Select Cell As Per Cell Interior

Feb 8, 2007

is there is any code by which we can select the cells on our excel worksheet based on cell interior criteria

(like we generally do by pressing f5 then go to special)

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Interior Colorindex Of Cell?

Feb 17, 2012

I would like VBA code to determine the Interior.ColorIndex value of cell A1

Is there an easy way of doing that?

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Finding Interior Color Value Of Cell Using VBA

Feb 17, 2014

In Sheet1 cells A1-BW46 (3450 cells), using 9 different colors to fill all the cells.

In Sheet3, starting in A2, I have a plain text list of 3450 cell ranges "A1", "A2", "A3" etc covering all 3450 cells in Sheet1.

I want to populate next to this list the interior color value of the corresponding cell. So in cell A2, I will have the text "A1", in cell B2 I would have either a numerical or text value giving me the color that A1 in sheet1 is filled with.

The script doesn't have to auto update, I will run manually when neededI don't need any manipulation, only the value of the color, and that can be hex, rgb.

I can't upload the actual sheet I'm working with, but if my description of the problem is lacking, I may be able to create a sample sheet to give the idea.

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Capture And Display RGB Value Of Cell Interior

Oct 9, 2012

I'm trying to write a routine that will display the Red, Green and Blue RGB properties of a cell's interior colour.

I found the following function:


Function SingleColorFromRGB(colorWanted As String, RGBValue As Long) As Long
Dim rColor As Long, gColor As Long, bColor As Long
If RGBValue < 0 Then GoTo ReturnError
rColor = RGBValue Mod 256
RGBValue = Int(RGBValue / 256)
gColor = RGBValue Mod 256


How I should call this function in a worksheet, or failing that, come up with something better e.g. a message box that will display the numeric values of each RGB property for the selected cell, or a single cell worksheet name?

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Copy Interior Color Of Cell

Dec 18, 2009

I have some cells that change colors based on output.

The paste and paste special functions don't always copy the correct color of the cell.

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Find Next Cell In Range With Interior Color

Mar 8, 2014

I have a B2:M13 range. I would like to find a way to find the next cell with Interior.ColorIndex = 1.

For example, if position is currently B2 (so myrange(1, 1)) and the next black colored cell is on B6 (so myrange(5, 1)), I would like store 5 and 1 into variables.

So if no black background is found after current cell on the same row, look for next black background on next row.

If current cell is in row-M (the last one ** the range), for example, and there's no black background following on this row, find first black background in row-B.

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Match Interior Color Of Cell Based On Value?

May 10, 2012

I have 2 different worksheets...each of them containing item numbers. On Sheet1, Column A contains the item numbers. I have conditional formatting to change the interior color of column A based on several criteria.

On Sheet2, I also have item numbers, but they are located in Column B. If item 12345 in Column A on Sheet1 has an interior color of yellow, I would like that same item on Sheet2 to have an interior color of yellow.

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Transfer Backcolor To Cell Interior Color?

Jul 10, 2013

I have a userform which stores the backcolour value of some labels in a spreadsheet so that it can be recalled dependent on what month a user selects. The trouble is that in a spreadsheet, I want to use these backcolor values to colour the interior of a cell. However, the values don't seem to be liked by VBA and I get a 'subscript out of range' when I try to match:

Range("SPPCScore").Interior.ColorIndex =

This error comes up against values 65535 and -2147483633

What am I doing wrong? what would be the best way to store a backcolor value in one cell so that it can be used for a cell interior colour?

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Copy Cell Interior Colours Between Workbooks

Jan 26, 2008

i am pretty good with VBA after reading a lot of information on the internet but i have a problem i cannot solve:

I have two workbooks with the same sheet names and I am trying to transfer the interior colour of cells from one workbook to the other...

this is the code i came up so far but it doesn't work

With Application.Workbooks(WB1).Worksheets
For Each ws In Application.Workbooks(WB2).Worksheets
On Error Resume Next
For Each cl In ws.UsedRange =
Next cl

Next ws
End With

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Use Function/Formula To Color Interior Of Cell

Apr 20, 2006

I am not looking into a VBA solution for this one and want to keep it simple. I want to enter a basic IF function/formula to make the color of a cell yellow if the condition is true.

Here is where I am stuck/what I am putting inside the cell:

=If( 'Program Tracker'!E16="","",IF('Program Tracker'!E16>= DATE(2006,3,3),IF('Program Tracker'!E16<=(DATE(2006,3,9)),"YELLOW","")))

Where you see "YELLOW" is where I need to put something in so it makes the active/current cell color yellow.

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Changing Interior Colors Based On Cell Value

Apr 5, 2007

i'd like to use a macro to loop through a range of cells and change the interior color index based on the cell values (ex. if cell value < 10, set interior to blue, if cell value > 400, set to green) i'm trying a for each loop with an if statement but i keep getting syntax errors, i know this is probably a simple problem but i'm not experienced in vb,

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Copy Selected Cell To Another Worksheet Instead Of Sheets (Interior)?

Dec 24, 2011

How do I copy the selected cell to another worksheet instead of sheets("Interior") ?

Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
With Range("B19")
.Font.ColorIndex = 3
.Copy Destination:=Range("P19")
Application.Goto Sheets("Interior").Range("C20")
End With
End Sub

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Delete Row If Cell H Interior Fill Is Red (conditional Formatting)

Jun 19, 2014

ive got the following code looking to delete the entire row that contains cell H with a red interior fill (colour index 3). it has been coloured using a conditional format rule. When I run the code it deletes all rows?

Sub DeleteIfRed ()
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim i As Long


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Chart With VBA Based On A Row With Values That Will Color The Offset Cell Interior Red And Also Give It A Value Of 1

Feb 15, 2010

I'm trying to make a simple chart with VBA based on a row with values that will color the offset cell interior red and also give it a value of 1. (look a the example sheet.)

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Unable To Set ColorIndex Property Of Interior Class: Fill Cell Color Macro

Sep 29, 2006

I have an error message that says: Run time error '1004': Unable to set the colorIndex property of the interior class. I attached code for your reference.

If (Range("B10").Value = "Gift" Or Range("B10").Value = "Entertainment") And Range("C10").Value = "" Then
Range("C10").Interior.ColorIndex = 6
MsgBox "Please Fill in the Person's Name & Company."
Range("C10").Interior.ColorIndex = 6
End If

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Range Select Statement To Select A Cell

Jul 7, 2008

I want to put a range select statement to select a cell and count down 10 cells and copy.

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Find Certain Cell That Contains Today Date - Select Cell And Its Sheet

May 8, 2014

I have made the macro that does as ,soon as i open the file, select today's date but only if date is in sheet5... sheet 5 is may so it works. Doing the same job for every sheet in the file.

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Excel 2010 :: Select Range From Given Cell And To Last Row And Column Of That Cell?

Oct 2, 2012

I am using 2010 and want to select a range starting at the same cell all of the time (regardless of whether or not it has contents - so let's say B7. Starting at B7, I want the range to include all of the columns starting at B and go to the end of all of the columns. Then I want the range to include all of the rows starting at B7 and end at the last row. I will eventually copy this range and paste it on another worksheet start on a specific cell of another worksheet. (Perhaps, we can add a name to this range).

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Highlights Multiple Rows If Select Cell (formula Cell)

Oct 3, 2013

I have a matrix with numbers that each cell is composed by a function of two parameters (two columns). The formula is


So it's counts when in one cell column I receive 15 and in the other 14. For instance, I receive the number 3 - so I have three rows that match (the first column with 15 and the second with 14).

I want, when I select the cell from the matrix (table) with the number 3 (that I receive from the formula) it will highlight the relevant rows..

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Change Cell Colour When Select Cell

Oct 26, 2009

I have VBA code that changes the cell background colour in column A based on criteria in column B. What i want to do is select a cell in the same row in a range column O:AB and change the background colour to the same as column A. This action is for rows 4 to 41.

Basically i just want to click in a cell and for that cell's background colour to change and match the colour in column A.

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Select Specific Cell Then Select The Row

Aug 13, 2007

I have column A with various values in cells.

For instance, DG, GS, HG etc

I wanna do if a cell in column A is equal to DG then select the entire row that contains the cell. then call other sub.

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Find And Select The Cell Below A Cell?

Apr 5, 2014

I have to cells defined with Names

[Code] ...........

The value of LastMembBkMembNo =201401

The value of NextMembBkMembNo = 201402

I need some code that will search the range A8:A500 for LastMembBkMembNo (201401)and when it finds it Go to the cell below that and make the value NextMembBkMembNo (201402).

So if 201401 was in A26 in would put 201402 in A27.

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Select Column: First Cell To Last Cell

Nov 3, 2006

I'm trying to select the range starting from the last used column all the way to the last used row of that column and I have no idea where to begin.

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Link Pop-up On Cell Select To Cell

Sep 24, 2007

I'm hoping to hover my mouse over a cell to display text as popup. This text is linked to a cell and is dynamic.

I'm only wanting this feature to display info (in the popup) not link to a website

Currently I've dodged my way around the issue by using a hyperlink for the sole purpose of taking advantage of its hover popup feature.

The problem is that a hyperlink popup is limited to 255 characters so i can't display much text.

Is there is any VBA code or add-in's that take advantage of the mouse cursor position to display a text popup?

Kind of like the Comment feature but for dynamic use.

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Select One Text Cell From Multiple Text Cells With Checkboxes Reproduce Into One Cell

Jan 24, 2013

I have four cells that contain text. All have connected check boxes with TRUE FALSE.

I need to be able to select anyone one of these cells with a check box, and have it's text appear in one separate cell eg: A1.

I have no issue connecting check boxes etc. I have no issue reproducing the text from any of these cells into multiple cells with a check box. But they have to be selectable and reproducing in one cell only (eg"A1").

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Select Cell

Mar 15, 2008

I want to do is select one cell in a series of worksheets. i cannot get it to select anything I have used Range(cell-reference).select but keep getting the error 1004. I have recognised this in another question some days ago however do not understansd the answer. How do I asign a macro from a module instead of a command button embedded within the worksheet 1.

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Select A Cell

Sep 25, 2007

i have a sheet with 5000 rows.
and col AB1:AB5000 contains formulas, so only one cell only will = 1 and 4999 will remain emtey. so what im trying to do is when any cell in AB1:AB5000 = 1 i need it to select that cell.

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Select Every Other Cell

Jun 22, 2008

How can I select every other cell in Row B, from row 2 thru row 250?

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VBA To Allow Select Cell

Jan 8, 2010

I'm working on a UserForm where the user is prompted to select a cell, which will then be used to create a Row reference before code is run to change cell format settings over three Columns.

I'm thinking that a way to do this is to get them to click a button which hides the form, then click a cell in the required Row. This seems to work fine, but not sure how to get the UserForm back and/or what event needs to trigger it coming back

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Select One Below Last Used Cell

Dec 15, 2006

I am trying to find the last active Row in a table and once I find that, I want to make the consecutive cell as an ActiveCell. This is the code that I have for finding the last row but after it finds the last row, I would like the consecutive cell in Col A to become an ActiveCell.

Sub FindLastRow()
Dim LastRow As Long
If WorksheetFunction. CountA(Cells) > 0 Then
'Search for any entry, by searching backwards by Rows.
LastRow = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
MsgBox LastRow
End If
End Sub

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