Trap Can't Find Project Or Library Error

Jul 6, 2007

I am using the calendar control on a form of mine, which i believe requires ms access to be installed to use(from what ive read). This is fine as most of the PC's it will be run on have this installed. However if it is run on a PC that doesnt have ms access it gives me the "Could not load an object because it is not avaliable on this machine" and then "cant find project or library error". How can I trap this error ? Ive tries whe the workbook opens, and when the form initializes but it just brings up that error

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Library File Name: "Complier Error: Cann't Find Project Or Library

Mar 22, 2007

I am using Mid function in my program. During execution, i am getting the waring message of "Complier Error: Cann't find project or library".I am not able to find the what is the reason behind on it. If really the library file missing.

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Compile Error: Can't Find Project Or Library

Apr 28, 2009

I have a workbook that is used by a number of different users accross the company. Some people have PC's running Windows 2003 SP3, some have terminals with either

- Windows 2000 SP4 with Excel 2002 SP3


- Windows 2003 SP2 with Excel 2002 SP3
on the server.

On the "Windows 2003 SP2 with Excel 2002 SP3" example the code below won't run.

Saying "Compile Error in hidden module." I unlocked the code and re-ran the "Workbook_Open" event but I keep getting "Compile Error: Can't find project or library". I have then checked the references but none have the "Missing" prefix, so I don't know which to look for. Does anyone know what DLL i need to load or should I just get IT to updgrade to SP3?

Code: ....

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Compile Error - Can't Find Project Or Library

Jul 24, 2007

I am working on a form in VB and when I try to enter data into Textboxes (which all have either a currency format or date format) I get an error that says "Compile Error - Can't find project or library". I think the problem may be that I need additional references uploaded onto my VB but am not sure. Any Ideas?

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Excel 2003 :: Can't Find Project Or Library Error With VBA Script

May 25, 2014

It works fine with several versions of Excel (2003, 2010, and 2013). But the problem arises when I move from Windows XP to Windows 7 or 8.

I use a scanner to scan barcode serial numbers into a textbox, and then populate these serial numbers with other associated data into a spreadsheet. The serial numbers are supposed to be separated by each line and placed into an array.

I get a compile error "Cant find project or library" with CHR highlighted in blue from this line of code...

SNs = Split(Str, Chr(10))

Once again, it works fine on many machines with XP, but not on Win 7 or 8.

[Code] .....

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Excel 2010 :: Compile Error - Can't Find Project Or Library

Mar 4, 2014

One of our employees has wrote a VB project in excel 2010 which works on some machines and not others, it comes up with the below error message.

I have checked VB and there are no missing references.

Compile Error: Can't find project or library

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Empty ClientCodeComboBox

[Code] .....

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Excel 2013 :: VBA Error When Upgraded - Cannot Find Project Or Library

Jun 29, 2014

I have the below code which was working at work using Excel 2010. We have upgraded to Office 2013 and it no longer works

Error: Compile Error. Cant find Project or Library

It does highlight this : If Right(varFile, 4) = ".xls" Then

Sub PropertyName_SAVEAS()
Dim varFile As Variant
Dim strFileNameDefault As String

On Error Resume Next

[Code] .......

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Date Function Returns Compile Error- Cant Find Project Or Library

Oct 1, 2006

I have the following

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Worksheets("Sheet1"). Range("L5").Value = Date
End Sub

When i try and run the code it returns an error saying: "Compile Error, Cant Find Project Or Library" and it highlights the word "Date"

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Compile Error "Can't Find Project Or Library"

Jun 11, 2009

HI everyone I modified my code alot and now it is erroring out on me. This button in question basically saves the information collected to a new spreadsheet. But it errors at right at the start. Compile Error: Can't Find project or library.

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"Compile Error: Can't Find Project Or Library"

Apr 30, 2007

Below is a string of code that used to previously work in my excel workbooks. Currently, I have been receiving the following message: "Compile error: Can't find project or library" when it reaches the SolverReset. Solver has been added to my excel version, but I still can't figure out why it isn't working. I have looked through the references and noticed that the Solver is missing within VBA, unfortunately, I cannot seem to add the reference back in, it is no longer on the list of references.

Sub Macro1()
Dim myNum As Long
Dim answer As Byte
Sheets("Data Sheet").Select
For myNum = 2 To 42
SolverOk SetCell:="$C$" & myNum, MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:="0", ByChange:="$E$" & myNum
answer = SolverSolve(True, "ShowTrial")
SolverFinish KeepFinal:=1
Next myNum
End Sub

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"Compile Error: Can't Find Project Or Library"

Jun 5, 2007

For some reason, I'm getting a "Compile Error: Can't Find Project Or Library" error on things that I shouldn't. So far, I've gotten this on Left(), Right() and Format(). I downloaded an example form from somewhere, and I noticed that it uses Format() without any problems, but if I use it (even if I just copy and paste they're code into my project file) it gives the above error. What I'm wondering is if there is a fix, or some reason why I'd have this problem on one file and not another. Then, more importantly, is there any kind of work around, for example I happened to read on another unrelated thread that xl97 doesn't have a Replace() function, but you could use the worksheet function: application.worksheetfunction.substitute(text, " ", "_") instead. Is there anything like this for Left(), Right() and Format()?

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Can't Find Project Or Library ...

Nov 19, 2008

is if I F8 through the code it works fine. But when I run the code through the button on the spread sheet. It stops at the Format comand. And says "Can't Find Project or Library." Has anyone ran into this issue or know how to solve it.....

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Can't Find Project Or Library

Feb 13, 2010

I am getting a complie error that I did not get when the code was written. Earlier versions of the same workbook still work fine without error. I hope thie workbook is not corrupted.

The error happens with the None command in this code for a button in a user form.

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Find The Project Or Library

Dec 15, 2002

I have written a program in VBA. When I run this program on other computer VB showes "Can't find project or library" error and all of the the common function like "Str" and "Left" and... are not known by BVA. I think I know the reason I have a missing references in my program.

first , can I check it before runing the program by a macro?
second, How can I solve the error?

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Can't Find Project Or Library ..

Nov 30, 2006

I have some project that works on my computer and doesn't work on other. When I run it on other computer it fail on functions right and mid, and throw "Can't Find Project Or Library". What the problem and how I may be sure that my project will run on other computers?

Fail on row:

My computer: Windows XP, Excel 2003
Failed computer: Windows 2000, Excel 2000

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Fixing Compile Error: Project Or Library Cannot Be Found

Nov 6, 2007

I have currently written a macro in excel 2003, it doesn't run on excel 2007, or some versions of 2003, I realize this is due to missing references, I was curious if there is any way to write code to actually prompt or install these references using VB. This way novice users can use the macro by themselves.

At the moment it fails on code such as

ans = MsgBox("??", vbYesNoCancel, "Title")
saying ans is not found
"Compile Error: Project or Library cannot be found"

I can avoid these errors by dimensioning everything as a string or variant. BUt doing this will use more memory which is not desired at the moment as it sometimes exhuast available memory on some machines.

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Excel 2007 :: Cannot Find Project Or Library

Aug 15, 2013

Why does this code no longer work? It gives me the error code Cannot find project or library and MyMsg = is highlighted in blue. This worked in 2003, but does not seem to like 2007 version of excel.

Sub Send2()
'This is the "Send to XX" button

MyMsg = "Did you remember to name and save this file to your computer?"
Response = MsgBox(MyMsg, vbYesNo, Attention)
Select Case Response
Case Is = vbNo

[Code] .....

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Color Function: Can't Find Project Or Library

Sep 11, 2007

I am trying to utilise the color function code i have previously asked for help with on this site in a new spreadsheet i have included the code below for your reference. I am utilising the following formula to total the numbers in the cells coloured =colorfunction(J1,E1:E26,True)

Excel keeps returning the following error 'cant find project or library'

Option Explicit

Function ColorFunction(rColor As Range, rRange As Range, Optional SUM As Boolean)
Dim rCell As Range
Dim lCol As Long
Dim vResult
lCol = rColor.Interior.ColorIndex
If SUM = True Then
For Each rCell In rRange
If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = lCol Then
vResult = WorksheetFunction.SUM(rCell, vResult)
End If
Next rCell
For Each rCell In rRange
If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = lCol Then
vResult = 1 + vResult
End If
Next rCell
End If
ColorFunction = vResult
End Function

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Excel Macro From 2003 To 2010 - Can't Find Project Or Library

Feb 8, 2013

I have got an issue. in MSE 2003, this beginning of macro worked:

Sub Consolide()

In MSE 2010, it gives me an error: "Can't find project or library"

I really know that my path is defined fine, because it worked perfect before MS update.

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Compile Error - Can't Find Object Or Library

Nov 6, 2009

I am trying to run a macro that i have copied from another workbook (which works fine) and when i try to run the macro i am getting a 'compile error' which says "Can't Find Object or Library" and takes into VB editor which highlights the word "Trim", which is part of a formula. What does this mean? I can't understand why the same macro will work in another workbook but not in this one. Below is the full code, I would have attached the workbook but it would not work for you as it opens and saves files that you would not have. Hopefully someone can understand from the code.

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Name Conflicts With Existing Module, Project Or Object Library. Adding Reference

Oct 5, 2007

In a workbook made in Excel 2003, I have the following for a UserForm:

Private Sub UserForm_Activate
Me.Calendar1.Value = Date
End Sub

I copied this workbook to a computer with Excel 2007 and it bombs out at "Date"
It comes up with a compile error, "Can't find project or library"

In the references window (Tools, References) it has the "Missing: Ref Edit Control" checked and the location at the bottom of this window states "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice11REFEDIT.DLL".

The reference to Office11 is from the computer with Office 2003 as the computer with Office 2007 has Office12.

There is another "Ref Edit Control" in the References window and when I check it and browse to the Office12 folder, highlight REFEDIT.Dll and click on open and in the references window on OK it comes up with "Name conflicts with existing module, project or object library". I have tried to delete the "Missing: Ref Edit Control", change the priority and change the reference in the missing control to Office12 but all to no avail.

How can I change the reference to the Ref Edit Control from Office11 to Office12?

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Error Trap Always Executing

May 22, 2009

The error trap does work when there is an error, but it also runs at the end of the code when there isn't an error... I'm not sure what I've done wrong. When I test with data that is correct, it still runs through the code when it gets to the bottom. Have I put the error trap in the wrong place?

I have put in bold the section of the code with the error trap.

Option Explicit

Const TargetDB = "Group Life Pricing Tables v0.1.accdb"

Sub HMUK_Val()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'define variables to be used in the process
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Dim sSQL As String
Dim SchemeInfo As Integer
Dim CurrentAge As Integer
Dim CurrentRow As Integer
Dim CurrentSex As String
Dim Message
'check that Scheme data has already been entered
For SchemeInfo = 1 To 13
If Sheets("Working Info").Cells(SchemeInfo, 2).Value = "" Then
Message = MsgBox("Please ensure all Scheme information has been entered before processing member info", vbOKOnly, "Warning")
Exit Sub
End If
Next SchemeInfo

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On Error Trap Executes When No Error

Oct 3, 2006

I was trying to add a popup box so that if no match was found, it would report a popup box stating so.

Well, It runs successfully, however it executes every, single time! LOL

Sub Find_and_Update()

On Error Goto A

Dim Search_Range As Range, Found_Range As Range
Dim SearchFor As Variant, cell As Range

SearchFor = Range("J3").Value
Set Search_Range = Range("A:A")

Set Found_Range = Find_Range(SearchFor, Search_Range, xlValues, xlPart, False)
For Each cell In Intersect(Found_Range.EntireRow, Columns("G"))
cell.Value = cell.Value + 1
Next cell
MsgBox "Not Found"
Exit Sub

End Sub

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Error Trap: Macro Opening Non Existing File

Oct 26, 2006

I have a user form with a TextBox (TextBox1), the user enters a filename and presses CommandButton1, this then opens the file. I have set an error trap so that if the file does not exist a MsgBox prompts the user to re-enter. So far so good, however if the error trap operates any further files entered are declared as non-existent even if I know they exist. I thought this would be quite easy but once again VBA bites me back!!

here is my code

Sub CommandButton1_Click()

stPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
stFilename = "Retention" & "" & TextBox1 & ".xls"
stFullname = stPath & "" & stFilename 'completes full path of for TextBox1

On Error Goto Errorhandler: 'go to this if file does not exist
Workbooks.Open stFullname
ActiveWorkbook.RunAutoMacros xlAutoOpen

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Error Trap That "a Program Is Trying To Send An Email On Your Behalf"

Mar 3, 2009

Am using a email notification macro but want to error trap that "a program is trying to send an email on your behalf" thing. What i would like to do is if the user says "no" then a Retry/Cancel msgbox comes up with the prompt "Please select yes to enable a submission notification to be sent on your behalf" then if they select retry, the macro is re-run, if they select cancel, then only the latter portion of the macro is run.

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Can't Find File Or Library

Jun 9, 2009

I have been writing VB code for a mathematical model for a client and recently made some small modifications to a workbook and ran the code quite ok on my Windows XP computer (Excel2003).

When I sent it to my client who also uses Excel 2003 and has been running many similar pages of code, my client gets "Can't find project or library", with the highlight showing in the VB code at ..... "& Chr$(10)" and then again at "& Str(x)", - but no really rational reason why it should stop there.

How do I set about solving this ?

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Can't Find Object Or Library Running Macro

Oct 21, 2006

I added this code to a userform initialize & now I get a message ' can't find object or library '. Which library do I have to activate in Tools, References.

Dim x As Integer
ComboBox1.AddItem "0"
For x = 1 To 20 Step 1
ComboBox1.AddItem Format(x, "0")
Next x
ComboBox1.Value = Sheet2.Range("E1").Value
ComboBox2.AddItem "0"
For x = 2 To 90 Step 2
ComboBox2.AddItem Format(x, "0")
Next x
ComboBox2.Value = Sheet2.Range("E2").Value

The word Format is highlited in userform initilize.

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Error Message Say Macro In This Project Are Diasable.

Jan 13, 2009

when i tries to run the macro, it display the following error message. I have attached the screenshot of the error message. The details of the system:

OS - windows vista Business, SP1
office - Office 2007
excel Version - Excel 2007.

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How To Find Hidden Macros In VBA Project

Feb 9, 2014

I have got an Excel sheet . When I opened the file the first time I saw a macro, but then I clicked on some other sheets in the VBA and before I got a chance to copy the macro, it disappeared and there is no way I can find it again. I tried to open the file in another computer, but the macro is nowhere to be found. The file has 50 worksheets and ThisWorkBook. On the "Properties" window for ThisWorkBook I can see that there is a password. How can I find again the macro?

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Generating List Of Project Parts Based On Project Duration And Time Window

Aug 4, 2014

I have a table of projects with 1) duration in year, 2) time window (number of years of our planning cycle), and 3) start year of the project. I want to generate a list of project parts of all projects where they may take place. This will serve as an input to an optimization program.

So a project of 2-year duration should have 2 parts over any year within the time window. I am including the "impossible" ones for my developer to tag them as "0" when we run it through his code.

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