Unable To Utilize Spreadsheets With Formula's After Upgrading To Windows Seven From Xp?
Jun 23, 2014
I have multiple spreadsheets that have formulas pulling from other spreadsheets that I use for daily, monthly & annual reports. After upgrading to Windows 7 from Windows XP these spreadsheets are no longer seeing the formulas if I open multiple spreadsheets at a time. This is a problem as my monthly and annual spreadsheets need to pull from multiple workbooks in order to give me monthly and annual totals. I have macros set at "Enable all macros" and have added the file location in "Trusted Locations". What else do I need to set in order to work on multiple spreadsheets at a time and the formulas pull data as needed?
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Oct 1, 2008
I've had a new machine, and for some reason if i try and open excel files by double-clicking on a .xls file, excel tries to open each part of the filename individually!!!!
For eg, if i have a file called week 1 report.xls, and i double click that, it gives me 3 messages saying:
cant find c:filepathweek.xls
cant find 1.xls
cant find report.xls
I can get round it by going into excel first, and opening the files from there but it's a right head-doer!!!
I'm on windows XP, and using excel 2003 to open the files...
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Feb 7, 2007
How do create a formula that will only execute this formula:
for the rows in the range g7:g106 that are equal to 12 or 13 or 14 or 15
result = 2, because f7 and f10 are the only matches
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Apr 1, 2009
I have some schedules set up with multiple formulas and macros (originally setup in 2003) however when attempting to make this a 2007 file when I go to copy a sheet to create another schedule I get the message “A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name “xx”, which already exists on the destination worksheet. Do you want to use this version of the name? To use the name as defined in the destination sheet, click yes. To rename the range referred to in the formula or worksheet, click no, and enter a new name in the Name Conflict dialog box.”
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May 9, 2006
Haven't been here in a long time ...
Anyway, I got a HUGE (in terms of code size) wbk that is sort of a management report writer that connects to external data bases and does lots of other stuff.
Due to the way this wbk was designed the actual reports the client requested are in it as well. So now when i need to upgrade the code i hafta use a small proc that kills all the code in the prev version of the wbk but keeps the sheets (ie reports themselves) intact, and then recreates new code modules classes etc from the upgraded version of the wbk.
Although this works for now i really want to improve the code maintenance so i want to implement dll's into this project.
The wbk itself needs to have only basic code to call dll's and some other stuff and that's it. The code itself should come in dll's into a certain folder and wait for the next upgrade . How can i do this?...
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Feb 18, 2010
Our office has recently upgraded from Excel 2003 to Excel 2007, and now I am having an error message with my workbook. The error is as follows:
Run-time error '9':
Subscript out of range
I believe I have all the macro security settings set up, however, I think this is a problem with a printing macro I had help with here. It was created to print the number of pages entered into a specified cell when the Print button was clicked - I think 2007 uses a slightly different button called 'Quick Print'? I'm just guessing here - but when I hit the Quick Print button, the Print Options box appears instead of immediately printing.
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Oct 6, 2007
I have a working spreadsheet that utilizes many many formulas in many worksheets. I am utilizing the sumproduct function in many of the formulas. The problem is that it takes forever to run and update this report. I think I can utilize a pivot table except I have one small issue.
I would like to create a Macro that would run through my Details worksheet (contains all of my raw data) and seeks out certain criterias and issues a 2.5 or 3.5 result into a new column. Column C contains Make names. Column B contains Model numnber. I would like the 2.5/3.5 result to be recorded in column Y.
Fujitsu - Any model number that starts with MH
Seagate - Any model number that starts with ST9
IBM - Any model number that starts with IC2
IBM - Any model number that starts with HT
Hitachi - Any model number that starts with DK2
Hitachi - Any model number that starts with HT
Hitachi - Any model number that starts with IC2
Western Digital - Any model number that Ends with UE
Western Digital - Any model number that Ends with VE
Western Digital - Any model number that Ends with BEAS
Western Digital - Any model number that Ends with BEVS
If any the the above Make/Model criterias match I would like 2.5 to be recorded in the Y column for the row. If the Make/Model criterias do not match I would like 3.5 to be recorded in the Y column for that row.
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Dec 27, 2012
I've been heavily updating my Budget file I've written in excel. The code I'm working with and having slight trouble with is as follows
Try this formula. Column letter & Row number are for example only. Array formulas will have curly brackets {} emcompassing the ENTIRE formula. You do not add these, you Enter the formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter and Excel will add them (details: Array formulas). Many more Excel Formulas
 Z100 =IF(TODAY()>DATE(2013,1,31),"January's Ending Balance is:",IF(TODAY()<=DATE(2013,1,31),"January's Current Balance is:"))Â
Basically, if the current date is after the last day of a given month (in this case January 31), then the cell should display "January's Ending Balance is:", if between January 1, (current year), and January 31, (current year), it should display "January's Current Balance is:". The code above does work great, but I need it to look at the current year according to the computer's date, and go by that, instead of having to change the code where it says 2013 to 2014 etc every year. This would be a hassle, as I have a tab coded for each month of the year. Id rather it be automated.
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Jan 29, 2013
I would like to remove spaces and utilize the alt+enter command - - I am more worried about removing the spaces than anything else at the moment.
D-1173-G-00002 D-1173-G-00065
D-1173-G-00002 D-1173-G-00065
D-1173-G-00045 D-1173-G-00064
Note: The spacing between these are not common throughout my entire column.
What I am looking for:
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Feb 12, 2014
Is it possible to utilize the AVERAGEIF function for a specific range of values. For Example, instead of ">45", I would be looking to only average the cells that have values between 40 & 60. I've tried several different ways to input that into the function but nothing seems to work.
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Jun 16, 2014
why this doesn't work and I get 'Unable to set the FormulaArray property of the range class'?
.Range("D10").FormulaArray = "=INDEX(A13:A42,MATCH(MIN(IF(F13:F420,F13:F42)),F13:F42,0))"
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Apr 2, 2012
I have a workbook containing 101 sheets on the first sheet is a list of numbers in H1 to H100. Sheet2 will have the value in Sheet1 H1 in cell G3 then Sheet2 will have the value in Sheet1 H2 in cell G3 and so on for the 100 sheets Sheet101 will have the value in Sheet1 in cell G101 in cell G3 how do I automate this task. This would be easy on a small number of sheets to enter manualy but I dont fancy entering into 100.
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Jun 12, 2006
I created a summary page for some reports I do and I'm having trouble keeping them linked together as my original data has rows deleted and inserted. There are 30 spreadsheets worth of information and I have them linked to a summary file. Each month I insert a new tab to each spreadsheet. I set up all of the formulas last month but see a problem this month when I copy and past the formulas to the new tab. On the 30 spreadsheets my data moves up and down so the row referenced in the summary formula is wrong. I am looking at having to type "=, click on original spreadsheet, select cell, enter, repeat" all over again. I pull 5 numbers from each sheet, and have multiple formulas to double check the math so I would be repeating this process over 300 times.
After all that, my question is...Is there a formula I can use that will pull this for me without needing to be edited each month. One idea I thought would work is to tell the formula to equal the first cell in Column B that is in red text and I could just change the font color on the orginial spreadsheet. But, I don't know how to make a formula say that or if excel can even do that.
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May 4, 2014
I have one coloumnA with formula =IF(F4="","",(H4-F4)) ------ the result I want to use for reference in which I am unable to use the result value using below formula.
I have one more cell B with month & date
Currently using formula =SUMPRODUCT((TEXT(A4:A1501,"mmmyyyy")=$B4&$C4)*('Credit Cards&Loans Transactions'!J4:J1501))
Cell B4 has month & C4 has year.
J4:j1501 cell has the formula "=IF(F4="","",(H4-F4)) " , I want to use the result of cell in above formula.
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Jun 22, 2014
I am not able to insert this formula in vba coding, getting error
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May 14, 2006
I went through a lot of threads in this forum, although there were a couple relating to the same problem am facing, they didnt solve my error .. so here's my question again ..
When am trying to delink charts , i get an error stating "Unable to set the formula property of series class".
The code is as follows :
Sub DelinkChartData()
Dim iCtr As Integer, iChars As Integer, SH As Shape, iPlotOrder As Integer
Dim nPts As Long, iPts As Long 'Holds the total no of points in the chart
Dim xArray, yArray, sChtName As String, sSrsName As String
Dim xVals, yVals
Dim ChtSeries As Series ' var used to loop thru the series collection
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim sChartType As String, iCtr1 As Integer
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Aug 25, 2006
I have 2 spreadsheets. One of them has various lines that sum different lines from the other spreadsheet, e.g.
Sales = 200100
Expenses = -300345
Other Income = 120000
Selling and Admin = 35000
The other spreadsheet has a lot of details that make up this first spreadsheet.
Paper 100000
Cardboard 50100
bottles 30000
cups 20000
These add up to the sales number for example.
Is there a way that I can use the solver or something similar to get all the cells that relate to the first spreadsheet in one shot, and so I don't have to first find what the sales number is made up of, and then what the expenses number is made up off..can I look for the relating cells in one go. Is there a code or something that I can use.
The 2nd spreadsheet has a lot of rows, and it's quite difficult, also I find that when I look for the sum of the sales number and try looking for the expenses number, it gives me cells that are related to the sales number as well.
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Jul 14, 2006
I am struggling with one problem. I am trying to change formulae of series in a chart using VBA code given below. But I am getting
'Runtime Error 1004, Unable to set the formula property of the series class'
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Formula = _
Replace(ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Formula, "Sheet1", "test")
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Nov 25, 2008
I am working on using an excel workbook as part of a roll playing game and I am trying to record a macro and then put that in a command button which uses the randbetween, multiple if statements and multiple vlookup functions. I have successfully done similar things by just recording a macro and then pasting that into the VB editor. However this time I get a unable to record macro after putting the formula in the selected cell. I have tried copy and paste and just typing the formula with the same results.
Upon executing the formula I then want it to copy and paste special- values the result.
I'm assuming I have to put the VB code in manually but when I tried to do the formula I got a syntax error.
The worksheet I am working on is named new and I've included the formula in the a text box. I would like the result to show in J12 and be triggered by pressing the cmnbutton in k12.
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Jan 18, 2012
I'm creating a simple bit of code which needs to include an array formula - but the code below fails;
Selection.FormulaArray = _
"=IF($L3="","",IF(ISERROR(INDEX(Data!$BG$7:$BP$11,MATCH('Pay Advice'!$A$2,Data!$A$7:$A$11,0),MATCH(1,IF(Data!$BG$6:$BP$6='Pay Advice'!$L3,IF(Data!$BG$5:$BP$5='Pay Advice'!H$11,1)),0))),0,INDEX(Data!$BG$7:$BP$11,MATCH('Pay Advice'!$A$2,Data!$A$7:$A$11,0),MATCH(1,IF(Data!$BG$6:$BP$6='Pay Advice'!$L3,IF(Data!$BG$5:$BP$5='Pay Advice'!H$11,1))))))"
"Runtime error 1004: Unable to set the FormulaArray property of the range class"
What am I doing wrong? The formula is fine when typed in.
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May 4, 2013
I am in the process of [trying] to copy/convert my 2003 workbooks to 2010 but am unable to copy any of the formula's. I get the warning window that I'm sure most are familiar with.
I have Googled this issue but can't find any information on how to successfully copy my 2003 books to 2010 without losing my formulas.
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Mar 3, 2014
I'm looking to loop a comparison code. I'm using dynamic referencing (using x and y) to find maximum values for specific time intervals. The code works on a cell to cell basis, meaning if I input the formula and change the cell referencing manually then the equation will give the desired results. However when I attempted to create a VBA code to speed up the process I kept getting a 1004 Unable to set FormulaArray Property of the Range Class error, I later figured out that the Formula Array function is limited to a certain number of characters so I split up my function into 3 different string formulas. I still get the same error.
[Code] ............
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Jul 9, 2009
I have worked on this really difficult long formula, but the problem is, I have been working from my Mac. And my office, which this formula was made for, is all PC. Now generally this isn't a problem, but apparently PC's have a limit on how long the formula can be. Is there anyway to overcome this? I really need this formula to work..
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Jul 28, 2009
I am currently using an Intersect statement in a worksheet module to perform two things:
1. Insert a time stamp into row 2 when row 1 has a price inserted
2.To clear that time stamp if the price is deleted at some later date.
My problem is with the time stamp value being deleted by the user.
If I try to clear the price (now that the time cell =empty) I get a Runtime error 91 - Object Variable or With block variable not set.
I would like to convert this code to a select case statement but I'm not sure how to do this in this situation. Would error coding be appropriate in this instance?
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Sep 9, 2013
I used to think my excel skills were OK until I started working with userforms but I now realise that I have a long way to go.
I need to enter data from various WEB sites onto a worksheet and at the moment I'm toggling between each web site and the worksheet. What I would like to do is set up a userform which I can enter data from each page into and when finished hit a commandbutton to transfer it to the worksheet.
I'm mostly OK with creating the userform but not sure what code, and where I need to add it, to keep the userform on top of all other windows.
Also not sure if it's possible, I have another worksheet that has a series of hyperlinks that when selected open a web page, I can create a combobox that shows the the display names of the hyperlinks but not sure what code I need to add a commandbutton or some other control that will open the hyperlink.
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Nov 6, 2007
way of getting two sheets to scroll together, so when I scroll one window the other one moves too? Some text editors have that future (IIRC UltraEdit does)
I can't find a scroll event in the windows code to trigger a macro to run itself.
I can get around it by using a selection change event which would restrict me to moving around with the cursor keys/Pageup/down, but I've got 15,000 to review regularly in a short space of time and it would be quicker by mouse
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Jan 16, 2007
I have put together the following code and it works fine on my PC. However, we are a mainly Mac based company and I nead it to work with a Mac. I am using the Actual ODBC Driver for Mac to give me a ODBC connection. I can do the query in excel but setting it up as a macro just will not work.
Sub Sales_Query()
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Dim area As Variant
area = Range("B2")
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= Array("ODBC;DSN=my_database;Description=My................................
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Mar 29, 2007
i'm having trouble with the following code. The first if statement works fine, it's on the second pass that get problems, i get a 'ERROR 13 type mismatch' on the Windows(NewFN).activate line and i cannot figure out why.
Private Sub cmdsave_Click()
Dim NewFN As String
If Module3.firstTime = "y" Then
NewFN = worksheets "Recalculate").Range "G5").Value
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Jan 24, 2014
Every time I open a new file in excel it opens up the file and the other file I have open disappears. Can I open a file so that there will be two separate windows?
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May 18, 2014
I've sent the file to 2 different windows computers and it works fine, but doesn't work with the two macs that I've sent it to.
This is the code:
[Code] .....
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