SUMPRODUCT Function With Date Calculation Criteria

Jun 11, 2009

I have a worksheet that contains investment security purchases, including purchase date, purchase amount and maturity date, each in its own row. I need to develop a formula that will sum the purchase amount based upon the term in days (maturity date - purchase date) of the investment. The respective rows do not contain the term in days so the formula will need to calculate the days to determine the aggregating criteria described below.

One cell should contain the aggregate security purchase amount whose term is 1-90 days and another cell should contain the aggregate security purchase amount whose term is over 90 days. It seems that SUMPRODUCT with a condition is the best way to handle this; however, I cannot get the correct syntax of this formula.

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Adding Third Criteria To Sumproduct Function

Feb 5, 2014


I would like to edit the function above and add a third criteria. If Sold!S:S,"Returns" to my sumproduct.

I tried to edit it myself with the function below but it didn't work.


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Date Calculation According To The Given Criteria

Jun 1, 2009

i have a data in excel

In cell B6 , I have an amount . and in Cell C6 I have inserted the date at which that amount has been kept . Now what i want is I want the Data from D6 To O6 to calculate as to how many Days that 100000.00 Rs or Dollar have been kept each month . Each month has its own Days like January has 31 Days . So i want each Days to appear accurately. Like for example if i insert the 4-8-2009 from January till August 4-8-2009 , how many days that amount has been kept each month .

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Sumproduct - Count More Than One Criteria By Date

May 19, 2008

I have a document with the following data

3: DATE "12/15/2007" format

I would like to know if anyone knows how I can perform the following. And please excuse me for not writing this very technically I am a bit lost.

if name = "JOHN" and description = "APPLE" count how many apples there are for john.

Now it gets complicated for me because the dates are as follows. Lets say it starts 1/1/2004 the next cell might be 1/3/2204, 1/6/2204, etc all the way to 2008. I would like to find a way to say

If date = day/month/year I would like to count the whole month instead of the individual days. am I making sence? Let me give you another example.

record reads "," represent cells


I would like to be able to come up with the following

JOHN had 1 APPLE in JAN 2004
JOHN had 1 ORANGE in JAN 2004

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Date Calculation - Datedif Function

May 11, 2006

I am trying to subtract two dates to find out whether an invoice is 6 months past due (regardless of number of days). I use DATEDIF in my formula and it works fine until now. It seems the function takes number of days into account and won't return the desire result when there are 31 days. I want to find out whether the number of months between two date are greater than or equal to 6 months without considering the number of days. I am attaching a sample worksheet for better explanation. As you can see, October is not working right.

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Sumproduct With Date Range And Multiple Criteria?

Aug 19, 2012

The part in green will count the number of entries for the name Johnson & Freedman LLC perfectly fine. However when i add the last part in red i receive a #Value! error.

Col. W is formatted as General and has a data validation for the user only to choose Pass or Fail.

Not sure why it isn't working.

=SUMPRODUCT(--( 'SCRA'!B26:B29>=Sheet3!C2),--('SCRA'!B26:B29

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Locate Date Function/Formula Based On Criteria

Jul 7, 2006

I am trying to find the starting effective month for a workyear. The criteria for the selected month is that the data BEFORE the effective month is all zeros. I manage to get the result if the data AFTER the effective month is ALL non- zeroes. If there is any zero, the data fetch will be inaccurate due to the COUNTIF formula. Is there any other way or formula that will enable me to get the result. File attached for testing and reference

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DATE Function & IF Function (return A TRUE Or FALSE Based On A Date In A Cell)

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to return a TRUE or FALSE based on a date in a cell.

for example:

if cell A1 = 07/11/2009

I want A2 to show TRUE or FALSE if A1 is 14 days or more behind todays date.

I have tried stuff like:


but it just always says false. EDIT: I have just noticed that if I change the date in A1 to exactly 14 days behind todays, it returns TRUE. So, it does work. Do I need to add a GREATER THAN in there?

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Sumproduct With Two Criteria

Feb 9, 2006

I should be able to do this by now but I keep getting an #NA error. I am
trying to use this sumproduct formula
=SUMPRODUCT(($I$7:$I$2585=921),--($L$7:$L$2585="Fb")--(AS7:AS2585)) where I
am looking up store #"921" and Attribute "fb and sum where these two criteria
meet. The column I want to sum is AS7:As285. What am I doing wrong.

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Sumproduct With Criteria

Jan 24, 2007

In Column A1:A20, these are included 5 types of data (red, orange, yellow, green, blue); in column B1:B20, these are included the total salary amount, and in column C1:C:20, these are included "Sole" , "Joint" or "Partnership", so if column A is included red/yellow/green (excluding orange and blue) and column C is included Sole/joint/Partenship, and total salary is between 6000 and 9000, then calculate the total salary of all the customers. How can I use sumproduct function to fix it?

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Calculation Based On Criteria

Jul 25, 2006

I'm trying to calculate a price for any given mileage. The pricing strategy is as follows:

For any journey 2 miles or less, the price is £9
For any journey between 2 or 3 miles, the price is £10
For any journey above 3 miles, the price is £10 for the first 3 miles plus £2 for every additional mile.

So, for example, the price of a 1.5 mile journey is £9 and the price of a 3.5 mile journey is £11.

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SUMPRODUCT To Match Criteria

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to match 3 values, and return a matching 4th from a chart. It will first look at one value and see if it falls between values (the LOAD value in cell will look to see if it falls between the "low limit" and "high limit" in columns A10 to A135 and C10 to C135, respectively. Then it will look for a match for the values in cell A2, and in cell A3. the return value will index to the corresponding value in column G10 to G135. I have written a formula to do this in cell D2....but it will only ever return the value in cell G10.

See the attached excel file : nozzle tester.xlsx

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Sumproduct With Multiple Criteria?

Jan 21, 2014

I am looking around any way wherein I can sumproduct the values as given in attached sheet, basically I wanted to know the total MRP value of Sale and Stock

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Sumproduct Meeting Two Criteria?

Jun 20, 2014

I'm working on a spreadsheet at work and I'm trying to sum only the values in a column that meet criteria in the column next to it. For example, in the attached spreadsheet, I would like to have a totals line at the bottom of the spreadsheet for all three Facilities and the total next to them. I know I could do a pivot table but I know this approach would be more aesthetic and easier for my supervisor.

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Sumproduct Using Name Range As Criteria?

Jul 15, 2014

Looking to troubleshoot using a name range in a multiple criteria sumproduct formula.

For instance, this formulas works fine:


But, when I try to substitute the two-alpha codes as a defined name range ("keys"), it errors as "N/A":


An example workbook is attached : Example Workbook.xlsx

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How To Use SUMPRODUCT With Multiple Criteria

Jul 17, 2009

I am stuck - I have a large amount of data for a group of physicians I work for. I am trying to set up a monthly trend report to be able to run quickly after I plug in the data. I want to use some sort of lookup to look up two things - 1) the physician's specialty and 2) the month.

Can anyone look at the attached example and tell me how to do this? I have started a SUMPRODUCT formula, but am stuck on how to tell it to find only that month's data.

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How To Use Sumproduct With Multiple Criteria

Mar 10, 2013

ID, Name, Point, Session
1111, Viking, 5, 1
2222, John, 6, 1
1111, Viking, 10, 2

What's the formula to get the Point cell value with criteria ID = "1111" and "Session = 2" ? In this case, it will return me the value of Point = 10

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Sumproduct (add A 3rd Column Of Criteria)

Oct 26, 2009

I have the following sumproduct formula that's providing solid results but I would like to add a 3rd column of criteria. I'v tired with little succes.

The following formula <=SUMPRODUCT(('IW 38 DUMP for Planning'!$A$1:$A$10000="2A")*('IW 38 DUMP for Planning'!$E1:$E10000={"PAA","RS","RSNR","S","SAM","SAMT","SAO","SAT","SOR","WKS"}))> totals all of the work in plant area "2A", in this case 52 records. I would like it to filter further with values in $H1:$H1000 matching criteria "CONTRACT", "MACH" OR "HTSMET".

The data is easy to find with pivot tables but I would like to take that manual step out of the reporting being doen from these records.

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Sumproduct With Two Exclusion Criteria

Jan 9, 2012

I am trying to get this sumproduct to work that will exclude two criteria:

1) If there is an error in the sum range (Y5:Y1000)
2) If right(H5,5)= D5& "Total"

This is the formula I have, but I'm not sure how to get the first criteria to work well, or how to get two exclusion criteria to work.

SUMPRODUCT(--($H$5:$H$1000=$D5&" Total"),--(ISERROR($Y$5:$Y$1000)),$Y$5:$Y$1000,$Q$5:$Q$1000)

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Sumproduct With Multiple Criteria?

Feb 22, 2012

I was wondering if I could use a range of cells as my criteria as opposed to inserting quotation marks with each criteria. For example in the syntax below can I do something like this? Report!$C$3:$C$5000=B45:B51?


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Sumproduct With Blank Criteria

Oct 30, 2007

I have the following sumproduct formula which looks in one column to search for a series of dates (greater than one date and less than another date). It then looks in column O to see if there are certain criteria if the date criteria is met. The problem is I have a lot of blank cells in column O which need to be captured.

I have this:

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Raw Data'!$B$2:$B$50000>=$H$2+0)*('Raw Data'!$B$2:$B$50000

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More Than One Criteria In SUMIF Or SUMPRODUCT,

Jan 19, 2009

I need to add amounts in column B, based on column A’s account numbers, so I want to add only account numbers, say 17101 & 17201 and nothing else.

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Multiple Criteria - SUMPRODUCT

Jan 30, 2009

I'm trying to create a budget worksheet that pulls actual data from another sheet within the file for comparison (Budget vs. Actual). There are two criteria: 1) the actual transaction falls into the same category of transaction as the budget line item (e.g., mortgage payment) and 2) the date of the actual transaction matches the month in the budget (e.g., a January or March transaction isn't pulled into the actual data for February budget information). From there, I'd like it to sum any charges or reduce by any deposits for those given criteria.

I've tried numerous things from DSUM, to SUMIF with IF, to SUMPRODUCT.

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Sumproduct With Multiple Criteria

Apr 28, 2009

I received an answer to my original question and now have a new question but I wanted to reference my original for the history. I posted my new question at the end of my original thread.


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Sumproduct With 2 Criteria & Wildcard

Jun 8, 2007

I have spent the last 2 1/2 hours trying to figure this one out on my own. I have attempted multiple possiblities from the forum, however without success.

Okay, I need a count based on 2 criteria. My data source is a different workbook.

My last attempt on a formula is:

=SUMPRODUCT(('[eTE Status - TX HSP Math 2009.xls]Project'!$B$2:$B$248=D2)*('[eTE Status - TX HSP Math 2009.xls]Project'!$A$2:$A$248="978*"))

Column A - ISBN #
This will ALWAYS begin with 978 or will contain N/A. There are no blank cells in this column
Column B - Grade

In the formula above, cell D2 represents the Grade criteria. And in the second part of the criteria I was trying to create a wildcard so all numbers beginning with 978. Excel "accepts" this formula with giving me an error message, but yields 0 as a result rather than 34.

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Trying To Create Calculation Based On Particular Criteria

Jan 29, 2014

I have 2 worksheets with data. One of them is a bench mark template or expected times to complete devices based on batch size and product. The other worksheet is a report generated that shows the actual time techs worked on batches of equipment by product type. I am trying to automate a report that I will need to run every week. I have most of it automated but need some calculations. I want to calculated the expected time to complete the work, based on the data provided in the benchmark worksheet.

I do not want to use an average, and I want to use the expected time of completion based on batch size and product relative to the tech report. Column T is highlighted and where I want this formula to be entered. So if the Total Batch items is 1, then the expected calculation uses that time relative to the product and then multiplies that number to the batch size. Or if the batch size is 3, then it uses the time relative to a batch size of 3 and then multiplies that number by the batch size on the tech report and is entered in the highlighted column.

I have attached the workbook I am working with : Production Report.xlsx‎

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Calculation By Criteria And Target Level

Nov 15, 2013

I have to write a calculation that sums a range of values. Times that sum by a given amount but only if the total of the original sum is greater than a specific criteria -



[Code] ........

In the above example it calculates the total units sold of Product A, by Month, by 5.00.

In Column M, It totals the number of sales units and then also totals the number sales units by that given value 5.00. So 426.5 x 5 = 2132.50

I need a sum that only totals the value over a given criteria.

EG. Total 426.5
Criteria > 300 = 126.5
Sum would equal 126.5 * 5

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Multiple IF Criteria - To Set Calculation Formula

Mar 10, 2014

Attempting to calculate assignment hours based on three fields -

A - Date
B - Txt
c- Txt
D - Time [Start]
E - Time [END]
F - Number [Off]
G - Number [Travel]
H- Number (Calculated Total Project Hours)


My goal [If Activity is NOT NULL and Start Time is NULL] Time would Default to 8.0 - ELSE use the formula to calculate [ Some projects I don't have a set start/end - and default to 8.0 hrs.

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Sumproduct Function

Nov 23, 2007

In this file I have a team in column A, in B are the relative number of games they have played, and in C the filed goal % for them in that game. The value I am trying to return the average field goal % for that team in there last 10 games. I thought the sumproduct would work but is not returning a value,

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Sumproduct With Contains (IN) Function

Oct 1, 2009

Cadillac Escalade
Ford Taurus
Fusion by Ford

these strings are single cell values. Each has a corresponding column with counts of how many times these exact phrases were typed in. I need to do a sumproduct function (i think) that will sum all counts on car MANUFACTURER. Thus i have my own list that contains (Ford, Chevrolet, Cadillac, BMW, Audi, etc).

I want to count any instance for these, so in the example above, the phrases Ford," "Ford Taurus", and "Fusion by Ford" would all be included.
Attached is sample spreadsheet.

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