I was trying to add a popup box so that if no match was found, it would report a popup box stating so.
Well, It runs successfully, however it executes every, single time! LOL
Sub Find_and_Update()
On Error Goto A
Dim Search_Range As Range, Found_Range As Range
Dim SearchFor As Variant, cell As Range
SearchFor = Range("J3").Value
Set Search_Range = Range("A:A")
Set Found_Range = Find_Range(SearchFor, Search_Range, xlValues, xlPart, False)
For Each cell In Intersect(Found_Range.EntireRow, Columns("G"))
cell.Value = cell.Value + 1
Next cell
MsgBox "Not Found"
Exit Sub
End Sub
The error trap does work when there is an error, but it also runs at the end of the code when there isn't an error... I'm not sure what I've done wrong. When I test with data that is correct, it still runs through the code when it gets to the bottom. Have I put the error trap in the wrong place?
I have put in bold the section of the code with the error trap.
Option Explicit
Const TargetDB = "Group Life Pricing Tables v0.1.accdb"
Sub HMUK_Val() Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'define variables to be used in the process Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim fld As ADODB.Field Dim sSQL As String Dim SchemeInfo As Integer Dim CurrentAge As Integer Dim CurrentRow As Integer Dim CurrentSex As String Dim Message 'check that Scheme data has already been entered For SchemeInfo = 1 To 13 If Sheets("Working Info").Cells(SchemeInfo, 2).Value = "" Then Message = MsgBox("Please ensure all Scheme information has been entered before processing member info", vbOKOnly, "Warning") Exit Sub End If Next SchemeInfo
I am using the calendar control on a form of mine, which i believe requires ms access to be installed to use(from what ive read). This is fine as most of the PC's it will be run on have this installed. However if it is run on a PC that doesnt have ms access it gives me the "Could not load an object because it is not avaliable on this machine" and then "cant find project or library error". How can I trap this error ? Ive tries whe the workbook opens, and when the form initializes but it just brings up that error
I have a user form with a TextBox (TextBox1), the user enters a filename and presses CommandButton1, this then opens the file. I have set an error trap so that if the file does not exist a MsgBox prompts the user to re-enter. So far so good, however if the error trap operates any further files entered are declared as non-existent even if I know they exist. I thought this would be quite easy but once again VBA bites me back!!
here is my code
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
stPath = ThisWorkbook.Path stFilename = "Retention" & "" & TextBox1 & ".xls" stFullname = stPath & "" & stFilename 'completes full path of for TextBox1
On Error Goto Errorhandler: 'go to this if file does not exist Workbooks.Open stFullname ActiveWorkbook.RunAutoMacros xlAutoOpen
I keep getting an automation error in excel 2010 when I click on the button that executes the macro. Excel crashes when the box appears. There is no code in the error box. Why I get this error message.
Am using a email notification macro but want to error trap that "a program is trying to send an email on your behalf" thing. What i would like to do is if the user says "no" then a Retry/Cancel msgbox comes up with the prompt "Please select yes to enable a submission notification to be sent on your behalf" then if they select retry, the macro is re-run, if they select cancel, then only the latter portion of the macro is run.
see attached example. I am trying to write an error detection routine that iterates through worksheets that have numeric values for names (ignore text names or alphanumeric). Macro checks range on each numeric worksheet E3:E33 and is supposed to report back on the SummarySheet if any value other than 1 or 0 is found in range E3:E33 on any numeric-name worksheet. Code as follows:
[Code] ....
Problem is that it just reports EVERY worksheet as having an error when clearly most don't (none do I think in the attached example).
Try changing some of ranges E3:E33 to values other than 1 or 0, it still reports all sheets. Why the macro does not evaluate the range E3:E33 properly and just reports every worksheet as having an error?
See the attached sheet. I am trying to add together two figs which are linked to calculations which have formula built in to stop error messages when there is a 0 / 0 = #value type error. However when these two cells are added, if the cells are blank I get an error message. And if only one cell has a value, I get "" with my existing formula. what I need to do to get a result of 7 if for example cell A4 = "" + B4 =7. At the moment my formula shows "" in the sum total of these cells
OK, so I have a userform with some text boxes that I have specially formatted to accept only date values in the form of mm/dd/yy. By default they are blank. I have a check in one of my codes that looks like this
Code: If DateBox vbNullString And DateValue(DateBox) > checkdate Then M1 = "NEOPRENE" & Chr(13) Else M1 = "" & Chr(13) End If
Where DateBox is this specially formatted TextBox and checkdate is a future date being checked against.So if DateBox has a value in it AND that value is greater than the date being checked against the returend string is Neoprene, otherwise it is blank.
Well the problem I have is when the first condition returns FALSE, i.e. when DateBox is empty, the DateValue half still gets evaluated and returns a type missmatch error or something like that because DateValue("") returns an error. I have line of code 8 times, one for Neoprene, squeegee, etc. So the name of the text boxes are each unique and I am using M1, M2, M3, etc.
For other reasons, use of "On Error Resume Next" doesn't work for this situation because it causes a result opposite to what I want to happen.
the if stattement works perfectly and does exactly what i want except when it comes to the else part. if there is no error the statements are run perfectly but if there is an error (in this case the error is generated when a match cannot be found in the spreadsheet) the else statement doesnt kick in and post the msgbox. the code just crashes. and returns an error 1004 on the line i have highlighted in yellow
res = WorksheetFunction.Match(invvar, Columns(1), 0) If Not IsError(res) Then
I am trying to run create a simple macro that copies and paste special values - something I have done 100's of times but for some reason I keep getting an error message - even though I recorded the macro and didnt write it by hand - see below:
Sub Macro6() Cells.Select selection.Copy selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False End Sub
For which I get 'Compile Error - Expected Function or Variable'
I have some code that, although works fine in Excel 2003, does not in Excel 1997. I receive this error when I try running it:
Sub HPVAL() Dim r As Range, myStr As String myStr = "HP" Set r = Cells. Find(What:=myStr, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _ :=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _ False, SearchFormat:=False) If Not r Is Nothing Then r = r.Value While Not r Is Nothing Set r = Cells.FindNext(r) If Not r Is Nothing Then r = r.Value End If Wend End If End Sub
It looks like Excel is getting hung up on the "SearchFormat:=" portion of the code.
So the issue I am having is that I have a worksheet with two long rows of value. If the user enters the incorrect value, the program gives a error case of 1004. If and when this error occurs I want the program to send a MessageBox to the user then end the program. The problem that I am running into is that whenever I write On Error Goto... It Goes to the label whenever any runtime error occurs. My belief is that there has to be a way to only check for a runtime error on a single line of code rather than the entire sub.
I have written a Excel (2003) that searches a worksheet for a string in any cell. If the string is not found, it uses the 'On Error GoTo' command to jump to a given label. It works fine on the first string not found. When it searches for the next non-existent string, it fails with:
'Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set'
Do I have to clear a buffer after each cells.find search?
I am looking for a more efficient way to write a macro (a sample from the macro is below). This is just the first part of the macro. I need to repeat these same steps (seen for row 5 below) for rows 5 to 50. My script worked until I hit row 35 and then I got the "compile error.." message. There must be a way to use "loop" to write this more efficiently, no?
whether I can handle errors in a way that tells me which object caused the error?
For example if a userform has two combobox's and one causes an error, can I return to a message box containing the name of the object (combobox1 or combobox2)?
I have tried returning err.source but I am either not using it correctly or it isn't intended to be used this way.
I'm getting the error for the following piece of code.
Sub itconfandscratch() Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection Dim Server_Name As String Dim Database_Name As String Dim User_ID As String Dim Password As String Dim SQLStr As String Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset Server_Name = "sturecord" Database_Name = "Scratch" ' Enter your database name here SQLStr = "SELECT stuname FROM dbo.sturec" ' Enter your SQL here Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection Cn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & Server_Name & ";Database=" & Database_Name & ""..............
the spreadsheet needs to be copied to a directory called "C:downloads" as it contains a ODBC query to itself (In reality, this is a query to an External Oracle Database)
On loading, it should pop up a simple userform, with a combo and two command buttons, which when pressed takes you to a (hidden) tab that displays a pivottable.
All works well until I try to close /save when 60% of the time, Excel encounters problems and closes and will not load up the file the next time until either quit excel or disable macros. Messages include "file/path access error", "I/O Error" or get restarts excel.
On a casual run through, I expect you might report back that "All worked ok for me". Please can you give it a bit of a thrashing, comment out the userform show, save the file (frequently) becuase i assure you it will break ultimately!
This is a brand-new file and I've tried it on about 5 different PC running different versions of Excel and generally get the same result.
I have a very simple spreadsheet that generates a "backing page" for items to be physically pasted to (essentially nothing more than printing a header). I have the following code under "This Workbook" to avoid being prompted to save changes when closing, as this spreadsheet is just a template and changes should not be saved...
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) ActiveWorkbook.Close False End Sub
The code does as is intended, but, if any other spreadsheets are open at the same time, I get an error message pop-up saying "EXCEL has encountered an error - an error log has been generated"... Excel then shuts down. So, first question; where should I look for the error log?
Before I go into details I am working in one workbook with several worksheets(Tabs) in the workbook. I have three Buttons on one tab. the button I am having trouble with is the third. I want to insert a column in a separate tab that contains approximately 87,000 rows of data. I then want to do a row count and select the empty cells in the inserted column and put a formula in there. I have tried a loop VBA code and it works, but it takes about 30 minutes to run all the way through. The underlined portion is what is higlighted with error 1004: Application-defined ro object-defined error. I am not sure how to fix this. This is what I have now:
I imported some data from an MDB file while working at home. created a macro to that effect. and it works fine at my home PC. but when i try t execute this macro on another PC or work place, then it gives error #13. i dont understand why. something is wrong with the code. i think it is the "WITH" code for query tables connection giving error ....
I'm trying to copy an ELOOKUP formula down a column in a sheet. The formula is losing part of the table array when I carry it down and returning an N/A error. Interestingly, it will work when I copy it across a row.
I have a VB function in a worksheet that requires data from a workbook that is not under my control. The problem is that the workbook does not always have complete data. Often cells are filled with #VALUE, when this occurs I need a way to tell my VBA to assume a value of 0. I have tried using if(cell="#VALUE", 0,cell) but to no avail. any suggestions?
I have written a long bit of code, which works fine. I decided to add an error handler just in case of any errors. I have run through my code numerous times to confirm that there is no error, but the msgbox still pops up.
The code thats generating the error is the following:
For Y = 8 To 131 TmpDate = Empty Range("A1").Value = "=" + Path + Sheet + "B" + CStr(Y) TmpDate = Range("A1").Value
For Langd = 1 To Len(TmpDate) TmpChar = Mid(TmpDate, Langd, 1) If Not TmpChar = " " Then TmpComp = TmpComp + TmpChar End If Next Langd
TmpDate = TmpComp TmpComp = Empty
If Len(Dag) = 1 Then Dag = "0" + CStr(Dag) End If
Macro continues before the Next-statement...
(it might not be good programming, but I think it should work). A little explanation to the code. I have a spreadsheet located on the intranet that has values I need in my spreadsheet. These figures are sorted by date, so I search for the date to find the right figures. The line Range("A1").Value = "=" + Path + Sheet + "B" + CStr(Y) works prefectly. I can see the value in my spreadsheet in the cell A1. its the next line that causes the error "Type mismatch". The value I get from the intranet spreadsheet looks similar to this: "1 Jul 2006 " (note all the spaces). What I do is just run it through a loop and cut of all spaces so it will look like this: "1Jul2006" to be sure I dont miss a space or anything.
Now to the funny part. The error only happens at runtime on the first go. If I chose to END the macro then and there, and then run it again from the top it works perfectly. If I set a stopsign to debug the code, it works perfectly on the first go too. Can anyone explain to me why that happens??
I know enough about programming to handle my syntax errors and so on, but I cant see anything wrong in this one...
Please note that this isnt the the entire code. I'm building a report on 12 diffrent spreadsheet. The main macro is almost 2000 rows of code, and it call other Subs too (because of limitations in the VBA-editor. A macro cant to be too big), so its impossible for me to post the entire macro...
What I'm wondering is when it is a good idea to use Error Handler's. I've got maybe 50 procedures in the project I'm working on. Some of the procedures are merely parent procedures calling other procedures. Since other people will be using this workbook, I want there to be a way to troubleshoot if errors occur, but it almost seems bad form to have an Error Handler for EVERY single procedure. Conversely, somehow, someone always finds a new and creative way to error out my workbook, and they don't understand the code and/or are not VBA literate. I can always fix afterwards, but solving the problem immediately over the phone is not ideal. I'm very new to debugging for other users. The workbook is currently in constant development/improvement used by only a handfull of users, but eventually it will need to be at some decent release stage, where the VBA code will be password protected, and I will not want the user getting into the code.