Sorting Based On Matching Cells
Jun 29, 2006
I have two columns with the same data just totally different orders the third column (associated with the second) has data that I want to sort. I want to keep the order of the first, rearange the second so they match, and have the 3rd column follow the second to the proper location. i need to keep the order of column 1 so i can post into a massive spreadsheet. Theres gotta be a quick formula for this i just have no clue
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Feb 1, 2013
The scenario is as follows:
Each row describes a physical object. Each object has several columns for various physical characteristics. Each object is in one of several numbered bins (1, 2, 3, ...). One column on the end combines the rest of the characteristics into one line {=B2&C2&D2...}
Here's what I would like to happen:
I would like one last column to be a "new bin number" for each object. If the combined characteristics column of a given object is unique in the list, I want "bin new" to not change. If the combined characteristics column of a given object is not unique, but the matching object has the same value for the original bin number as the object in question, then "bin new" again does not change. If, however, there are matching objects in other bins, I need "bin new" for that object to return the lowest "old bin" value of all of the matching objects. Consider the simple example:
Link: [URL] .....
From there, I can sort the list by the "new" bin column, and that would preserve the existing list, except matching objects would get bumped up to the earliest instance of that object occurring in the list. In essence, my final sorted list needs to keep the original bin groups together, except in the case of matches where the matched objects in higher bin groups get placed with their lower bin group counterparts. This "new bin" scheme is the clearest way that I see that can accomplish this.
My attempt at a solution:
xls file: binsort.xls
I thought of using arrays. For the example above, I would highlight G2 through G10 and input the following formula:
and then hit ctrl+shift+enter. The issue is that the =E2 part does not iterate throughout, so it is always comparing the combined values in the 2nd row with itself, and thus returning "1" for every value in the "bin new" column. You can see this in the .xls file provided: column F is what I am trying to reproduce via the function, but column G is what I end up with instead.
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May 23, 2014
I am trying to build a staff roster. The staff rotate over a 4 week cycle. the name of the staff member, and their shift needs to be looked up from the key then matched with the particular week. the name and shift then need to populate specific cells.
I have attached the worksheet so you can see what i am trying to achieve.
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Jul 1, 2008
I am working on a spreadsheet for a shoe company. I have separate columns for the size, model, color, and item number of a shoe. I get everything except for the item number from a written document; I then have to find the item number for the shoe from another excell document called the Master List.
I was hoping there would be a way to have Excell auto-fill the item number for me. For example, if a shoe is a Red, Athens (the shoe model),size 12, its item number (which can be a pain to find) listed in the row of the Master List is aaabbb. So I want to just enter in the size, color and model number, and have Excell find the item number for me, and fill it in.
I have enclosed an example. Sheet 1 is the sheet I would be working on. Sheet 2 is a portion of the Item master list, which is actually 50k lines.
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Jul 15, 2014
I am trying to copy a row based on the value of a cell.
I have two sheets in my workbook and on sheet 1, I have a part number and a description. On sheet 2, I have part numbers again, but this time I the description is broken up into the format I need.
What I am trying to do is have excel search on sheet 2 for the part numbers, then copy the information that corresponds to the part number into the correct column.
I have tried using Vlookup. But if the part number in row 2 on sheet 1 match the one in row 8 on sheet 2, this will copy over the data from row 2 whereas I need row 8.
If this would be more doable using VBA, that is fine by me. I haven't been able to figure out anything in VBA or in excel formulas up to this point.
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Jul 1, 2014
I have some cells that are summed with total cost.... now i need to sort the totaled cells? How do i sort a cell that has a formula based on multiple other cells?
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Nov 30, 2009
I have inventory on an excel sheet with over 1500+ items. There are number of columns including: product id, product code, description, price, headline, path etc. I am uploading this to my online store I am creating. And, I have a lot of duplicate items so I can place them in different sections of the store by editing their path. However, these duplicate items in the excel sheet only have the product id, and not the description, price, and all the other cells. Thus, I need a forumla that will find matching product id's and fill in blank cells with their description, price, etc. so it will match its partner completely .......
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Jul 23, 2013
I am trying to 'stagger sort' multiple columns, but am having some difficulties.Ex.
Say A and B are lists of part no and C is data corresponding to column B. I have:
1 2 .
2 3 ,
4 4 ;
5 7 '
8 9 "
I want:
1 _ _
2 2 .
_ 3 ,
4 4 ;
5 _ _
_ 7 '
8 _ _
_ 9 "
(the _ are just supposed to be empty place holders, without them I have formatting issues)
Is there a 'quick' way to sort them this way?I am attaching the actual file that I am working with.
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Mar 9, 2013
I have a list of names in Column B (Starting at B5) with assignments to them in Column A. I want the people who receive the file, to enter their name in B1 exactly as it appears multiple times in sheet. And hope to use conditional formatting to highlight (change the back ground color) of each cell their name appears in.
I've used a number of formulas in the Conditional formatting including "=(ISNUMBER(MATCH($B5:$B100,$B$1,0)))", Countif's and "Not(isnumber)..." but can't find a formula that picks up the whole text.
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Mar 3, 2009
I am trying to create a spreadsheet for an online gift registry. They require that the spreadsheet have the photo's url's in a column. I already have the spreadsheet filled with my data. In the spreadsheet, Column D is filled with unique numbers, some with parenthesis, (ex. 52011, 52011(2), 34132, etc.)
I also have a folder full of images that are similarly formatted as such
"...imagesrand_name_52011.jpg". (They will be moved eventually to a webserver.) Each number in the column may or may not have a corresponding image. And the images may or may not have a corresponding number in the spreadsheet. Is there a way to generate a url automatically in a column that corresponds to the image with the matching number? And if it doesn't, just leave it blank?
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Oct 24, 2013
Having a bit of trouble trying to get excel to pick up text in one sheet (sheet 2) and populate cells in another (sheet 1) if the row (row 1) labels and columns (column a) in both sheets match. hope that makes sense? I've tried googling this to no avail, i've also tried index-match however i keep getting errors.
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Jul 7, 2009
I'm attempting to sort a list of containers and their corresponding quantities (A24:B28 in the attached spreadsheet) by using a combination of an index and match formula (cells A31:A35) and a large formula (cells B31:B35) in order to have the container with the largest quantity (summed in cells B24:B28) appear below in cells A31:A35 and the corresponding quantities in cells B24:B28.
My current index and match formula works fine until I have the same quantities of different containers as I have replicated on the attached spreadsheet. When this is the case, the formula returns only one of the various container types. How do I edit the formula to allow for multiple containers with the same quantities?
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Mar 11, 2014
I need sorting a contact list of 3000 + so the emails match with the company name, and first and last name of the contacts
Column A is Email and Matches column C & D. Column B matches with Column E. I need A to match with B-E.
I've attached an example : Example Spreadsheet.xls
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Nov 9, 2008
I have a database with 6 columns in play (there are actually other columns but they are not relevant). I'll call the columns A through F. I would like to be able to match certain counterpart rows together, do a sort placing the counterpart rows adjacent to one another, and then count how many pairs I have. (Some rows will have no counterparts.)
Here is a micro-illustration of the database:
I basically need to devise a formula or script that pairs together two rows that fit the following criteria:
1) The rows are identical in Columns B, C, D, and E.
2) The rows are not identical in Column F (i.e., one half of the pair should have "yes" and the other half should have "no")
3) The rows are as close together as possible according to the date sequence in Column A. For example, Row 1 should pair with Row 6, and Row 5 should pair with Row 7. Row 1 should not pair with Row 7, and Row 5 should not pair with Row 6. **This criterion seems tricky because R5 and R6 would technically fit the requirement for pairing, were it not for the fact that R1 comes earlier in the sequence.**
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Dec 24, 2013
I have a set of sheets on a workbook that contain addresses, which are all combined on the first sheet (as you can see in the attached file). I would like to use a formula to compare the addresses on the Main sheet with the other sheets, then return in the D column of Main a colored cell indicating on which sheet the address was found on; different colors for different sheets. I tried to figure out some conditional formatting, but to no avail. Also, on occasion I have spreadsheets with 5 or 6 sheets containing these mixed addresses. Is there a solution that won't be limited to just a few sheets for comparison?
Excel Help.xlsx
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Aug 13, 2014
I've got 3 pairs of columns and I need to sort through them and align the cells in columns E&F with those in A&B and C&D. The cells I need to match up are the times (columns A, C and E)
Example - convert this:
BID TIME.....................BID.......ASK TIME....................ASK......TRADE TIME................TRADE
30/07/2014 14:21:04.....6.10.....30/07/2014 14:22:37.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:21:04.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:21:06.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:54.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:37.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:22:37.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:54.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:22:54.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.14.....30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:59.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:59.....6.13
Into this:
BID TIME.....................BID.......ASK TIME....................ASK......TRADE TIME................TRADE
30/07/2014 14:21:04.....6.10.................................................30/07/2014 14:21:04.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:21:06.....6.11........................................................................................
30/07/2014 14:22:37.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:37.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:37.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:22:54.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:54.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:54.....6.13
30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.11.....30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.13
............................................30/07/2014 14:22:56.....6.14............................................
............................................30/07/2014 14:22:59.....6.13.....30/07/2014 14:22:59.....6.13
I don't know VBA so hopefully there's a way of doing this with a basic Excel function.
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a cell (A1) that contains text.
That text will match a single value in a reference list (i.e. range of cells e.g. Z1:Z26).
When the match occurs (e.g. A1 = Z16), I want the format of the reference cell (fill color, text color) to apply to the cell of interest (A1).
The reference cells are manually formatted.
I know that I could create a long list of conditional format formulas instead of using the reference, but it seems that there must be some way to tell excel: if the cell value contents are equivalent, the formatting should be as well.
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Dec 2, 2009
I have 3 rows to each customer. I need to sort according to column B, by date. However I need to keep all 3 rows togeather. Is this possible?
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Jul 26, 2012
I have a worksheet where users enter an inspection number based on the order a property will be visited, based on the inspection number I want it to automatically enter the information into another worksheet that creates an itinerary which shows this order .
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Dec 30, 2013
I have a below challenge in front of me. When ever the user inputs a value from source, that value should be first in the destination and the rest of source values should be sorted as below. . Below are examples
Input Cell
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Aug 22, 2008
I understand how to sort based on Ascending order and descending order but what if I have to sort based on cell value? For example, in Col. 'L' I have a "Type' header name and under that there are probably 10 different categories. Few of them are "Achieved", "Bypass" "Certifications", "Monitor",and "YTD" . I would like to know how can I sort all the rows with "Certifications" first and then comes rest of the data and finally at the buttom of the data is "Monitor".
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Oct 21, 2013
Im having problems trying to sort through data and linking certain data. I will post example below:
Main 1
Main 2
Sublevel 1-4
This is just one part of a row of the workbook but shows the Main data which is made up of 4 different sub levels on the right. I merged 4 cells for the main data so that all the cells lined up but I'm still having problems with being able to sort and link the files together so that when I filter, they all do it together. The example didn't paste well.
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Jul 6, 2006
How do I return an offset value within a named range using a formula? For example, my range "RngTest" is from C3:J43. If a value of "Product123" is found within the range, (lets say its found in cells C3; E5 and E7), I need the accumulative values in the cells 'below' (in cells D3; F5 and F7) added ( SUM) and returned to cell L3.
Therefore if Cells D3; F5; and F7 have the respective values of 3; 4 and 5,
the value of cell L3 should be 12. Also, do I need to express "RngTest" or "C3:J43" or does it matter?
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May 6, 2009
I am new to Excel macros and programming, and am running into a problem that I can't figure out how to solve. I have read through the forum and tried various examples, but I am still not getting the result I am looking for.
I have a spreadsheet that has a variable number of cells in-between blank rows (the data can be 1 to 6 rows). I need to sum up the rows of two columns and see if they equal 0 or if there is a difference. If there is a difference, I want to make the cell red. The exact problem I am having is I can't make it check the # of rows and run the formula based on that number of rows. I am attaching an example of my raw data followed by an example of what I am looking for as the end result.
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Jun 2, 2014
Here is the data i'm working with.
Name of player
Score of round
bag tag the player came in with
bag tag the player is leaving with
Here is what I'm trying to accomplish. I usually just copy and paste (then sort the data) but I want a spreadsheet that I can enter raw data and just look at the results I will already have the players names in my sheet. Before the round I'll get everyone's tags it will not always be in order (EX: 1,3,15,22,34,66...etc) some tags will always be missing. After the round I'll enter the scores. What I can't figure out is how to leave my sheet in alphabetical order and have my spreadsheet populate the "leaving tag" column with the correct tag based on the players score....
name score tagin tagout
bob 22 2 2
carl 44 15 23
ed 33 23 15
Can't tell if that translated, couldn't use a table....
basically I would like to leave column A where it is the whole time add the data to column B and C The use the data from column B to sort the values from column C numerically to column D (basically copy and rank then display the numbers in order). To throw in a twist if the data in column B is the same for two or more people the formula would need to take the lower number from column C to determine who gets the lower tag in column D.
having to create some kind of database in access....
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Jan 13, 2008
how to sort based on the first two digit..
I need to sort the COMM CODE ( which is at Column no 3 )
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Jan 20, 2009
I have a worksheet with columns of Unique Words and corresponding Frequency of Occurrence for several years. I would like to sort the data so the rows match up on same Unique Words across years.
I am using Excel 2007.
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Jan 21, 2008
if there is anyway of sorting data from a word document into an excel spreadheet?
I want to sort be able to export the data according to the column on the far left hand side (month), into excel.
ideally i would have liked to have all the data in excel as it would make things easier but in this instance i need to keep all the data input in word.
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Mar 25, 2008
I have imported a list of information from a text file created by my network admin. I need to take the information from different categories in the list and sort them by category. All of the information is in once cell, but each has a common prefix (ie. URL = or Username), etc. After each prefix is the information I'd like to sort under the category (each category is the prefix). All of the information (prefix & data) is in cell A because it was a text file, and I'd like to simply find a way to say if A10 = URL= then place the information in C10...Below is what I need to sort.
URL = [url]
User Name =
Source IP =
Destination IP = 12.345.67.89
Category = Proxy Avoidance
Elapsed Time = 0 ms
URL = [url]
User Name =
Source IP =
Destination IP = 123.456.789.101
Category = Social Networking and Personal Sites
Elapsed Time = 0 ms
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Feb 10, 2014
I have two sheets with a Unique ID that I'd like to match and generate a third sheet. The third sheet would consist of First Name, Last Name, ID number where the phone numbers match from between sheets.
Sheet 1: A = Fname, B = Lname, C = Phone
Sheet 2: A = message, B = Phone
I'd like to make a Sheet 3: A = Fname, B= Lname, C = Phone, D = Message
Is my only option to try and get on a PC and use MS Access? Never had to do this in Excel before.
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