I've got two files: the one that is the source file and the second one which is the target file. The target file is password protected (let us take the number 1 as the password in this case). I have a macro that would copy the value of an example cell to the target file:
Sub iso()
Dim wBook As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
Set wBook = Workbooks("Test2.xls")
If wBook Is Nothing Then
ChDir "D:"
Set oWB = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="D: est2.xls")
to add a line (or two) to this code, that would open and unprotect the target file and then at the and protect the target file with the same password.
I have two workbooks in the same folder on a shared drive. Workbook2 is linked to workbook1. I have protected Workbook1 with a password protected to limit access.
When my collegues who use workbook2 try to open it, it asks for the password for workbook1 before opening. When they ignore that and go a head to open the file. The new information from workbook1 is not updated into workbook2.
How can i mentain my password in workbook1, and keep the files linked such that they can be able to see the new information in workbook2 without knowing the password for workbook1.
I've 10 workbooks (which represent different areas around the factory) that populate a master workbook (belonging to HR).
We've now started to password protect the 10 workbooks. When i open the master workbook and click update - i get prompted to enter the passwords of the 10 workbooks
My question - is it possbile to automatically have the passwords entered so that the master can get updated?
In my office, our colleague locked his macros before he left. Now, I would like to continue in that but I have no idea, how to get into macro - to study it and change it as needed now.
I was handed a workbook that is password protected. The worksheets are not password protected. Because the workbook is protected, I cannot add or delete worksheets.
I figured that I could get around this by copying the worksheets to another workbook, but I can't even do that. Naturally, no one remembers what the password is.
I have a spreadsheet, which has certain worksheets that are password protected. I need to make changes to some of the formulas, and the VBA modules, however I cannot remember the password!! Is there a way of identifying the password??
I have a master document which maintains employees vacation an lieu time. I want to create a document for each employee where they can view all of their own person information by linking it to the master. The only problem is is that the master document is password protected. They can't have the password or they could access the master document and other employees confidential information. Is there a way to update there own document without entering the password or codon so the password automatically enters without them seeing it.
I would like to copy a worksheet that is password protected. When I copy the whole sheet it says, cannot change part of a merged cell and nothing is copied.
Is there a way to override password protection without knowing the password?
I have an add-in which I want to share with others, but I want to protect the code from modification.
I know how to apply a password to a VBA project (Tools -> Project Properties -> Protection) but the problem is this: when a colleague installs the add-in, the subroutines within the add-in are not available in the Macros list to be added to the ribbon (in the Customize Ribbon window). The subroutines only appear when I remove the password.
Code: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("kellyz") If Intersect(Target, Columns("o:o")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub For Each C In Intersect(Target, Columns("O:O"))
[Code] ......
As soon as i type anything in the columns, my sheet is unprotected. I need the sheet protected so that the users can not change my formulas.
I am trying to import data into Excel from a webpage using the web query function; however, the webpage requires a login and password. I have the required login and password, but I cannot figure out how to make excel automatically input these into the correct fields and login in order to import the data.
Since I am trying to make all of our databases update automatically, I don't want to enter this info everyday when the macro runs.
I want to create a simple form for employees to enter their number of hours worked for the day. Driver name, Start Time, Finish Time and date. I need this information to populate an excel spreadsheet but I don't want the employees to be able to view the data that is being put in. Also possibly throw an error if the same employee accidentally enters their information twice.
I read somewhere that password of a protected excel sheet is located in the sheet itself , hidden somewhere. So , it can be located by some "curious" ones.
Second question is , how can we find that password and prevent anyone from detecting it?
I have written a macro to select a range of cells one by one and open the excel files mentioned in them and execute a task. It works fine. But I want the system to see if the file exists in its folder or if the file is password protected (for opening). Either of the case the file should be skipped without a warning message and any attempt to open. I need a macro for that. Following is the way the cell contents are
And following is the VBA code I wrote. It it almost stops when reaching a non-existing file name
I'am trying to make a button that will let me send a email via outlook. trick is work book is password protected but need to send some of the data contained to perssonel that dont have the password so sending teh complete work book doesnt work just need something simple. I have learned all ( little) i know from reading and searching here.
no links to other sites as my firewall here at work will possibly reject it
I need to protect the VBA Password protected module from being hacked. Now a days there are VBA password recovery tools which are easily available on the net & can be downloaded to break the protected module. I have one as well.
I can use this tool to see break my password of a protected module. How to secure my VBA modules in a project.
I currently have a problem when retrieving data from an external document that is password protected. The below routine causes Excel to request the password to the file multiple times. Using the 'SendKeys' function provides a slight workaround although I am very keen to remove this. It also doesn't appear to update links once the routine has run though a couple of the 'For' loops.
I have it set so that the user has to input the first password request, but the 'SendKeys' simply hits enter for the rest of the requests. This doesn't stop the cells from being updated for the first run of the 'For m' routine but can fail on the following runs. Sometimes the second loop works, sometimes it doesn't and the user will have to manually update the links through the 'Edit Links' tool.
I tried turning Application.DisplayAlerts to false after the first password request but that didn't stop it from appearing. If it had, I was going to use the ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Type:=xlExcelLinks command to allow the user to update the links at the end.
Code: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim d, m As Integer
I have a worksheet where parts of it is locked with a password. I have a data validation cell with a drop down list. I want to set a password to select and change only that cell.
I don't want the list in the cell to be shown without the password