How To Overcome The "Formula Too Long" Error On Windows Excel...
Jul 9, 2009
I have worked on this really difficult long formula, but the problem is, I have been working from my Mac. And my office, which this formula was made for, is all PC. Now generally this isn't a problem, but apparently PC's have a limit on how long the formula can be. Is there anyway to overcome this? I really need this formula to work..
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Aug 18, 2009
I need to write a formula but excel shows an error message "Formula Too Long." There are two long strings of the formula that I repeat several times. Is there any way to put these strings in other cells and reference them within the formula? Each of the strings looks very similar to this:
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Nov 20, 2013
I have been given a macro recorded on a mac and it works fine with Mac Excel 2011. Unfortunately, I need to make it to work on a windows machine, but it comes up with an error message "macro unable to set width property of the window class. Run-time error 1004". When I press debug it takes me to the line .Width = 1456.
Below is the chunk of the code that becomes highlighted when pressing debug.
With ActiveWindow
.Width = 1456
.Height = 795
End With
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Nov 25, 2008
I am working on using an excel workbook as part of a roll playing game and I am trying to record a macro and then put that in a command button which uses the randbetween, multiple if statements and multiple vlookup functions. I have successfully done similar things by just recording a macro and then pasting that into the VB editor. However this time I get a unable to record macro after putting the formula in the selected cell. I have tried copy and paste and just typing the formula with the same results.
Upon executing the formula I then want it to copy and paste special- values the result.
I'm assuming I have to put the VB code in manually but when I tried to do the formula I got a syntax error.
The worksheet I am working on is named new and I've included the formula in the a text box. I would like the result to show in J12 and be triggered by pressing the cmnbutton in k12.
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May 15, 2007
I have a large spreadsheet, within which i am trying to remove commas from all cells. I get the error 'formula is too long' when I carry out the search. Some of the cells are >1024 characters in length and contain dates, text etc.
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May 27, 2007
I am trying to launch windows explorer from within excel vba. The routine below is borrowed from another post on this site and modified for my purposes.
Sub LaunchWindowsExplorer()
Dim PID As Double
Dim strRootPath As String
Const strExpExe = "explorer.exe"
Const strArg = " " '" /e,/root, "
'// Change rootpath here
strRootPath = "J:MyDirectoryWilliams,Bob 7264" ..............
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Jul 21, 2006
I'm having some trouble with some VBA code written for Excel (Office 2003). I have a video file (in .wmv format) and a list of time stamps in an excel file. When I click a timestamp, I want to pop open the WMV and play it at that given time.
I've made some headway thanks to a few others, but I'm getting this "Run-time '424': Object required" error that I can't seem to fix. I've attached the file, and it occurs at the line "frmPlayer.Show" and I have no idea why!
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Mar 4, 2014
I'm working on a spreadsheet that i have a long if statement and it keeps till me i have a error. I stated reading and come to find out you can only have 7 statement.
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Oct 4, 2007
I have the following code written:
If InStr( Cells(i, 3).Value, "Other") > 0 Then _
Cells(i, 3).Replace What:="Other", Replacement:=Cells(i, 4).Value
This seems to work fine for the most part. However, if the value in Cells(i, 4) is too long, I seem to get a Run-time error '13': Type mismatch. Is there any way to rework this code so it can replace even if the string in Cells(i, 4).Value is too long?
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Jan 24, 2014
Every time I open a new file in excel it opens up the file and the other file I have open disappears. Can I open a file so that there will be two separate windows?
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May 4, 2009
I'm currently running MS Excel 2003 on Windows XP SP 3. When I launch Excel from the start menu, it starts right up. When double-clicking an Excel file, it takes approximately 45 seconds to a minute to launch and open the file. This happens no matter what the file size.
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Apr 18, 2013
My Excel gets stuck in a strange world sometimes where it seems like a pop-up blocker is turned on. By this I mean that i can't get question alerts to show in Excel. My only relief has been to reboot.
Here's what I mean - I generally see this two different times:
If I'm in a document that I've modified and click the "X" to exit the file - it never asks me to save, just closes without saving.
When I do a "find" on an item, I do get the first box where I can specify my search criteria. If there is a match, it will take me to the match if I do a find next. However, if I do a find all or there is not match, nothing else happens. I can see the cell addresses flickering in the name box.
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Apr 29, 2014
I have a macro to collate data from multiple workbooks to a single sheet. The folder path to the source files can be chosen thorugh the macro. It runs perfectly in my system running on Windows XP. But it doesnt run on Wondows 7 system. Both are using MS Excel 2010. In Windows 7 system, while choosing the folder path where source files are located, it says "No items match your search" (screenshot attached). I would want the macro modified so that it runs on any platform. The macros that I'm using is given below:
[Code] .....
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Aug 16, 2012
Each time I click on an Excel file the worksheet will open up within an existing Excel worksheet that I have open. This is frustrating when you are working with two monitors or screens (laptop screen and additional monitor) and want to view each worksheet separately in separate screens. What I end up doing, which is not efficient, is I'll open the second worksheet which will open up in an existing worksheet that I have open and then I'll close it, and then launch a separate Excel worksheet and pull open the recent file and I'll have two open worksheets (not within same Excel worksheet I already have open). This allows me to grab and pull one worksheet in a separate screen and leave the other as I need both open on two monitors.
Question: is there a way to default Excel when opening or double clicking an Excel file to automatically open in a separate instance of Excel and not in an existing open worksheet?
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Feb 24, 2013
I write a excel file (with macros included) to tackle the datas regarding stock market.
The excel file encompasses some information about financial reports, and some functions (macro) like sorting and filtering.
I'm wondering if I can build it as an windows 8 App and put it on the App market.
Or, in other words, can I make a windows 8 App by the functions in Excel ?
Can I do that ?
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May 30, 2013
I developed a tool in Excel 2010 using macros and launched it to a group of dozens of users. Turns out one of them uses a mac and says it is incompatible. I have never used Excel for Mac or tested my tool in it. Next I plan to test it on a mac but how to make this work?
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Aug 12, 2007
This task joins a string together based on a number of characters per cell in the range.
I want to isolate one range, Col N, and add an IF condition to it.
There may be other issues preventing this from happening, e.g. the number of IF that exist in the complete formula. I will isolate the current cell and its requirements and then post the entire formula at the end for reference....
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Sep 3, 2013
After minimizing my Excel form, I'm trying to re access it from the windows task bar. If I click on the Excel tab it shows me the 2 excel files I have open. I would normally just click on one of those and that sheet would be brought up, but I can't get either of them up - as soon as I click on one or other of them the window just minimizes again.
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Jun 6, 2002
What's the code for opening a Windows Explorer window from within an Excel Macro?
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Apr 30, 2012
I have created a userform template and is working fine, the problem is the users are not able to minimize the template nor open any other excel files.
How to allow the template to open any other excel files or macro enabled files and also to minimize the windows.
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Apr 19, 2013
Working with Windows 7 and Office 2010
I've created a Excel workbook with VBA code to synchronize an Access database between a laptop and a server. One of the fields in the database is a shortcut to a jpg for each record. (The Access stuff is not too important here)
Now I'd like to add the ability synchronize the photos between the laptop and the server; so people who use the server can view the photos added by the laptop and vice versa.
Something like:
For each [JPG] in [LaptopFolder]
If not [JPG] exists in [ServerFolder] then
filecopy [LaptopFolder][JPG], [ServerFolder][JPG]
end if
next [JPG]
That code wouldn't work.
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Aug 18, 2008
I want to reference a workbook that i mentioned quite a bit in my macro code. However, I want to be able to change this workbook by just changing one line of code rather than having to go into my rather long code to change it every time.
Here's what I have so far:
Dim MyFile As Workbook
Set MyFile = ActiveWorkbook
Dim MyTarget As Workbook
Set MyTarget = windows("week 28 O.xls")
Then later in the code I have it reference MyTarget and MyFile.
MyFile opens the current workbook that I am creating and I was hoping that I could put MyTarget.Activate into every instance where it occurs and it would reference week 28 o.xls. (originally when I recorded this it had "week 28 O.xls".activate) So what I figured is that rather than having to go in and change the 28 to a 29 in every instance in the code (about 25 of them) I would just set MyTarget = ___ that way if I want to change to week 29 in all those instances I just have to change the 28 to a 29 in the set MyTarget line and then all the references to my target would apply to the new week 29.
However I'm getting an error at the Set MyTarget = windows("week 28 O.xls") line.
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Aug 7, 2013
With excel 2013 you're now able to open multiple windows or views of the same workbook. However when a workbook is saved with multiple windows open, the next user to open the spreadsheet will also open it with multiple windows. Which can be very annoying when most people work off of one window vs. multiple. Is there a way to disable saving the multiple windows or a macro to force open excel in 1 window?
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Feb 17, 2009
I am trying to do something which is very slow and manual. What i have is like a seperate spreadsheet from every day and have to save each one down manually in the respective date. so for example column C has the date in already. Can you tell me how to save all the excel workbooks which are open (if i open them all) and then use the date in column C (which is in the format 20090217) and save it as a xls in the format 170209 and then close the workbooks?
sorry this is a huge question, just takes me so long to save them all.
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Jun 23, 2014
I have multiple spreadsheets that have formulas pulling from other spreadsheets that I use for daily, monthly & annual reports. After upgrading to Windows 7 from Windows XP these spreadsheets are no longer seeing the formulas if I open multiple spreadsheets at a time. This is a problem as my monthly and annual spreadsheets need to pull from multiple workbooks in order to give me monthly and annual totals. I have macros set at "Enable all macros" and have added the file location in "Trusted Locations". What else do I need to set in order to work on multiple spreadsheets at a time and the formulas pull data as needed?
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Jul 3, 2013
I am using the sum function to sum the following cells and the formula is too long. How can I make this work?
'Raw Data'!B3,'Raw Data'!D3,'Raw Data'!F3,'Raw Data'!H3,'Raw Data'!J3,'Raw Data'!L3,'Raw Data'!N3,'Raw Data'!P3,'Raw Data'!R3,'Raw Data'!T3,'Raw Data'!V3,'Raw Data'!X3,'Raw Data'!Z3,'Raw Data'!AB3,'Raw Data'!AD3,'Raw Data'!AF3,'Raw Data'!AH3, 'Raw Data'!AJ3, 'Raw Data'!AL3, 'Raw Data'!AN3, 'Raw Data'!AP3, 'Raw Data'!AR3, 'Raw Data'!AT3, 'Raw Data'!AV3, 'Raw Data'!AX3, 'Raw Data'!AZ3, 'Raw Data'!BB3, 'Raw Data'!BD3, 'Raw Data'!BF3, 'Raw Data'!BH3, 'Raw Data'!BJ3, 'Raw Data'!BL3, 'Raw Data'!BN3, 'Raw Data'!BP3, 'Raw Data'!BR3, 'Raw Data'!BT3, 'Raw Data'!BV3, 'Raw Data'!BX3, 'Raw Data'!BZ3, 'Raw Data'!CB3, 'Raw Data'!CD3, 'Raw Data'!CF3, 'Raw Data'!CH3, 'Raw Data'!CJ3, 'Raw Data'!CL3, 'Raw Data'!CN3, 'Raw Data'!CP3, 'Raw Data'!CR3, 'Raw Data'!CT3, 'Raw Data'!CV3, 'Raw Data'!CX3, 'Raw Data'!CZ3,
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Feb 8, 2010
im not really sure what div/0's are na dhow to counter them but i understand from the error that im dividing by something that is not valid yet.
below is my formula, among others like this. i need some assistance in getting the ISERROR code in as i am struggling; ....
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Nov 13, 2008
how can in compress the following formula
=IF(B3="Monthly",IF(B25="Windows 2003 Std",15,IF(B25="Windows 2003 Ent",30,IF(B25="Windows 2008 Data Center ",40,IF(B25="RHEL 5","30",IF(B25="Windows 2008 Web","15",0))))))+(IF(B3="Quarterly",IF(B25="Windows 2003 Std",40,IF(B25="Windows 2003 Ent",75,IF(B25="RHEL 5","89",IF(B25="Windows 2008 Data Center ",120,IF(B25="Windows 2008 Web","45",0))))))+(IF(B3="Semi-Annually",IF(B25="Windows 2003 Std",75,IF(B25="Windows 2003 Ent",140,IF(B25="Windows 2008 Data Center ",200,IF(B25="RHEL 5","149",IF(B25="Windows 2008 Web","90",0)))))))+(IF(B3="Annually",IF(B25="Windows 2003 Std",150,IF(B25="Windows 2003 Ent",300,IF(B25="RHEL 5","299",IF(B25="Windows 2008 Data Center ",400,IF(B25="Windows 2008 Web","180",0))))))))
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Oct 31, 2009
I need to add more arguments to a countif formula, but I have maxed out the 1024 character limit.
Is there another way of writing this formula or is there a way I can add more arguments to this formula.
Formula is:
I have a list of the arguments, can I do something like:
(with the list of arguments in columns B2 to B50)
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May 23, 2006
Got a formula that goes like this: =IF((L1=1),"Product 1",IF((L2=2),"Product 2",IF((L2=3),"Product 3",IF((L2=4),"Product 4".... and so on for a further 100 or so products. Obviously, this formula is too long for one cell.
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