Page Number In Cell Without Going To Footer Or Header
Oct 24, 2013Is it possible to have a Page Number (e.g. Page 1 of 10) directly in Cell without going to the Footer or Header.
View 4 RepliesIs it possible to have a Page Number (e.g. Page 1 of 10) directly in Cell without going to the Footer or Header.
View 4 RepliesI would like to reference Cell values in my header/footer. I currently have the following code:
[Code] ......
The problem im having is that i would like to have multiple lines in my header/footer. Eg. i would like cell A1 to be displayed on the top left, and A2 displayed on the top left, but below the A1 value.
How can I do this?
I need to create a dynamic range based on cell between a header and footer cell. The header cell ( A8 ) will remain static, however, the footer cell starts at A10 and then will move down as rows are added.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there any way in excel 2007 to define a standard header and footer on the first sheet and use the same header and footer for all the remaining sheets within the workbook (same font and style as in first page).
Since I have around 25 sheets within the workbook i cannot do formatting and copy paste all the time. This will save my time alot.
Is there a way to protect the Header or the Footer from deletion? (or changes) I don't neccessary want to protect the whole sheet.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have this fairly extensive code that puts a person's address in the footer when printed. It works fine except that if their zip code starts with a 0 it is dropped. I thought I could easily add some formatting code to fix it. I guess not. The code in red below is what I tried, but instead of fixing it, I now get a "False" in my footer.
With ActiveSheet
.PageSetup.CenterFooter = "&""Times New Roman,regular""&12 " _
& Format(Workbooks("Reports to Go....xlsm").Worksheets("Office Information").Range("d10").Text) _
& " - " & Format(Workbooks("Reports to Go....xlsm").Worksheets("Office Information").Range("d11").Text) _
[Code] ........
I should mention, the referenced cells are in a different workbook than the one this code is in.
Ive created a simple VBA code thats suppose to insert a header and footer. The header works but the footer doesn't. Does it matter that my footer is in "Quotes"? I would like for it to say Page of Page so the footer will say 1 of 4! I feel like its something simple just not sure...
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.CenterHeader = "HSIS Phone Bill"
.CenterFooter = "Page &[Page] of &[Pages]"
End With
Is it possible to index a header to a cell in a spreadsheet.
I would like to create a template whereby every tab has the same header indexed to a cell on the tab that contrains the company information.
I'm looking for a macro or VBA code that can copy the header/footer and apply them to other worksheets. I have found code to copy to all worksheets but I only want the next two worksheets to have the copied header/footer and not copy to all the worksheets.
I have 6 worksheets the first 3 are schedules, the only thing that will be changed in the header/footer will be work periods. example 12/20/09-01/20/10, all other info will be the same. Is there another way to change the dates without having to open each one and manually changing the date.
I want to write a macro code for header and footer in MSEXCEL so that when printing command is given, it prints the header and footer already given in macro. No one print should come without header & Footer already given in macro.I tried but not working properly.
Sub InsertHeaderFooter()
' inserts the same header/footer in all worksheets
Dim ws As Worksheet
to create a file, and each employee will use it (Timesheet)
In the footer, I would like to put in the log on to their individual machine?
I know you can put in [Date] [Time] etc etc
But would like their user name (Eg Joe, Bill, Fred) etc etc
This may seem like an odd request for help, and there may be other options that I am unaware of but....
I am looking to maintain a top header row and a bottom footer row. The sheet is 300 rows deep and If I put a freeze pane or split, the header or footer ends up scrolling off of the viewable screen.
The header range is A1:G6 The footer range is A301:G304. I am looking for 2 sub()'s. The first will check the DATA range A7:G300 and hide all empty rows between the header and footer ranges. The worksheet will display lets say 23 rows of data if the user needs to enter data in a new row I would like them to be able to run a macro that will hide the first data row and unhide the first empty data row below the last row that is not empty (in the data range), and a second macro that would do just the reverse. If there were any hidden rows at the top of the data range, the first hidden row above the first unhidden row would be unhidden, and the last row of the data range would then become a hidden row.
In essence it would allow the user to scroll through the data range and never loose sight of the header range & footer range.
Is there a way to enter data into a cell and it would auto fill the Header and Footer in all worksheets? Maybe an embeded marco in the worksheet "TOOLS"?
View 6 Replies View RelatedPossible to have formula in Header or Footer in excel 2007?
I want to put concatenate formula. Eg. "=concatenate(weekending," ",'sheet1'!a1)"
I have a workbook that is setup with headers and footers. To the right, left, and below the worksheet there are other pages greyed out pages that are not being used. Is there a way to change the view and potentially remove these "other sheets?"
View 3 Replies View Related I'm trying to append a date variable to the end of headers for let's say 3 worksheets in a workbook. Each worksheet has a different string value, and I want to add a date variable at the end.
For example, sheet1, sheet2, and sheet3 says "Country Analysis", "Regional Analysis", and "State Analysis", respectively. I want to add the month and date to that so it would say something like "Country Analysis December 2007" for Sheet1, without hard coding it. Essentially, loop through however many worksheets and add a date variable at the end of each header on the left side.
I know how to get the date variable (format(date, "MMMM YYYY")) and the code behind the headers.
I am trying to link what is in the header and footer with information contained in certain Cells. (I eventually want to have a user form to help input the information, but one thing at a time.)
How do I go about getting the following information into code so that I can update the enclosed code?
Left Header: Client Name contained in Sheet: "Table of Contents" B:1
Before printing ANY workbook, I want the user to have the option of adding a footer.
To start out with, here is the code I have:
Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
'When you click 'Print', this module asks if you want to add a footer.
'The one it adds by default is: Path & filename, worksheet name, date.
'Unfortunately custom button text is not available, so Yes means add to
'current sheet, No means no, and Cancel means add to all sheets in workbook.
Dim answer$
Dim sheet As Worksheet
If ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = "" Then 'if there isn't a footer already
answer = MsgBox("Do you want to add a footer?" & vbCrLf & "Yes - this sheet only, Cancel - all sheets", vbYesNoCancel)
This works just fine if I put it in the ThisWorkbook section of a workbook. The problem is I can't get to work for any old workbook. If I put it in personal.xls, nothing happens when the user clicks print.
I am looking at not allowing users to select the header and footer info. I don't want them to delete it. I have tried to protect the sheet and workbook but not working.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a booklet I want to print from Excel 2000. I'm not seeing how to have the HEADER on page one only. The header is coming up on all pages. Is there a way to tell Excel to print the Header on page one only?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to start footer with different page no instead of 1.
i mean i want to start from 32 on wards.
I am working on workbook having more then 15 sheets and i want to print the cell reference (L3:P14) as footer automatically but only on the last page printed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to add a footer to a worksheet.
I did it with the recorder, but its gives me WAY more than I need to know. But I cannot find in the macro, where EXACTLY, the footer is located.
[face=Courier New] With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = ""
.CenterHeader = ""
.RightHeader = ""
.LeftFooter = ""
.CenterFooter = ""
.RightFooter = ""
.LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.7)
.RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.7)
.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.3)
.FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.3)
.Zoom = 84
All I want is to generate a word document with built in word header and footer (header and footer style name is "alphabet") based on the values which i mention in excel(path,word file name and header content.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a TAB Named: Sheet18. I already set up the Header rows to print at the top of every page. Now I need to know how to set up to print the Footer at the Bottom of every-page the footer is A4804:Z4806, i need this rows printed at the bottom of every page when i print.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn my header I am trying to show the current page number and the total number of pages in the workbook. So if I have 10 pages in my workbook, page 5 would read "5 of 10".
I have this in my header "&[Page] of &[Pages]". All worksheets with 1 page read "1 of 1" and worksheets with 2 pages read "1 of 2" on the first page and "2 of 2" on the second page.
it was possible to have my header which is in row1 to printed at the top of every page without having to manually put it at the the top myself. this is for printing only as i have frozen panes to make sure its always visible when in spreadsheet
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to have a header appear only on the first page of an Excel document? If so, how is it done?
I'm using Excel 2003.
I would like to have the tab names as part of my header for printed report. Can I automate that process?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a database that starts on row 10 with header information in row 9 explaining the purpose of the data for each column. In rows 1 through 8 I have general information that when I print the database - I would want on the first printed page (as well as the beginning rows of the database) and have the remaining print pages be the remaining portions of the database but have the header row (row 9) at the top of each - like a header row.
I know how to goto FILE > PAGE SETUP > SHEET > ROWS TO REPEAT AT TOP: - but this will put row 9 at the top of ALL pages...which I want, but not on the first page. I'm ok with making a print button with a macro...but no idea where to begin with the vba code to do this.