottom, so that I can do a rudimentary chart in spreadsheet form. My chart has dozens of columns like so:
1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2
2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
How do I get the entire range sorted to look like this, without having to do each column individually (hours of work)?:
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
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Jan 14, 2009
I have some data that is 300 rows x 43 columns.
I'd like to sort the 43 colums by using some of the rows. Is this possible using normal excel?
Alternatively is there a simple way to sort the colums in VBA?
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Dec 18, 2012
I have two worksheets, sheet 1 and sheet 2. On sheet 1, I have a information on two columns (Column A and B) Column a has information up to row 10 (aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, ...). On column B, I have 111, 222, 333 . I have same information on Sheet 2. However, sheet two has an additional column (Column C) with 10 rows on information z, y, x, w, v ...
What I need to do is to match column A and B in sheet 1 to column A and B in sheet 2 and if both columns matches on the same row, copy the value in sheet 2, column C and paste it on sheet 1 column C.
Important: Information on sheet 2, column B may be twisted (As they may not appear exactly the same as in sheet 1. Which means 111,222,333 can be 222,333,111 along the column). Therefore, need to match the entire range.
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Jun 27, 2014
I need creating a formula that matches the values between two separate columns with results from that matching in the third and fourth columns.
Example: Column A contains the first set of values and column B contains the second set of values. The result in column C would be all the values that are in both columns A and B and the result in column D are all the values that are not found in both columns A and B.
Column AColumn BColumn CColumn D
See attached spreadsheet : match_values.xlsx
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Mar 7, 2014
Alright, so I need data in column A(Last names) and data in column B(First name) to match their respective names on another sheet. When a match is made, it will return column C(Hours worked).
I originally used Vlookup to match last names, something akin to =VLOOKUP(A:A,Week1!A:P,4,FALSE)
But this does not account for employees that may have the same last names. Is there a way to combine two vlookup's? Or is Index a possible solution?
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Aug 18, 2014
I have two columns listing about 400 and 500 names respectively.
First Column has names in alphabetical order and the second column is random.
One column has names in this format: Last name, First name and the other column lists the names as first name and then last name without the comma .
I am trying to see if the list of names in one column exists in the other.
Is there a way to see this without changing the format of the names in each column? If so do I have to erase the comma?
Name Lists (1).xlsx
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Jun 3, 2014
My requirement is to match 2 columns of two different sheets. I know about Vlookup for exact matching but here I neeed to do partial matching.
For Example: Sheet1 Company Name= Opera Technologies
Sheet1 Address= 104/Main Street
Sheet2 Company Name= Opera
Output should be like this in different column: Opera, 104/Main Street
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Dec 21, 2005
I have 2 columns of data. Both should ultimately have identical data,
but both have extranious data I need to separate. These lists will be
300+ long, so by hand is taking forever. Example:
Column A Column B
12345 12344
12346 12345
12347 12346
12348 12347
12349 12349
I need a way to extract the 12344 from column B since it is not in A,
and 12348 from A since it is not in B. They do not have the same number
of entries.
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Apr 22, 2009
I have a problem in my list cheking. I have two sheets in my attached excel file. I have mordified for my own job security purpose. I need to check the individual cells of "parent" column in "Missing Asset" with "parent" column of "Asset" worksheet. It means, presence of cell text of A2 of "Missing Asst" sheet has to be checked with "A" Column of "Asset" sheet. If A2 text is present in "A" Column of "asset" sheet then "Y" should appear in B2 cell of "Missing Asset" sheet. Else "N". Its just Column text checking wothin two work sheet & then identify the cell which is not match. I guess "VLOOK" can work. Is it not?
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Jan 16, 2010
i am using this spreadsheet to monitor when equipment is being borrowed in the office and want a quick view reference (columns A-C) based on the data entry in columns &G. Please note that htis is an example as the original file is confidential, if someone can answer my query here i will transfer the formula to my actual workbook. In the actual workbook the data entry and quick view will be on different sheets if this makes a difference.
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Dec 13, 2011
In Col A, from A1:A12 I have
In column G from A1:A6, I have
How could I return an 'x' in column C against the A values corresponding with the G values, for example an 'x' in C6, an 'x' in C9, an 'x' in c15' etc? And a blank for example at C8 and C14.
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Jun 17, 2012
I have the following columns (O & S):
1 3
3 7
6 6
8 4
1 3
2 8
1 6
I want a code (Formula) do the follwoing: Matching number 1 in column S with number 3 in Column O and count how many matches found in the two columns, Which in this case only two.
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