Summarize Weekly Inventory
Feb 7, 2010
I having trouble to sort out and summarize inventroy products for each week. I want to sumarize all weekly inventory in summarize table. Please see attached file. Pls keep the formate as i shown in attached spreasheet.
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Jan 17, 2009
I have two time series which span several years. The first series measures stock levels on every Friday (52 values a year). The second series measures the price level every weekday (260 values a year).
I'd like to condense the daily data in to a weekly average, can I do this easily? For example, I could manually use the Weeknum function to calculate the week number of each daily price data, then find the average daily price for each week, thus giving me 52 values which I can compare to the weekly stock series. Is there an automatic, fast way of doing this? Alternatively, I'd be happy to settle with a monthly average. Is this possible via macro's or does VBA need to be used?
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Apr 13, 2014
Have the formula that does the work daily , need formula on sheet3 , that does the convert of daily into weeks ?
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Sep 10, 2012
How do I print multiple inventory labels based on our inventory levels?
For example:
Item No 1000
Descr Window
Customer Taylor
PO 9001
Quantity 10
Item No 1010
Descr Door
Customer Jones
PO 9011
Quantity 35
I want to print 10 labels with the info from Item No 1000 and 35 labels from Item No 1010????
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Jun 19, 2007
In the attached workbook, the CASTINGS worksheet has a SOH ( stock on hand) column.
It looks up the SOH from the SOH worksheet (column 3) for each product on order for that week.
But how do I make week 2 use the SOH figure minus the previous weeks order, IF there was an order?
And so on until week 52.
The problem I have found is what if that product wasnt ordered for the last 4 weeks? Maybe I need a temp worksheet with all the products listed for all the weeks and a running total of SOH weather it is ordered or not?
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Aug 18, 2009
I had been trying really hard to get some solution on COGS valuation & inventory valuation on FIFO basis. my daily transactions are typical sales & purchases.
Attached is the inventory in/out movement from Quick Books. in the column "Num" type bill is the entry from purchase bill whihc always has a reference as P/O####. This is how i will capture the landed cost against a PO., another type "Inv Adj" is inter warehouse transfer. Name is cusotmer, Inventory is my item number. in some cases it is like "2000", in some cases it is 10000:10121, and in some cases it is 10000:10200:10201 that is why they fall in different columns when i export them.
What I would lilke to do: 1) Run a report by month, by customer showing cost of goods sold on FIFO basis, I can capture sales amount by running another report.
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Aug 8, 2006
I am not an excel whiz, so I will need layman's terms if possible. I may have found a solution to my problem under another thread, but I couldn't understand it. I have only briefly worked with macros, a very long time ago. Here goes...
I have an inventory list that has not been updated for sales of the inventory, only for purchases. I have sales lists, generally by month, in separate spreadsheets. I am looking for a simple, efficient way of either eliminating or at least matching up the data in the sales list to the inventory list in order to remove sold items from inventory (on paper). I am hoping the result will be a fairly accurate inventory list, and related value, so that a physical inventory count won't be necessary at this time. Obviously I could copy all of the sales info into one spreadsheet, sort by inventory number, then manually delete all sold items from the inventory listing. I am REALLY hoping there is a better option.
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Feb 27, 2007
I have a workbook. The second tab is inventory numbers and the first tab has my inventory items. I scan in the inventory number (unique) and it adds it to my inventory sheet. As I use inventory I scan the barcode and it inputs the serial number into my used inventory tab. What I need to do it when I scan the serial number for used inventory into the used inventory sheet to have it go to the inventory sheet and delete the line for that serial number.
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Dec 15, 2013
build a formula that can lookup and summarize.
I attached file >>>Lookup summary.xlsx
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Jul 5, 2007
Date ModelStationLot_SizeSampleReject
How can I quick summariz these data by VBA ? as below result.
Date ModelStationLot_SizeSampleReject
This is just my sample data. The real data is more complicate than this. I want someone suggest me about VBA code.
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Feb 4, 2009
I have a spreadsheet containing Date, Description and Value in a three column setup.
I wish to generate one summary for each unique description, based on a table of types. I can then say that for instance "Apple", "Oranges", "Lemon" are all part of a "Fruit" group.
The lookup would then find every row containing words in this group and summarize the values for them all.
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Aug 25, 2009
I think I need a modified SUMIF formula but I can't figure it. The attached spreadsheet is a sample of what I need. I'm using Excel 2003.
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Jun 7, 2009
How Can we summarize the following
I tried to use For propety to summarize the number from 1 to 20 but it didn't work properly.
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Mar 22, 2007
I am trying to summarize data for my boss,
She has a spreadsheet with all of the employees of the company listed. Each employee is associated with a cost ceter (there are several hundred employees, and about 90 cost centers). Each month we count how many people are in which cost centers. I am using a sumif equation, and that works well, however, we keep the historical data, as well as the budget data in the same spreadsheet, so each month the "sum_range" column needs to change (ie column 4 for feb, 5 for March). I can use a find and replace to address a different column in my equation, but my boss would prefer something simpler.
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Feb 2, 2009
I am trying to write a series of macros to automate the creation and population of a summary tab for transmission of patient results to our Laboratory computer system and have hit a bit of a brick wall. One of our analysers creates an Excel workbook for each analytical run with each patient sample analysed on the run assigned to a separate worksheet. These worksheets contain the patient ID (lab number) in cell C1 with results for the different analytes in cells F7 to F56. We need to be able to present this data with each patient having a row to themselves (i.e. Patient ID for patient 1 being in cell A2, test result 1 in cell B2, test result 2 in cell C2 etc, then patient 2 taking row 3 etc). Row one is populated with the field Sample name in cell A1 and the cross-referenced test IDs running across the rest of the row. As analytical runs can contain varying numbers of samples we need the Summary tab to be able to cope with a indeterminate number of worksheets.
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Jun 20, 2006
I use INDEX and MATCH equations quite frequently now and they are invaluable! However what I'm trying to do now doesn't quite fit. I've attached a small sample of my workbook. The sheet called 'data' has three columns of data that I need to split into a grid (called summary). I'd know how to do the opposite of this, as in changing from a grid to a list by using an index and match. But I'm not sure how to do this the opposite way around?
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Aug 25, 2006
I have a data feed that gives me a summary of a set of data. I want to be able to work back to what would be the original data (this unfortunately isn't available). The attached excel file as an example of what I am trying to do.
I am not too sure about the working with the dates etc.
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Jun 4, 2007
I have an Excel sheet which has Category Column, I have set an auto filter for it, When I click a particular Category data pertaining to that Category is visible.
But my problem is I need help (VBA), that loops category autofilter, through each Category item and capture( sum number of items in that particular category) and put it in an other excel sheet. Kindly Help.
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Jul 2, 2007
I am trying to summarize sheet1 (spreadsheet) to sheet2. On sheet1 of my workbook I have row 1 as the part description, row 2 as the part number, and column A as the Door Description. Once the user enters a Door name and a quantity for the part in the associated column and clicks the Summarize button the selection needs to summarize on sheet2. I have the start of a code which gets me what I need however I am looking for a quicker way to do this. With my code I will have duplicate this for every row and column. Also I have attached the file for referance.
If Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A5") > 0 Then
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B5").Offset(0, -1).Value
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A2").Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B5").Value
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B2").Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B5").Offset(-3, 0).Value
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C2").Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B5").Offset(-2, 0).Value.........................................
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Sep 25, 2007
Refer to the attached sample workbook. I need to track daily tasks of our staff and then indicate these tasks on the "Activity Report" sheet.
Each task will have a code and I will indicate; by menas of the code, which activity was done by inserting that code in the time slot provided.
Once each day is completed; I need to tally up the amount of each activity that took place and it will be diplayed in the "Specific Activity Summary" section of the sheet.
Also; once the tally for each activity is completed, the amount of time spent on that activity will be indicated on the "Daily Activities Summary" sheet.
How do I go about linking the specific cells to be able to create this "tally" and "summary."
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Oct 4, 2007
Im creating a workbook for my office. The workbook has a sheet for each user. The user chooses a channel from the drop down list, then complete the next 5 fields (must add to 100). I have a totals sheet where I want to summarise the data from the whole workbook as per the template on the totals sheet. Ive attached my example.
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Dec 2, 2007
This data consist of a long list of staff id with exception type and points. However, I have only a certain number of staff from the long list which is applicable to my department. For example, I only need data for 4 staff from the list. This list will duplicate the staff id based on dates. Therefore, there might be several cells with exception type and points for that particulat staff . Example is for staff M41 as below:
Date Staff ID Exceptiontype Points Item#
Dec 1 M45 Contract 1.0 44556
Dec 1 M41 Contract 1.0 44578
Dec 2 M43 Contract 1.0 44579
Dec 3 M46 Contract 1.0 22569
Dec 4 M41 Contract 1.0 44572
Based on the above data, I need to summarize as below:
Staff ID Exception Type Points Exception #
M41 Contract 1.0 44578
M41 Contract 1.0 44572
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Apr 11, 2008
I have the attached spreadsheet that has 122 columns I would like to create several common button at the top left hand side to summarize my information. The columns that I would like to are name, id, partner.
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Apr 23, 2014
I have excel workwook with Month sheet Jan,Feb,Mar....Dec and YTD
In each monthly sheet i will have either "yes"or "No" in cell B66:K75.
Below is what i need to do in YTD sheet cell B66:K75. Each cell in TYD B66:K75 will have 12 digit number
Need to go thru each monthly sheet for each of the above cell and find if Yes or No and translate that into number (yes = 1, no = 0)
If B66 in Jan, Feb and Mar is Yes and B66 in Apr thru Dec is No then the number in YTD in cell B66=111000000000
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Jun 26, 2009
I have the following code used to fill a listbox control .. and I added some conditions to the code in order to give special authorities to specific users depending on their position and unit? Authority, UserPositon and UserUnit are functions give the user's position, unit and his authority. Can we summarize the red highlighted parts of the code because I am going to use these parts in many other forms of my project?
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Aug 21, 2007
I have included some example data and what I need to be able to show in the attached file.
I have tried using pivot tables but need to keep the totals static when I hide a column.
Can anybody suggest another way of achieving what I need? I need the solution to be dynamic (like a pivot table) but need to hide certain data and have totals including the hidden data.
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Jul 17, 2012
I have Columns A and Column B. I want to find a way to choose two items from Column A. Ex Coats and Shoes and return the values from Column B,but only if they match.
it would look something like this:
Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Results
Shoes Coats New York
Column A Column B
Coats New York
Coats Texas
Shoes Washington
Shoes New York
Coats California
Shoes Ohio
Shoes Texas
Coats Texas
the Results would be dynamic, meaning there is no gaps in the results,I am only interested in the a concise list that summarizes.
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May 23, 2007
I would like to create a code that would summarize any day of the year in numerical terms.
The formula for coding "days" is as follows:
Coding Month value + current day
Where "coding month" was a combination of the year and month.
The year can be summarized as a fixed value:
2007 yr = 4
2008 = 5
2009 = 6
Ignore anything prior to 2007 and anything after 2009.
The month is simply a SINGLE digit to represent the month and where
January=1, feb=2, march=3......Sept=9. Once you hit October, you have to reduce the values to a single digit, so October = 10 = 1+0=1, November =11=1+1 =2, December = 12 = 1+2=3
Therefore, May 2007 = 4 ( 2007 ) + 5 = 9
June 2007 = 4 + 6 = 10 = 1+0 = 1
Now, comes the addition of the individual day to the mix. If you wanted to find the value for May 23, 2007
You know that May 2007 is 5+4 = 9 so adding the 23rd day is 2+3=5
therefore 9 + 5 = 14. Right?
Not really...
Before reducing this final number down further, there are some double digit numbers that DO NOT get reduced further. They are:
a. 13,14,16,19
b. 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99
These numbers have to be left as is. So, today, May 23, 2007 would be left as a "14"
Two more examples:
May 24, 2007 = 5+4+ 24 = 5+4+2+4 = 15 = 6
July 17, 2007 = 7 + 4 + 17 = 7+4+1+7 = 19 = left as 19
Final thought - It would be helpful, though not necessary, to have a notation besides these double digits. If series "a" could have a "KD" next to it and series "b" could have a "MN" next to it,
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Jul 3, 2009
I have created a simple order form to take customer orders . I would like to summarize the orders on a summary page .(The order Form will be very long so i don't want to print the entire document every time .
I have started to create a summary page using information from a similar post on this forum. I am having trouble creating a summary when the products on my order form have multiple sizes rather than just one
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Aug 28, 2006
It does everything I need it to do but I would like it to sort 3 columns and then merge the data. I have included a sample with a "WishReport" tab the shows what I am looking for. If possible (not imperative) I would like it to add a "unit cost" column and provide a grand total.
Option Explicit
Public Const SZ_INPUT As String = "SheetData"
Public Const SZ_OUTPUT As String = "Report"
Public Const I_FIRST As Integer = 0
Public Const I_LAST As Integer = 1
Public Const I_DATA As Integer = 2
Public Const ROW_HEADER As Long = 1
Public Const ROW_DATA As Long = 2
Public Const COL_FIRST As Integer = 1
Public Const COL_PROJECT As Integer = 2
Public Const COL_LAST As Integer = 5
Sub CombineProjectData()
Dim lInputRows(I_FIRST To I_DATA) As Long
Dim lFirstInstance As Long, lOutputRow As Long
Dim szData As String
Dim iCurrColumn As Integer
Call FindRowArray(lInputRows(), , COL_PROJECT)...............
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