Using Variable As Cell Reference In Formula
Jul 15, 2014
I'm trying to use a variable as a cell reference in a formula using '&', but can't seem to get it to work. I've looked through the forum, which have examples of how to do this using a range, but not just as a single cell reference. This puts the formula '=VLOOKUP("A & lastrow &"" , Vlookupinput, 2,0)", which obviously gives me an error.
My code is:
Dim lastrow As String
lastrow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Formula = "=VLOOKUP("A & lastrow &"" , Vlookupinput, 2,0)"
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Jan 13, 2009
Not been around for some time now but have to do my annual update for this workbook and implement some new changes.
In the attached example workbook, I have created some formulas which reference a particular cell for each client e.g.
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Sep 28, 2006
I want to create a formula of the form: =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(4,2,2,TRUE,($A9) and insert this in a cell BUT the $A9 reference needs to reference the row of the cell where the formula is being inserted which will vary. ie. A30, A31, etc. How do I do this?
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May 17, 2008
I will show with an example of what I would like to do. I italized and underscored the part of the formula.
1 24 formulaB
formulaB = "= CELL("contents",DifferentSheet!G(A1))"
I want B1 to contain the value from the cell G24 in sheet "DifferentSheet". I want to use the value in A1 to determine what row on "DifferentSheet" I should use.
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Mar 5, 2008
I have the following code which Clears the content of a cell. The next thing I want to have happen is to have another cell equal a formula but make that formula relative to its place. The formula is the following =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(F56,Routes_All,2,0)),0,VLOOKUP(F56,Routes_All,2,0))
I am not sure how to paste it where the row changes depending on where it is pasted. Here is the code that does not work...
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Worksheets("2008 Log").Select
Dim cRow
cRow = ActiveCell.Row '
Cells(cRow, Range("Column_Type_Of_Ride").Column).ClearContents
Cells(cRow, Range("column_duration").Column).value = "=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(F56,Routes_All,2,0)),0,VLOOKUP(F56,Routes_All,2,0))"
End Sub
As you can see, no matter where I paste it it will always refer to row "F". How can I have it refer to row "cRow"?
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May 28, 2008
I am trying to do a "getpivotdata" formula on a cell in certain file that gets info from a pivot table on another file. However the name of the second file (the one where the pivot table is found on) might be different each time so I created a variable for the second file name but I cant figure out a way to use this variable in the get pivot data formula as I am not very experience with VBA.
Template = Application.InputBox("What is the name of the file ending with (.xls)")
If Template = False Then
cont1 = MsgBox("Please write the name correctly using (.xls)!", vbOKOnly)
If cont1 = vbOK Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
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Jan 9, 2014
I am an architect and recently I was required to do some extensive calculation relating to water requirements and toilet requirements for a building that i was designing. i created a excel file, with a basic vlookup function to put certain values in the cells that are pre-defined for a particular building typology (mostly created by governmental bodies as guidelines). for example, when i choose a particular type in column E, column F and G fills up automatically. now this table also gives me occupant load based on what is the area i enter in column D.
The problem is that I want to automate the calculation of toilet requirements. Now, each typology will have a different formula to calculate WC/Urinal/washbasin.
1. there will be 17 different formula - one for each typology (as shown in sheet 5)
2. Column j will calculate what is the number of WC required based on 2 criteria - first id what is the typology and then looking what is the number of occupant.
The problem here is for example, if in E9, selected typology as "offices", the formula of offices typology will be used in J9 and occupant value from H9 will be used but if i have E18 also selected as offices typology, the same formula will use occupant value mentioned in H18 instead of using H9.
Hence, excel will first have to look what is the typology selected. based on that, it will load formula - out of that 17 different formula - specific to that typology and finally it will refer to corresponding row for occupant load and will use it in the formula to get the result.
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Apr 11, 2007
I have counted the number of rows using i. Now I need to pass that variable to the ActiveCell referances shown.
Do While Not Selection. Offset(i, -6) = ""
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "= round(R[i]C[-8],2)&""±""&round(R[i]C[-7],2)"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = "=round(R[i]C[-7],2)&""±""&round(R[i]C[-6],2)"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub
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Jan 10, 2010
I have a formula that pulls data from another sheet using standard reference of sheetname! I want to build this forumla to use several sheets, and would like to pull the sheet names from other cells.
For example... instead of LEMONS!a1 and LIMES!B2
I would like to use REF1!a1 and REF2!B2
where REF1 and REF2 are pulled from cell Z1 which contains test 'Lemons' and cell Z2 which contains text 'Limes'
How can I do this?
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Feb 22, 2012
I have a spread sheet that lists a bunch of dates and expected volume that will be associated with the date. I need to build a macro that will look at the first date expand it out for several months then look at the volume and break that out over a week's time.
That part is simple enough but I need to turn this into a looping statement and I cannot figure out a way to get my macro to always come back to the next date in my list.
Ideally I would like something that is a variable that references the cell I want so I can do something like this.
MYRANGE = range("B2")
This should work for me perfectly if I can just figure out how to make the MYDATE varaible reference a sepecific cell rather than a value or text in the cell.
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Jul 9, 2008
i'm trying to use the sum across sheet function - i.e. - =SUM(Start:End!B1)
Whereby "Start" and "End" are the two relevant sheet names and "B1" is the cell I want added up.
However, can I make B1 variable, whereby there is a cell, say in A1, that contains the string "B1", so that I can make it sum C1 or B20 or anything on the other sheets?
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Aug 14, 2006
I have the following formula in cell L51 of all sheets calculating the volume depending on the monthly index that is chosen from the drop down menu in a particular sheet. =If(MIndex=0, SUM(D33:L50),If(MIndex=1,SUM(D34:L50),If(MIndex=2,SUM(D35:L50), 0))). I am getting the following message and I do not understand what it is about.
Microsoft Office Excel cannot calculate a formula. Cell references in the formula refer to the formula's result, creating a circular reference. Try one of the following
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May 29, 2012
I am building an Excel sheet for my company which keeps track of who has done what with a new client in a step by step process. I have it set up so that once a department clicks complete in a box it automatically emails (VIA a macro) the next person who needs to do the next task. Some tasks are done by the same person no matter what, other tasks are done by a project leader which is different depending on the client.
The problem I'm having is that, within the macro, I need to reference an email address in a cell X cells to the left in the ".TO" line.
So, in Column A I have the CLIENT, Column B The PROJECT LEADER, and Column C The PROJECT LEADERS EMAIL. Then the next 22 Columns are labeled steps with drop down boxes, once the have selected "COMPLETED" it triggers the macro and send the email, just not on the ones when it needs to email the PROJECT LEADER, since it's a variable. Below is the macro, how I can have the ".TO" line in the email reference the email address in Column C to the left of it?
Sub Mail_Workbook_1()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
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Jun 29, 2006
I'd like to assign a value located in a cell in a workbook to a variable in a VBA program in another workbook. I do NOT want to open the workbook that contains the cell with the value. I can't get the hang of referencing an external cell reference. Let's say there's a value in a cell named "nbr" in a workbook named "tst.xls" located in a path "c: est" that I want to assign to a variable "tstnbr" in a VBA program, what is the best way to code that?
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Jun 18, 2014
I have read meanwhile dozends of articles and comments about absolute and relative cell references.
But I found nowhere an example on how to make a the column part of a cell reference variable and the row absolute.
a valid expression?
In opposite to $K10 is must work this way
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Mar 16, 2009
Excel 2003 > Attached is a small model of what I am trying to accomplish. Cells B2 and B4 contain the same formula
a formula that calls a simple function. The function has a variable passed to it
and the value of that variable changes depending on the location of the cell. Now, see the function in Module1
it is called CellCalc. If the variable passed = Jim then value = 3. If the variable passed = Jack then value = 8. That is straightforward.
Note also that when Sheet1 is activated, I calculate the cells from left to right and top to bottom
that is important. Here is the challenge. If B2 > 1 then I want to add B2 to B4 and set B2 to 1. I can set B4 properly but I cannot reset B2. You can see my 2 attempts that are commented out. Is there some way of accomplishing this
or am I simply stuck in a circular reference?
The alternative to this is to write a function that operates externally on these cells. That will work for sure but then the values of the calculations will overwrite the functions in those cells, thereby taking away the dynamic nature of this application.
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Feb 12, 2010
I have a monitoring system that records a data point with a date/time stamp several times a day at random intervals. For each reading I want to calculate the change compared to the first reading that was more than 24 hours ago, which could be anywhere from 1 to 20 rows above the current one. Hence with the timestamp in col A and the value in col B, the formula in col C, for example cell C20, needs to read something like =B20-Bxyz, where xyz is the row number of the first reading that is more than 24 hours, i.e the first row xyz where A20-Axyz >1.
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Jan 8, 2012
How do I change a formula cell reference based on another cell's reference? I'm building a schedule that looks to a task's trigger and adds days based on that relationship. All entries in column "A" will be text and all cells in "B" will be the simple formula "=A2" or "=A3". Due date is calculated by adding the value in "C" to the preceding date in column "D". In the spreadsheet below, the trigger for "Budget set" is "Specs written" with 3 days added to the previous due date.
1 Task___________Trigger_____________Days_____Due Date
2 Design begins__Proj OK______________10____10-Jan
3 Specs written__Design begins (A2)____5____15-Jan (D2+C3)
4 Budget set_____Specs written (A3)____3____18-Jan (D3+C4)
If the trigger for A4, "Budget set", changed from A3 to A2, is there a way that the formula that determines the due date in D4 could read the trigger cell reference in B4 so that the value in the corresponding row in column "C" is added in the date column?
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Feb 15, 2010
I have lets say 12 months of data. I have formulas that reference the latest 6 months. When I insert a new column to input a new month, how can I make the formulas include the new months without manually updating them.
12 months of data exist in cells B3:M3 going from B3(oldest) to M3(newest). Formulas reference latest 6 months of data in cells H3:M3. When a new month hits, I insert a column after column M.I would like the formulas to now reference cells I3:N3 which is now the newest 6 months.
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Jan 30, 2010
I have been given the following code and it works great. I now need to adapt it to the following scenario: In the attached sheet, the user has to select either, "Suburban" or "Squad" in row 5. If the user selects, "Suburban" I need this script to compare the values they enter in a given row to the value in column "B".
If the user selects, "Squad" I need this script to compare the values they enter in a given row to the value in column "C".
Look at row 48, for example. If the user enters, "Suburban" in cell D5 then the value they enter in cell D48 should equal "1". If it does not equal "1" then it should proceed with the adding of a comment. Conversely, if the user enters, "Squad" in cell D5 then the value the enter in cell D48 should equal "2". If it does not equal "2" then it should proceed with the adding of a comment.
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Oct 1, 2011
Version: Excel 2007 WinXP
I'm basically looking for something almost like an inverse function to INDIRECT. This function would first look at a cell's formula as a text string, parse out the first valid cell reference in A1 format, and return that cell as a text string.
Detail: I have a spreadsheet with cells that point to other values. I would like to get only the row number from the first cell reference in the formula residing in a given cell. For example:
Suppose A1 has the formula =AL267. and A2 has the formula =SUM(AL94:AL235)
I would like a formula in B1 that returns the text string, "AL267" so that I would know this is the first reference.
Ideally it could be dragged down to B2 such that it returns the text string "AL94" (and not "AL235") because AL94 is the first cell reference in A2's
Currently I am copying the formulas after hitting ctl+` and pasting that text into a text editor, followed by text operations to manipulate the results into the desired values. Any solution that didn't involve going out to notepad.
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Jul 27, 2009
how to achieve what I'll call "parameter driven" code where the "parameters" are variable names.
For example, in the following code... I'm looking for an answer to the question posed...
Sub Test_Sub()
Dim vX, vY, z
vX = 10
vY = "vX"
For z = 1 To 3
'This next line generates a Run-time error... But...
MsgBox z * vY '
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Jul 28, 2012
I am using the DOB formula of =DATEDIF(AA19,NOW(),"y") & " years, " & DATEDIF(AA19,NOW(),"ym") & " months, " & DATEDIF(AA19,NOW(),"md") & " days". In the next cell I want it to look at the previous cell and determine if "older than 2 years". I have tried the "search" and isnumber, but I keep getting the wrong answer.
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Jul 26, 2009
I am trying to create a formula in Excel to preform a "SUM" on cells that only have a letter Y (as in "yes") in the cell next to them.
For example
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May 11, 2012
I need to display cell AV13 from sheet 2 on sheet 1. To do this I go to sheet one and in the cell I type =Sheet2!AV13 and voila I get my value. My problem is AV13 is determined by two list boxes, one finds the column AV (named the cell that holds this value as StageColumn) and the other finds the row (named SubCatRow). What I want to do is have a cell that gets this information from Sheet 2. I tried to concatenate the string, but all I get is the text.
The concatenation string was =concatenate("='Sheet2'!",F25)
I have F25 containing the formula =Address(StageColumn,SubCatRow)
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Mar 24, 2013
i have a table of data and a formula at the right which gives the max of that data and would like to get the row header and column header of the cell that is giving me the maximum value
e.g on the below the maximum value is 24346.3 and i would like to have in another cell Australia Diversified REITs
Diversified REITs
Industrial REITs
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May 22, 2009
I am trying to figure out how to reference the formula from another cell. For example, say cell A1 has the formula =indirect(address(row(),2)). Assume B1 equals 10 and B2 equals 20. The formula in A1 would yield 10. How can I make A2 reference the formula in A1 so that A2 yields 20? I need it to actually reference the formula in A1, simply copying and pasting A1 or dragging A1 will not suffice.
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Feb 18, 2010
I currently have the formula =+'Mar-Final'!$C10*M3/N3.
I would like to have the 'Mar part be input from a cell.
For instance, if I put Feb in cell A3, then the formula would look like ='Feb-Final'!$C10*M3/N3.
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Jul 31, 2008
I have a column (A1:A26) with a series of numbers which I want to multiply by a second variable in another column (Sheetb:C1). So I write a formula for a new column - =A1*Sheetb!C1. I want to multiply each value in (A1:A26) with just the value from Sheetb:C1. However, when I drag the 'fill series' pointer down, it automatically increments the cell its is multiplying by i.e. 1st cell is A1 X SheetB!C1, 2nd cell is A2XSheetB!C2... However I want it all multiplied by SheetB!C1.
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Mar 10, 2013
I have a list of headings and items and I have a set of formulas that work out depending on the heading what items are listed.
Say theres 10 items and the heading starts at C4 and that heading has 10 items, so it puts "C5" as text in G1 and "C15" as text in G2 so i now know my cell range of items
How can i use the text in those cells to put in a formula to call that as a range?
If I use the indirect formula it shows me the value of the cell, but im after using it to reference the cell
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