Password Protected Sheet :: How To Unprotect A Sheet?

Jan 18, 2008

Does anyone know if there is a way to unprotect a sheet. The person who created this spreadsheet no longer works for our company and although we can see the spreadsheet, the formulas are hidden so we can't figure out where the data is being pulled in from. Any ideas?

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Unprotect Sheet When Password Does Not Work

Oct 17, 2012

Is there a macro or other means to unprotect a sheet or workbook when the password is either forgotten or doesn't work?

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How To Unprotect Sheet When Password Is Forgotten

May 28, 2013

I have a file I use and forgot the pass for each sheet. The pass is the same for each sheet, but I cannot remember it. It is a .xlxs file.

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Unprotect Sheet - Remove Existing Password

Jan 22, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that cannot be modified. How do I remove the existing password? (I don't have the existing password).

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Forgotten Password To Unprotect Workbook/sheet

Feb 25, 2005

Is there a way to unprotect a workbook and/or worksheet in Excel 2002/2003 if
the original password is forgotten?

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File Prompts To Unprotect Sheet With Password

May 8, 2009

In wrote a workbook in Excel 2003 that is causing me a problem I can not seem to figure out. The workbook consists of multiple worksheets that work using both VBA code or cell formulas. The worksheets are protected (though w/o a password) to prevent users from accidently altering a cell formula. When the code needs to write to a cell, it first unprotects the sheet, writes to the cell(s), and then reprotects the sheet.

Everything seems to work fine, often for several months. Then somehow something goes wrong. Specifically, after double-clicking on the ListBox in the worksheet “CRI Calculator” to pick a drug name, it will improperly present a dialog box (see attached screen capture 'Unprotect Sheet DialogBox.JPG') prompting the user for a password to unprotect the worksheet. Again, no password has ever been set; I have tried entering nothing, “password”, and "anonymous". Regardless of how you respond, an error code “Run-time error ‘1004’: The password you supplied is not correct…” occurs. If I press Debug, it takes me (ironically) to the following line of code

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Unprotect Password Protected File For Other Users

Aug 12, 2013

I have a master file that generates a new file every time the master user run the macro. The macro is pasted here:

Sub NewWorkbook()
ThisWorkbook.Unprotect ("Password01#")


I want the new file to be opening without asking for any password at all. What am I supposed to include in the code for that?

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Protected Sheet - Macro To Unprotect, Refresh Sql Query & Re-protect Fails

Feb 21, 2007

I have a protected worksheet containing an SQL query. I have two cells on the worksheet unlocked so that users can enter fresh parameters to feed the query.
Because I have to use MS Query to interrogate our SQL server (current IT decree), the query won't support parameters directly when the query cannot be represented graphically - so I have to manually edit the sql command text and then refresh the query - or at least that was why I wrote the code below

The problem: My macro won't unprotect the sheet before it calls the therefore won't update the sheet to detail the DSN, command text and number of parameters (latter should be 0) - info just used to verify queryit won't run the query / return the data as the sheet is still protected Comment: I have had to remove sheet protection in order to allow the sql to execute and return data. If protection is removed, the query does execute and return data ( changes in the "parameter" cell contents do cause the query to be correctly modified)
I could comment out the debug info but the query still doesn't return data if the sheet is protected.

Activesheet And worksheets(ndx) where ndx has been defined As ActiveSheet.Name
I apologise If my post Is difficult To follow - especially the code.

Sub AgedStockParameters()
nmb = ActiveWorkbook.Name
ndx = ActiveSheet.Name
WkshtQryCon = Workbooks(nmb).Worksheets(ndx).QueryTables(1).Connection
ActiveCell.Value = WkshtQryCon
WkshtQryFld = Workbooks(nmb).Worksheets(ndx).QueryTables(1).CommandText
ActiveCell.Value = WkshtQryFld.......................

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Forgotten Password For Password Protected Sheet

Mar 21, 2007

I have a spreadsheet, which has certain worksheets that are password protected. I need to make changes to some of the formulas, and the VBA modules, however I cannot remember the password!! Is there a way of identifying the password??

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Macro To Unprotect Sheet Unlock Cells And Protect Worksheet With Same Password

Jan 23, 2012

I have been really trying to get this sorted myself and I can get it to work with one exception. I can't get the sheet to lock with a password. It locks, but if I try to unlock it again, it does so without prompting me to enter a password.

Essentially I am wanting to unprotect two sheets, unlock the cells that were previously locked (so users couldn't enter data in them when the sheet is protected), then reapply the same password to protect the sheet, but now they will be able to enter data in the unlocked range of cells).

The second macro is to reverse the changes made in the first and 're-lock' the unlocked cells) (and again apply the same password to the sheet).

this is the code I have used.


Sheets("2012 Calculator 1 week").Select
ActiveSheet.Unprotect "taado"
Selection.Locked = False
Selection.FormulaHidden = False
Sheets("2012 Calculator 2 week").Select


I am assuming I have superfluous code in there, in addition to my mistake with the reapplication of the password.

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Override Password Protected Sheet?

Feb 15, 2013

I would like to copy a worksheet that is password protected. When I copy the whole sheet it says, cannot change part of a merged cell and nothing is copied.

Is there a way to override password protection without knowing the password?

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Locate Password Of A Protected Excel Sheet?

Aug 28, 2013

I read somewhere that password of a protected excel sheet is located in the sheet itself , hidden somewhere. So , it can be located by some "curious" ones.

Second question is , how can we find that password and prevent anyone from detecting it?

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Macros Not Working When Sheet Is Password Protected

Jan 9, 2007

I am trying to password protect some of the cells in a worksheet. However doing that starts giving errors with Macros. The Macros are no longer working and infact giving error. What can I do to stop that happening?

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Error Handler For Incorrect Password (Protected Sheet)

Feb 1, 2007

For some reason I thought this would be simple, but not as simple as I thought. I have a UserForm that enters data into a sheet, but before it is entered, the user is prompted for the sheet password (sheet is protected). What I tried to do is use an error handler to exit the sub if the password is incorrect, user hits Cancel, etc. Here is the code I am using:

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Creating A Macro To Lock A Password Protected Sheet

Feb 23, 2007

I've got a work book with numourous password protected sheets which i quite often have to update (as i use around 10 of these with at least 10 sheets in each its time consuming). I've had several goes at creating 2 macros to unlock and then lock the sheets (with my password). I've managed to create on that unlocks the sheets using the password but i can't get a macro to lock the sheets up again using the password.

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Export (Copy) Sheet From Password Protected Workbook

Aug 18, 2006

I was handed a workbook that is password protected. The worksheets are not password protected. Because the workbook is protected, I cannot add or delete worksheets.

I figured that I could get around this by copying the worksheets to another workbook, but I can't even do that. Naturally, no one remembers what the password is.

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Exl2K User: Sheet Is Password Protected But User Can Change Color In Unlock Cells

Jun 16, 2006

find attached zip file . if you open the file then you can understand the problem.

I need to change cells color and text color as per user choice in Password protected sheet : (user is useing excl2000)

Kindly open attahced file i putted the note inside the file.

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Macro To Unprotect Sheet - Paste Then Protect Sheet

Apr 8, 2014

I want a sheet to copy and paste into another worksheet, I have that code and its working fine, but what I also want to do is for the sheet to be protected,so the code would be, copy, unlock, paste, lock, save.

Here is the code I have so far. I know i have to include ActiveSheet.Unprotect "passowrd" ActiveSheet.Protect "password", but I dont know where to include that last part of the code.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro Runs On Protected Sheet But Changes Protect Sheet Options?

Feb 24, 2011

I am using Excel 2010 and I have a password protected workbook with password protected sheets that uses several macros. Most of them, in order to run, have to un-protect the sheet and then re-protect it again. This has been accomplished easily enough by adding ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:= "mypassword" and ActiveSheet.Protect Password:= "mypassword" to the appropriate places in the script. All of my macros, which do various things like sorting and moving data, deleting blank rows, displaying dialog boxes containing warning messages etc. run fine.

My problem is this: when I password protect the sheets manually, I have checked the following options in the "Protect Sheet" dialog box. Under "Allow users of this worksheet to" I have checked 1)Select unlocked cells and 2)Format cells. After entering my password and closing the dialog box my sheet is protected, but I can edit cells in the manner my allowances permit. However, once I run any of the macros that un-protect and re-protect the sheet, I remain able to select and edit unlocked cells (practically, for my purposes, this means that I can input data which will appear in the default font size and color of the sheet) but I cannot format cells (which, practically, for my purposes would allow me to occasionally change the font color and size of the data). Naturally, after running a macro, the other cell-formatting options are unavailable to me as well. Is there any way to get my manual selections to remain in place after running a macro that functions as mine do? Or is there any way to make my manual selections the default settings for a protected sheet?

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Copy And Paste From One Sheet To Another On Protected Sheet?

Apr 29, 2014

I have spent ages creating a work diary and have protected the sheets using VBA however on finishing the sheet one important thing that needs to happen is the ability to copy and paste information from the boxes to another worksheet. i.e MONDAY - SUNDAY

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Unprotect The Sheet..

Feb 24, 2009

Spreadsheet was created by me and worksheets locked by me with password. Data is maintained by another on the network. Since acquiring a new PC with xl 2003 replacing 2000, none of the worksheets will allow me to unprotect. The "unprotect" menu option is not available (shaded out), and it says "shared" at the top.

I have numerous spreadsheets that work this way, but this is the only one that has this problem. How can I unprotect it to make modifications?

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Unprotect Sheet

May 3, 2007

I'm working with this workbook and suddenly the worksheets protected! Although I didn't make any password. I checked it but, I coulden't find any password. see code maybe there is a mistake.

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Protect / Unprotect Sheet

Jan 23, 2013

I am using the following code to protect/unprotect a sheet in a tool that i am working on, which seems to work great. It unprotects the sheet runs the code inbetween the two liens of code and then protects the sheet again.

ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password = "mypassword"
ActiveSheet.Protect Password = "mypassword"

The issue I am having is if i want to go in and edit the sheet without running the code it will not let me. When I go in and type the password to unprotect it says it is invalid. I have typed it exactly how the code reads. I have even tried including the quotes but no luck.

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Protect - Unprotect The Sheet

Jan 2, 2009

I have a worksheet where the users need to enter time. I have a macro that captures the time when the user hits Ctrl + t

What I want now is a code which protects the cell after entering the time with Ctrl + t.

I tried to do it, but my macro only works when I don't set any passwords to protect the sheet. How can I pass the password to the code and protect the sheet after the code to capture the time is being executed.

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Use Network Id To Unprotect Sheet

Jun 1, 2006

We have created a spreadsheet that needs to be protected as it is viewed by several users. We would like, if possible, to update this daily with as little human intervention as possible.

Can we use VBE and the on worksheet open event to unlock the password protection, update the sheet and then lock it again? I know that you can read who opens the sheet using code similar to the following but don't know whether the password protection can be "unlocked" utilising this method.

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Protect Or Unprotect Sheet By Various Users?

Jun 22, 2014

Is there is any way we can protect sheet in such a way that; if user - Mr. A inputs his password he can only go and is able to input his data in sheet 1.

I've a file which have multiple sheets say about 80 tabs are present. My colleague only works on one of the tab (sheet) enters data, that file is placed on our general sharing folder I want to know if it is possible that I can assign protection in such a way that when she enters her password she is able to input data only on the sheet in which she works and cannot roam around to other sheets?

Or is it possible that on first sheet there is username or password can appear? And if the data inputting person opens that file and enter her password option appear which can take her to that particular sheet? And if a guest open that file he/she can only view particular sheets which contain reports?

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Adding Unprotect Sheet Command To VBA Code?

Aug 22, 2012

Workbook performs perfectly 95% of the time but every now and again I have this issue where the formular do not calculate (it is set to automatic).

I have a workaround of doing a find and replace across all the worksheets of "=" replaced with "=" and this solves the issue.

The problem I am having is that some of the sheets are protected and some are not. The code I am using for the find and replace is as follows...

Option Explicit
Sub ChgInfo()

Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim Search As String
Dim Replacement As String

[Code] .....

I need to add to this code the unprotect command and then reprotect only the originally protected sheets?

I am sure these is a better way of doing this but im really short on time. This issue only occurs 5% of the time. the other 95% the formula all calculate fine!

I just need a way of doing the find and replace for = to = across all sheets in the workbook regardless of the sheet protection!!

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Unprotect/Reprotect Sheet During Email Vba Code

Nov 18, 2009

I have an email vba code set up in my workbook that emails the worksheet in an attachment to someone. However, I keep getting an error code saying permission denied when the code tries to finish. It highlights the "Kill Tempfile" field...which in my mind is saying permission denied because I have the worksheet password protected. I kind of want to keep it that way, so is there a way I can enter a line of code in my current script to unprotect what is being emailed in the beginning of the code so that the tempfile created when it is being emailed can be deleted?

Here is my current
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()If Len(Range("H59")) = 0 Or Len(Range("H61")) = 0 Then    MsgBox "Please enter customer/employee submitting request and click SUBMIT again."    Exit SubElse'   Enter the rest of your code hereActiveSheet.PageSetup.BlackAndWhite = TrueApplication.Dialogs(xlDialogPrint).ShowSet appWrd = CreateObject("Word.Application")Set docOpen = appWrd.Documents.Open("F:groupsdeptservCDTISA.doc")docOpen.PrintOutdocOpen.CloseappWrd.QuitDim FileExtStr As String    Dim FileFormatNum As Long    Dim Sourcewb As Workbook    Dim Destwb As Workbook    Dim TempFilePath As String 

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How To Unprotect A Workbook And Sheets That Already Protected

Mar 10, 2014

I have a workbook that is protected by password. I have to unprotect sheets.

How can I unprotect sheets and workbooks while I am updating or changing?

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2007 - Protected Workbook - Can't Unprotect It

Jun 15, 2009

I have a workbook that many moons ago I protected. Now I want the workbook to be an unprotected workbook so many users can view and update if necessary.

Typically I know you are supposed to go to: Review, Changes, Unprotect Workbook. But all that is available is to protect the workbook, but it is already protected. I know this because every time I open the workbook, I am prompted to enter a password.

Is there another way to remove this workbook protection I do not know about?

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