Pass Variable Into Array As Element
Oct 2, 2007
I am trying to pass information that is filled by user in a userform into an excel sheet. Let's say a user would click on a control button in a userform and Macro would ask him what value to store for the first variable. If user clicks one more time then Macro would identify that it was a second click and ask what value to set for a second variable. It is easy to do with limited number of variables, but is it possible that the variable which stores a number of clicks would become a number for variable to store the value?
1 click - a1 = ..
2 click - a2 = ..
n click - an = ..
If not possible - which way to search a solution?
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May 2, 2013
I'm only starting to get to grips with arrays. I have what I consider to be a lot of data that I need to 'cut' into separate workbooks. I have written some code that does this by simply looping through each line, 250k+, checking against a variable and copying the row into a separate sheet. This took longer than it would have doing it manually. It was suggested to me that I use arrays to speed up the process. I have managed to store the test data into an array but am struggling to find a way to loop through and pull out an entire 'row' from the array based on a variable. I have looked for 2 days in various places to find some way to loop through the data held in the array, but to no avail.
That code will appear here from about 8am GMT tomorrow. I know that once I've cracked this I'm on the road to some very significant time saving and comprehensive report writing.
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Oct 17, 2007
I have an array with structure, i.e. User Defined Type. Assume the user defined type has two elements: Element1 and Element2 and array name is Array.
So the definition is:
Dim Array(1 To 10) As UserType
and access to elements is
The problem is that I need to pass the whole set of Element1 or Element2 to a function. Should it have been two separate arrays, it would not be a problem. But because of the user defined structure I have no idea how to pass a single element.
I hope there is another solution rather than to use loops. I have many arrays like this with complex structures. I simply can not replicate all of them.
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Mar 22, 2007
I've tried to multiply each element in a 6x6 array by a similar 6x6 array, both on the same sheet, and it worked.(see Macro2 and attached xls file "Test").Then I got more ambitious and tried to do the multiplication from a standard array in sheet "TestA", with the result on the same sheet, by each array in sheet "TestB" and failed.How do I solve this problem? Pgualb PS:I'm using the R1C1 style.
Sub Macro2()
For y = 29 To 34
For x = 2 To 7
Cells(x, y) = Cells(x, y - 27) * Cells(x, y - 18)
Next x
Next y
End Sub
Sub Teste12()
'Multiplica matriz em TestB por matriz padrão em TestA com _
'resultado na matriz em TestA correspondente à matriz em TestB
Dim x, y As Integer
For y = 2 To 7.............
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Mar 19, 2014
I have 9 named ranges on worksheet Sheet1. I want to print every combination of every non-singular range on worksheet Sheet2. Below is a simplified version of the scenario.
There are three named ranges: Letters, Colors, Animals. Say the below are the entries for each range.
Letters = {A, B, C}
Colors = {Red, Blue}
Animals = {Dog}I want to print every combination of Letters and Colors but exclude Animals since it only has 1 entry.
Therefore my result would look something like this:
A Red
B Red
C Red
A Blue
B Blue
C Blue
My thought is to make a multidimensional array GrandArray where GrandArray(1) = Letters and GrandArray(2) = Colors, then recursively go back through every combination and print to Sheet 2. I can set up GrandArray, but stepping through each element is creating mismatch errors.
I'm trying to avoid For loops since my real data has 9 ranges which may or may not be included in the final print.
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Jun 20, 2008
How can you test that no single element of an array is equal to a particular value?
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Nov 11, 2009
I am trying to sqaure every element in a dynamic array and display the result . I donot understand how can I select the value in the cell using VBA?
Dim Y as variant, d() as double, i as long, j as long, rows as double, cols as double
Set Y = Application.InputBox("select the matrix: ", Type:=8)
Rows = UBound(Y)
Cols = UBound(Y, 2)
ReDim d(1 To Rows, 1 To Cols)
for i = cols
d(1,i) = ______==>
How do I select the value of element in that particular cell and how do I sqaure it?
I know
cells(rowindex, columnindex)
is used to select a particular cell but If I have a large array it would be difficult to go cell by cell and sqaure it.
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Jul 28, 2006
I need to multiply matrix variable by a constant (each matrix entry has to be multiplied by the constant).
Sub Matrix()
Dim X As Variant, Y As Variant
Dim a As Integer
a = 2
X = [1, 1, 1; 2, 2, 2; 3, 3, 3]
Y = X * a ' Here it writes that type is mismached
End Sub
I read that in cell functions it is possible to do such calculations.
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Jul 7, 2006
I am trying to assign an array element to select a specific cell then assign a value to it. Below is the general code that I am working with. Does anyone know why this is not working?....
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Jan 26, 2007
The first goes through a directory and opens all the files.. after it opens a given file it goes off into a sub-routine to process the data in that file.
I am trying to create a counter in the first sub-routine and then pass that value into the second sub-routine to tell it to put the values out on the next row down.. so the first time through it puts the values out on row 1, next time it puts them out on row 2, etc.
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Jan 21, 2007
I want use vba pass array to c++ dll , and return another array back to vba example is below,but I return value always 0 , how should I do? ...
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Aug 8, 2008
I am calling a sub that I want to do a SaveCopyAs using a variable as the file name but can't get it to work. The file name displays properly in a message box but when I do a SaveCopyAs it does nothing.
This code works:
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Oct 20, 2005
I have code in a userform that shows another userform with a text box. When the user types text there and presses OK, I want that userform to close (which it does fine), and return back to the original userform (which it does fine), but I want the typed text to be stored in a variable that the code in the original userform can use.
I tried declaring a public variable, "Rresponse1", in each userform's procedure, but that doesn't work. I test for the content of the variable afterward in the original userform and it is empty.
In the original userform I have:
SaveList.Show '(this is the second userform)
MsgBox "This is response1: " & Response1 '(to test if the variable is being passed)
In the userform SaveList, in the Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() procedure, I have:
Response1 = SaveList.ListName.Text
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox Response1 '(to test the variable, here it shows the text fine)
Unload SaveList
How do I get the Response1 variable to keep its content when control is passed back to the original userform?
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Jul 25, 2008
I want to work on a range
The number 100 (in B100) comes from another varibale M
Now how do I write the range so that I don't have to write 100. I want to pass on the variable in the range.
the code should look somewhat like
I don't know how to pass this variable M onto the range.
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Nov 6, 2008
It is possible to define a variable in a MS Word macro and send it to an Excel spreadsheet?
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Dec 11, 2009
I created the following sub to signal when a macro in Module 1 is complete:
Public Sub Done()
Dim complete As Boolean
complete = True
End Sub
I placed this just before the end sub in the macro for which I am trying to detect that it has finished executing:
Call Done
End Sub
In the Sheet 1 Module, the code fails at the statement:
If complete = True Then
The error returned is "Variable not defined." All three subs are declared as Public. Why does the Sheet1 sub not recognize the variable "complete" from the Module 1 macro?
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Nov 19, 2007
Is it possible to pass a typed array byval into a sub of function?
Sub test()
Dim arr() As Integer
Call testfunc(arr)
End Sub
Function testfunc(ByVal arr As Integer)
End Function
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Nov 29, 2007
I have a class
Private MemoryArray() As Variant
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Redim MemoryArray(0) As Variant
End Sub
Public Sub ReplaceMemory(GivenArray() As Variant)
Redim MemoryArray(UBound(GivenArray)) As Variant
For Index = LBound(GivenArray) To UBound(GivenArray)
MemoryArray(Index) = GivenArray(Index)
Next Index
End Sub
that I am specificall passing an array to the replacememory sub. So in the program I have a global array doved criteria:
Dim Criteria() As String
Sub Product2()
'fill criteria with various entries
'do whatever in macro sub
Set MemoryCriteria = New Memory
MemoryCriteria.ReplaceMemory (Criteria)
and on the last line I get an error message:
Compile Error:
Type mismatch: array or user-defined type expected
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May 24, 2014
I am trying to pass two variables RARD and CARD from Sheet1 'change selection' subroutine to the 'Set ARD Command button click' subroutine. The variable value remain empty and it gives me a 1004 error when I try to execute this line of code:
[Code] ....
What I am trying to do is put the text value 'ARD' in the cell on sheet1 which was the original cell I clicked on to open the userform2. To do this I click on the 'Set ARD' button on the userform2 which is then suppose to hide the userform2 and put the 'ARD' text in the selected cell on Sheet1.
I have attached the workbook for review : Therapy Tracker - Tester V2.10 - deleted logo.xlsm‎
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Mar 15, 2012
is it possible to assign the formula to a variable ? here i am trying to get only the filename excluding the path and assign it to a string variable. but its not working check "strr1" line.
Sub TestReadDataFromWorkbook()
' fills data from a closed workbook in at the active cell
Dim tArray As Variant, r As Long, c As Long
Dim i As Integer
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Sep 26, 2013
How do you pass a variable value in Visual Basic?
I have a variable called LastRow
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Would like to pass the value in my Do While loop
Option Explicit
Sub IncValue()
Dim MyCell As Range
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Do While MyCell
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Jun 8, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with about 30 charts on it that I would like to attach a macro to which opens the chart in a form. I've figured out how to do this last part, but am stuck on how to pass a variable to the form code which tells excel which chart to copy. Essentially what I'm doing creating a macro for each chart which would run when that chart is clicked on. This macro is identical for each chart except for the name of the chart being passed.
Sub Chart1_click()
ShowChart "Chart 1"
End Sub
Sub ShowChart(c As String)
End Sub
In the UserForm_Initialize code located in the userform module, I'd like to call the code which saves and loads the image of the clicked on chart. But here's where I'm stuck. How do I pass c to the code in the form module...e.g, how to pass c to UserForm_Intialize and to ChartZoom? Here's what I have so far...
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize(c As String)
ChartZoom c
End Sub
Private Sub ChartZoom(c As String)
Dim Cht As Chart
Set Cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(c).chart
Dim CName As String
CName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "cht.gif"
Cht.Export Filename:=CName, FilterName:="GIF"
imgCht.PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeZoom
imgCht.Picture = LoadPicture(CName)
End Sub
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Aug 15, 2008
Following statement works for me:
bdcTerm1 = ThisWorkbook. Sheets("ws2"). Range("A1").Value
But instead I want to parse through 50 rows and dynamically get the value instead of using a static Range("A1"). So I am trying to do the following:
For Row = 1 To bdc_rows
bdcTerm1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ws2").Cell(Row, 1).Value
bdcTerm2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ws2").Cell(Row, 2).Value
Next Row
But I get errror.
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Aug 3, 2006
Have a file lets say is named
Does anyone know how to retrieve the name of the file in VB?
just the name and put it in a string?
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Dec 28, 2006
I have a macro that when it runs presents a form that gives the user an option to skip the calculations or continue. If they click Skip then it continues the 'Next CE' . My problem is I can't get the Boolean value to pass from the form to the macro. Here is what I have
The main macro
Sub Dividend_MF()
For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets( Array("G&I", "Growth"))
For Each ce In sh. Range("a5:a" & sh.Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row)
If Not IsEmpty(ce) And Not (IsError(ce.Offset(0, 56))) Then
If ce.Offset(0, 56) = "X" Then
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Jan 18, 2007
I have a code below which need some input from user. This input will also be serve as the input of the subroutine which i am going to call. However, i do not know how to go assign this input to the subrountine which i will be calling, can anybody help ?
For example, the "input" variable will also be served as an input in subroutine test2 ...
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Jun 11, 2007
I have a macro that nicely select the named range that the active cell is in. I want to chain on to that macro a macro that has a parameter a range with that active selection. I dont see how to "take" the active selection on the worksheet from within the macro and pass it to another. I assume I could change the cellInRange macro to return a range, however I dont yet see how to do that.
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Jul 11, 2007
This is the code after editing to make it more clear
Public Sub 1()
BookA= activeworkbook. name
End Sub
Public Sub 2()
With BookB. sheets(1)
End Sub()
At the end of public sub 1, BookB is the active workbook. What I want to do in public sub 2 is to copy some data from BookA to BookB. Unfortunately, when moving from public sub 1 to public sub 2, BookA needs to be defined again. The code above is the code that I use in my add-ins. I figured out for non add-ins code I can define BookA with when BookB is active as I before work with BookA. This does not apply for add-ins as thisworkbook will refer to my add-ins code. Is there anyway of keeping definition of BookA is constant from one public sub to another public sub? This is simplified code. In fact, I can't merge public sub 2 with public sub 1 due to some reason which I don't say it here.
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Jul 26, 2007
I have come up with the following formula to pull sums of data by month. I am using this because it is inconvenient to use the DSUM formula (I can't put all the criteria together in a simple way):
{=SUM(IF('Sheet1'!$B$2:$B$20="Person1",IF( DATE(YEAR('Sheet1'!$A$2:$A$20),MONTH('Sheet1'!$A$2:$A$20)+1,)=C2,'Sheet1'!$D$2:$D$20,0),0))}
I would like to, in a macro, assign a variable to this result - but cannot figure out the VBA code for it.
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Aug 12, 2007
This line in my code is causing an invalid qualifer error message:
lngNew = wsNew. Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row.Offset(1, 0)
Option Explicit
Sub Disney_DumpData()
Dim wbBook As Workbook
Dim wbNew As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wsNew As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim rngNew As Range
Dim rngUnit As Range
Dim rngUnitPaste As Range
Dim lngNew As Long
Dim Cnt As Integer
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set wbBook = ThisWorkbook
Cnt = 0
'Dump To New File
'/Define new workbook
Set wbNew = Application.Workbooks.Add.....................
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