I would like to create a qestionairre with checkboxes used to answer the question "Do you need____" (Check if yes). On the following workbook I would like a list of all items needed, and a list of items not needed on yet another workbook.
Is there a way to create these lists without having blanks for values that are not true? (and because Im sure there is HOW?)
how return a true/false based on a cell containing a string (text) vs a value?
I have a column where most cells are blank, some contain text, and others contain dates. I would like to select and manipulate only the ones that contain dates (or values).
I have a worksheet where I have around 300 rows, each with 7 columns. What I want to do is add a checkbox to each column. I plan on setting non-applicable checkboxes to mixed status and locking the worksheet. I will unlock applicable checkboxes and sumif or countif their value according to row-based scoring, for example, each checked checkbox represents a value of 3. I do not know VBA and have chose to use the form control checkboxes rather than ActiveX.
I believe that a formula for this would be something like: =SUMIF(B1:B3,True,"3") or =COUNTIF($B$1:$B$3,True)*3
I am wondering firstly if I have that right and secondly if there is a way to stop my checkboxes from displaying labels. Currently, if I click on one it displays True behind the active checkbox. If I uncheck it, it displays False.
I've done a check box on excel (ActiveX) which then enters True or False when I tick or untick it. Is there any way which you can change the True/False words to something else?
For example, if the box was ticked it would enter "Electric" instead and "N/A" if the box was unticked?
I have searched all through the threads but I can't find anything similar to my problem. I am trying to create a checkbox that when the excel file would be saved as a *.csv file, the value for the checkbox would be saved as an boolean value 0/1. I created a macro that would populate the cells with the form control checkbox and linked it to the respective cell, I just need to change the value.
Is there a formula or VB code like the =TYPE() function that will return whether a cell contains a FORMULA? Here's the issue:
I'm writing a macro to update 10,000 sheets. Each sheet has a column that I'm updating with a new formula. Some of these formulas have been previously overwritten with a random number that would delete the formula from the cell. I have to leave the overwritten values where there is no formula, and replace the values of the formulas where they are still intact. I assume that if I can identify whether there is a formula in the cell or not, I can choose that cell to skip or update.
I am trying to return a TRUE or FALSE based on a date in a cell.
for example:
if cell A1 = 07/11/2009
I want A2 to show TRUE or FALSE if A1 is 14 days or more behind todays date.
I have tried stuff like:
but it just always says false. EDIT: I have just noticed that if I change the date in A1 to exactly 14 days behind todays, it returns TRUE. So, it does work. Do I need to add a GREATER THAN in there?
I am trying to Sum lines of info with "True or False" and "Yes and No". I would like to assign 1 to True and Yes and 0 to False and No when I total the rows. Never tried this in Excel, on Lotus and the formula does not work. I can find and replace, but I would like to be able to use a formula.
I have a master spreadsheet which shows agreeed rentals for vehicles, on the sample this is the "OCS" tab. I receive a spreadsheet which contains the actual rental charged, in my example this is the tab "Invoice" in my example the VRN are in the same order on both sheets, in reality the invoice spreadsheet is not in the same order as my OCS sheet. My task is to match the VRN field in the invoice sheet to the VRN in the OCS sheet, then look at the amounts and if they match then return "true" if they don't return "false
Group Name / Data A / .01 A / .02 A / -.02 B / .05 B /-.01 C /.02 C /-.03
I need one true or false return for each group if the absolute value of the differences in any combination of a group's data is greater than or equal to .05.
I have two price lists in workbook. One containing "normal" price list, other containing "action" prices.
I want to search for a product name code from column A in "normal" price list in column A of "action" list, and if it is found to show it somehow in any column in "normal" price list sheet.
This way I know that there is action price attached to that product and that I have to search for the price in "action" sheet.
I have several rows with numbers that is either 0, a balance or a text like n/a. I need a formula that return true if all are 0 or contain n/a. If there is one balance shall it be false. Any suggestion? See example:
I'm trying to determine if a rangeName is defined so that I can delete it without a programming error. I've used the idea that if I try to goto a non-existant rangeName, I'll get an error. I've tried to design a function that will return true or false if the rangeName is defined on the basis of that idea. Can you take a look at the code and see where I went wrong?
I have two price lists in workbook. One containing "normal" price list, other containing "action" prices.
I want to search for a product name code from column A in "normal" price list in column A of "action" list, and if it is found to show it somehow in any column in "normal" price list sheet.
This way I know that there is action price attached to that product and that I have to search for the price in "action" sheet.
I need to check one column to see if it is less than another one If it is I need to have the IF function return specific criteria for true and then for false but then I also need it to rely on the results of another question from another column if the result of the first query is less than the figure in another column again I need to return specific criteria for tur and then for false An AND function requires both to be true but when one isnt what do I write?
I have number data in columns F through AK. In column AL I want a formula that will look in columns F through AK from the left to right. Once it identifies a positive value I want the formula to identify if after that positive number there are any occurances where there are 6 0's in a row (anywhere up until column AK). The formula can return a True or False. I want to drag the formula down across many rows of data. If the entire row contains 0's, I do not want it identified as a TRUE
code below whould return value "a" to specified range(s) The cells are formatted Marlett, 10pt, black, bold, center. Should return a nice tick mark to the specified range if selected shape has value of 1. I double chk'd the name of the shape referred to in code and it is correct Yet value of "a" is not returned, though the chkBox is "ticked". What else can I check?
Option Explicit Sub cv_ReviewCheckBoxes() Dim wbBook As Workbook Dim wsNotesLoose As Worksheet Dim wsCoinRolled As Worksheet Dim wsCoinLoose As Worksheet Dim wsSummary As Worksheet With Application .Calculation = xlCalculationManual .DisplayAlerts = False . ScreenUpdating = False End With.........................
First one: The thought process is that inbound inventory data is logged on one sheet; outbound inventory data logged on another within the same workbook. When specific data from the inbound sheet (LPN column) is 'shipped' and entered on the outbound sheet, that specific data needs to be verified against the order number it was intended to ship against and if everything lines up, to have a TRUE value returned, or FALSE if not.
Second one: same type of thing - I'd like to look for the same specific criteria (LPN) between the inbound and outbound worksheets and if the same LPN is found on the outbound sheet, to return a value of "SHIPPED".
Third and fourth - same deal again except this time, would like to tie back the outbound Destination and ship date data from the outbound worksheet to the inbound worksheet.
A copy of the workbook is attached for reference with cells that require formulas highlighted in yellow on the inbound sheet and data cells from which the formulas will verify data in green on the outbound sheet.
I have two lists, one that is 99,000 lines and the other is 150. I am trying to find out where the word(s) in the list of 150 is present in the list 99,000.
1st list of 99,000 is in Sheet1 A1-A99000 and the second list is in Sheet2 B1-B150.
The caveat is that in column A there is additional words in that cell so you can not do a simple vlookup, because there may or may not be an exact match.
I have been stuck for hours and the best i can get is to use the match function but it is not working because it is not exact. Last thing i want to do is use the CTRL F key to lookup all the words.
I am applying data validation in my workbook. The data in ColS consist of:
ColS (Row2) X (Row3) Y (Row4) Y (Row5) Y (Row6) X
In ColT, I am to apply data validation: i.e. If in concerned row of ColS is having "X" value, then I am to show an error message. Else, values from A2:A5 should be shown in the as list and these should be accepted in ColT.
I'm trying to create a rec report, ideally on one page, for multiple criteria. The situation is we get a report on our trade positions (investment stuff) from an outside service we use. We also have a report internally from what we've booked. We're looking to tie out are basic things like price, original par, revised par, trade date, counter-party banks, etc. I've consolidated data from both sources on one page (DATA) where all data points are lined up (say EXTERNAL is from rows 1-500, and INTERNAL is 510-1010). Now I need to create a front page showing the result of each tie-out. The lookup value will be a combination of the fund name + trade ticket number which would almost guarantee a unique ID (fund name XYZ, ticket number 12345 = XYZ12345)
Current tabs on spreadsheet: DATA, EXTERNAL, INTERNAL. I need to add a REC page
Question: What formula can I use to check on each and return TRUE/FALSE? The goal is to have about 8 columns on the REC, each for one of the tie-outs (let's use price as an example.). I know the basic VLOOKUP to return one value, but it appears in this case I will need VLOOKUP to check two matching values based on unique ID XZY12345, compare the price, and return TRUE if they match, FALSE if they don't
Here's something I saw from one of our spreadsheets that I think does the same to confirm counter-party, though I have no idea how to read this lengthy formula.
The first half of the vlookup searches for data and returns a dollar amount if true The second half of the vlookup searches for another data set and returns a dollar amount if true...
Both amounts could be the same, so I cant use a formula based on numeric value
the conditional format must determine which vlookup is returning the result
in other words I'd like to conditionally format (grey fill) if the first vlookup returns data and conditionally format (blue fill) if the second vlookup returns data
Probably have to "use a formula to determine which cells to format"
On the sheets where 'present' needs to be checked, after linking the checkbox to the cell it now says "TRUE" or "FALSE". How do I get rid of that? There is a formula that this affects also (just FYI).
I have a checkbox where the values are reflected as True/False in a seperate column, what i simply want to do is take the value from one cell, and add 10% of the value each time a value becomes True.
For example in this value column after the check box has been filled out it might look like this:
False True True True False False False
The cell then needs to take the figure, lets say, 100, add 10%, then add 10% to 110, then again and so on for however many "True" statements are in the column.
I have tried with no success with various SUM/SUMIF/COUNT/COUNTIF/IF etc cant seem to get it to work, im not sure the cell refreshes correctly after the checkbox is filled out and its not registering the new "True" value as by default its all set to "False".