I have a spreadsheet that has hyperlinks in it and is mostly protected to prevent changes. Is there a way to prevent the "save changes" dialog box from appearing when this file is closed as I have to make this file available to others and don't want them to get this message or make save any changes.
I have a macro here that turns exported text into delimited text, but it keeps prompting the user "Do you want to replace the cells"...can I somehow automatically bypass this prompt and always say yes?
Currently I have information that includes numerous distributors information on one sheet. The code below separates each distributors information into a new tab and a new workbook, names the workbook and saves it in the specified file path.
I am trying to figure out a way to use an InputBox to popup and ask the user where all the new workbooks will be saved at. Thus, avoiding the need to change the code each time you want the new workbooks saved in a different folder .....
Save my workbook Then Open the SaveAs box with the path already pointing to a specific directory and with the Name and file format already entered (.xls)
This is basically to save time navigating through our folder structure (which is a real mess). I don't want to automatically saveas the file as the target folder will change each month and the last part of the file name will chance (month). So I'd like a bit of flexibility rather than total automation.
How to save a file onto the computer using VBA. The code template below that I found on another forum seems promising, except when I go to the desktop to access it, the .csv file has what looks like the page's source code instead of the actual file I want. This may be because when I go to the url, it doesn't automatically download the file; rather, I am asked to save the file to a certain location (since I don't know the path name of the uploaded file on the site).
Is there any way to alter this code to accommodate this, or will I have to use a different code entirely?
VB: Sub Test() Dim FileNum As Long Dim FileData() As Byte Dim MyFile As String Dim WHTTP As Object
For a sheet that many non-expert users will use on different systems I need a macro that let's them save, print and send the results of their work. So I made a macro that makes a copy of only 1 sheet of the workbook and saves it with a given name to a given location. The problem is that I want a location prompt to ask the user where they want the file saved, while giving/suggesting them a fixed filename. A lot of different users will make and use their sheets so I need a certain naming policy to manage all the files. (date, location, etc)
I've recorded this code and am looking to include it in a button. I would like for when a user clicks the button assinged macro that the active sheet is cloned and saved as a CSV file. The user should be prompted before saving on where (file location) they'd like to save the file.
Sub CloneWorksheet() ' ' CloneWorksheet Macro ' ' Sheets("SDW&Customer Workshop scheduled").Select Sheets("SDW&Customer Workshop scheduled").Copy ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _ "C:Documents and Settings1167916My DocumentsTestBook1.csv", FileFormat:= _ xlCSV, CreateBackup:=False End Sub
I use the following code to insert and delete a background picture upon opening and closing my workbook, but everytime it closes it asks me if I would like to save it even if I've already saved it just before closing. It does this because after the background is removed it senses a change. I would like to get this to stop, is it possible??
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Sheets("Instructions").Select Range("A1").Select Sheets("instructions").SetBackgroundPicture Filename:= _ "H:Chiefmate2nd MATE FILETIDES & CURRENTS Formsdontdelete.gif" userform1.Show Sheets("current inputs").SetBackgroundPicture Filename:= _ "H:Chiefmate2nd MATE FILETIDES & CURRENTS Formsdontdelete.gif" End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Sheets("instructions").SetBackgroundPicture Filename:="" Sheets("current inputs").SetBackgroundPicture Filename:="" End Sub
I have a an Excel workbook (wb1) with 4 worksheets. I also have a personal.xls that contains 4 worksheets. wb1 has volatile functions.
I have calenders, dropdown lists, read from a file that is closed, etc.. When I open wb1, look at it (I do not make any changes by hand) then close it, it gives me the " Do you want to save?" prompt.
I have tried numerous codes to stop it and I can not get it. I need it to give me the prompt if I have made a change and not give me the prompt if it is just a change from the volatile functions.
I cannot just tell it to save in the background because my boss does not want the date changed if it is just looked at.
The user opens numerous files when searching for a file that is almost what he needs, then he saves it with a new name and goes from there. Or he just opens numerous files to get ideas on how to make the new file.
The user cannot have to do anything to make it work. I know that the code will need to be copied to any existing workbooks. I have the code to do that. That would be done as the files are created to new ones. Also when he is starting from scratch the code would be in the template he uses. Eventually all of the files would be converted
Private Sub workbook_Open( ) Me.Saved = True End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open() ThisWorkbook.Saved = True End Sub
I have to send some data on hourly basis i have a macro that extracts the data from the master sheet and creates a new workbook for the same and saves the same. Problem that i am facing is that i need to save the file with the same name. and on doing that it shows a pop up that do you want to replace existing file. Is it possible to stop this pop up. Code that i am using to save the workbook:
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _ "C:Documents and SettingsAmritDesktop Training Scedule For Next Hour.xls" _ , FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _ ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False, ConflictResolution:=xlLocalSessionChanges
I do have an excel file that I do not want to be moved to another location. I was wondering if it is possible to hardcode a location for the file and then check its current location in the drive and if both locations does not match delete its contents.
I tried something like below but I keep getting an obeject required error. I would really appreciate if someone can guide me to the right direction.
Private Sub Workbook_Activate()
Dim location location = "C:InetpubwwwrootLeadershipJC est.xls"
Dim currentloc currentloc = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
If location = currentloc Then MsgBox "Due to security settings of this file you can not save this file." Else Sheets("JobCosting"). Range(Selection, A2.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Delete End If End Sub
I have a sheet that highlight cells to show that they need to still be filled out if another cell in the same row has a number in it. What happens is that when you put the number in the row the cells won't become shaded or partially shade until the workbook is saved.. Maybe I can put some code in that tells the work book to update whenever a cell is changed?
I am trying to prompt the user for the directory to be saved in and file name to be saved as; then save the workbook in the input directory with the inputted file name.
my excel sheet runs through a lot of calculations, opens Flowmaster, a simulations program, passes on data, receivs data and so on. Is there any way to have a user input to stop the whole simulation. During the first tries I had a lot of break point in my debugger. But now I want to have a button to hit or better just some keys to hit to stop it without using the ctrl+alt+del which closes everything.
In column L on sheet1, I want the user to type in a number. That number will be the number of recommendations that need to be done.
Once "L" is populated I would like the user to be prompted to fill out -what the recommendation is -date in should be finished by corresponding to the number that was typed into "L" which would be listed onto a new sheet. So if the user typed in 3 - I should have 3 recommendations with dates.
On my new sheet, I would like "A" to match "A" from sheet1 for the first one only "B" would be the recommendation from the prompt "C" would be the date of that prompted recommendation
Is it possible to prompt the user for a specific row number to delete in a vba textbox? If yes, then the code would fire using a button. I have the worksheet protected and only want to unprotect through code to delete a specific row number, then protect it again.
I'm in search of a way to prevent people who use a spreadsheet of mine from screwing up formulas. I've hidden rows 10 and 12 in a spreadsheet. i have a TOTAL formula in a cell on row 13 that counts from 10-12. that way, when people insert rows, the total is always right. problem is, people somehow seem still screw it up.
I'm hoping there's a way for me to put a button on the sheet to insert rows. and when the button is pushed, be promted to enter a number of rows. then have it insert that many rows.
I've not used Input Box function before. When a user opens my workbook I want to check whether a named range ("Name") is blank and, if it is, to prompt the user to type their name in an Input Box which then returns that value to the named range. This is what I have tried but I don't think I am referring to the named range correctly,
Dim strName If IsNull("Name") Then strName = InputBox("Please enter your name", "Name Required", "1") Range("Name") = strName End If
I have created an addin that runs several macros. To enable the user to undo any changes, I keep a backup prior to them using any of the macros in the form of a worksheet named back00xx. I want a prompt to be displayed to the user to remove these backups at the closing or saving of the file. The problem is that as an addin, how do I get it to display this prompt as the open workbook is not part of the addin.
Could one have a looping routine that is checking every xx min/sec to check if the current workbook contains any sheets starting back00
After recording a macro that goes to last figure in data, how do I edit this to prompt for a new data value and enter it into 1st empty cell at end of data?
is there a way to make a macro that runs on startup and prompts with a yes/no question, if the user wants to multiply all new data values time 1.0825, and after having selected if they do or dont want to allow that, would it be possible to have the prompt minimize itself but still be present in case they decide to toggle that on/off?
My Excel File Name "eai.xls" ,when I Click The File , It Open The Sheet Name "menu" With The Inputbox Prompt:="put Your Id" When The User Put The True Id , It Will Show The Input Box Prompt:="your Password" . If The Password True Will Activate The Sheet Name "data" .and Hide All The Menu Bar.
If The Wrong Id Name Show The Msg.box "re Enter Your True Id " ,that Also For The Wrong Password In Which If User Put More Than 3 Times Wrong , Will Close The Workbook And Exit File.
The User Persons Allow 10 Person Id . Keep In The Table Of The Sheet Name " Id And Password" The Id No. Are In The A1:a10 Password No. Are In B1:b10 This Sheet Name Is Hide And Protect
I run a macro to open multiple workbooks and run a macro within those workbooks. All worked fine until a message/input box was included in the individual workbook macros [that I cannot change] to notify the single workbook user when the macro had successfully completed and prompts for an “ok” input.
Can I get my macro to ignore this prompt and not wait for an input – I am currently clicking “ok” everytime it comes up on screen. Have searched help and forum but nothing jumps out.